Andrew Penland Curriculum Vitae Department of Mathematics Mailstop 3368

Andrew Penland
Curriculum Vitae
Department of Mathematics
Mailstop 3368
Texas A & M University
College Station, TX 77843-3368
PhD, Mathematics
Texas A & M University, College Station, TX
Advisor: Zoran Šunić
2011 - Present
MS, Mathematics
Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC
2009 - 2011
Thesis Title: Group Covers With Specified Pairwise Intersection
Advisor: Risto Atanasov
BS, Mathematics
Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC
2006 - 2009
• Risto Atanasov, Tuval Foguel, and Andrew Penland. Equal Quasi-Partitions of p-Groups.
Results in Mathematics 64 (2013), Issue 1-2, pp.185-191.
Papers Submitted and In Preparation
• Andrew Penland and Zoran Šunić. Sofic Tree Shifts and Self-Similar Groups. In
• Andrew Penland and Zoran Šunić. Finitely Constrained Groups of Maximal Hausdorff
Dimension. Submitted, June 2014. Preprint available at
• Risto Atanasov, Mark Budden, Joshua Lambert, Kyle Murphy, and Andrew Penland. On
Certain Induced Subgraphs of Paley Graphs. Submitted, November 2013.
Research Activities
• Talk, Finitely Constrained Groups of Maximal Hausdorff Dimension. The 32nd Ohio
State-Denison Mathematics Conference. The Ohio State University, May 2014.
• Talk, Group Covers with a Specified Pairwise Intersection. Southeastern Section Meeting of
the Mathematical Association of America. University of Alabama, April 2011.
• Poster Presentation, Cellular Automata, Genetic Algorithms, and Lights Out. Southeastern
Section Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America. Belmont University, March
Awards and Honors
• Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Mathematics, Texas A & M
University. Spring 2013. (Three awards given.)
• Outstanding Mathematics Graduate Student Award, Department of Mathematics &
Computer Science, Western Carolina University. Spring 2011. (Two awards given.)
• Patterson Prize for Most Outstanding Undergraduate Presentation, Southeastern Section of
Mathematical Association of America, for talk Topology and Prime Numbers: Are You
Kidding? March 2008. (Five awards given.)
Teaching Experience
Texas A & M University
• Leader, official preparation sessions for Algebra Qualifying Exam (Summer 2013, Summer
• Teaching Assistant, Engineering Mathematics I (Spring 2012, Fall 2013)
• Teaching Assistant, Engineering Mathematics II (Spring 2013)
• Teaching Assistant, Calculus I for Biological Sciences (Fall 2012, Spring 2014)
Western Carolina University
• Instructor of Record, College Algebra (Fall 2010, Spring 2011)
• Tutor, Mathematics Tutoring Center (Summer 2010, 40 hours per week)
• Tutor, Mathematics Tutoring Center (Fall 2009 - Spring 2010, 10 hours per week)
Computer Skills and Instructional Technology
• Programming Languages: GAP, Python, MATLAB/Octave, Mathematica, Java
• Typesetting: LATEX, Beamer, HTML
• Operating Systems: Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X