Academic Governance Meeting Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 12:45 PM Gateway A&B

Photo Courtesy of James Hassett, 9/25/15
Academic Governance Meeting
Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 12:45 PM
Gateway A&B
This meeting is being live-streamed
for the benefit of our colleagues at
our remote campuses.
It is not being recorded.
White – Faculty Roster
Gold – Staff Roster
Pink – Management confidential Roster
Blue – Student Roster
If your name is not there please add it to the
appropriate roster….
Others please sign in on the green pages (sorry
these were the only rosters I had…)
Academic Research Building Presentation
Gateway A & B
October 28th
12:45 PM – 2:00 PM
Presentation by the architectural and landscape
design consultants form Ellenzweig Architects and
Andropogon Associates.
Open Q&A will be facilitated by Doug Johnston and
Don Leopold
Opening Remarks/Minutes/Announcements
Update on Strategic Planning Steering Committee
Update on the Board of Trustees Meeting
Curriculum Report
SUNY Excels
Old Business
New Business
Strategic Plan
Scott Bergey
Kelley Donaghy
Maureen Fellows
Margaret Foley
Robert French
Brenda Greenfield
Richard Hawks
Mark Lichtenstein
Anne Lombard
Valerie Luzadis
Christopher Nowak
Joseph Rufo
Susan Sanford
Arthur Stipanovic
John View
Board of Trustees Update
• Executive Chair is a guest
• Meeting agenda
– Minutes
– Approval of Personnel Actions (emeritus
– Approval of Candidates for Graduation
– Reports
Board of Trustees Update
• Presidential Report – Executive Summary
• Funding Opportunities Report
– Excels – Bob French
• Finanical/Physical Facilities Report
– Joe Rufo – will present on November 18th
– Bought some time…
• Diversity and Student Affairs Report
– Email yesterday from Anne Lombard
• New Board of Trustees Bylaws
Meeting start time – 9AM – I had to leave at
1:30PM to teach…..
Committee on Curriculum
CoC accomplishments in 2014-15:
New course approvals: 27
Course revisions: 36 (includes 6 administrative approvals)
Curriculum Revisions: 13
Policy revision: 1 (clarifying the number of credit hours
required to be taken through ESF to qualify for a Minor
• Worked to bring ESF curricula more in line with SUNY
seamless transfer requirements
Committee on Curriculum
• Facilitate college faculty review regarding institutional
academic programs and courses
• Function as a source for forms and guidance (both ESF and
SUNY) regarding institutional reviews of academic program
and course proposals
• Communicate with faculty regarding college business of
institutional academic programs and courses
• CoC Web site (
• Main point of CoC contact is Barbara Newman at
• CoC members are liaisons to departments and programs
• All CoC meetings are open to the faculty
Curriculum Committee
• CoC meeting dates for 2015-16 (
October 28, 2015
November 11, 2015
December 16, 2015
February 3, 2016
March 9, 2016
April 6, 2016
May 9, 2016
Deadlines for submissions:
Curriculum proposal deadline: February 2, 2016
Course proposal deadline: March 8, 2016
Agents of program and course proposals are welcome to attend
CoC meetings and are encouraged to help facilitate review
SUNY Excels Performance
Improvement Plan
• Each campus must submit a plan outlining assessment
metrics and institutional strategies for improving in five
SUNY priority areas:
 Access = Grow by 36,000 on campuses and 80,000 online
 Completion = 150,000 degrees/certificates awarded
(93,000 now = +61%)
 Success = Ensure preparation for career and successful
 Inquiry = Increase external investment in SUNY research by
50% or more
 Engagement = Share expertise to improve quality of life in
• Campuses set target metrics that fit their campus mission.
Doctoral sector data provides some guidance.
• Improvement metrics targeted for 2020-21 achievement.
Access Plan for ESF
• Add 145 campus-based undergraduates (8% growth to
50 will come from BUCT
Some will come from better retention
• Add 126 campus-based graduate students (27% growth
to 600)
ESF enrolled 551 for Fall 2012
Increase master’s degree enrollment
• Enroll 1,ooo students online by Fall 2020
600 undergraduate and 400 graduate (part-time)
Expand ESF in HS program online
Access Plan for ESF
• Student quality must remain high to ensure completion
• Out-of-state and international numbers must grow (net
• Student diversity must grow!
Lowest % minority + international in SUNY
13% minority undergraduate and 7.5% graduate
27% international graduate and 2%
Improvement will require new strategies and
Completion Plan for ESF
• ESF’s first-year retention rate = 85% (2014)
SUNY Doctoral = 87% Comprehensive = 81%
Suggested ESF goal = 88% by Fall 2020
• ESF’s 6-year graduation rate (BS/BLA) = 67%
SUNY Doctoral = 69% Comprehensive = 62%
Suggested ESF goal = 73% by Fall 2020
ESF has more STEM and 5-year BLA impacts
SUNY Excels Completion Plan for
• Suggested strategies to improve undergraduate
Implement Degree Works advising software/new
Seamless transfer policies will award more credits
Online courses will provide more completion
Provide on-campus housing for
Explore new degree options (e.g. self-designed
Re-establish learning communities?
Completion Plan for ESF
• Suggested strategies to increase graduate degrees:
Online courses will provide more schedule
Increase enrollment in non-thesis master’s
Develop online certificate programs
Develop accelerated BS/MS or BS/MPS
Student Success Plan for ESF
• Further strengthen ESF’s applied learning options
• Strengthen multi-cultural experiences
Increase study abroad options (funding?)
• Support and strengthen student services
Career advising and placement services
• Improve student financial literacy
Reduce student loan default rates
Inquiry (Research) Plan for ESF
• Suggested goal = Increase sponsored research 10% by
2014 baseline $14.56M increases to $16.0M
Will require an increase in research faculty (#TBD)
Will require an increase in Ph.D. students
ARB and OLSC will improve research facilities
Provide IT infrastructure for research
Increase use of ESF’s Adirondack field stations
Engagement Plan for ESF
• Maintain Alumni giving = 17%
• New Development staff and campaign
• Start Up NY partnerships
• Outreach/Continuing Education and K-12
Meeting Schedule
Fall 2015
November 18th at 12:45PM
December 15th at 9:30AM
February 10th at 12:45PM
March 30th at 12:45PM
May 12th at 12:45PM
Photo Courtesy of James Hassett, 9/25/15