Spring 2014 -


Spring 2014 SYLLABUS


School of Social Science

Fairbanks Campus, Alaska

Wayland Baptist University Mission Statement:

Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning focused, and distinctively

Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind






Class Meeting Dates:

CNSL5361 Internship (Doyon)

Fri. 6pm to 10:00pm/Sat. 9:30 am to 4:30pm

Dr. Terry Duncan Email: <terry.duncan@wayland.wbu.edu

Appts as needed Cell # 210-863-1126

Feb 28, Mar 1, Mar 28, 29, April 18, 19, May 9, 10.

OFFICE HOURS: You can meet with me before or after class by scheduling an appointment.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Experience in performing the activities that a regularly employed community counselor/school counselor is expected to perform in a professional counseling setting under the direct supervision of the program faculty and the site supervisor. Weekly site supervision is provided for observed, recorded, and reported experiences from the field setting. Additional faculty supervision is provided during 4 weekends throughout the duration of this semester

. This course also explores the professional roles and organizations in the field of counseling as well as pertinent licensing and credentialing issues relevant to counselors.

PREREQUISITES: Enrolled in MAC graduate program; completion of 24 graduate hours in counseling; and completion of CNSL5307 Ethics and Legal Issues in Counseling

TEXTBOOKS: The following book is required.

Bad Therapy (Paperback) by Jeffr Kottler and Jon Carlson (ISBN: 0-415-93323-4)

Textbooks are an information source and a means of explaining and stimulating interest in the material. It does not contain all the information students need to know, however. Additional information, notes and handouts, interpretations, and analyses will be given in class.

The following additional textbooks are suggested in preparation for the comprehensive exam in order to graduate from this masters program.

Lifespan development by Santrock (2003) 9 th edition (for the human growth and development section)

Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory & practice (4 th ed) by Sue & Sue (2002) (for social/cultural section)

Family therapy: an overview (6 th ed) by Goldenberg & Goldenberg (2003) (for social/cultural section)

Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (7 th ed) Corey (2004) (for helping relationships section)

Counseling children (6 th ed) Thompson, Rudolph, & Henderson (2004) (for helping relationships section)

Theory and practice of group counseling (6 th ed) Corey (2004) (for group work section)

Career counseling: applied concepts for life planning (6 th ed) Zunker (for career/lifestyle development section)

DSM-IV-TR (APA) (2000) (for appraisal section)

Appraisal procedures for counselors and helping professionals (5 th ed) Drummond (2003) (for testing section)


Research design in counseling (2 nd ed) Heppner, Kivilighan, & Wampold (1998) (for research and stats section)

Issues and ethics in the helping professions (6 th ed) Corey, Corey & Callanan (2003) (for ethics section)

These books are often used in developing test items for the comprehensive exam. You can save money buy purchasing an older edition of these books through half.com or amazon.com on the Internet.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: The major function/role of counseling is to facilitate individual and interpersonal development throughout the life span. There are many approaches to promoting the individual’s development, no one of which may serve all. Counselors should mature with experience in their ability to critically evaluate counseling approaches to determine the appropriate one’s to use with their clientele. All counselors, regardless of work setting, should be prepared in a common core of knowledge and basic skills. All counselors-in-preparation should engage in critical self-analysis regarding their suitability for becoming a counselor, their competencies, and weaknesses. All counselors should engage in continuous peer and self-evaluation regarding the quality of their counseling services.

Through a critical exposure to a broad spectrum of literature and research, the reflective counselor becomes committed to increasing knowledge about human behavior and the conditions that influence it. Through reflection, counselors appreciate the importance of themselves, as persons, in the helping process and will strive to clarify how their personal characteristics influence the outcomes of the helping process. All counselors should understand, develop, and implement an ethical code of conduct and be aware of their state’s licensing board requirements. Therefore, by the conclusion of this course, successful students will be able to:

A. Accept and use supervisory feedback to improve counseling effectiveness.

B. Actively and constructively participate in peer group supervision.

C. Demonstrate appropriate use of core counseling skills (e.g., attending, empathy, respect, concreteness, genuineness, and confrontation.)

D. Use counseling skills and competencies

E. Conduct initial client assessments and make recommendations for counseling services.

F. Demonstrate ability to appropriately prepare clinical documentation.

G. Learn to integrate theory with practice.

H. Continue to develop a coherent personalized counseling approach that is adequately based on accepted counseling theory and research.

