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Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: http://www.elsevier.com/copyright Author's personal copy Computer-Aided Design 43 (2011) 889–895 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Computer-Aided Design journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/cad Progressive iterative approximation for triangular Bézier surfaces Jie Chen, Guo-Jin Wang ∗ Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China State Key Laboratory of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China article info Article history: Received 23 August 2010 Accepted 11 March 2011 Keywords: Triangular Bézier surface Bernstein operator Fitting scattered data points Progressive iterative approximation abstract Recently, for the sake of fitting scattered data points, an important method based on the PIA (progressive iterative approximation) property of the univariate NTP (normalized totally positive) bases has been effectively adopted. We extend this property to the bivariate Bernstein basis over a triangle domain for constructing triangular Bézier surfaces, and prove that this good property is satisfied with the triangular Bernstein basis in the case of uniform parameters. Due to the particular advantages of triangular Bézier surfaces or rational triangular Bézier surfaces in CAD (computer aided design), it has wide application prospects in reverse engineering. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction In a lot of applications of CAD (computer aided design) and reverse engineering, the interpolation or approximation problems of scattered data points for constructing a parametric curve or a parametric surface is one of the significant research areas. In the previous literature, many researchers studied the problems in this area, among which an effective approach is the use of the PIA (progressive iterative approximation) property of the univariate NTP (normalized totally positive) bases. In [1], a type of totally positive matrices and their properties were discussed by Ando, this provided partial theoretic base of the research of the PIA property. In [2,3], the PIA property for the uniform cubic B-spline basis was considered by Qi et al. and de Boor, respectively. Furthermore, Lin et al. [4] extended this result to the non-uniform cubic B-spline basis and the non-uniform bicubic tensor product B-spline surfaces, then they pointed out that the non-uniform cubic B-spline curves generated by this method satisfied NURBS standard and possessed some good properties such as explicit representation, local support, convexity preserving, etc. In [5], it was proved by Lin et al. that both curves and tensor product surfaces generated by the NTP basis satisfied the PIA property. In [6], the convergence rates of the different NTP bases were compared by Delgado and Peña, and it was shown that the normalized B-basis satisfied the PIA property with the fastest convergence rate. In [7], Lin presented the idea of local PIA which ∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, 310027 Hangzhou, China. Tel.: +86 571 87951609 8306. E-mail address: wanggj@zju.edu.cn (G.-J. Wang). 