SYLLABUS Wayland Baptist University, Fairbanks Campus, School of Business ,

Wayland Baptist University, Fairbanks Campus, School of Business
Summer 2015 (May 25, 2015-August 8, 2015),
Doyon, Mondays.
1. Mission Statement: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically
challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and
service to God and humankind.
2. Course: BUAD 5315, Legal Environment
3. Term: Summer 2015 (May 25, 2015-August 8, 2015)
4. Instructor: Dr. Karen E. Dempster Esq., BA, MED, EDS, JD
5. Office Phone and email: O: 377-4398
H: 907-456-2365;
C: 907-978-7745
6. Office Hours, Building, and Location: Eielson AFB, WBU Office, Wednesdays & Thursdays, 2:00 – 5:30 PM,
and Sunday Eielson AFB, Ed Center 2623 Wabash Ave. Rm. 107
Class Meeting Time and Location: Doyon Facility, 615 Bidwill St. (South Coushman), Suite 302, 6:00PM
8. Catalog Description: an overview of the "black letter law" in the traditional topics of constitutional
law, criminal law, property law, procedural law, international law, torts, contracts, commercial
transactions, business organizations, and government regulations.
9. Prerequisites: none
10. Required Textbook and Resources:
Business Law Today
Spring 17
11. Optional Materials: Newspapers, internet.
12. Course Outcome Competencies:
Develop a basic understanding and interest in not only the legal process but also the structure of our
current legal system. At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to describe the different levels
and types of courts, both state and federal, located in Hawaii, California, and Washington D.C.;
Develop an appreciation for the fundamentals of legal research, learn methods of legal reasoning and
analysis, then apply these skills to in-class case law readings;
Become familiar with the fundamental terminology and concepts of Constitutional law, contracts, sales,
torts, agency, wills, trusts, property, administrative law, the basic business organizations, intellectual
property, and cyber-law;
Know the process for establishing a business organization and actually go through the formalities of
setting up a specific type of business to accommodate e-commerce activities;
Develop/craft a persuasive argument, pro or con, regarding the government’s (state or federal) regulation
of private business.
13. Attendance Requirements: Attendance is vital in all courses, but especially so in a graduate course.
PLEASE communicate with Dr. Dempster if you need to be absent. Arrangements will be made to keep
you current and lessen the impact of your absence.
14. Disability Statement: “In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is
the policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with a disability be
excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any
educational program or activity in the university. The Coordinator of Counseling Services serves as
the coordinator of students with a disability and should be contacted concerning accommodation
requests at (806) 291- 3765. Documentation of a disability must accompany any request for
15: Course Requirements and Grading Criteria:
Tests, Short answer essay questions on line. After you answer the question, you wil
see a model answer following your hitting the “submit” button.
Research Project:
Critically assess a current or recent legal situation in the news, write a 10 page paper
and present to the class. (25% of your grade)
Attendance and
Homework and
(15% of the final grade). Bring in at least one “news” article on a legal issue, each
class meeting, preferably one on the chapters under study, an give a brief
summary to the class.
Assigned homework and reading are to be completed for the class session for
which they are assigned.
All material assigned with be reviewed and tested each week. Quizzes will occur in
all weeks when a test is not scheduled. Class discussions and Lectures are based
on the reading.
Grading Weight: Your grade will be based on total points earned divided by total possible points, on
quizzes/tests, class assignments, projects and class presentations. Class points are added as bonus
points. This result will then be assigned a grade based on the Grading Scale above. The points will fall
approximately as 60% tests/quizzes, 25% legal research, and 15% on class work.
Quiz / Exam Information:
1. You will find short answer essays on Black Board for you to complete as you read the assigned
material for that class. I will review the material before you read your assignment to be
completed AFTER the class meeting for that week.
2. If a student misses a class for any reason, he/she is still responsible for the quiz given on that
date. The student will be responsible for scheduling a time to make up the missed quiz during
the next class meeting that they are in attendance. Dr. Dempster can tape class discussions if you
have alerted her that you will not be able to attend.
3. Any quiz not completed by the last regularly scheduled class period will be counted as a zero,
unless arrangements are made ahead of time.
4. Make-up exams may be arranged with the instructor if an exam grade is low. The make up
exam will be more rigorous than the original exam.
5. Missed quizzes, case studies or exams (w/prior notice and/or excuse) may be taken at
the WBU office during regular office hours. Call to make an appointment.
17. Tentative Schedule: Schedule and assignments are subject to change- by suggestion from the class or
teacher imposed changes- which may be altered by valid student argument on the point(s) of
disagreement with the judge (Dr. D).
Read Chs 1, 2 & 3
Complete Quiz on this material
Read Chs 4-6
Complete Quiz on this material,
Read Chs 8-12
Complete Quiz on this material
(These are SHORT chapters)
Read Chs 28-30
Complete Quiz on this material
Read Chs 42-44
Complete Quiz on this material
Read Chs 31-34
Complete Quiz on this material
Read Chs 35-37
Complete Quiz on this material
Read Chs 21-24
Complete Quiz on this material
Read Chs 25-26 &40
Complete Quiz on this material
Read Chs 38 & 40
Complete Quiz on this material
Last day of class, Presentation/critique due