SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN PERFORMANCE Office of Field and Clinical Experiences Preclinical and Student Teaching Candidate Agreement The Preclinical is the beginning phase of the Student Teaching capstone experience. It is the first level of consistent practice in a P-12 classroom and occurs one semester prior to Student Teaching. The Preclinical experience allows the candidate to actively participate in modified teaching experiences under the supervision of a licensed P-12 teacher with a focus on designing an Impact on Student Learning project that will address diagnosis of student learning, instructional development, the use of assessment strategies, and the use of data for teaching/learning improvement. Preclinical is a required activity and a pre-requisite to EDU 4981. 1. Preclinical Classroom Scheduling: The Preclinical classroom assignment lasts for a minimum of fifteen consecutive weeks. The beginning date is determined by the candidate’s semester of enrollment: • • Fall preclinical teacher candidates begin their fifteen-week preclinical experience on the same day that P-12 teachers begin the school year and are required to participate in the professional development and room readiness activities conducted by the school at the beginning of the school year. Spring preclinical teacher candidates begin their fifteen-week pre-clinical experience in January when P-12 teachers return from their Winter Break and are required to participate in the annual Career Fair held at WSSU All preclinical teacher candidates must be in the classroom for one full day or two half-days each week, except Physical Education candidates who must be in the schools for three half-days each week, and Elementary Education candidates who must be in the classroom for two full days each week. Candidates who elect the half-day schedule must alter their visits to include a combination of mornings and afternoons so as to experience the entire day in the assigned classroom. You will create an attendance schedule in collaboration with your cooperating teacher and submit a copy of the schedule to your cooperating teacher and your university supervisor. The attendance schedule is due by the second Friday of the semester. Physical education majors must arrange their schedule with the Physical Education program coordinator and submit it to the cooperating teacher, the program coordinator, and their university supervisor. 2. Preclinical Logs: Preclinical teacher candidates must obtain the signature of their cooperating teachers on attendance logs each week to verify their visits to the school. These log sheets must be submitted to the university supervisor promptly upon completion of the preclinical. The log sheet will be part of the preclinical candidate’s packet submitted to the Office of Field and Clinical Experiences by the university supervisor at the end of the semester. See Preclinical Document Submission Checklist for exact dates. 3. Lesson Planning: Preclinical teacher candidates are required to prepare lesson plans (using a word processing program) and teach a minimum of three small or large group lessons during the semester (four for Elementary Education candidates). Lesson plans must be detailed and prepared in accordance with program guidelines and in alignment with expectations of the host school/cooperating teacher. The cooperating teacher must approve all lesson plans before the lessons are taught. 4. Classroom Teaching: Once the lesson plans have been approved, you will teach at least three lessons (four for Elementary Education candidates) under the supervision of the cooperating teacher. Your cooperating teacher will observe two lessons, and your university supervisor will observe one (two for Elementary Education candidates), and then provide written feedback to you. Some of these lessons may be videotaped as determined by your program or university supervisor. You are required to submit your lesson plans, the completed observation forms, and your written reflections to your university supervisor within one week of teaching the lessons. All lesson plan sets, including written reflections, will be part of the preclinical candidate’s packet submitted by the university supervisor to the Office of Field and Clinical Experiences at the end of the semester. See Preclinical Document Submission Checklist for exact dates. 5. Faculty Observation: Preclinical teacher candidates are required to notify their university supervisors when they are scheduled to teach lessons. University supervisors are expected to observe and provide written documentation of lessons observed based on program requirement (two for Elementary Education and one for all other programs). 6. Impact on Student Learning (ISL) Project: Preclinical teacher candidates enrolled in EDU 4338 Psychological Foundations of Education will complete an ISL Project following a prescribed template for preparation which should be discussed thoroughly with the cooperating teacher. The instructor for EDU 4338 will evaluate this project. 7. Teacher Education Portfolio: Preclinical teacher candidates will create and submit required electronic evidences according to instructions given by program faculty. 8. Preclinical Assignments: During the semester, you will be required to complete various assignments (including Electronic Evidences) related to your preclinical classroom setting. These assignments will be submitted to the designated program faculty member by announced deadlines. These assignments are considered as a part of your overall preclinical evaluation and will be evaluated to help determine your readiness for student teaching. 9. Professional Demeanor: Preclinical teacher candidates must exhibit professional demeanor in attitude, appearance, and behavior and uphold academic, professional, and ethical standards. 10. Attendance: You are required to maintain consistent weekly attendance in your assigned classroom. Failure to maintain satisfactory attendance will result in a review of your status to determine your continuation in the preclinical experience, which will also affect your eligibility for student teaching. 11. Preclinical Evaluation: Preclinical candidates are expected to participate in ongoing reflection regarding their growth throughout the semester and to complete a self-evaluation at the end of the semester. The Pre-clinical Evaluation must be submitted to TaskStream, printed out, signed by the preclinical teacher candidate and the university supervisor at the final three-way conference. The university supervisor will submit the Pre-clinical Evaluation to the Office of Field and Clinical Experiences as part of the preclinical candidate’s packet at the end of the semester. See Preclinical Document Submission Checklist for exact dates. 12. Student Teaching Assignment: Student teaching assignments are confirmed only upon successful completion of the preclinical experience, after all other course requirements have been met, and if your cumulative grade point average is 2.5 or higher. Fall student teachers begin their assignment when their cooperating teachers begin the school year. Spring student teachers begin the experience in January when their cooperating teachers return from the winter break. Verify specific start dates with your assigned cooperating teacher or school principal. Dates are usually at least one week before the University’s semester begins. In addition to receiving a Field Experiences, Preclinical, and Student Teaching Handbook which I am required to read and use as a guide, I have been apprised of the Preclinical Requirements listed above and described during the Preclinical Orientation. I understand that additional requirements will be prescribed by my program area courses. I agree to abide by ALL requirements. I also agree to abide by the Code of Ethics – Public Schools of North Carolina (also in Handbook):, and the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards: I will maintain conduct and behavior that is consistent with the teaching profession. Furthermore, I will comply with all federal, state and local regulations of the school to which I have been assigned. I will plan, teach, and direct learning experiences to the best of my ability, and I will participate in the customary non-teacher duties expected of teachers on those days I am in attendance at the assigned school. I understand that failure to comply with the preclinical requirements as presented in this document and by the Office of Field and Clinical Experiences, and as prescribed by my program, will be considered grounds for removal from the Preclinical Experience/Practicum, which will void my eligibility for preclinical, and subsequently, student teaching. I also understand that these expectations will continue to apply until I complete the student teaching experience and my licensure program. ___________________________________________ Preclinical Teacher Candidate’s Printed Name ____________________________________ Preclinical Teacher Candidate’s Banner ID# ________________________________________ Preclinical Teacher Candidate’s Signature _________________________________ Date