Arkansas Tech University Graduate Council Minutes of Meeting February 16, 2016

Arkansas Tech University
Graduate Council
Minutes of Meeting
February 16, 2016
The Graduate Council met in Tomlinson 102, on Tuesday, January 19, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. Graduate Council
members include the following:
Dr. Mary Gunter, Chair
Dr. Cheryl Smith, Vice Chair
Dr. Pat Buford
Dr. Marc Fusaro
Dr. Jan Jenkins
Dr. Thomas Nupp
Dr. Mark Reavis
Dr. Rebecca Shopfner
Dr. Sandy Smith
Dr. James Stobaugh
Dr. Susan Underwood
Dr. Lynn Walsh
Dr. Deborah Wilson
Dr. Hanna Norton-Ex-Officio
Dr. Lowell Lybarger-Ex-Officio
Jericho McElroy, Graduate Student Council Rep.
Ms. Tammy Weaver, Secretary
Dr. Thomas Nupp and Ms. Tammy Weaver were absent.
Guests included Dr. Christine Austin, Dr. Christopher Trombly, Ms. Sara Bradberry, and Ms. Michelle McMinn,
Graduate College.
Dr. Mary B. Gunter, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. and indicated a quorum was present for the
meeting and business could be conducted. Michelle McMinn was appointed to take minutes since Tammy
Weaver was involved with Degree Works training.
Dr. Gunter asked for approval of the minutes from January 19, 2016. A motion was made by Dr. Hanna Norton,
with a second by Dr. Pat Buford to accept the minutes as presented. Dr. Marc Fusaro pointed out a typo (page
two, second paragraph, line five): " ... has an understanding of updated legislative measures at the state of federal
level regarding health care" but should say, "has an understanding of updated legislative measures at the state or
federal level regarding health care." Dr. Gunter called for a vote on the amended minutes. Amended minutes
were approved.
Non-Regular Graduate Faculty Nominations:
A motion was made by Dr. Mark Reavis, seconded by Dr. Susan Underwood, to approve Dr. Loretta Cochran,
Management and Marketing- College of Business, to Non-Regular Graduate Faculty. Dr. Gunter opened the floor
for discussion and called for a vote. Motion passed.
Motion by Dr. Cheryl Smith, seconded by Dr. Rebecca Shopfner, to approve Ms. Keri Rathbun, Center for
Leadership & Learning- College of Education, to Non-Regular Graduate Faculty. The floor was open for
discussion. Dr. Marc Fusaro asked if she was teaching all five courses and could someone speak on her behalf?
Dr. Christopher Trombly stated that Ms. Rathbun had been teaching for their department for many years and
typically only teaches one class per semester. Dr. Fusaro directed a question to the Graduate Council in regards to
what they normally do: "Do you normally approve the courses they are expected to teach in the near future or
every course the department feels they are qualified to teach?" Dr. Gunter replied that these were the courses
that she would be expected to teach not knowing if they had a need for an Adjunct. Dr. Fusaro asked if these
were classes she was going to teach to which Dr. Trombly answered that these were the only courses she would
be allowed to teach. Dr. Gunter called for a vote. Motion passed.
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
Motion by Dr. Pat Buford, seconded by Dr. Cheryl Smith, to approve the addition of the course, EMHS 6093 Fundamentals of Homeland Security, to the course descriptions. The floor was opened for discussion. No
discussion. Dr. Gunter called for a vote. Motion passed.
Dr. Gunter stated there would be a lot of curriculum changes coming next year. She inquired about the MBA
program. Dr. Reavis said they were having another meeting to vote on courses to offer, but it was close to
completion. Dr. Gunter said the important part is they were on track and that there would be many new
programs being altered or created. EMHS is working on some major changes to present in the fall. The deadline
to get proposals to the Program Directors is July 1st_ Once approved, it will go to the Registrar's Office, and then
to the Graduate College and placed on the Graduate Council agenda for fall. Per Dr. Gunter, Dr. Robin Bowen,
ATU President is very interested in hearing the marketing plan (who is the market, how they are reached, and the
cost) and it may become part of curriculum presentations.
Enrollment Update - Dr. Gunter
This spring we are at 849 students as opposed to the 839 of spring 2015, up 10 students. Dr. Gunter indicated the
increase may be due to the INFT course offered to ArcBest for those students pursuing a degree for promotional
purposes. The second would be the cohort the computer science department created. It is the computer science
department's initiative to meet the governor's requirements for at least one licensed computer science teacher
per high school by 2020.
Scholarship Committee Update - Dr. James Stobaugh
The committee met last week and decided that there would be 25 (one award for each college) recipients of $225.
The only students not eligible are non-degree seeking or enrolled in the ESL Academy. The individual program
departments would need to write up the criteria for their area and turn it in to the Graduate College. All
scholarships will need to be funded by October 1, 2016.
Dr. Cheryl Smith stated the only criteria they have is that the student must be enrolled in at least six (6) hours and
be in good academic standing with the university.
Dr. Gunter clarified that each department would supply the Graduate College with their criteria for the student
and the student chosen. She asked if the Graduate College would then request a check.
Dr. Stobaugh stated his understanding is that the money would go to the student's account and a refund check
would be immediately created. Use it or lose it by October l5t.
Dr. Fusaro asked if this was an ongoing thing. Dr. Stobaugh stated it is, as long as the Gala continues to bring in
money to award. It can be awarded as early as Summer I of this year, but must be completed prior to October 1st
of this year.
