Executive Board Application Timeline March 4th at 5:00 PM: Applications and Reference Letters are due to Asia Smith in the Residence Life Office, located on the 1st floor of the Austin Building. March 7th at 6:00 PM: Executive Candidates will present their electronic bid to Senate in the Lumberjack Village Conference Room. All bids must contain, but are not limited to, an outline of relevant experience, an outline of goals relevant to the position, and a letter of support from their Hall Director/ Residence Hall Director. Bids will be due March 7th at 5:00 PM to the President of RHA via email at RHA@sfasu.edu March 21st at 6:00 PM: Once approved by the members of Senate, Executive Candidates will present a presentation similar to their bid, to the members of General Assembly at 6:00 PM (location to be determined). Executive Board Job Requirement: President: Have completed at least 33 semester hours Have one full semester of experience on the RHA executive board or two semesters of experience in the RHA Senate. Vice President: Have completed at least 33 semester hours Have one full semester of elected or appointed experience as a Hall Council executive or equivalent Hall Council Coordinator: Have completed at least 33 semester hours Have one full semester of elected or appointed experience as a Hall Council executive or equivalent Marketing Coordinator: Have completed 15 semester hours Have on full semester of elected or appointed experience as Hall Council executive or committee representative. Secretary: Have completed 15 semester hours Have one full semester of elected or appointed experience as Hall Council executive or committee representative. Along with this, Executive Board Members are paid employees by the Residence Life of Stephen F. Austin State University. Applicants must be enrolled full-time in a graduate or undergraduate degree, be in good academic standing of 2.3 cumulative Grade Point Average, and in good standing with Stephen F. Austin State University, the Residence Life Department, and the Office of Students Rights and Responsibilities. 2 Fill in the Position, Semester and Year you are applying for: RHA Executive Board Position APPLICATION STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY ______________________________________________________ Position Semester Year Please type or print neatly. Name: ________________________________________________ (first) (last) CID#: Permanent Address:____________________________________ Street or P.O. Box Major/Minor: ______________________________________________________ City State Zip Hours Completed: Enrolled: Classification: Cell Phone Number: _____________________________ Hall: ____________ Room Number:_______ P.O. Box Number: _______________________________ It is policy of Stephen F. Austin State University that all applicants shall receive equal opportunity for employment and that during that employment shall be treated equally in all respects regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. CANDIDATE QUESTIONS Please address your answers on a separate sheet of paper: 1. Please list all the residence halls you have lived in during your college career and discuss any involvement within them. 2. Describe your strongest assets and how they would essential in the position you are applying for. 3. What kind of involvement have you had with RHA and Hall Council? 4. Describe any leadership positions and experience you have held in the past three years. 5. What extra-curricular activities are you involved in and how do you plan on balancing these as an Executive Member? CANDIDATE RESPONSIBILITY It is the candidate’s individual responsibility to complete all items required for their application. In order for your application to receive full consideration, the items below must be completed at the time you submit it to our office. Please read your application closely for instructions. 1. 2. 3. 4. Candidate Question Responses – Attached to application Letter of Intent – Attached to Application Unofficial Transcript – This can be printed from MySFA under Self-Service Banner. Reference – Not attached but in a sealed envelope deliver with your application. By signing below, I attest that the information on this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. If offered a position and employed by the Residence Life Department, I intend in good faith to fulfill all of the job responsibilities to the best of my abilities. Candidate’s Signature Date Paper application, transcripts, and reference forms should be turned in to Asia Smith on Friday, March RHA Exec. Board Application Last Revised 5/28/2016