I. Critically evaluate their in-session counseling behaviors.

J. Accurately assess their own counseling strengths and weaknesses.

K. Engage in professional and ethical conduct at all times.

L. Demonstrate awareness, knowledge and skills in counseling clients who are culturally different, including racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation and socioeconomic differences.

CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES: Live demonstrations, role plays, review of students’ videotaped counseling for analysis and feedback, lectures on topics such as documentation, case conceptualization, micro skills, crisis management, and treatment planning, and review of appropriate material in preparation for the comprehensive examination.


Attendance: Contrary to popular belief, absence does not make the heart grow fonder. Attendance is required .

Excessive late arrivals or early departures are not in the student’s best interest.

If a student misses more than one full weekend of classes, they will be given an F for the course. If a student misses an entire weekend, they can make no higher than a B for the course. In addition, they may be assigned additional make up work. If a student misses either a Friday evening class or a Saturday class, then they will be given additional makeup work. Material will be discussed in class and included in the exams that are not necessarily in the book. It is the students’ responsibility to obtain any material missed by not attending class for any reason, excused or unexcused. Make-up exams must have authorization by the professor.

It is the student’s responsibility to inform the professor of the dates that they will be absent. Students are expected to attend and participate actively. Promptness for all class meetings is expected. If circumstances are such that you cannot attend or you will be late, you should contact the professor before the time of the meeting.


Readings: Assigned readings and/or chapters are to be completed prior to the class session for which they are assigned.

Students should read a chapter at a time prior to coming to class, so that they can participate in class discussions as well as


ask and answer questions. Students should take notes in class, and/or use a tape recorder, rather than just underlining passages in the textbook as they read.

Plagiarism Policy: Intellectual integrity and truthfulness are fundamental to scholarship. Scholars, whether they are performing as students or as teachers, are engaged in a search for truth. Plagiarism is a form of cheating and also a form of theft. Plagiarism occurs when a student fails to give proper credit when information is either quoted or paraphrased. In essence, plagiarism takes place when you take credit for someone else’s work. This happens when you copy someone’s exam or when you fail to explain which parts of a paper reflect your own ideas and which came from someone else.

Looking at or copying someone else’s test, answer sheet, and/or paper is counted as cheating. Carelessness is no excuse.

As such, it is a breach of scholarly responsibility. It is also unethical, immoral, and in some cases, illegal. Plagiarism may result in an “F” in the course or in your being expelled from the class.

Disciplinary Procedures: Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal

The Graduate School Catalog specifies the circumstances under which students may be placed on probation, suspended, or dismissed. Additionally, the Counseling Program Faculty may recommend to probate, suspend, or dismiss from the program students who (a) do not meet the program’s academic requirements, (b) do not make satisfactory progress over time toward completion of the Masters in Counseling degree, (c) exhibit behavior unbefitting a scholar, researcher, or counselor, or (d) display such inappropriate behaviors that cause the Counseling faculty to be concerned about whether the student possesses the interpersonal, emotional, and ethical behaviors necessary for entry into the counseling profession. Accordingly, on an as-needed basis, the Counseling faculty in formal meetings will discuss student progress with regard to academic performance as exhibited in classes, on examinations, and in their field site placements and nonacademic performance as exhibited in counseling relationships, personal and professional attitudes, professional behaviors, adherence to good ethical behavior, and overall compatibility with the Counseling Program at Wayland Baptist

University and the counseling profession.

Immediate Dismissal

Success in the Counseling Program consists of more than grades. Work habits and attitudes play a major role in the success of any counseling student. Any of the following actions are considered just cause for immediate dismissal from the Counseling Program: Dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc.), Disclosure of client confidential information with unauthorized individuals, Negligence of misconduct, Mistreatment of clients, fellow students, research participants, or faculty, Abusing a client, fellow student, faculty member, or staff member, (including abusive language), Violations of the rules, regulations, and principles in the ACA Ethical Code, Receipt of a Failing grade in Practicum, Internship, or

Advanced Internship, Willful submission of false information or alteration of any official records, counseling reports, papers, or examinations, Willful conduct that may cause injury to self or others, Unethical behavior as defined by ethical guidelines and practice (e.g., ACA), and Sexual harassment as defined by Wayland Baptist University.

Disabilities: It is university policy that no otherwise qualified disabled person be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in the University.

Students should inform the instructor of existing disabilities at the first class meeting.

Evaluation of student performance :

Students must complete supervised internship experiences that total a minimum of 135 clock hours (these hours include 60 hours must be direct client contact hours) . The internship provides for the development of counseling skills under both faculty and site supervision. The student’s internship includes an evaluation of the student’s performance throughout the course. Failure to complete the necessary hours will result in a failing grade. A student who takes an

“incomplete” will not be allowed to enroll in the Internship course in the following semester which may delay their graduation by one semester.