0010-4485/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.cad.2011.03.012 approximated only a chosen subset of the initial control points, not all of them, so it was more flexible. Compared with the tensor product parametric surfaces over a rectangle domain, the triangular parametric surfaces over a triangle domain not only possess all the basic advantages of the former [8] (e.g. convexity preserving and convex hull), but also have their own particular advantages [9] (e.g. splicing flexible, inexistence of the degenerate control points). And their common forms are triangular Bézier surfaces or rational triangular Bézier surfaces. Since the triangular Bernstein basis is more complex than both the univariate Bernstein basis and the B-spline basis, to this day, the PIA property of the multivariate Bernstein basis over a triangle domain is still an open question. But the research in this area is very significant and the difficulties can actually be overcome. The main work of this article is that we extend the PIA property of the univariate NTP basis to the bivariate Bernstein basis over a triangle domain. The basic technique is to give a progressive iterative scheme of triangular Bézier surfaces. By using the fact that the range of the eigenvalues of the bivariate Bernstein operator is the same as that of the univariate Bernstein operator [10], we find the relation of the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors between the bivariate Bernstein operator and the collocation matrix of the triangular Bernstein basis with the uniform parameters, respectively. On this basis, the explicit representation of the above collocation matrix’s eigenvalues is derived, and it is proved that the PIA property is satisfied with the triangular Bernstein basis in the case of uniform parameters. This result provides a solid theoretic base for applications of polynomial surfaces and rational polynomial surfaces in reverse engineering. This paper is organized as follows, in Section 2 we review the PIA algorithms of the Bézier curves, in Section 3 we give the PIA Author's personal copy 890 J. Chen, G.-J. Wang / Computer-Aided Design 43 (2011) 889–895 algorithms of the triangular Bézier surfaces, next some examples are illustrated in Section 4, the PIA algorithms of the rational triangular Bézier surfaces of low degree with different weights are discussed in Section 5, and we briefly discuss about application in reverse engineering in Section 6, finally the conclusion is given in Section 7. 2. Preliminaries: The PIA for Bézier curves Given a sequence of points {Pi ∈ R 2 |i = 0, 1, . . . , n}, each point Pi is assigned to a parameter value ti , i = 0, 1, . . . , n, satisfying t0 < t1 < · · · < tn . n With the initial control points Pi0 = Pi i=0 and an NTP Bern- stein basis Bni (t ) = n i (1 − t )n−i t i ≥ 0|t ∈ R, i = 0, 1, . . . , n , we obtain an initial curve, that is n C 0 (t ) = Pi0 Bi (t ). (1) i =0 By computing the adjusting vector ∆0i = Pi − C 0 (ti ), i = 0, 1, . . . , n, (2) for every control point Pi , and letting Pi1 = Pi0 ∆0i + , i = 0, 1, . . . , n, (3) we can get the second curve C 1 (t ) = n Pi1 Bi (t ). (4) i =0 Similarly, we can get the (k + 1)st curve C k (t ) after the kth iteration, then let ∆ki = Pi − C (ti ), i = 0, 1, . . . , n, , i = 0, 1, . . . , n, Pik+1 k = Pik + ∆ki n T (u, v, w) = is