HUMAN RESOURCES EMPLOYEE ETHICS 418 POLICY It is the policy of the Upper Grand District School Board to hold all its employees to high ethical standards, to adopt attitudes and conduct that reflect a clear sense of their responsibility to perform their duties in the best interests of students, staff and the organization. By adhering to a Code of Ethics, employees will demonstrate leadership, accountability and transparency, and will merit the trust of students, parents, members of the educational community and the general public. Administrative Detail 1. It is the responsibility of the Executive Officer of Human Resources to administer and implement this policy. 2. This policy applies to all employees of the Upper Grand District School Board. 3. It is the responsibility of all employees to adhere to this Code of Ethics and to act at all times with good faith, and in the best interests of the organization. 4. Employees who are members of professional organizations are responsible for adhering to the ethical standards of their organizations in addition to this policy. 5. It is the responsibility of all Senior Administrators, Principals, Supervisors and Managers to ensure that all employees, including new employees, are made aware of this policy and procedures. 6. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. 7. This policy operates in conjunction will the Education Act and Regulations, the Teaching Profession Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Accessibility Standards Act, Ontario Human Rights Code, Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), Ontario Student Record (OSR) Guideline, Personal Information and Protection of Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), all Municipal, Provincial and Federal Adopted 2011 06 1 HUMAN RESOURCES EMPLOYEE ETHICS 418 Laws, and all Board policies, procedures and protocols, including, but not limited to: 206 – 213 – 211 – 302 – 315 – 316 – 318 – 402 – 408 – 417 – 502 – 503 – 504 – Adopted 2011 06 Violence-Free Schools Code of Conduct Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Purchasing Privacy Protection and Information Access Records and Information Management Use of Technology Violence and Harassment in the Workplace - Safe Workplaces and Learning Environments Anti-Harassment Violence in the Workplace Child Abuse and Protection Student Discipline, Bullying Prevention and Intervention Equity and Inclusive Education 2 HUMAN RESOURCES A. EMPLOYEE ETHICS PROCEDURES MANUAL 418-A ETHICAL STANDARDS All employees of the Upper Grand District School Board must recognize that their actions and activities have an impact on the classroom and in the workplace. As a result, employees of the Board are expected to: B. a) make the well-being of students paramount in decision making and actions; b) maintain appropriate relationships, and professional boundaries, with students, at all times ensuring that employee-student relationships are positive, appropriate and non-exploitive; c) conduct themselves, at all times, in an honest, ethical and professional manner regardless of their role within the organization as representatives of the Board; d) maintain professional boundaries in all forms of communication, and e) maintain professional and respectful relationships with fellow employees, parents and members of the educational community. ETHICAL CONDUCT In all activities, employees of the Upper Grand District School Board will demonstrate their commitment to the standards set forth above by: a) refraining from having sexual relations of any kind with any elementary or secondary student; b) refraining from engaging in fraudulent and/or corrupt actions that involve behavior that is deliberately dishonest or deceitful and involves the abuse of trust; c) performing their professional, job related responsibilities for the duration of scheduled work hours; d) being aware of and supporting the goals and objectives, policies and day-to-day operations of the Board, individual schools or departments; Adopted 2011 06 3 HUMAN RESOURCES EMPLOYEE ETHICS PROCEDURES MANUAL 418-A e) respecting and supporting the organizational structure of the Board by reporting, to the appropriate person(s), problems and/or concerns, formally or informally; f) displaying positive and respectful attitudes towards students, parents, fellow employees and members of the Board when in a public forum; g) reporting improper conduct to the appropriate person, supervisor or manager; h) respecting the decisions of supervisors, administrators and members of the Board; i) creating an environment of trust and respect; j) never discriminating on any prohibited grounds identified under the Human Rights Code; k) ensuring the proper use of public resources, including facilities, supplies and equipment; l) participating in finding solutions to problems and/or concerns within the organization; m) respecting the rights of employees, students and other members of the educational community who make good faith complaints affecting the Board; n) never using their authority or office for personal gain, and o) respecting the confidentiality of information and the privacy of individuals. Adopted 2011 06 4 HUMAN RESOURCES C. EMPLOYEE ETHICS PROCEDURES MANUAL 418-A CONFLICT OF INTEREST FOR EMPLOYEES Employees of the Board have a duty not to engage in any business or transaction, or have any financial or other personal interest, that is, or may reasonably appear to others to be, incompatible with the performance of the employee's official duties. Board staff shall abide by the conflict of interest guidelines as noted below. 1. A conflict of interest exists where the decisions made and/or the actions taken in the exercise of duties by a Board employee could be, or could be perceived to be, affected by the personal, financial or business interests of that person or that person’s family or business associates. 2. Employees are responsible and accountable for using good judgment in the exercise of the Board’s duties and must: 3. a) disclose in writing any conflict of interest to their supervisor; b) avoid situations which may present a conflict of interest, and c) self-disclose any doubtful situation or transaction to their immediate supervisor. Supplementary Employment Opportunities a) Certain supplementary employment opportunities may provide valuable professional development experience for employees. Furthermore, in many cases, the Board is pleased to co-operate with agencies of the educational community who wish to use the talents of Board staff. Approvals of requests will be in accordance with administrative regulations and at the discretion of senior administration and, in special circumstances, the Director of Education may refer a request to the Board. b) The Board prohibits its employees from engaging in employment or any business activity which will place the Adopted 2011 06 5 HUMAN RESOURCES EMPLOYEE ETHICS PROCEDURES MANUAL 418-A employee in a situation of conflict of interest with the Board and the performance of assigned duties. c) Adopted 2011 06 In accordance with the following sections of the Education Act: i) “No teacher, supervisory officer or other employee of the Board or of the Ministry shall, for compensation of any kind other than his/her salary as such employee, promote, offer for sale or sell, directly or indirectly, any book or other teaching or learning materials, equipment, furniture, stationery or other article to any Board, provincial school or teachers’ college, or to any pupil enrolled therein”. ii) “Subsection (1) does not apply to a teacher, supervisory officer or any other employee in respect of a book or other teaching or learning materials of which he/she is an author where the only compensation that he/she receives in respect thereof is a fee or royalty thereon”. iii) “No person or organization or agent thereof shall employ a teacher, supervisory officer or other employee of a Board or of the Ministry to promote, offer for sale or sell, directly or indirectly, any book or other teaching or learning materials, equipment, furniture, stationery or other article to any Board, provincial school or teachers’ college, or to any pupil enrolled therein, or shall directly or indirectly give or pay compensation to any such teacher, supervisory officer or employee for such purpose”. 6