All students must provide proof of professional liability insurance coverage before they will be permitted to see clients.

Students are free to obtain this insurance through any insurance company. Professional liability insurance is available through the American Counseling Association and additional resources can be found in the Counseling Program


Field Site Responsibilities . Students will participate in field site activities according to the mode of operation of the setting, whether it be in a community or school setting. During the internship, students are expected to perform, under


supervision, the principal professional activities of the setting. The University delegates supervisory and administrative responsibility for field site activities to field site supervisors. University faculty instructors will communicate and collaborate with field site supervisors as necessary and desirable and may even make site visits.

If special problems or concerns (clinical, supervisory, interpersonal, etc.) develop, site supervisors are asked to contact the University supervisor in timely fashion, depending on the nature of the problem. It is the responsibility of the University faculty instructor to work with field site supervisors and students to resolve special problems or concerns. If you as a student have a problem or concern regarding your site or your site supervisor, you must notify your professor immediately. At the end of the semester, site supervisors will complete evaluation forms, on which they assess students’ skills and abilities. This form will be provided to you in class and you must give it to the site supervisor with ample time for them to return it to you so that you can get it to the professor by the due date.

Field-Site (Off-Campus) Supervision.

Students also meet once a week with their field site supervisor.

These meetings are arranged with the field supervisor according to the requirements of the field setting.

Ethical and Professional Conduct.

Counselors-in-training are expected to behave in accordance with the ACA Ethical

Standards and other standards of accepted professional conduct, including attire appropriate to professional counseling.

Special attention is called to standards of confidentiality. Specific Ethical and Professional Guidelines for School

Counselors are also included in the (a) TEA Code of Ethics and (b) American School Counselor Association Ethical


University Grading Scale : The University has a standard grading scale as follows: 90 - 100 = A (excellent); 80 - 89 = B

(good); 70 - 79 = C (average); 60 - 69 = D (acceptable but below average); below 60 = F (unacceptable); W=the student withdrew from the course before the deadline; WP=the student withdrew passing before the deadline; WF=the student withdrew failing before the deadline (note that WF and F count the same in the GPA); and I=incomplete. A grade of

“incomplete” is given only if circumstances beyond the student’s control prevented completion of work during the semester enrolled and any attendance requirements have been met. A grade of “incomplete” is changed if the deficiency is made up by midterm of the next regular semester; otherwise, it becomes an “F”.

Homework Assignments:

A) Case File : (25% of final grade). You will be required to videotape an actual counseling session and assemble an actual case file for a client you are working with. Over the course of this semester, you will sign up for which weekend you will be presenting your case and will only present one case to the classroom for discussion and constructive feedback.

Your video is to be at least 35 minutes long. However, we may only have time to review a portion of the video in class. The class will view this videotape (either in VHS or DVD format) with you and will ask questions, offer feedback and provide suggestions. The purpose of this assignment is to help you polish your counseling skills. If your agency or school will not allow for videotaping or if you cannot find a client who will give consent, then you should find someone

(such as a friend, or relative, or neighbor, or another classmate) who would be willing to participate. Be sure to get a consent form signed by the client indicating that you are a graduate student who is serving as a counselor intern and that they are aware that a graduate class and the professor will be reviewing this tape and information. Also, please alter, mask, or blacken out any identifying information on all written documentation to protect and maintain the confidentiality of the client. Please ask your professor during class for clarification on how to do this assignment if you are unsure. You will be graded on your counseling skills, your ethics, your ability to discuss and conceptualize your case, and the quality of your written documentation. Your file should include the following:

Signed consent form

Case Conceptualization (which is a one-page double-spaced brief summary of the client and their issues)

Transcription of a portion of the counseling session (which is to be 5 double spaced pages in length and should include your micro skills analysis after each dyadic interaction).

Treatment Plan (which is a one-page double-spaced statement of what problem(s) you would address, what treatment strategies you would employ, long term goal(s), and short term objectives.)


Progress Note of this session which should include the type of treatment (i.e.. individual or group), the length of the session, mini-mental status exam (i.e. client appeared alert and oriented with no evidence of psychotic features and was not currently suicidal), what the client talked about, what the therapist explored, any homework given, any progress or recommendations or concluding observations, date/time of next appointment, and clinician’s signature, title, and date.)