generated. If limk→∞ C (ti ) = , i = 0, 1, . . . , n, we call that the initial curve C 0 (t ) has the PIAproperty, or equally we call the n univariate Bernstein basis Bni (t ) i=0 has the PIA property [5]. Next we analyze the reason for the convergence of the PIA simply. It is obvious that [5] k ∆ki Bi (tj ), Pi0 j = 0, 1, . . . , n; k = 0, 1, . . . (7) i=0 k+1 k+1 T T ∆0 , ∆1 , . . . , ∆nk+1 = D ∆k0 , ∆k1 , . . . ∆kn , (8) k = 0, 1, . . . . where Iis the (n + 1) × (n + 1) identity matrix, and Bn0 , Bn1 , . . . , Bnn B := B t0 , t1 , . . . , tn Bn9 (t0 ) n B0 (t1 ) = ... Bn0 (tn ) (10) where u + v + w = 1, and Bni,j,k (u, v, w) = i!nj!!k! ui v j w k are the bivariate Bernstein basis functions, Ti,j,k are the control points. Generally speaking, there are (n + 1)(n + 2)/2 control points of this surface. Definition 3.2 ([11]). Lexicographic order: Given two d-Dimensional (d ≥ 1) vectors α and β. The vector α is arranged before the vector β, denoted as α ≻ β, if the first nonzero entry in the difference α − β = (α1 − β1 , . . . , αd − βd ) is positive. Definition 3.3. The Bernstein basis functions of degree n over a triangle domain T can be arranged according to the subscripts in lexicographic order and expressed as a (n + 1)(n + 2)/2-dimensional vector Bn = Bnn,0,0 , Bnn−1,1,0 , Bnn−1,0,1 , . . . , Bn0,n,0 , . . . , Bn0,0,n . Example 3.1. The Bernstein basis functions of degree 4 over a triangle domain T can be arranged according to the subscripts in lexicographic order and expressed as B4 = B44,0,0 , B43,1,0 , B43,0,1 , B42,2,0 , B42,1,1 , B42,0,2 , B41,3,0 , B41,2,1 , B41,1,2 , B41,0,3 , B40,4,0 , B40,3,1 , B40,2,2 , B40,1,3 , B40,0,4 . Lemma 3.1 ([12]). The univariate Bernstein operator B̃n : C [0, 1] → C [0, 1] is given by B̃n f (x) = Bn1 (t0 ) Bn1 (t1 ) .. . Bn1 (tn ) ··· ··· ··· ··· k=0 (9) n (t ) i=0 at is the collocation matrix of the NTP Bernstein basis the parametric values {t0 , t1 , . . . , tn }. Given a matrix A, we denote the spectrum radius of A as ρ(A), then i = 0, 1, . . . , n. k n . (11) Then all the eigenvalues of B̃n are λni = n! 1 (n − i)! ni , i = 0 , 1 , . . . , n. (12) Lemma 3.2 ([10]). The s + 1 variables (s ≥ 2) Bernstein operator is given by n .. . n Bn (tn ) Bni so [5] lim C k (ti ) = Pi0 , k xk (1 − x)n−k f n n α B (fs+1 ) = x 1 · · · xαs s (1 − x1 − · · · − xs )n−k α 1 k=0 |α|=k α1 αs n − α1 − · · · αs ×f ,..., , Bnn (t0 ) Bnn (t1 ) 0 ≤ ρ(D) = ρ(I − B) < 1, n n n k→∞ Bni,j,k (u, v, w)Ti,j,k , i+j+k=n we can rewrite the above formulas in matrix form as D = I − B; (6) i =0 ∆kj +1 = ∆kj − Definition 3.1. A triangular Bézier surface of degree n over a triangle domain T := {(u, v, w) : u, v, w ≥ 0, u + v + w = 1} is defined by 3.2. PIA for triangular Bézier surfaces Pik+1 Bi (t ) n 3.1. Triangular Bézier surface and lexicographic order (5) so that the curve C k+1 (t ) = 3. PIA for triangular Bézier surfaces n n (13) where f is a s + 1 variables function, and α = (α1 , α2 , . . . , αs ) , |α| = s αi , i =0 n α = n! α1 !α2 ! · · · αs !(n − α1 − · · · − αs )! (14) . Then the s+1 variables Bernstein operator Bn is diagonalizable, and the range of all the eigenvalues is the same as that of the univariate Author's personal copy J. Chen, G.