OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY COUNCIL Minutes, October 5, 2004 Roll: (Absentees underlined) Dr. Baker, Dr. Lippert, Mr. Green, Mr. Hunt, Dean Condeni, Dean Hilderbrand, Dean Manzer, Dean Farbrother, Dean Bryant, Dean Maris, Dean Crago, Rev. LaSala, Prof. Steele, Dr. Finn, Dr. Walter, Prof. Cohoe, Prof. Nutter, Dr. Sadurski, Dr. Govekar, Dr. Zekany, Dr. Reza, Dr. Yoder, Dr. Hill, Dr. Gerber, Dr. Hrometz, Dr. Allison, Dr. Kinder, Dr. Putt, Dr. Streib, Dr. Berdanier, Dr. Lomax, Mr. Hosek, Mr. Block, Prof. Canagaratna Chair, Indra Canagaratna called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. I. MINUTES: Minutes September 21, 2004 were approved as submitted. II. REPORTS from CONSTITUTIONAL COMMITTEES: A. Budget and Appropriations: The committee is meeting regularly. B. Academic Affairs: The committee will meet on Wednesday, October 6. C. Student Activities: No Report. D. Personnel: The committee has not met since the last Council meeting and will start meeting regularly on Thursdays. III. REPORTS from OPERATIONAL COMMITTEES A. Athletics: No Report. B. Information Technology: Dr. Lippert reported that Information Technology is continuing to work on improving internet speed by increasing band width and installing new system management software. The current system cannot handle the file sharing activities being conducted at this time. C. Cultural & Special Events: No Report. D. International Affairs: The committee will meet on October 27th. E. Religious Affairs: The committee has not met since the last Council meeting. IV. OTHER REPORTS: A. Vice-Presidents and Deans 1. VP Lippert: Dr. Lippert reported that preparation for the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) visit continues. Most of the meetings requested by the HLC with various individuals and groups have been scheduled. The HLC resource room will be in Lehr Building, Taggart Conference Room during the campus visit. 2. The VP Condeni: The high school math outreach program will be conducted on campus tomorrow. Jostens’ leadership seminar will be held Thursday with approximately 475 high school students in attendance. Experience ONU Day will occur on Friday with approximately 100 high school students and their parents in attendance. A regular Admissions Overnight will be conducted this weekend and a special Overnight will be conducted for the Business College at the end of the month. 3. VP Hilderbrand: No Report. 4. VP Hunt: No Report. 5. VP Green: No Report. 6. Dean Farbrother: No Report. 7. Dean Bryant: The jobs fair will be held October 11 in King – Horn Center. Career Services has joined with the Pharmacy College to organize and promote the event. 8. Dean Manzer: Two students from the Arts and Sciences College have completed Rhodes Scholarship applications. 9. Dean Crago: No Report. 10. Dean Maris: No Report. B. Student Senate 1. Mr. Hosek: There are 25 new housing representatives elected to student government. Student Senate will be sponsoring a Coffee House with Dr. and Mrs. Baker in the Dicke Forum on October 21. The Senate and Latino Student Union are sponsoring Latino Awareness week on campus this week. C. Health Benefits Advisory committee: 1. VP Green: No Report. D. Other Reports: None. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Dr. Putt announced that the 2nd annual Math Shootout will be held at ONU tomorrow with approximately 35 students representing 8 high schools in attendance. • Dr. Govekar announced that Mr. Thomas L. Smith will speak on October 7 at 7:30 pm in the College of Law Moot Courtroom. The focus of the discussion will be “Business Values – Responding to the New Threshold.” • Dr. Finn announced that Mr. Joe Goodnight will be speaking about the USAC Study Abroad program at 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm in the Philosophy Deparatment on October 7. He encouraged faculty members to consider submitting a course for consideration for being taught abroad. VI. QUESTIONS FOR THE PRESIDENT: • Dr. Baker reported on the joint Board of Trustees – College Advisory Boards meeting held on Friday and Saturday. o Academic Affairs Subcommittee. Discussed ACPE accreditation visit for the Pharmacy College indicating its interest that the college follow up vigorously on the report recommendations. Discussed space availability and resources for meeting educational needs of students across campus as the university population continues to grow. Discussed the Bachelor of Nursing degree proposal and expressed its concerns for careful review of the business plan and inherent resource issues. Dr. Baker indicated that he and Dr. Lippert really appreciated the subcommittee’s detailed interest in all of the topics discussed. o Very good discussions were conducted with the Board on issues of diversity at ONU. o Concerns were raised and discussed about the Pharmacy program in Findlay. • Dr. Baker responded to a question from Dr. Finn concerning whether diversity issues had been discussed in relation to “legacy scholarship” concepts. Dr. Baker indicated that the subject was discussed, and that “legacy scholarships” would probably not be pursued. However, additional concepts such as alumni discounts could be studied. He will be meeting initially with the Personnel Committee on Thursday to start discussing issues relating to alumni and alumni discounts, and tuition waivers, and how these programs should be properly built into the current financial aid structure. • Prof. Canagaratna reported that she had attended the general session of the Board of Trustees and the Academic Affairs Subcommittee meeting. Dr. Sadurski also attended the Financial Affairs Subcommittee meeting. Prof. Canagaratna concurred with Dr. Baker’s observation that the Board is very interested and supportive of the faculty concerns that appropriate class size and adequate resources be considered as ONU grows. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None VIII. NEW BUSINESS: None. IX. ADJOURNMENT: Prof. Canagaratna adjourned the meeting at 5:52. Next regular meeting of University Council is October 19, 2004. Submitted, BW Berdanier, Secretary