Computation of lower derivatives of rational triangular

Zhang et al. / J Zhejiang Univ SCI 2005 6A(Suppl. I):108-115
Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE
ISSN 1009-3095
Computation of lower derivatives of rational triangular
Bézier surfaces and their bounds estimation*
ZHANG Lei (张 磊)1,2, WANG Guo-jin (王国瑾)†‡1,2
(1Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)
(2State Key Laboratory of CAD & CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)
Received Sept. 12, 2004; revision accepted Mar. 2, 2005
Abstract: By introducing the homogenous coordinates, degree elevation formulas and combinatorial identities, also by using
multiplication of Bernstein polynomials and identity transformation on equations, this paper presents some explicit formulas of the
first and second derivatives of rational triangular Bézier surface with respect to each variable (including the mixed derivative) and
derives some estimations of bound both on the direction and magnitude of the corresponding derivatives. All the results above
have value not only in surface theory but also in practice.
Keywords: Computer Aided Geometric Design, Derivative, Rational triangular Bézier surface, Bound
Document code: A
CLC number: TP391
In Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD),
series of researches on the computation of derivatives
of parametric curve and surface as well as bound
estimation of the corresponding derivatives have been
done worldwide owing to their essentiality (Sederberg and Wang, 1987; Floater, 1992; Saito et al., 1995;
Wang and Wang, 1995; Wang et al., 1997; Kim et al.,
2001). But there exist two limits of these research
works. First, for a rational parametric curve or surface,
only computation of the first derivative and its bound
estimation are provided; second, for a rational surface,
the evaluation formulas and bound estimation are
only derived on the surface defined on a rectangle
domain, e.g. rational quadrangular Bézier surface. As
for a rational surface defined on a triangle domain,
because the deduction process is complicated and the
Corresponding author
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (Nos. 60373033 & 60333010), the National Natural Science
Foundation for Innovative Research Groups (No. 60021201), and the
National Basic Research Program (973) of China (No.
computation algorithm is less effective, evaluating its
first and second derivatives and estimating the corresponding bounds have not been presented yet.
However, the surface defined on a rectangle
domain cannot be used to solve many problems in
CAGD. For example, interpolation of the surfaces
over scattered data without regular distribution is
often by using a triangular surface; a part of the control points of some surfaces represented by tensor-product Bézier patches must be degenerate, but
they are non-degenerate if the surfaces are represented by some triangular Bézier patches (Farin et al.,
1987). Many published articles on the triangular surface (Farin, 1986; Tian, 1988; 1990; Hu, 1996; Hu et
al., 1996a; 1996b) imply the surface is an important
tool in the field of CAGD. The rational triangular
Bézier surface has many advantages of the triangular
surfaces by polynomial form, and it can also exactly
represent a conic section and control the shape with
weights, so it is a hot subject in CAGD at present.
Farin et al.(1987) constructed an octant of a sphere
exactly by a quartic rational triangular Bernsterin-Bézier surface, which is non-degenerate. Tian
Zhang et al. / J Zhejiang Univ SCI 2005 6A(Suppl. I):108-115
(1990) presented a recursive algorithm and a subdivisional algorithm for evaluating rational triangular
surfaces. Hu et al.(1996a; 1996b) derived a method