Self-evaluation (which is a one-page double-spaced reflection on what theoretical approach you took, how you thought you did and what you thought about your body language as well as what you should have done differently)

Your entire presentation of the video and the discussion that follows should take about 40 minutes to complete. You will prepare and complete only one of these cases over the course of the semester. If you do not have a video camera, consult with your fellow classmates, friends, relatives, or neighbors to borrow one for this project.

B) Portfolio - Student Log Review, Accrual of minimum required internship hours, and turning in evaluation forms as scheduled : (50% of final grade) During each weekend that we meet, your professor will ask each student to turn in their log to sign off on their hours accrued. The site supervisor should sign off on the student’s hours on a weekly basis. Half of your grade in this class is determined by your ability to turn in the evaluation forms and log books as scheduled as well as complete the required 100 hours of supervised practicum hours (including the minimum number of both direct and indirect client contact hours) as well as your ability to turn in your log book for review each Friday that we meet for class. Your site supervisor’s comments will also be considered as well. You cannot take an “incomplete” for this course because this will prevent you from being able to sign up for the advanced internship course. Therefore, in some unforeseen instance that you will not be able to accrue the required minimum hours, please consult with your professor and/or division chair on how best to address your situation.

Portfolio - As part of the evaluation for the semester, students will create a portfolio, which must include, at minimum, the following components:


Course Outline


WBU MAC Student Handbook


ACA Code of Ethics & at least one other Code


Proof of your liability insurance


Practicum/Intern Site Agreement


Recording and/or transcript of an individual or group counseling session with client identifying information deleted (e.g., Client Name)


Summary or examples of assessments used at your setting


Counselor Self-Assessment


Log of your hours signed by your site supervisor. Log must indicate total hours, Direct and Indirect Hours


Copies of any evaluations you received


Class Handouts

In addition to the above, you may also include such documents as the following:


Description of counseling services (brochures, forms, handouts, descriptions of counseling activities, etc.)


Listing of referral resources and other community agencies where there is collaboration with counselors in your setting


Description of any presentation or workshop that you planned


Brochures from professional meetings you attended


Agency’s administrative structure – decision making processes

C) Book Report (25% of grade) Professor will discuss this assignment in class


(Weekend #1)

Course Outline (Tentative Schedule)

Introduction to internship course expectations

Students describe where they will be working and what they will be doing

Complete sign-up sheet for when each student is to present their case file to the class.

Checking all forms for signatures and checking insurance coverage

Handing out and discussing the Field Site Log Worksheet, Consent forms, and Evaluation Form



Instructional/Content Topics *

Review in preparation for the comps exam

In class role plays and demonstrations

Instructional/Content Topics *

Watch counseling video and discussion (as time permits)

(weekend #2)



Tour of facility or special topics

Student Log Review due

Presentation of case files

Discussion of site experiences

Discussion of any client issues that students may want consultation with

Instructional/Content Topics *

Watch counseling therapy video and discussion (as time permits)

Instructional/Content Topics *


(Weekend #3)

Student Log Review due

Presentation of Case Files

Discussion of any client issues that students may want consultation with

In class role plays and demonstrations

Instructional/Content Topics *

Saturday Presentation of Case Files

Discussion of any client issues that students may want consultation with

In class role plays and demonstrations

Instructional/Content Topics *

Friday Student Log Review due

(Weekend #4) Counselor Self-Assessment Paper Due

Evaluation Forms due (both your evaluation of site, supervisor, and self as well as the site supervisor’s evaluation of the student— this must be turned in this weekend )

Presentation of Case Files

Discussion of any client issues that students may want consultation with

Instructional/Content Topics *

Saturday Portfolios Due

Presentation of Case Files

Book Reports due

Discussion of best and worst counseling experiences during the entire field experiences

Instructional/Content Topics *

Discussion of the positive aspects of WBU’s counseling program and its needs

(i.e. field experiences, online and weekend model, curriculum content)

Note: Topics may change when necessary based on class need.

*Instructional/Content Topics

The topics for CNSL 5360 may include any of the following:

Overview of Counseling Profession

Overview of Practicum

Counseling Licensure


Field Site - Getting Started

Counseling Tapes

Crisis Intervention

Multicultural Counseling/Diversity Trends


Counseling Log and Journal

Counseling Theories/Techniques

Counseling Micro-Skills and Techniques

Treatment Planning

Case Conceptualization

Ethics & Legal Issues: Research

Professional Associations

Advocacy Issues

Suicide Issues

Working with Special Populations


Individual and Group Work

Review for Comprehensive Exam

