UD Travel Study – Contact Hours

UD Travel Study – Contact Hours
Last updated February 2016
Creating a good study abroad program takes balance. Determining how many formal class hours vs. course-related
excursions vs. cultural activities to include can be a challenge. The ratio depends heavily on the course material, the
program’s location, and your personal preference. But the overall goal is to create an academically challenging program
that gives students a firm exposure to the history, culture and people of the place, while also allowing time to explore
independently (if this is safe to do at your host site).
A few things to keep in mind:
 UD policy requires about 12 academic contact hours per credit. Typical study abroad programs that include 6
credits therefore require 72 hours of academic time (or 36 hours for 3 credits).
 Standard course hours taught directly by the faculty or instructor count 1=1. Cultural excursions and academic
activities (including company/site visits and service learning) usually count 3=1, as would a lab taught oncampus. However, this may vary depending on the quality/intensity of content delivery compared to more
traditional class time (and the qualifications of the person delivering the content).
 Time spent in transit does not count, unless pertinent material is being covered (i.e. a guide speaking over the
microphone on a bus). If students spend most transit time sleeping, plugged into a device, reading, or catching
up on homework, these do not count as academic contact hours.
 Group meals only count when directly related to the course or the local culture. There is a difference between
catching a bite at a sandwich shop on-the-run vs. eating a traditional Chinese banquet in Hong Kong while
actively learning about local etiquette.
 Free time should be allotted in 1-3 day chunks, spread across the program, not tacked on at the end (otherwise
the program could simply end sooner).
A few samples to help with your planning:
Model #1 – more formal class sessions (5-week program)
In class M/T/W/Th from 9am-12 (3 hr x 4 days x 5 weeks = 60 contact hrs)
Full day cultural/course tours 6 days Fri/Sat 9am-5pm (1 hr bus, 1 hr. lunch, 6 hr tour x 6 days = 36 hrs/3 = 12 hrs)
Free M/T/W/Th afternoon, every Sunday, and one 3-day weekend
TOTAL = 72 hrs
Model #2 – more time on the road (5-week program)
In class “intro to week” seminar M 9:30-11:30am (2 hr x 1 day x 5 weeks = 10 hrs)
In class “wrap up the week” seminar Th 5-7pm (2 hr x 1 day x 5 weeks = 10 hrs)
Course-related excursions T/W/Th 9-5 (1 hr bus, 1 hr lunch, 6 hr excursion x 3 days x 5 weeks = 90 hrs/3 = 30 hrs)
Cultural excursion every M 1-8pm (1 hr bus, 6 hr excursion x 1 day x 5 weeks = 30 hrs/3 = 10 hrs)
Weekend cultural excursions 2 x Fri/Sat/Sun 9am-6:30pm (2.5 hr bus/lunch, 6 hr excursion x 6 days = 36 hrs/3 = 12 hrs)
Free late afternoon T-Th, and two 3-day weekends
TOTAL = 72 hrs
Model #3 – micromester (3-week program)
In class M/W/F from 10-12:45 (2.75 hr x 3 days x 3 weeks = 24.75 hrs)
Cultural excursion M/W from 9am-1pm (1 hr bus, 3 hr excursion x 2 days x 3 weeks = 18 hrs/3 = 6 hrs)
Course-related excursion T/Th 9am-1pm (1 hr bus, 3 hr excursion x 2 days x 3 weeks = 18 hrs/3 = 6 hrs)
Free every weekend
TOTAL = 36.75 hrs
We’re providing these suggestions as possibilities to consider. The options are endless. What works for some faculty or
some academic disciplines may not work for others. Now, however, is the best time to determine what type of
schedule would work best for your program while still meeting UD course contact requirements. If you have questions,
remember that your Program Coordinator is here to help.
Institute for Global Studies, University of Delaware
Elliott Hall, 26 East Main Street, Newark, DE 19716 USA