Arkansas Tech University

Arkansas Tech University
Graduate Council
Minutes of Meeting
February 18, 2010
The Graduate Council met in TOM 102 on Thursday, February 18, at 3:30 p.m. Graduate Council
members include the following:
Dr. Mary Gunter, Chair
Dr. Mary Ann Rollans
Dr. Cheryl Smith
Ms. Connie Zimmer
Dr. John Jackson
Dr. Linda Bean
Dr. Peter Dykema
Dr. Johnette Moody
Ms. Karen Futterer
Dr. Richard Ihde
Dr. Shelia Jackson
Dr. Susan Underwood
Dr. Deborah Wilson
Ms. Tanna Bartlett, Student Representative
Ms. Tammy Rhodes, Secretary
Dr. Peter Dykema and Ms. Karen Futterer were absent.
Shanel Smith was present for administrative support.
Dr. Gunter called the meeting to order. Dr. Gunter indicated a quorum was present for the
meeting and business could be conducted. Dr. Gunter asked for approval of the minutes from
January 29, 2010, meeting. Dr. Bean moved, Dr. Smith seconded, to approve the minutes.
Motion carried.
Dr. Shelia Jackson moved, Dr. Wilson seconded, to approve the request from Ms. Jamie Earls to
Non-Regular Graduate Faculty Non-Tenured. Motion carried.
Dr. Bean moved, seconded by Dr. Wilson, to approve the request from Ms. Nancy Park for NonRegular Graduate Faculty Non-Tenured. Motion carried.
Dr. Bean moved, seconded by Dr. Shelia Jackson, to approve the request from Ms. Linda
Jackson for Regular Graduate Faculty Non-Tenured. Motion carried.
Dr. Wilson moved, seconded by Dr. Underwood, to approve the request from Ms. Theresa
Shatwell for Non-Regular Adjunct. Motion carried.
Dr. Bean moved, seconded by Dr. Underwood, to approve the request form Dr. Kevin Costley for
Regular Graduate Faculty Tenured. Motion carried.
Dr. Gunter distributed a list of faculty recommended for Regular Graduate Faculty Tenured and a
list of faculty recommended for non renewal. Dr. Bean moved, seconded by Dr. Wilson, to accept
the recommendations. Motion carried.
Dr. Bean moved, Dr. Underwood seconded, to approve the following proposals: (a) change ENGL
6996, Thesis Research, to ENGL 6991-6; (b) change NUR 6996, Thesis Research, to NUR 69916; and (c) change LA 6713, Liberal Arts Project, to LA 6711-3. Motion carried.
Dr. Shelia Jackson moved, Dr. Bean seconded, to approve the proposals to delete ENGL 6993,
Thesis Research, and EMHS 5063, Forecasting Weather for Emergency Managers. Motion carried.
Dr. Gunter appointed Dr. Moody, Dr. Rollans, and Dr. Shelia Jackson to the Jim Ed McGee Review
Sub-Committee Progress Reports
Dr. Deborah Wilson indicated she had no report from the Thesis Manual and Process.
Dr. Shelia Jackson indicated that the sub-committee reviewing Human Subjects would meet
again and have a report for the April meeting.
Discussion Items
Dr. Gunter reported that the first Tech Graduate College Spring Awareness Program held on
February 10, was a success. Dr. Gunter indicated that she would be speaking to senior classes
and other community outreach groups.
Dr. Gunter reported the 2010-11GraduateCatalog would be considered official on May 1.
Changes needed to be submitted by March 5.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Rhodes