Advertising Expenditures Procedures Manual 704-A Category: Administered by: First Adopted: Revision History: Next Review: 1. Finance Director of Education March 2007 September 2013 2018-2019 School Year Definitions 1.1 Advertising and Advertising Campaigns Advertising and advertising campaigns are defined as all forms of communication, including media advertising (radio, print, television, electronic), and print materials designed to provide information regarding the local education system to members of the school community and the general public. 2. General 2.1 Advertising will present objective, factual and explanatory information based on verifiable facts in an unbiased, fair and equitable manner. 2.2 Advertising will be targeted to specific groups that have a demonstrable need for information. 2.3 Advertising should have specific goals and outcomes that can be measured for effectiveness based on the target audience, nature and scope of the advertising. 2.4 Advertising campaigns will be managed in a cost efficient manner and the outcomes will be measured against the financial expenditures. 2.5 The outcomes of advertising campaigns will be documented as necessary to ensure fiscal and public accountability. 2.6 When placing advertising, due consideration will be given to the use of local media based on the target audience, the nature and scope of the advertising and cost efficiency. 2.7 The use of non-local media will be based on the target audience, the nature and scope of the advertising, with due regard for cost efficiency. September 2013 Page 1 of 3 ADVERTISING EXPENDITURES PROCEDURES MANUAL 704-A 3 2.8. Where appropriate, the Board and schools will use their websites as vehicles which will help ensure target audiences are reached in a cost efficient manner. Policy #312 Web Publishing will be applied. 2.9 Advertising campaigns by Board departments and schools may be individually planned or be part of a wider communications strategy. 2.10 All advertising will be approved by the appropriate department supervisor or senior administrator. 2.11 The Communications Office will provide advice and assistance in the development and placement of advertising as requested. 2.12 Policy #302 Purchasing of Goods and Services will apply to ensure that the appropriate purchasing method is used and competitive pricing is obtained. Examples of Appropriate Advertising Expenditures The following are examples of appropriate advertising expenditures: 4. • employment opportunities • requests for tenders, RFP’s etc. for goods and services • program offerings (such as French Immersion, Kindergarten) • school registration • extracurricular activities • public education (such as school bus safety, public health information, speakers and workshops, etc.) • accountability to the public (such as publishing of annual financial statements) • Director’s Annual Report • public meetings and consultations. Examples of Inappropriate Advertising Expenditures The following are examples of inappropriate advertising expenditures: advertising to recruit students from other boards or school advertising which provides unverifiable or inaccurate information or comparisons September 2013 Page 2 of 3 ADVERTISING EXPENDITURES PROCEDURES MANUAL 704-A communication with parents, students or teachers for the sole purpose of advocating the government or other educational partners, and widespread untargeted advertising. September 2013 Page 3 of 3