CELTIC MAY TERM 2016 ASSIGNMENTS/GRADING/COURSE POLICIES WHAT’S INCLUDED IN THE PARTICIPATION GRADE? To get the most out of this study/tour it is important to engage the reading, the background preparation, as well as to fully seek out all possible sights and experiences of Scotland. Are you curious? Are you a good traveler? Are you ON TIME? Are you willing to be flexible and go with the flow of the uncertainties of travel? Do you listen to guides to get the most out of your experiences? Do you engage the people of Scotland and Northern Ireland that you meet and learn from them along the way? Do you embrace the journey as much as the destination? Do you take your research question seriously while traveling and pursue opportunities to learn more about your specific question? Do you take the initiative to seek out people and places that will inform your research question? Are you a responsible student that abides by the rules and expectations of the trip and looks out for your fellow travelers? These are all aspects of good participation. Attendance for on‐campus meetings and classes, as well as participation in group activities while in Scotland and Northern Ireland are included in the participation grade. SUMMARY OF WHAT IS REQUIRED: 1000 pts. Spring Semester Reading & Film Blogs 200 points Video Essay uploaded on Youtube (due June 20 with INFORMED CONSENT FORM documented and submitted on Moodle) 300 points Pre‐departure RQ, Elevator Speech and Interview Assignments 200 points Journal (due mid‐trip and before return to USA) 200 points Participation 100 points WHAT’S A JOURNAL? You will see a lot of things, hear a lot of history, experience a lot of surprises, and reflect upon a lot of cultural comparisons and personal insights. To help you remember the places you went, the things you saw, the history you learned, the things that surprised you, and the epiphanies you realized about self, others, community, communication and sacred place, it is important to record your thoughts once a day. For your own records, you will want to include: 1) places; 2) things seen; 3) history notes; 4) surprises; and 5) reflections/ insights. These personal reflections you should keep for yourself. For class purposes we also require responses to journal prompts related to the course themes. The journal will be evaluated for the depth of your reflection and insight in response to the prompts provided. WHAT ARE THE COURSE POLICIES? • The most important policy is SAFETY. You need to be with another member of our group at all times, or – if going someplace alone, notify one of the faculty leaders exactly where you are going and when you will return. If you go out at night, you need to have a buddy and it is imperative that you not abandon your buddy OR return to the hotel/hostel alone. This is VERY important. • It is best if you do not drink alcohol, however, if you choose to do so (drinking age in Scotland and Northern Ireland is 18), you must do so responsibly. This means that if you drink, you drink in moderation. You need to be able to be responsible for your safety, as well as the safety of others you are with, at all times. This also means that you are feeling well and able to participate in class activities. It is absolutely imperative that you do not engage in drinking alcohol while staying with the Christian community at Iona. Alcohol is in violation of the Abbey rules; we have signed pledges and we abide by these pledges. •
Any use or possession of illegal drugs, any illegal behavior, or abuse of alcohol or other illegal substances is prohibited. Any behavior that violates Hope College Social Conduct Rules and: a) impairs your ability to fully participate in class activities; b) embarrasses Hope College or its representatives; or c) compromises the safety of yourself or other group members, will result in your termination from the program, and your immediate return to the USA at your own expense. This decision is made by the faculty leaders of the program. You need to complete all course assignments to receive credit for the course. You are a representative of Hope College and you should always act in accordance with the highest standards of civil and social behavior. All of your actions should adhere to the social conduct and risk and liability statements you signed as a participant in this Hope College sponsored program. You will be guests in another country and culture. It is important to defer to the norms of the culture, squelch ethnocentrism, adapt to the communication rules of the culture, and treat all people with dignity and respect. As guests, our role is to learn and observe, not to judge. CANCELLATION POLICY If you need to cancel for any reason, contact either Professor Johnston or Professor Nemeth immediately. The cancellation date and monies expended on your behalf as of the cancellation date will determine if you are eligible for any refund. All cancellation and refund policies for Hope College off‐
campus programming will apply and will be handled by the Hope College Business Office. 