for subdividing a rational quadrangular surface into
three rational triangular surface. All the works above
indicate that rational triangular Bézier surface plays
an important role in CAGD, so it is necessary to solve
the remaining suspensive problems mentioned above,
i.e., the computation of lower derivatives of rational
triangular Bézier surfaces and their bounds estimation.
Facing the challenge, in this paper, by using the
direction operator between the Cartesian vectors of
two homogeneous points as well as degree elevation
formulas of rational triangular Bézier surface, also by
executing the identity transformation on the linear
combinations of Bernstein basis, a successful method
for computing the derivatives is presented. We can
represent the αth (α=1,2) derivatives of a rational
triangular Bézier surface with degree n in another
rational triangular Bézier surface with degree 2αn. So
the lower derivatives of any rational triangular Bézier
surface can be evaluated and displayed through
computer programming by the recursive algorithm
and subdivisional algorithm designed by Tian (1990).
Furthermore, by using some combinatorial identities
and multiplication of Bernstein polynomials, bounds
both on the direction and magnitude of the lower
derivatives of rational triangular Bézier surface can
also be derived.
A degree n rational Bézier surface on a triangular
domain (rational triangular B-B surface) can be defined as follows:
R(u , v, w) =
N (u , v, w)
D(u , v, w)
(u , v, w) ∈ T .
D(u , v, w) =
ωi , j , k Bin, j , k (u, v, w),
ωi , j , k Ri , j , k Bin, j ,k (u, v, w),
i+ j +k =n
N (u , v, w) =
i+ j+k =n
and Bin, j , k (u , v, w) =
n! i j k
u v w is Bernstein basis
i ! j !k !
with degree n, Ri,j,k=(xi,j,k,yi,j,k, zi,j,k)∈ú3 is control
point of the surface, ωi,j,k is weight, T:{(u,v,w)
|u+v+w=1, 0≤u,v,w≤1} is the parametric domain of
the surface.
If Ri,j,k and ωi,j,k are defined the same as above,
an equivalent representation of the surface Eq.(1) can
be written as follows:
R(u , v) =
i + j =0
i , j , n −i − j
i + j =0
Ri , j , n −i − j Bin, j , n −i − j (u , v)
i + j =0
i, j
i + j =0
i , j , n −i − j
Bin, j , n −i − j (u , v)
Ri , j Bin, j (u , v)
i, j
Bin, j (u , v)
N (u , v)
D(u , v)
(u , v) ∈ D = {(u , v) | u , v ≥ 0, u + v ≤ 1} .
Eq.(1) depends on three parameters u, v, w; Eq.(4)
gives a less complicated representation of the rational
triangular Bézier surface which can be easily used to
compute the derivatives. Tian (1990) suggested a
recursive algorithm and subdivisional algorithm for
evaluating the rational triangular B-B surface, so the
main idea here is to represent the first and second
derivatives (including the mixed derivatives) with
respect to each parameter of a rational triangular B-B
surface Eq.(4) in another rational triangular B-B surface with appropriate degrees, hence the final computation of derivatives can be obtained with the
evaluation algorithm of surfaces through computer
Let us now start with the computation of the first
derivative with respect to the parameter u of the rational triangular B-B surface Eq.(4). The differentiation of Eq.(1) with respect to the parameter u yields
the following equation:
∂R(u , v)
∂N (u , v)
∂D(u , v)
D (u , v ) −
N (u , v )
. (5)
{D(u, v)}
As the denominator {D(u,v)}2 is the product of
polynomials, it can be rearranged in the form of
Zhang et al. / J Zhejiang Univ SCI 2005 6A(Suppl. I):108-115
∂N (u , v)
∂D(u , v)
D(u , v) −
N (u , v)
Bernstein polynomials of degree 2n as follows:
D 2 (u , v) =
l + m =0
l ,m
Bl2, mn (u , v) .
∑ ∑ {iDir ( R
i −1,j
p+ q=0 i + j =0
− R i ,j , R p ,q
+ jDir R i ,j −1 − R i +1,j −1 , R p ,q + ( n − i − j )
κ l ,m =
min{n ,l + m}
i + j = max{0,l + m − n}
ω i , jω l − i , m − j
×Dir R i ,j − R i +1,j , R p ,q
 l  m  2n − l − m 
  
 i  j  n − i − j 
 2n 
 
To represent the numerator of Eq.(5) in a triangular B-B surface of degree 2n succinctly, we manipulate the control points in a homogeneous coordinate system. Rewriting the control point
Ri,j=(xi,j,yi,j,zi,j) in the form of homogenous coordinate
yields R i , j = (Xi,j,Yi,j,Zi,j,ωi,j) = (ωi,jxi,j,ωi,jyi,j,ωi,jzi,j,ωi,j),
0≤i+j≤n. Then define the direction (Satio et al., 1995)
of Cartesian vector between two homogenous points
R i , j and R p ,q as
l + m =0
Dl , m =
= (ωi , j X p , q − ω p , q X i , j , ωi , jYp, q
−ω p , qYi , j , ωi , j Z p , q − ω p , q Z i , j ),
i ,j
(u ,v)B pn ,q (u,v)
Dl ,m Bl2,mn (u ,v),
min {n , l + m}
i + j = max {0,l + m − n}
H i , j ;l − i , m − j
 l  m  2n − l − m 
  
 i  j  n − i − j  ,
 2n 
 
+ jDir ( R
− R
×Dir ( R − R , R
i , j −1
i +1, j −1
i +1, j
H i , j ;l −i , m − j = iDir R i −1, j − R i , j , R l −i , m − j
i, j
Dir(R i , j , R p , q ) = ωi , jω p , q (R p , q − Ri , j )
)} B
, R l −i , m − j + ( n − i − j )
l −i ,m − j
Consequently, substituting the denominator and numerator with Eq.(6) and Eq.(9) respectively in Eq.(5)
ωi , jω p ,q ≠ 0,
and according to the differential equation
∂Bin, j (u , v)
= n { Bin−−1,1 j (u , v) − Bin, −j 1 (u , v)} , the numerator
of Eq.(5) can be rewritten as follows:
∂R(u ,v)
Dl ,m Bl2,mn (u ,v)
κ l ,m B (u ,v)
l + m=0
l + m =0
l ,m
(u ,v) ∈ D ,
l + m=0
l ,m
l + m =0
J l ,m Bl2,mn (u ,v)
κ l ,m Bl2,mn (u ,v)
∂N (u, v)
∂D(u, v)
N (u, v)
D(u, v) −
∑ ωi, jω p,q ( Ri, j − Rp,q )Bpn,q (u, v)
p + q =0 i + j =0
∂Bin, j (u, v)
 n−1
n ∑ Dir R i, j − R i +1, j , R p,q Bin, −j 1 (u, v)Bpn,q (u, v).
p + q =0  i + j =0
Furthermore, Eq.(8) can be represented by degree
elevation (Farin, 1990; Hoschek and Lasser, 1992) as
Thus, the first derivative with respect to the parameter u of the degree n rational triangular B-B
surface Eq.(4) can be represented in the degree 2n
rational triangular B-B surface Eq.(12) with the control points Jl,m and the weights κl,m (0≤l+m≤2n). Additionally, if Jl,m and κl,m are still defined as above, an
equivalent expression of Eq.(12), i.e., the first derivative with respect to the parameter u of the surface
Eq.(1), is obtained as follows:
Zhang et al. / J Zhejiang Univ SCI 2005 6A(Suppl. I):108-115
l + m=0
l ,m ,2 n − l − m
l + m =0
face Eq.(1), as follows:
J l ,m ,2 n −l − m Bl2,mn ,2 n −l − m (u ,v)
κ l ,m,2 n −l − m Bl2,mn ,2 n −l − m (u,v)
∑ κ
∑ κ
l + m+ k =2n
l , m, k
l + m+ k =2n
l ,m, k
J l , m, k B
l , m , k Bl , m , k (u , v, w)
∂ R(u ,v)
∂u 2
(u , v, w)
r + s =0
r , s ,4 n − r − s
r + s =0
∂ R(u ,v)
∂u 2
r + s =0
r ,s
r + s =0
Lr ,s Br4,ns (u ,v)
r ,s
, (u ,v) ∈ D
B (u ,v)
r , s ,t
 r  s  4n − r − s 
  
 l  m  2n − l − m 
l ,m r −l , s − m
 4n 
l + m = max{0, r + s − 2 n}
 
 2n 
min{2 n , r + s}
 r  s  4n − r − s 
  
min{2 n , r + s}
 l  m  2n − l − m  ,
l , m; r − l , s − m
 4n 
l + m = max{0, r + s − 2 n}
 