-J. Wang / Computer-Aided Design 43 (2011) 889–895 Bernstein operator. That is, suppose n! 1 n n Ω = λi = i = 0, 1, . . . , n , (n − i)! ni (15) then for any eigenvalue λ of Bn , we have λ ∈ Ωn . Next, we discuss the case of s = 2. The Bernstein basis functions of degree n over a triangle domain T can be expressed n as Bn,0,0 , Bnn−1,1,0 , Bnn−1,0,1 , . . . , Bn0,n,0 , . . . , Bn0,0,n in lexicographic order. Letting the uniform parameters be tin,j,k = i j k , , n n n , i + j + k = n; i, j, k = 0, 1, . . . , n. (16) We suppose that , , ,..., ,..., is a corresponding parameter sequence in lexicographic order. Given the control points {Pi,j,k }i+j+k=n in R 3 , then the original triangular surface tnn,0,0 G 0 (u, v, w) = tnn−1,1,0 tnn−1,0,1 t0n,n,0 t0n,0,n Pi0,j,k Bni,j,k (u, v, w) collocation matrix of the triangular Bernstein basis functions is the Bnn,0,0 , Bnn−1,1,0 , Bnn−1,0,1 , . . . , Bn0,n,0 , . . . , Bn0,0,n at the parametric values tnn,0,0 , tnn−1,1,0 , tnn−1,0,1 , . . . , t0n,n,0 , . . . , t0n,0,n . Theorem 3.1. Let Bn = Bn0,0,n be the triangular Bernstein basis of degree n in lexicographic order over a triangle domain T , then a triangular Bézier surface constructed by these basis functions j has the PIA property with the uniform parameters tin,j,k = ni , n , nk , i + j + k = n; i, j, k = 0, 1, . . . , n. Proof. Let {λi,j,k }i+j+k=n be all (n + 1)(n + 2)/2 eigenvalues of the collocation matrix B. The trivariate Bernstein operator is given by Bn (f3 ) = i+j+k=n (18) i + j + k = n, (19) Pi1,j,k Bni,j,k (u, v, w) (20) i+j+k=n over a triangle domain T . Similarly, we can get the (S + 1)st triangular surface G S (u, v, w) after the Sth iteration. Next letting PiS,j+,k1 = PiS,j,k + ∆Si,j,k , i + j + k = n, (21) i + j + k = n, G S +1 (u, v, w) = T υn−1,0,1 , . . . , υ0,0,n be its associated eigenvector. Now we will prove that λ is also an eigenvalue of the trivariate Bernstein f = f (u, v, w) = over a triangle domain T is generated. If limS →∞ G ( tin,j,k υi,j,k Bni,j,k (tnn,0,0 ) +j+k=n i f (tnn,0,0 ) n υi,j,k Bni,j,k (tnn−1,1,0 ) f (t ) i+j+k=n = · n· −· 1· ,·1·,0 ······ f (t0n,0,n ) υi,j,k Bni,j,k (t0n,0,n ) λυn,0,0 λυ = n−1,1,0 . ······ λυ0,0,n ) = Pi0,j,k , i + j + k = n, we call that the initial surface G 0 (u, v, w) has the PIA property, or equally we call the triangular Bernstein basis functions Bnn,0,0 , Bnn−1,1,0 , Bnn−1,0,1 , . . . , Bn0,n,0 , . . . , Bn0,0,n over a triangle domain T have the PIA property. It is obvious that ∆Sp,q,r Bnp,q,r (tin,j,k ), . . . , Bn0,0,n , we have f (tin,j,k )Bni,j,k (u, v, w) = λυi,j,k Bni,j,k (u, v, w) i+j+k=n (23) we can rewrite the above formulas in matrix form as S +1 S T 1 S +1 T S S ∆n,0,0 , ∆Sn+ , −1,1,0 , . . . , ∆0,0,n = D ∆n,0,0 , ∆n−1,1,0 , . . . , ∆0,0,n D = I − B; S = 0, 1, . . . . (24) where I is the ((n + 1)(n + 2)/2) × ((n + 1)(n + 2)/2) identity matrix, and Bnn,0,0 , Bnn−1,1,0 , . . . , Bn0,0,n tnn,0,0 , tnn−1,1,0 , . . . , t0n,0,n ··· ··· . Bnn−1,1,0 (t0n,0,n ) ··· ··· Bn0,0,n (tnn,0,0 ) Bn0,0,n (tnn−1,1,0 ) .. Bn0,0,n ( . t0n,0,n (25) ) (29) This shows that λ is also an eigenvalue of the trivariate Bernstein operator Bn (f3 ), and f is its associated eigenvector. Contrarily, let λ be an eigenvalue of the trivariate Bernstein operator Bn (f3 ), and let f (u, v, w) be its associated eigenvector. Now we will prove that λ is also an eigenvalue of the collocation matrix B of the triangular Bernstein basis Bn = n Bn,0,0 , Bnn−1,1,0 , Bnn−1,0,1 , . . . , Bn0,n,0 , . . . , Bn0,0,n with the uniform parameters tin,j,k , and the corresponding eigenvector is T υ = f (tnn,0,0 ), f (tnn−1,1,0 ), . . . , f (t0n,0,n ) . Bnn−1,1,0 (tnn,0,0 ) Bnn−1,1,0 (tnn−1,1,0 ) .. i+j+k=n = λf (u, v, w). i + j + k = n; S = 0, 1, . . . . (28) Then, multiplying at the right hand side of both sides of the above expression by a row matrix Bnn,0,0 , Bnn−1,1,0 , Bnn−1,0,1 , . . . , Bn0,n,0 , p+q+r =n Bn (t n ) n,0,0 n,0,0 n n Bn,0,0 (tn−1,1,0 ) = .. . Bnn,0,0 (t0n,0,n ) (27) In fact, since λ is an eigenvalue of the matrix B and υ its associated eigenvector we have the expression Bυ = λυ , that is (22) S B := B υi,j,k Bni,j,k (u, v, w). PiS,j+,k1 Bni,j,k (u, v, w) i+j+k=n i+j+k=n 1 S ∆Si,+ j,k = ∆i,j,k − (26) i+j+k=n so that the triangular surface n Let λ be any one among the set λi,j,k , and let υ = υn,0,0 , υn−1,1,0 , ∆Si,j,k = Pi,j,k − G S (tin,j,k ), n operator associated to the eigenvector we can get the second triangular surface α1 !α2 !(n − α1 − α2 )! α1 α2 n − α1 − α2 × uα1 v α2 w n−α1 −α2 f , , . n for every control point Pi,j,k , and letting G 1 (u, v, w) = n! 0≤α1 +α2 ≤n (17) over a triangle domain T can be generated, where Pi0,j,k = Pi,j,k . By computing the adjusting vector Pi1,j,k = Pi0,j,k + ∆0i,j,k , Bnn,0,0 , Bnn−1,1,0 , Bnn−1,0,1 , . . . , Bn0,n,0 , . . . , i+j+k=n ∆0i,j,k = Pi,j,k − G 0 (tin,j,k ), 891 (30) In fact, since λ is an eigenvalue of the trivariate Bernstein operator Bn (f3 ) and f is the corresponding eigenvector, so i+j+k=n f (tin,j,k )Bni,j,k (u, v, w) = λ f (u, v, w). (31) Author's personal copy 892 J. Chen, G.-J. Wang / Computer-Aided Design 43 (2011) 889–895 Then, evaluating the above expression at the parameter values tnn,0,0 , tnn−1,1,0 , . . . , t0n,0,n , it follows that f (tin,j,k )Bni,j,k (tpn,q,r ) = λ f (tpn,q,r ) p + q + r = n; i+j+k=n p, q, r = 0, 1, . . . , n. (32) We can rewrite the above formulas in matrix form as f (tnn,0,0 ) f ( t n n−1,1,0 ) B f (tnn,0,0 ) f (t n n−1,1,0 ) = λ ··· f (t0n,0,n ) ··· f (t0n,0,n ) . (33) This means that λ is also an eigenvalue of the collocation matrix B, and υ is the corresponding eigenvector. According to Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2, it is easy to know that the range of all eigenvalues (including the multiple roots) of the collocation matrix B is the same as that of the univariate Bernstein operator. That is, for any eigenvalue λi,j,k of the collocation matrix B, we have λi,j,k ∈ Ωn , where Ωn = λni = i = 0, 1, . . . , n . (n − i)! ni n! 1 Fig. 4.1. Original degree 2 triangular Bézier surface. (34) Summarizing above all, we know that all the eigenvalues λi,j,k of the collocation matrix B satisfy 0 < λi,j,k ≤ 1, i + j + k = n. This result implies that the spectral radius of the matrix D = I − B satisfies 0 ≤ ρ(D) = ρ(I − B) < 1, thus the above collocation matrix B satisfies the convergence conditions PIA, which is like of n that of the univariate Bernstein basis Bni (t ) i=0 at the parametric values {t0 , t1 , . . . , tn }. So the triangular Bernstein basis, or the triangular Bézier surface G 0 (u, v, w) has PIA property. This completes the proof. Example 3.2. Let