Wayland Baptist University – Fairbanks Campus Exit Seminar: Grad 4101 SPRING TERM 2013 I. GENERAL INFORMATION: Instructor: Nancy Wagner, Ed.D. Contact Information: Phone: work – 459-2806; Cell – 687- 3944 Email: wagnern@wbu.edu Hours Available: By appointment Class Location: Ft. Wainwright, Bldg. 4391, Room 104 Class Dates/Time: Day: Tuesday, March 4 and April 1; 6pm-10pm NOTE: ALL Non-resident (Distance) students not living in the Fairbanks Campus area Must Take GRAD 4101 on-line through Virtual Campus. II. WAYLAND BAPTIST UNIVERSITY MISSION STATEMENT: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. III. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 15-clock hour seminar is required of all students seeking a BSOE degree from one of the University’s external campuses. This course must be completed during the final semester prior to graduating and includes all post-testing required for the degree. Students completing the course will receive one semester hour of credit. This course may satisfy the requirement for GRAD 0001, Senior Seminar. IV. PREQUISITE: The final semester senior enrolling in the Grad 4101 course must have completed 90% of their BSOE degree program including, ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302; RLGN 1301 and RLGN 1302, and Completion of 80% in the declared major section (10 of 12 courses) If a student has not reached this status, then entry into GRAD 4101 is only by consent of the Campus Executive Director/Dean, Dr. Nancy Wagner. V. TEXTBOOK: A. Course text: None B.Supplemental text: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 5th ed. VI. NON-RESIDENT STUDENTS: ALL Non-resident (Distance) students not living in the Fairbanks Campus area Must Take GRAD 4101 on-line through Virtual Campus. VII. GRADING WEIGHTS: A. Portfolio project -------------------------------------------------------------------- 40% B. Interview (paper to be sent to instructor via BlackBoard)--------------- 30% C. Testing (completion of exams, not exam scores) ------------------------- 30% GRAD Seminar Page 1 VIII. COURSE OUTCOME OBJECTIVES: A. POST-TESTING: Each student enrolled in the Exit Seminar will complete post-testing during the term enrolled. All post-testing results are used for institutional research. The scores generated from these posttests are used to analyze general trends in external campus students. Therefore, no grades are issued on post-tests. The following post-tests are administered during the Exit Seminar: 1. ETS/MAPP Exam – Due: April 1 , 2014: This is a nationally standardized examination that covers basic academic areas such as science, math, social science, history, etc. This test is taken on-line. Instructions are attached in Appendix 2. 2. Major/Field Exam - Due: April 1, 2014: These exams cover basic competencies for each major. The Business (including Health Care Admin and Management majors), and Occupational Education/Applied Science, major/field exams will be taken via BlackBoard. B. GRADUATING STUDENT SURVEY - Due: April 8, 2014 All seniors enrolled in the Exit Seminar [GRAD 4101] course must complete the “Graduating Student Survey.” This survey is available on-line at: http://www.wbu.edu/faculty_and_staff/surveys/gradsurvey.htm (between ‘faculty’ and the word ‘and’, and between the word’ and’ and the word ‘staff’ are underline marks ( _). Once the survey is completed a ‘CONFIRMATION’ sheet appears. Print this page from the web-site, print your name and sign your name, on the CONFIRMATION sheet, and turn the sheet in as a part of your portfolio. This is a MANDATORY requirement for all Exit Seminar Seniors. You do NOT turn this in apart from your Portfolio, but whether you completed this on time can be tracked. C. INTERVIEW ASSIGNMENTS - Due: April 15, 2014 1. Write a 4-5 page paper relating the process and content of an interview you the student conduct with a person who hires employees for an organization. This paper should be submitted to the instructor through the blackboard Digital Drop Box in BlackBoard. 2. Post a 1 page summary of the most important information you, the student, gained from this interview on the class Discussion Board in BlackBoard. 3. Read at least (2) interview summaries posted by other students to see 1) what they found important, and 2) if their findings were similar to your own. D. GRADUATION PORTFOLIO - Due: May 1, 2014 The student will demonstrate personal, professional, and socio-religious development while completing their baccalaureate degree program. To achieve this overarching objective the student will successfully develop a Graduate Portfolio which will include the following elements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. GRAD Seminar Cover sheet with an Author’s Statement of Authenticity A table of contents page (if warranted by use of tabs, appendix, etc) Portfolio Purpose Statement Notification of Use of Grad 4101 Final Project Graduating Student Survey; Signed Confirmation Slip(see item VII) Personal Vision and Mission Statement Professional Vision and Mission Statement Page 2 7. Reflective Paper (8-10 pages) an eight to ten page