 2n 
I l , m;r −l , s − m = lDir Jl −1,m − Jl ,m , J r −l , s − m
r , s ,t
r , s ,t
r , s ,t
(u , v, w) ∈ T .
At the same time, to compute the second mixed
derivative of the rational triangular B-B surface
Eq.(4), differentiation with respect to v of Eq.(12) is
implemented. Noting that the appropriate differential
equation is now
= n { Bin, −j −11 (u , v) − Bin, −j 1 (u , v)} ,
the result of which is as follows:
∂ R(u ,v)
r + s =0
r ,s
K r ,s Br4,ns (u ,v)
∑ ηr ,s Br4,ns (u,v)
, (u ,v) ∈ D.
r + s =0
ηr , s
 r  s  4n − r − s 
  
l  m  2n − l − m 
∑ κ l ,mκ r −l , s −m
 4n 
l + m = max{0, r + s − 2 n}
 
 2n 
min{2 n , r + s}
K r , s = Fr , s ηr , s ,
+ mDir Jl , m −1 − Jl +1, m −1 , J r −l , s − m + ( 2n − l − m )
×Dir Jl , m − Jl +1, m , J r −l , s − m .
r , s ,t
∂Bin, j (u , v)
Lr , s = Er , s µr , s ,
Er , s
Br4,ns ,4 n − r − s (u, v)
r ,s
µr ,s
r , s ,4 n − r − s
∑ µ L B (u, v, w)
∑ µ B (u, v, w)
r + s +t =4n
r + s +t =4n
Next, we compute the second derivative with
respect to the parameter u of the surface Eq.(4). Differentiating Eq.(12) with respect to u again and repeating the same above procedure yields
Lr , s ,4 n − r − s Br4,ns ,4n − r − s (u, v)
(u , v, w) ∈ T .
 r  s  4n − r − s 
  
l  m  2n − l − m 
∑ Gl ,m;r −l ,s −m
 4n 
l + m = max{0, r + s − 2 n}
 
 2n 
min{2 n , r + s}
Fr , s
Therefore, the second derivative with respect to
the parameter u of the rational triangular B-B surface
Eq.(4) can be represented in degree 4n rational triangular B-B surface Eq.(15) with the control points
Lr,s and the weights µr,s (0≤r+s≤4n). Similarly, if Lr,s
and µr,s are defined the same as above, we can obtain
an equivalent expression of Eq.(15), i.e., the second
derivative with respect to the parameter u of the sur-
Gl , m;r −l , s − m
+ mDir ( J
− J , J
) + ( 2n − l − m )
, J
×Dir ( J − J
= lDir Jl −1, m − Jl −1, m +1 , J r −l , s − m
l , m −1
l ,m
l ,m
l , m +1
r −l , s − m
r −l , s − m
Thus, we have represented the second mixed
derivatives of the rational triangular B-B surface
Zhang et al. / J Zhejiang Univ SCI 2005 6A(Suppl. I):108-115
Eq.(4) by the degree 4n rational triangular B-B surface Eq.(21) with control points Kr,s and weights ηr,s
(0≤r+s≤4n). Then, if Kr,s and ηr,s are similarly defined
as above, we can also obtain the equivalent equation
of Eq.(21) which is just the second mixed derivative
of the surface Eq.(1) as follows:
∂ 2 R(u , v)
r + s =0
r , s ,4 n − r − s
r + s =0
K r , s ,4 n − r − s Br4,ns ,4 n − r − s (u , v)
r + s +t =4n
r , s ,4 n − r − s
Br4,ns ,4 n − r − s (u , v)
ηr , s ,t K r , s ,t Br4,ns ,t (u, v, w)
r + s +t =4n
In this Section, the first step is to rewrite each
equation of the derivative of the rational triangular
B-B surface Eq.(4) in Section 2 in a different expression, and then estimate the bound of each derivative
based on the new expression. Eq.(8) yields that
2 n −1
l + m =0
 l  m  2n − 1 − l − m 
  