B3 = B33,0,0 , B32,1,0 , B32,0,1 , B31,2,0 , B31,1,1 , B31,0,2 , Fig. 4.2. After the first iteration. , , , be the triangular Bernstein basis of degree 3 over a triangle domain T , then all the eigenvalues λi,j,k (i + j + k = 3) (including the multiple roots) of the corresponding collocation matrix B with the uniform parameters ti3,j,k can be B30,3,0 B30,2,1 B30,1,2 B30,0,3 computed by Eq. (34) in the case of n = 3, and we have λi,j,k ∈ Ω3 , hence 0 < λi,j,k ≤ 1, i + j + k = 3, because they are the same as the eigenvalues of the univariate Bernstein operator B̃3 . That is, they are 1 3! · 0 = 1, λ3,0,0 = (3 − 0)! 3 3! 1 λ2,1,0 = λ2,0,1 = · = 1, (3 − 1)! 31 3! 1 2 λ1,2,0 = λ1,1,1 = λ1,0,2 = · 2 = , 3 − 2 3 3 ( )! 1 3! 2 λ · = . 0,3,0 = λ0,2,1 = λ0,1,2 = λ0,0,3 = 9 (3 − 3)! 33 (35) 4. Examples and error analysis In this section, we give two examples to show the iterative approximation results of the triangular Bézier surface sequences of degrees 2 and 3 respectively after the different iteration levels. We will see that with the increase in the number of iterations, the surface sequences G S (u, v, w) approximate the original control points quickly with the uniform parameters. j Taking the fitting error as error = maxi+j+k=n G S ni , n , nk −Pi,j,k in the L∞ norm, for the case of degree 3 surface sequences, we list the fitting errors of the surface sequences after specific Fig. 4.3. After the fifth iteration. iteration levels in Table 4.1 and plot the error curves to show them in Figs. 4.7 and 4.8. Example 4.1. Given a degree 2 triangular Bézier surface, its control points in lexicographic order are {(0, 3, 0.3) , (−0.5, 2, 3) , (0.5, 2, 4) , (−1, 1.5, 1) , (0, 1.4, 3) , (1, 1.5, 0.5)} . And the original degree 2 triangular Bézier surface, the surface after the first iteration, the surface after the fifth iteration are illustrated in Figs. 4.1–4.3 respectively. All the eigenvalues of the collocation matrix B are 1, 1, 1, 12 , 12 , 12 . Author's personal copy J. Chen, G.-J. Wang / Computer-Aided Design 43 (2011) 889–895 893 Fig. 4.4. Original degree 3 triangular Bézier surface. Fig. 4.6. After the fifth iteration. 1.8 1.6 1.4 Error 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 Fig. 4.5. After the first iteration. Example 4.2. Given a degree 3 triangular Bézier surface, its control points in lexicographic order are 5 10 Iteration Level 15 20 Fig. 4.7. Error curve of degree 2. {(6, 5, 2) , (5.2, 3, 4) , (6.5, 3, 4) , (4.5, 1.5, 5) , (6.1, 1, 5.2) , (7, 1.5, 3.5) , (4, 0.5, 2) , (5.5, 0.1, 4) , (6.5, 0.2, 3.5) , (7.2, 0.4, 2.5)} . 1.2 1.0 5. PIA algorithms of rational triangular Bézier surfaces of degrees 2 and 3 0.8 Error And the original degree 3 triangular Bézier surface, the surface after the first iteration, the surface after the fifth iteration are illustrated in Figs. 4.4–4.6 of the collocation respectively. All the eigenvalues matrix B are 1, 1, 1, 32 , 32 , 23 , 92 , 29 , 29 , 92 . 0.6 0.4 Obviously, a rational triangular Bézier surface R (u, v, w) = rin,j,k (u, v, w)Ri,j,k , 0.2 i+j+k=n rin,j,k (u, v, w) = Bn (u, v, w)ωi,j,k i,j,k n , Bi,j,k (u, v, w)ωi,j,k 0 i+j+k=n u, v, w ≥ 0, u + v + w = 1, (36) has the PIA property which is similar to that of the triangular Bézier surface. In this section we consider the case of rational triangular Bézier surfaces of degrees 2 and 3. 