Minutes, November 13, 2012
Roll: (Absentees Underlined) President Daniel DiBiasio, VP David Crago, VP William Ballard, VP Ken Block, VP
Larry Lesick, VP Adriane Thompson-Bradshaw, Dean Catherine Albrecht, Dean Eric Baumgartner, Dean Jon Sprague,
Dean James Fenton, Interim Dean Stephen Veltri, Chaplain David MacDonald, Dr. Alisa Agozzino, Dr. Jeffery Allison,
Dr. Khalid Al-Olimat, Dr. Rob Alexander, Mr. Eric Ambos, Dr. Joanne Brant, Dr. Bob Carrothers, Prof. Jennifer Donley,
Dr. Howard Fenton, Dr. Lou Lobenhofer, Dr. John Jay Mager, Dr. David Mikesell, Prof. Sue Montenery, Dr. Michelle
Musser, Dr. Brian Myers, Dr. Kristie Payment, Dr. Ronald Peterson, Dr. Susan Schertzer, Dr. Sandy Schroeder, Dr. Jenny
Walton, Dr. Dexter Woods
Rob Alexander, Chair of Council, called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. in Dicke Forum.
Minutes of October 30, 2012 meeting approved as distributed.
Reports from Constitutional Committees
Budget & Appropriations: Committee completed its review of the Strategic Plan Draft and will be
sending notes to Dr. DiBiasio.
Academic Affairs: No report.
Student Activities: No report.
Personnel: No report.
Reports from Operational Committees
Athletics: Athletics Committee has not met, but the athletics review of the SPFB (Sustainable Program
and Financial-Based Review Report) is meeting regularly. The men’s soccer team made regionals and
will be playing in San Antonio this weekend. Two members of the women’s cross country team will be
running this weekend in the Cross Country Nationals in Terre Haute, Indiana.
Information Technology: Several emails have been coming out about changes, but no additional report,
as everyone receives those emails.
Cultural & Special Events: Meeting regularly, but no report.
International Affairs: No report.
Religious Affairs: Committee met yesterday. Considering two applications for student groups that will
be under Religious Life, but no decision has been made yet.
General Education: Things are quieter now that we are nearing the end of the semester. No other report.
Other Reports
Academic Affairs: The application for Phi Beta Kappa was filed since the last Council
meeting. The University is short a few faculty members for the numbers needed, but we will be
given a review of where we are deficient and we have three years to meet those numbers.
Personnel and the Deans have forwarded the sabbatical requests.
Financial Affairs: No report.
University Advancement: No report.
Admissions and Financial Aid: We are still ahead in the number of applications to date.
Looking closely at the number of visitors to campus, as that number has been declining in
recent years, and trying to make those visits as meaningful and beneficial as possible. The
forums have produced some questions and requests for certain slides. Larry Lesick is happy to
take the presentation on the road to interested departments.
Student Affairs: No report.
Arts and Sciences: The Holiday Spectacular starts this Thursday and will run on campus
through the weekend.
Engineering: No report.
Pharmacy: The Professional Commitment Ceremony was held this past Saturday, which was
the first time since moving it from Honors Day. The turnout of 1,500 attendees was much
higher than anticipated. In addition, the ACPE site visits were last week. There were 79
schools of pharmacy in the early 1970s and today there are over 120, and they keep adding
more. However, the accreditation board just accredits; they don’t control the numbers. There
has been a 30% reduction in applicants at most pharmacy schools as a result of so many
schools competing for students.
Business Administration: No report.
Law: No report.
Student Senate: Attended the Student Government Summit at Ohio Wesleyan last weekend and found it
very beneficial.
Health Services Advisory Committee: No report.
Chair/Faculty Comments:
a. Rob Alexander: Thanked Larry Lesick for the Enrollment forums this past week, and thanked Bill Ballard in
advance for the Finance Forums to be held on Dec 3rd, at 10am and 3pm, in the McIntosh Activities Room.