paper, in APA 5th edition format, reflecting on the academic development YOU experienced at Wayland Baptist University. This paper should deal with the following topics: a. Introduction giving a student’s background and academic history b. Analysis of two to three academic areas where personal growth occurred as a result of course work completed at this campus. c. Analysis of two to three academic areas where professional growth occurred as a result of course work completed at this campus. d. Analysis of two to three academic areas where socio-religious growth occurred as a result of course work completed at this campus. e. Analysis of two to three areas that were perceived as weaknesses within this campus’ administrative and/or academic programs. Make recommended suggestions to potentially resolve each weakness identified. f. Analysis of two to three areas that are perceived as strengths within this campus’ administrative and/or academic programs. 8. (1) page, bulleted, loose leaf summary of strengthens / weaknesses – INCLUE this in the Portfolio, but DO NOT physically attach (staple, clip, glue or tape it) to the pages of the portfolio. IX. GRADING: The Instructor will assess each student’s Academic Portfolios on a CREDIT (CR) or NO CREDIT (NCR) grade method. A student who achieves a score of 70% or greater will be issued a grade of CREDIT (CR). A grade of less than 70% will be issued a grade of NO CREDIT (NCR). FAILURE TO TURN IN AN ASSIGNMENT ON TIME WILL RESULT IN A 10% LOSS OF GRADE FOR EACH DAY THE ASSIGNMENT IS LATE. Any student who receives a NCR grade must re-register for the next GRAD 4101 course. A grade of “I” or INCOMPLETE will NOT be given to any student whose course work has not been turned in by the end of the semester. That student will simply have to reapply and pay for the course again. Failure to complete this course may result in a delay of a student’s graduation. X. CLASS ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION: External Campus Attendance Policy: Students enrolled at one of the University's external campus should make every effort to attend all class meetings. All absences must be explained to the instructor, who will decide whether the omitted work may be made-up. When a student reaches a number of absences considered by the instructor to be excessive, the instructor will so advise the student, and file an Unsatisfactory Progress report with the Fairbanks Campus Executive Director/Dean. WBU Catalog: Any student who misses twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the regularly scheduled class meetings will receive a grade of “F” (or NCR for the Grad 4101 course) for the course (WBU Catalog, 2013-2014, page 91).***** Therefore, no absences are possible in the GRAD 4101 Exit Seminar due to (1) absence being greater than 25%.*** GRAD Seminar Page 3 XI. COURSE SCHEDULE Dates Testing Due: Other Assignments Due: Class Meetings - Fort Wainwright Building 4391 MARCH 4 & APRIL 1, 2014 None Room Assignment – 104 Degree Plan Audit Review for each student Review course syllabus and graduation requirements (a) ETS/MAPP April 1, 2014 (b) Field/Major Exam Taken on-line in BlackBoard (c) Graduating Student Survey (a) Interview Assignment – posted in BB/Safe Assignments April 15, 2014 None (b) 1 page Summary- posted in BB/Discussion Board (c) Read (3) other summaries and comment in BB/Discussion Board May 1, 2014 None Portfolio must be completed and turned in for grading. XII. SPECIAL NOTES: a. Notice to Students Experiencing Disabilities: It is the University’s policy that no otherwise qualified disabled person be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in this University. If a student has an impairment that requires additional accommodations by the instructor and/or the University, please inform the instructor at the beginning of the first class session. b. Academic Honesty: “University students are expected to conduct themselves according to the highest standards of academic honesty. Academic misconduct for which a student is subject to penalty includes all forms of cheating, such as illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, forgery, or plagiarism. Plagiarism is the presentation of the work of another as one’s own work. It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with penalties associated with plagiarism stated in the catalog.” (WBU Catalog, 2013-2014, page 91). The penalty for cheating in any form in this class will result in a maximum penalty of failure of the course. If cheating is a repeat offense, more severe penalties apply. GRAD Seminar Page 4 Appendix 1: Graduation Requirements Graduation Ceremonies: The Fairbanks Campus conducts two graduation ceremonies per year: One ceremony occurs in the month of October, and the second ceremony occurs in the month of April/May. A combined base joint military graduation is often held in the Spring, usually in the month of May. This graduation usually occurs after our Wayland graduation and is optional for our students. You may choose to have this later graduation serve as your official graduation and receive your diploma at that