 2n  i + j = max{0,l + m − n}  i  j  n − 1 − i − j 
 
×Dir R i ,j − R i +1,j ,R l −i ,m − j 
{D (u ,v)}2
, (u ,v) ∈ D .
( max{0, l + m − n + 1} ≤ i +
j ≤ min{n − 1, l + m})
in Eq.(28) is positive and the coefficients of the vectors Hl,m in Eq.(29) are also positive, the direction of
the first derivative with respect to the parameter u of
the surface Eq.(1) or Eq.(4) is bounded in the cone
generated by the following vectors:
l ={Dir(R l −i , m − j , ∆1 R i , j )max{0, l + m − n + 1}
≤ i + j ≤ min{n − 1, l + m}}
where ∆1 is the shift operator with respect to the parameter u, i.e., ∆1Ri,j=Ri+1,j−Ri,j.
Next, we will compute the bound on the magnitude of the first derivative. First, an inequality is
H l ,m =
 n
 
 l  m 
  
 i  j 
i + j = max{0,l + m − n} 
min{n −1,l + m}
 2n − 1 − l − m 
 Dir Ri , j − Ri +1, j , Rl −i , m − j
 n −1− i − j 
min{n −1,l + m}
H l ,m Bl2,mn −1 (u ,v)
This means that the first derivative with respect
to the parameter u of the surface Eq.(4) has the same
direction as that of the surface Eq.(27), which is a
degree 2n−1 triangular Bézier surface with the control
points Hl,m (0≤l+m≤2n−1), but the magnitude of the
first derivative is only {D(u,v)}−2 that of the latter [see
Because every coefficient of the vectors
H l ,m Bl2,mn −1 (u,v)
H l ,m =
l + m=0
The same procedure can be used to compute the
first and second derivatives with respect to the parameter v of the surface Eq.(4).
∂N (u ,v)
∂D (u ,v)
N (u ,v)
D(u ,v) −
∂R(u ,v)
Dir R l −i , m − j , ∆1 R i , j , where
ηr , s ,t Br4,ns ,t (u, v, w)
(u , v, w) ∈ T .
2 n −1
max Dir R i , j − R i +1, j , R l − i ,m − j
l + m − n}
 n  max{0,
≤i + j ≤
  min{n −1,l + m}
 l  m  2n − 1 − l − m 
  
i + j = max{0,l + m − n}  i  j  n − 1 − i − j 
( 0 ≤ l + m ≤ 2n − 1) .
min{n −1,l + m}
Zhang et al. / J Zhejiang Univ SCI 2005 6A(Suppl. I):108-115
One can easily verify that the third factor of the
right-hand side of the expression Eq.(30) satisfies the
following equation on condition that either l+m<n or
l+m≥n (in this case, both l<n−1 and l≥n are allowed):
 l  m  2n − 1 − l − m 
  
i + j = max{0,l + m − n}  i  j  n − 1 − i − j 
 max ωi ,j 
∂R(u ,v)
0≤i + j ≤ n
 ⋅ max R − R ,
≤ n
p ,q
 min ωi ,j  0≤i + j ≤ n i ,j
 0≤i + j ≤ n
 0< p + q ≤ n
(u , v) ∈ D .
min{n −1,l + m}
or the equivalent expression with respect to the parameters u, v, w:
 l  min{m, n −1−i}  m  2n − 1 − l − m 
∑   ∑  
i = max{0,l − n}  i  j = max{0,l + m − n − i }  j  n − 1 − i − j 
min{l , n −1}
Furthermore, by the following combinatorial
 m  n   m + n 
i =0 
  r 
we can obtain
 l  m  2n − 1 − l − m 
  