5 10 Iteration Level 15 20 Fig. 4.8. Error curve of degree 3. First, let us start with a rational triangular Bézier surface of degree 2. Supposed that the rational triangular Bernstein basis Author's personal copy 894 J. Chen, G.-J. Wang / Computer-Aided Design 43 (2011) 889–895 r33,0,0 , r23,1,0 , r23,0,1 , r13,2,0 , r13,1,1 , r13,0,2 , r03,3,0 , r03,2,1 , r03,1,2 , r03,0,3 = B33,0,0 , ωB32,1,0 , ωB32,0,1 , ωB31,2,0 , ωB31,1,1 , ωB31,0,2 , B30,3,0 , ωB30,2,1 , ωB30,1,2 , B30,0,3 B33,0,0 + ωB32,1,0 + ωB32,0,1 + ωB31,2,0 + ωB31,1,1 + ωB31,0,2 + B30,3,0 + ωB30,2,1 + ωB30,1,2 + B30,0,3 , ω > 0. Box I. Table 4.1 Fitting errors of the surface sequences in Examples 4.1 and 4.2. Iteration level 0th 1th 5th 10th 20th Degree 2 Degree 3 1.8043e000 1.2475e000 9.0220e−001 5.8350e−001 5.6400e−002 1.1420e−001 1.8001e−003 3.1502e−002 1.7207e−006 2.6025e−003 functions of degree 2 in lexicographic order are given by r22,0,0 , r12,1,0 , r12,0,1 , r02,2,0 , r02,1,1 , r02,0,2 = B22,0,0 , ωB21,1,0 , ωB21,0,1 , B20,2,0 , ωB20,1,1 , B20,0,2 , B22,0,0 + ωB21,1,0 + ωB21,0,1 + B20,2,0 + ωB20,1,1 + B20,0,2 ω > 0. (37) Then, taking the uniform parameter sequence j tin,j,k = ni , n , nk , i + j + k = 2, we get the collocation matrix M r22,0,0 , r12,1,0 , . . . , r02,0,2 t22,0,0 , t12,1,0 , . . . , t02,0,2 1 1 2 (1 + ω) 1 = 2 (1 + ω) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ω 1+ω 0 0 2 (1 + ω) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 (1 + ω) 0 ω 1+ω 0 1 2 (1 + ω) . 0 1 2 (1 + ω) M r33,0,0 , r23,1,0 , . . . , r03,0,3 t33,0,0 , t23,1,0 , . . . , t03,0,3 = A 0 B C 0 0 0 0 0 9 (1 + 2ω) , 0 1 3 (1 + 8ω) 1 ω 0 1 + 8ω 0 1 8 0 4ω 0 2ω 3 (1 + 2ω) 2ω 3 (1 + 2ω) 4ω 3 (1 + 2ω) 0 3 (1 + 2ω) 0 (41) 8 0 1 9 (1 + 2ω) . 8 9 (1 + 2ω) 1 (42) 4ω 3(1+2ω) 1 , nj , nk , i + j + k = 3, we get the collocation matrix 0 0 It is easy to compute the eigenvalues of the above collocation matrix M are 1(with multiplicity 3), 3(12+ω2ω) (with multiplicity 3), It is easy to compute the eigenvalues of the above collocation ω matrix M are 1(with multiplicity 3) and 1+ω (with multiplicity 3) respectively, the latter is strictly increasing for all ω > 0. That is to say, in order to get the fastest convergence rate, we should take ω as bigger as possible, i.e., ω = 2128 in single precision and ω = 21024 in double precision. With these choices of the weight ω the eigenvalue 1+ω is almost 1. Analogously, we can assume that the rational triangular Bernstein basis functions of degree 3 in lexicographic order are given in Box I. Then, taking the uniform parameter sequence tin,j,k = n 0 ω 9 (1 + 2ω) C = 1 9 (1 + 2ω) (38) i 0 0 1 + 8ω 0 0 0 0 ω 1+ω 0 1 9 (1 + 2ω) 0 B= 8 9 (1 + 2ω) 1 3 (1 + 8ω) (with multiplicity 2) and 3(16+ω2ω) (with multiplicity 2), the three last eigenvalues are strictly increasing for all ω > 0. That is to say, in order to get the fastest convergence rate, we should take ω as bigger as possible, i.e., ω = 2128 in single precision and ω = 21024 in double precision. With these choices of the weight the three last eigenvalues are almost 13 , 23 , 1 respectively. Example 5.1. Considering the sphere given by x2 + y2 + z 2 = 1. A sequence of 6 points is sampled from this surface and expressed in lexicographic order as {(−1, 0, 0) , (−0.25, −0.75, 0.61) , (−0.25, 0.75, 0.61) , (0.87, −0.5, 0) , (−0.79, 0, 0.61) , (0.87, 0.5, 0)} . And the degree 2 rational triangular Bézier surfaces after the second iteration with the different weights ω = 2 and ω = 3 are illustrated in Figs. 5.1 and 5.2 respectively. 