Equity and Inclusive Education Policy 504

Public input on this draft document is welcome. Visit http://www.ugdsb.on.ca/policy or write
to Policy, UGDSB, 500 Victoria Rd. N., Guelph ON N1E 6K2. Deadline is April 13, 2016.
Equity and Inclusive Education
Policy 504
Administered by:
First Adopted:
Revision History:
Next Review:
Superintendent of Education
Oct 2010
Feb 2011, TBD 2016
As required / TBD
Policy Statement
It is the policy of the Upper Grand District School Board to ensure a safe and
inclusive learning and working environment for all students, staff and the
community, regardless of age, ancestry, colour, race, citizenship, ethnic
origin, place of origin, creed, disability, family status, marital status, gender
identity, gender expression, socio-economic status, employment, housing,
sex, and sexual orientation. 1
Board Policies, Programs, Guidelines, and Practices
The Board is committed to serving students, staff and families by
incorporating the principles of equity and inclusive education (EIE) into all
aspects of its operations, structures, policies, programs, procedures,
guidelines, and practice. It is the policy of the Board to develop and maintain
practices to eliminate systemic discrimination in employment practices.
Shared and Committed Leadership
The Board and schools are committed to providing effective leadership to
improve student achievement and to close achievement gaps for students by
identifying, addressing, and removing all forms of discrimination.
School-community Relationships
The Board and schools are committed to establishing and maintaining
partnerships with diverse communities so that the perspectives and
experiences of all students and families are recognized and their needs are
Inclusive curriculum and assessment practices
The Board and schools are committed to implementing an inclusive curriculum
and to reviewing resources, instruction, and assessment and evaluation practices
Ontario Human Rights Code
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in order to identify and address discriminatory biases and maximize students’
learning potential.
Creed Accommodation (Religious/Faith Accommodation)
The Board and schools acknowledge the rights to be treated equally based on
creed, and to freely hold and practice creed beliefs of one’s choosing. Also
protected is the right to be free from religious or creed-based pressure. The
Board and schools are committed to adhering to the Board’s creed
accommodation guidelines.
School climate and the prevention of discrimination and harassment
The Board and schools are committed to the principle that every person within
the school community is entitled to a respectful, positive school climate and
learning environment, free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.
Professional learning
The Board and schools are committed to providing staff, students and other
members of the school community with opportunities to acquire the knowledge,
skills, attitudes, and behaviours needed to identify and eliminate discriminatory
biases and systemic barriers.
Accountability and transparency
The Board and schools are committed to assessing and monitoring their
progress in implementing an equity and inclusive education policy; to embedding
the principles into all Board/ school policies, programs, guidelines, and practices;
and to communicating these results to the community.
It is the responsibility of the Director of Education to provide leadership
and support for the administration, implementation and review of this
It is the responsibility of the appropriate Superintendents to administer this
policy in accordance with the Equity and Inclusive Education Procedures
Manual 504-A, the Equity and Inclusive Education Creed (Religious)
Accommodation Guidelines 504-B, the Equity and Inclusive Education
Gender Accommodation Guidelines 504-C and the Equity and Inclusive
Education Implementation Plan.
It is the responsibility of Principals, Managers and Supervisors to
implement this policy at all Board facilities by maintaining school and/or
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working environments which enhance the goals of equity and are
supportive and protective of students, staff, and school communities.
It is the responsibility of the Board to provide training opportunities for all
staff and volunteers to ensure greater awareness and responsiveness to
It is the responsibility of the Board’s Equity Lead and the Equity Steering
Committee to promote equity and inclusive education throughout the
It is the responsibility of the school equity representative to support and
model equity and inclusive education throughout the school.
The Board shall include equity goals in the Board Improvement Plan.
Schools shall include an equity goal in their School Improvement Plans.
This policy applies to all students, staff, parents, and visitors when on
Board business, on or off Board premises.
This policy operates in conjunction with:
All Upper Grand District School Board Policies
Bill 13, Accepting Schools Act
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Constitution Act (1982)
Ontario Human Rights Code (the Code)
The Education Act and Regulations
Equity and Inclusive Education in Ontario Schools: Guidelines for Policy
Development and Implementation (2014)
Policy on Preventing Discrimination because of Gender Identity and
Gender Expression (2014)
Policy/Program Memorandum 119
Ontario Human Rights Code Policy on Preventing Discrimination Based
on Creed (2015)
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