i + j = max{0,l + m − n}  i  j  n − 1 − i − j 
min{n −1,l + m}
n −1 l n −1− i m
 
  2n − 1 − l − m   2n − 1
≤ ∑   ∑  
i = 0  i  j = 0  j  n − 1 − i − j 
 n −1 
The following inequality can also be derived:
= ω i +1, jω l − i , m − j ( Ri +1, j
− Rl −i , m − j ) − ωi , jωl −i , m − j ( Ri , j − Rl −i , m − j )
≤ 2 max ωi , j
0≤ i + j ≤ n
) ⋅ max
0≤i + j ≤ n
Ri , j − R p , q ,
0≤ p + q ≤ n
( max{0, l + m − n + 1} ≤ i +
j ≤ min{n − 1, l + m}) .
Substituting the corresponding factors in Eq.(30)
with Eqs.(31) and (32), it yields the bound on the
magnitude of the vector Hl,m as:
H l , m ≤ n max ωi , j
0≤ i + j ≤ n
) ⋅ max
0≤i + j ≤ n
 ⋅ max R − R
p ,q ,r ,
 i + j + k = n i ,j ,k
Estimation of the first derivative with respect to
the parameter v can also be done using the same
method mentioned above.
To get the bound estimation on the second derivative of the surface Eq.(4), the differentiation of
Eq.(29) as well as by multiplication of Bernstein
polynomials yields the following equation:
∑  i  r − i  = 
Dir R i , j − R i +1, j , R l −i , m − j
 max ωi ,j ,k
i+ j +k =n
≤ n
 min ωi ,j ,k
 i+ j +k =n
(u ,v,w) ∈ T .
Ri , j − R p , q ,
Hence, from Eqs.(29) and (33), we have
(2n − 1) ∑ ωl ,m Bl ,m (u ,v)
l + m =0
n −1
i + j =0
i + j =0
× ∑ ( H i +1, j − H i , j ) Bi2, nj − 2 (u , v) − 2n ∑
×Bin, −j 1 ( u , v )}
{D (u , v)}3
i +1, j
− ωi , j )
H l ,m Bl2, mn −1 (u , v) 
l + m=0
2 n −1
3n − 2
s +t =0
s ,t
Bs3,nt − 2 (u , v), (u , v) ∈ D,
2n − 1 min{2 n − 2, s + t } 
∑ ω s −i,t − j ( H i +1, j − H i, j )
 3n − 2  i + j = max{0, s + t − n} 
 n 
Qs ,t =
 s  t  3n − 2 − s − t  
×   
  − 3n − 2
  