2 (39) y2 Example 5.2. Considering the Ellipsoid given by 3x 2 + 22 + z 2 = 1. A sequence of 6 points is sampled from this surface and expressed in lexicographic order as {(−3, 0, 0) , (−1.5, −1, 0.71) , (−1.5, 1, 0.71) , (0, −2, 0) , (0, 0, 1) , (0, 2, 0)} . where 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 4ω 2ω 0 0 0 9 (1 + 2ω) 3 (1 + 2ω) 3 (1 + 2ω) 4 ω 2 ω 8 0 0 0 9 (1 + 2ω) 3 (1 + 2ω) 3 (1 + 2ω) 1 2ω 4ω A= , 0 0 0 9 1 + 2 ω) 3 1 + 2 ω) 3 1 + 2 ω) ( ( ( 1 ω ω ω 2ω ω 3 (1 + 8ω) 1 + 8ω 1 + 8ω 1 + 8ω 1 + 8ω 1 + 8ω 1 2ω 4ω 0 0 0 9 (1 + 2ω) 3 (1 + 2ω) 3 (1 + 2ω) (40) And the degree 2 rational triangular Bézier surfaces after the fifth iteration with the different weights ω = 2 and ω = 3 are illustrated in Figs. 5.3 and 5.4 respectively. 6. Briefly discussing about application in reverse engineering In reverse engineering for scattered data points, the literature [13] introduced a method of surface reconstruction based on hierarchical space decomposition, and in the literature [14] surface reconstruction using octree representation was presented. Thus, in Author's personal copy J. Chen, G.-J. Wang / Computer-Aided Design 43 (2011) 889–895 895 Fig. 5.3. After the fifth iteration, ω = 2. Fig. 5.1. After the second iteration, ω = 2. Fig. 5.4. After the fifth iteration, ω = 3. References Fig. 5.2. After the second iteration, ω = 3. order to apply our PIA algorithm for triangular Bézier surface to reverse engineering, if the un-organized cloud points are given, first we can construct a triangular mesh with proper topology by the similar method in [13] or [14]. Then it is easy to classify the data n(n+1) points so that the number of the data points is 2 in each group. Finally, for the data points in each group, the fitting surface can be derived by our PIA algorithm. The concrete method, example and the smooth joining problem of multiple pieces of surfaces could be discussed in future work in detail. 7. Conclusion This paper derives the PIA property of triangular Bézier surfaces with the uniform parameters, that is, given some scattered data points to form an initial control mesh, the limit surface can interpolate these original points by constructing an iterative sequence of triangular Bézier surfaces. Moreover, the PIA algorithms using rational triangular Bernstein basis of low degree are also discussed. The PIA property of triangular Bézier surfaces with the general parameters could be a future research project. [1] Ando T. Totally positive matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications 1987;90: 165–219. [2] Qi D, Tian Z, Zhang Y, Feng J. The method of numeric polish in curve fitting. Acta Mathematica Sinica 1975;18(3):173–84. [3] de Boor C. How does Agee’s smoothing method work? In: Proceedings of the 1979 army numerical analysis and computers conference. ARO Report 79-3, Army Research Office; 1979. p. 299–302. [4] Lin H, Wang G, Dong C. 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