Motion by Dr. James Stobaugh, seconded by Dr. Sandy Smith, to approve the recommendation. Motion
Dr. Gunter announced the next Gala would be on April 15th at Chamberlin Country Club. It will be less formal this
year. The way it was set up last year is that Ozark, Undergraduate, and Graduate College, got a percentage of the
money. The percentage was based on the amount of students. Dr. Underwood asked if they could ask that the
money they donate go to their choice of the three. Dr. Gunter said 'yes'. Dr. Gunter stated this might be
something the council would like to do. She said that she would ask Mr. Mike Hutchison, the new Vice President
for Advancement, to come and speak with the council on raising money. He is scheduled to begin his job on
March 1st_
Jim Ed McGee Award
Dr. Gunter stated the Graduate College has had issues in the past with the award. The problem seems to be the
way we get the information. In the past the Graduate College sent out emails to the Program Directors and Deans
with the guidelines. About two years back the Graduate College sent out a mass email to all qualified graduate
students informing them of the award. The problem was the Program Directors had several students asking the
Program Director to nominate them and those students were not necessarily someone they wanted to nominate.
Dr. Gunter asked the council for their thoughts on the two 'models' of getting the information out. Dr. Cheryl
Smith stated the applicants who submitted were few when it was the Program Directors that were left to
nominate students so they changed it to the mass email to the student to increase the number of nominations.
Dr. Gunter said the number of applicants increased when the submission was changed by deleting the portfolio
submission. Dr. Cheryl Smith said that she would like to be able to nominate a student without it falling back on
the Program Director. Dr. Gunter wanted clarification if they added 'a graduate faculty member' to read as 'A
graduate faculty member or advisor nomination letter'. Dr. Fusaro asked if there could be a limit on how many
nominations come out of each program, department, or college to put forth the best nominations. He felt it
would be better to state they would consider the nomination than to state that no, we will wait for a better
applicant. Dr. Deborah Wilson stated that she has nominated several from the MLA program and none have ever
been chosen. It was hard for her to never know what they would consider 'the best'. Dr. Fusaro said, 'Fair
enough, the criteria is murky'. Dr. Gunter stated they would have a meeting with the CLL to choose one or two
from their many programs to approach for nomination. One student might have been great in one class but not in
another professor's class. The biggest determining factor in deciding who to nominate was how much each
contributed back to the college. Dr. C. Smith said that she felt the winner should not be an employee if the
determining factor is giving back to the college. She felt that the student, also being an employee, was unfair
because they were getting paid and would feel obligated to volunteer 'because' they were employed here. Dr.
Underwood stated that the student employed should be considered if they are giving back as any other alumni
would be expected to do. Dr. Wilson suggested that since they are looking at someone other than the Program
Director nominating students that they have somewhere on the nomination letter for the Program Director to
state ... yes, I approve. Dr. Gunter reiterated what she thought they were asking as: A nomination letter from a
graduate faculty member or advisor needs to have a section where the Program Director signs to approve it. She
also asked if she understood that the council did not want the 200 plus students to be notified. She said the only
place she knew it would be advertised is OneTech and not many alumni students would be looking at it and would
have to be located. Dr. Stobaugh suggested being preemptive and advise the potential nominee before
graduation that they intend to nominate them. Dr. Underwood stated she thought it was a good idea to send out
the email to get more applicants. Dr. Wilson agreed because it lets the students know that we do have awards for
graduate students and we do appreciate them. Dr. Gunter verified the changes for the guidelines and that the
mass email would go out. She asked for volunteers for the committee to review the nominations. The committee
will consist of Dr. Mark Reavis, Dr. Cheryl Smith, Ms. Sara Bradberry, and last year's recipient, Kao Vang. The Jim
Ed McGee award ceremony will take place at 2:30 pm April 19th before the Graduate Council meeting at 3:00 pm.
Graduate Student Council (GSC) Update - Jericho McElroy
Jasmine Hattabaugh, out of College of Education, was recognized as student of the month for January. Recipients
are presented with a Graduate College padfolio, a certificate, and pictures taken to post on the website.
The Graduate Student Research Symposium is set for March 30 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Young Ballroom.
Very few applicants so far. Please get the word out. The application process is simple. There are presentation
The GSC held a Mardi Gras social last week. There were new faces there as they are beginning to reach more
students. They had informational items to hand out, refreshments, and decorated Mardi Gras masks.
GSC is partnering with CSPA to have a Graduate Student Appreciation Week. It is to take place April 4-8 but they
are trying to get it changed to April 11-15.
Other Items
Council of Graduate School Membership - Dr. Gunter stated that the application for National membership has
been sent out and we're hoping to hear something soon. We have been a member of the Southern Graduate
Schools. She shared that there are many resources to use once we become members and she encouraged the
council to look at their website.
Spotlight on Graduate College - Dr. Gunter is working on a spotlight to be held during an ATU baseball game on
April 16. She will have a tent set up so she can greet potential students, current students, and the surrounding
community. There will also be informational items to hand out, promoting our programs. She will also recognize
all athletic GAs during the game.
Dr. Gunter intends to invite Dr. Freeman to come to the March or April Graduate Council meeting to update the
council on the doctoral program. They have been working with Sara to come up with the timeline for proposals.
They are going to start working on committees for the proposals.
Dr. Deborah Wilson made a motion to adjourn, that was seconded by Dr. Lynn Walsh. Meeting adjourned at 3:59
Respectfully submitted,
Michelle McMinn