time. Application for Graduation Deadline Dates: A completed Application for Graduation form must be received at the Fairbanks WBU office no later than 13 weeks prior to the scheduled graduation date. The matrix below indicates the application deadlines. Posting Date: The matrix presented below indicates what term all academic requirements must be completed to qualify for the indicated graduation: Spring Posting Date May 17, 2014 Graduation Application Deadline (Application must be in Plainview, Texas by this date) Graduation Date March 7, 2013 April 25, 2014 Summer Posting Date – August 9, 2014 Graduation Application Deadline June 2, 2014 Graduation Date October 2, 2014 Transfer Credit (credit other than WBU courses): All transfer credits from other colleges or universities, or CLEP and DANTES score reports that apply towards an AAS or BSOE degree plan must be received by a Fairbanks WBU office no later than the posting dates given above. Financial Obligations: In order to receive a diploma all financial obligations must be paid in full. Student account inquiries will be made to your Academic advisor or Mrs. Gayle Ernst at the Eielson AFB office. For student accounts that are not paid-in-full, the diploma and WBU transcript are held at External Programs. Once the account is cleared the diploma / transcript are released for issue. GRAD Seminar Page 5 WBU Criteria for Graduating with “Honors”: A graduating student must meet the three criteria listed below to qualify for Honors: a. (60) semester hours or more of graded course credits that apply towards a bachelor level degree and are applied to your transcript; b. An accumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher for ALL graded course work, both from transferred and WBU graded courses accepted onto the WBU transcript; c. ... and a WBU grade point average (GPA) of 3.50 or higher for all Wayland course work. NOTE: Those students who achieve honors status will be notified prior to the ceremony and acknowledged during the issuing of diplomas. In addition, they will be issued an Honors Cord and Honors Certificate. NOTE: Students with a final GPA of 3.99 to 4.0 graduate ‘With Distinction’. Students with 60+ WBU hours may qualify for ‘Latin Honors’ (cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude). Graduation Regalia: The graduation cap and gown is part of the cost covered by the graduation application fee. Graduation regalia normally arrive 6-8 weeks prior to graduation. Students will be contacted by your Academic Advisor when regalia are available for pick-up from your WBU office. Graduation Invitations / Announcements: Students may purchase graduation announcements. You, the student, will be provided with a Graduation Invitation order form and information pertaining to the manner / time in which orders need to be placed. This order is to be turned into a WBU office for processing, and the invitations will normally arrive 6-8 weeks prior to graduation. Students will be contacted by their Academic Advisor when the invitations are available for pick-up from the WBU office. Class Rings: Rings are ordered from either Jostens or Herff-Jones. Also, Jostens has a web site at http://www.jostens.com/ and Herff-Jones has a Website at http://www.herffjones.com/college/class_ring_frameset.html. There are at least (5) different styles of rings for men and (6) different styles of rings for women. Rings range in price from approximately $350 to $1,000. NOTE: The Fairbanks Campus staff do their very best to supply information to seniors concerning graduation requirements and ceremony activities. As a candidate for graduation you can also help us. Ensure that the address and telephone numbers we have are current. Also, ensure you follow-up on any transfer credit requests that are being sent to the Fairbanks offices. Finally, when in doubt call your Academic Advisor or Dr. Nancy Wagner, Executive Director/Dean of the Fairbanks Campus GRAD Seminar Page 6 Appendix 2: ETS Exam Proficiency Profile Instructions NOTE: The Measure of Academic Proficiency and Progress (MAPP) has been renamed to the ETS Proficiency Profile. This is a recent change, and as a result there is some wording that refers to the test as the MAPP. Please follow the instructions below to complete the abbreviated multiple-choice and essay tests. What is the ETS Proficiency Profile? The Proficiency Profile test is an assessment tool used to measure college-level reading, mathematics, writing, and critical thinking in the context of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Why we use the ETS Proficiency Profile? The Proficiency Profile test is designed to assess general education outcomes, so universities may improve the quality of instruction and learning. It focuses on the academic skills developed through general education courses rather than on the knowledge acquired about the subjects taught in these courses. This exam is published by ETS (Educational Testing Service) and is taken by students at many universities across the nation. How is the test structured? The Abbreviated test consists of 36 questions administered in a