  
min{n −1, s + t }
(ωi +1, j − ωi , j ) H l , m
i + j = max{0, s + t − 2 n −1} 
0≤ p + q ≤ n
( 0 ≤ l + m ≤ 2n − 1) .
∂ 2 R(u ,v)
{D(u ,v)}3
 s  t  3n − 2 − s − t  
×   
 i  j  n − 1 − i − j  
Zhang et al. / J Zhejiang Univ SCI 2005 6A(Suppl. I):108-115
It shows that the direction of the second derivative with respect to u of the surface Eq.(4) is parallel
to a triangular B-B surface of degree 3n−2 whose
control points are Qs,t (0≤s+t≤3n−2), and the magnitude is only {D(u,v)}−3 that of the latter [see Eq.(36)].
For estimation of bound on the second derivative, first
by Eq.(36), we have the following inequality:
∂ 2 R(u ,v)
∂u 2
+2n max ∆1ωi ,j
0≤ i + j ≤ n
min ωi , j
0≤i + j ≤ n
∂ 2 R(u,v)
≤ 3
2(2n − 1) max ωi ,j
0≤i + j ≤ n
D (u ,v)
using multiplication of Bernstein polynomials, we
can derive the second mixed derivative as follows:
max || H i ,j ||
0 ≤ i + j ≤ 2 n −1
{( 2n − 1) max | ω
0≤ i + j ≤ n
+ n max | ∆1ωi , j |
0≤i + j ≤ n
max || H i ,j ||
0 ≤ i + j ≤ 2 n −1
0 ≤ i + j ≤ 2 n −1
then substituting the factor
i, j
(2n − 1) ∑ ( H i , j +1 − H i , j ) Bi2, nj − 2 (u , v)
3 
{D (u , v)} 
i + j =0
n −1
l + m =0
ωl , m Bln, m (u , v) − 2n ∑ (ωi , j +1 − ωi , j ) Bin, −j 1 (u, v)
H l , m Bl2, mn −1 (u , v) 
l + m =0
∂ R(u ,v)
≤ 2n
∂u 2
H i, j ,
 s  t  3n − 2 − s − t  
×   
 i  j  2n − 2 − i − j  
max || H i , j || in the
0 ≤ i + j ≤ 2 n −1
0≤i + j ≤ n
0≤ i + j ≤ n
0≤i + j ≤ n
p ,q
0≤ p + q ≤ n
Then, the expression above can be simplified into a
less strict form, that is
0≤i + j ≤ n
The result above illustrates that the second
mixed derivative of the surface Eq.(4) has the same
direction as that of a degree 3n−2 triangular B-B
surface with control points Ps,t (0≤s+t≤3n−2), and
magnitude of only {D(u,v)}−3 that of the latter. The
following inequality is obtained from Eq.(40):
∂ 2 R(u ,v)
 max ωi ,j 
∂ 2 R(u ,v)
 0≤i + j ≤ n
 min ωi ,j 
∂u 2
 0≤i + j ≤ n
× max || Ri ,j − R p ,q || , (u ,v) ∈ D.
i ,j
i ,j
i ,j
min{n −1, s + t }
(ωi , j +1 − ωi , j ) H l ,m
 3n − 2  i + j = max{0, s + t − 2 n −1} 
 n −1 
 s  t  3n − 2 − s − t  
×   
 .
 i  j  n − 1 − i − j  
0≤i + j ≤ n
0≤ i + j ≤ n
+ n max | ∆1ωi ,j
3n − 2
∑ Ps,t Bs3,nt −2 (u,v), (u,v) ∈ D ,
{D (u ,v)}3 s + t = 0
2n − 1 min{2 n − 2, s + t } 
Ps ,t =
∑ ω s −i,t − j ( H i, j +1 − H i, j )
 3n − 2  i + j = max{0, s + t − n} 
 n 
) (2n − 1) max ω
( min ω )
|} max R − R , (u ,v) ∈ D. (38)
max ω i ,j
2 n −1
expression above into the bound estimation of the
vector Hl,m, i.e., Eq.(33), thus the final bound estimation of the derivative is obtained as follows:
i + j =0
0≤ p + q ≤ n
Finally, we try to find the bound on the second
mixed derivative of the surface Eq.(29). Differentiating Eq.(29) with respect to the parameter v and
+2n max | ∆2ωi , j
2(2n − 1)
D (u , v)
0≤ i + j ≤ n
min ωi , j
0≤i + j ≤ n
Hi, j
H i, j
0 ≤ i + j ≤ 2 n −1
0 ≤ i + j ≤ 2 n −1
{( 2n − 1) max ω
0≤i + j ≤ n
i, j
)( max ω )
0≤i + j ≤ n
i, j
Zhang et al. / J Zhejiang Univ SCI 2005 6A(Suppl. I):108-115
+ n max ∆2ωij
0≤i + j ≤ n
0 ≤ i + j ≤ 2 n −1
Hi, j .
where ∆2 is the shift operator with respect to the parameter v, i.e., ∆2ωi,j=ωi,j+1−ωi,j. In the same way, by
the bound estimation Eq.(33) of the vector Hl,m, we
can finally obtain
∂ 2 R(u ,v)
( max ω ) (2n − 1) max ω
≤ 2n
0≤ i + j ≤ n
i ,j
0≤ i + j ≤ n
0≤i + j ≤ n
i ,j
+ n max ∆2ωi ,j
0≤ i + j ≤ n
i ,j
× max Ri ,j − R p ,q ,
0≤i + j ≤ n
(u ,v) ∈ D.
0≤ p + q ≤ n
This is a bound estimation on the second mixed derivative of the surface Eq.(4), and the result can be
simplified as follows:
 max ωi ,j
∂ 2 R(u ,v)
0≤i + j ≤ n
≤ 2n(4n − 1) 
 min ωi ,j
 0≤i + j ≤ n
× max Ri ,j − R p ,q , (u ,v) ∈ D .
0≤i + j ≤ n
0≤ p + q ≤ n
In addition, the results Eqs.(42) and (43) can be
rewritten to an equivalent expression with respect to
the parameters u, v, and w. The same method is also
used for the bound estimation on the second derivative with respect to the parameter v and the second
mixed derivative with respect to the parameter (v,u),
∂ 2 R(u, v)
∂ 2 R(u, v)
which are
∂v 2
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