Requests from faculty have been made for clearer and more exhaustive committee reports so that it’s easier
to follow what is going on at the meetings, as well as the policies that are being made. Rob asked that the
committees provide more information in their reports as appropriate.
President Comments/Questions: The San Antonio Alumni Visit was this past weekend. It was a seven decade
experience with alumni from classes of the 1950s all the way up to two pharmacy graduates from 2012. There
was also a Denver Alumni Visit. A memorandum is going out tomorrow in reference to the comments and
feedback deadline for the strategic plan. The President felt that there were good comments and questions at both
of the Enrollment Forums. Future forums with less proprietary information might be made public, but that was
not possible with the Enrollment Forum.
Unfinished Business: Personnel (Emeritus or Emerita Status) (Attachment A): The friendly amendment from the
previous meeting was accepted by Personnel and the Committee had no additional comments. Lou Lobenhofer
asked that Council revisit 4.B.6, and suggested that it might cause a problem if it is applied to deceased faculty.
He suggested amending the phrase to include a reference to “fringe benefits to which they are otherwise
entitled.” Discussion followed and it was suggested to strike the entire 4.B.6 paragraph from the policy since
retired faculty members would already receive those fringe benefits to which they would be entitled. Catherine
Albrecht motioned to approve this amendment and Lou Lobenhofer seconded. Motion was accepted as a friendly
amendment and approved. Jon Sprague asked for clarification as to when this amended policy would take effect,
and David Crago said that it would not be until the 2013-14 academic year.
New Business: None.
Announcements: No additional announcements.
Adjournment at 5:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Donley, Secretary
11/13/12 Voting Issue: per agenda Council Member Att. A yes no President Daniel DiBiasio Provost/VP David Crago VP William Ballard VP Ken Block VP Larry Lesick VP Adriane Thompson‐Bradshaw Dean Catherine Albrecht x Dean Eric Baumgartner Dean Jon Sprague x Dean James Fenton Interim Dean Stephen Veltri Rev. David MacDonald Dr. Alisa Agozzino x Dr. Robert Alexander Dr. Jeffery Allison x Dr. Khalid Al‐Olimat Mr. Eric Ambos x Dr. Joanne Brant x Dr. Bob Carrothers x Prof. Jennifer Donley x Dr. Howard Fenton x Dr. Lou Lobenhofer x Dr. John Jay Mager x Dr. David Mikesell x Prof. Sue Montenery x Dr. Michelle Musser x Dr. Brian Myers x Dr. Kristie Payment Dr. Ronald Peterson x Dr. Susan Schertzer Dr. Sandy Schroeder x Dr. Jenny Walton Dr. Dexter Woods x Academic Support Staff Rep Totals 18 abst Attachment A
Amendments to 2.17.4, page 41-42, in Faculty Handbook.
Emeritus or Emerita Status
A. The University shall confer emeritus or emerita status upon a faculty member or administrator with faculty
rank following retirement from the University or death while in University service, if he or she has met the
following criteria:
The University has granted tenure to the faculty member, or the University has renewed a faculty
member’s four-year contract twice;
The faculty member has retired from the University or died while in service to the University;
The retired or deceased faculty member has served a minimum of 12 years of paid service on the
faculty of the University; and
At the time of retirement or death, the faculty member holds the rank of professor or associate
professor and would otherwise be eligible for reappointment.
B. Procedure
A retired member of the faculty or a member of a retired or deceased faculty member’s academic
department, college, library, or administrative department must apply in writing for emeritus or
emerita status to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs within one to five years after his or her
retirement or death.
The Vice-President of Academic Affairs shall determine whether the applicant meets the above
criteria (4.A.1-4) for emeritus or emerita status.
The Vice-President of Academic Affairs shall forward the applications of those who meet the
criteria for emeritus or emerita status to the President of the University for certification.
The emeritus or emerita shall retain the rank held at the time of retirement from the University or
death while in service to the University.
Emeriti faculty and staff shall be listed in the University catalog.