single 40-minute testing session. This multiple choice test is administered in a secure browser in which students cannot perform other functions. All key board functions that are not essential to the completion of the test are disabled, and any attempt to access these functions will result in the student being automatically ejected from the testing session. You will also be required to complete an essay which is scored on a six-point scale. The essay is administered in a 30-minute testing session, but is preceded by a tutorial that can take up to 15 minutes. All graduating students are required to complete two tests; the abbreviated multiple chocie test and an essay. What is the Student’s Responsibility? Students are expected to give a good faith effort in taking this assessment so that it will accurately reflect their academic skills. The Proficiency Profile is scored based on the number of questions answered correctly. There is no penalty for guessing, so students should try to answer every question, yet they should try to do their best. The test scores will not affect eligibility for graduation; however, completion of this test is a graduation requirement. What do I need to bring to the ETS Proficiency Profile test? Please have available a pencil/pen and scratch paper. You may use a four-function, scientific or non-graphing calculator; however, math questions can be answered without a calculator. How do students get their scores? Score reports are available as soon as the test is completed. GRAD Seminar Page 7 Who do I contact if I still have questions about the ETS Proficiency Profile test? Please contact the test administrator from your campus if you have questions about the test. What if I am having trouble logging into the test? Technical support is available Monday through Friday from 8am to 8pm EST by sending an email to ProficiencyProfileSupport@testsys.com or at 1-800-514-8491. If you call during those times you should choose option 3 in the phone menu. After those times, you should choose the option for Emergency Support to get the After Hours Support Group. That should be option 4 in the phone menu. After that you will probably have to confirm this by pressing #. You can reach us by calling 1-800-514-8490. The student should typically receive a response within an hour during the above hours. Please report any technological problems to your instructor via email immediately. System Requirements are shown below. The student should click on the Center Check link on the Log In screen to verify that their PC meets the system requirements. Computer Hardware/Software Requirements In order to access the ETS Proficiency Profile student interface, your computer must meet the following requirements: Requirement Student Operating System Windows 98, XP, NT and 2000 Internet Browser Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater Internet High Speed Connection Screen Resolution 1024 x 768 Accessing the Testing Site Step 1: http://proficiencyprofile.ets.org to access the Login Screen. Before launching the browser please close all applications. Step 2: Download the Proficiency Prolife Browser - click run twice Step 3: Enter session number provided by the test proctor and click Submit. Remember to include the dash (“-“). A second log in screen will display. Step 4: Enter email address and click on the radio button next to “No, I have not logged in before” and then click submit 48991-8406357: 2013-2014 DL Abbreviated Form 49010-8412372: 2013-2014 DL Essay Step 5: Complete the student information page. You must have your student ID or social security number in order to take this assessment. As part of the student information page, you will be asked to create a password to access the test. You can use any combination of letters and GRAD Seminar Page 8 numbers in your password. *Students will complete the student information page before EACH test* **Please indicate which campus you are attending and what degree you are seeking. This information is vital for reporting purposes. These are the last two questions on the student information page** Step 6: The Welcome screen will display. This screen will display the title of the test that the student will be taking, along with the Start Online link. To start, click this link. Step 7: General direction and information screens will then display. These screens provide the student with information about the test and what to do if they experience a problem. Read all instructions then click on the Next button in the lower right-hand corner, the Tutorial screen will display. The tutorial allows students to become familiar with the test-taking interface. The tutorial has a time limit of 15 minutes and is not scored. Step 8: Once the student exits the sample test, the test will start. We strongly recommend that students complete the sample test in order to make them comfortable with the online testing experience. Step 9: Repeat step 4-8 to complete the Essay test. Please note: The Exit button will end the test and score it. Do not use this button until you are ready to end and score the test. GRAD Seminar Page 9