NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines Evolutionary E l ti &G Gradient-Based di t B d Optimization in Engineering – Methods & Industrial Applications Kyriakos C. GIANNAKOGLOU, Professor NTUA The Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit of NTUA Research Activities: Development and parallelization (on CPUs and GPUs) of: 1. In In-house house aero aero-thermal thermal analysis software (mostly CFD a/w), 2. An optimization platform based on enhanced evolutionary algorithms, 3. Optimization tools based on adjoint methods for fluid flow/heat applications, 4. Hybrid y (gradient-based & stochastic)) optimization (g p methods. Applications in: turbomachines, aircraft/car aerodynamics, energy production & management systems, etc p Research Group: ~12 researchers Funding: EU Projects (FP6/7: HISAC, HISAC ACFA, ACFA HYDROACTION, HYDROACTION AQUAGEN, AQUAGEN RBF4AERO), ) projects funded directly by the Industry (Dassault Aviation, Volkswagen, Andritz Hydro, Schlumberger, etc), software developers & vendors (ICON, NUMECA, SOFISTIK, etc), state research projects, projects Greek companies (Hellenic Aerospace Industry, Industry Public Power Corporation, various SMEs). Income from selling the optimization software EASY (provided at zero cost to University groups and a symbolic cost to companies/industries). Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 2 Outline ►Brief Introduction to Optimization methods: From the Analysis to the Optimization, without (??) extra pain! ►Gradient based & Gradient ►Gradient-based Gradient-free free methods: Selecting the most appropriate Optimization method is important! Commercial or In-house (with access to its source code) Analysis s/w? Generic of tailored to the problem Optimization method? Single- or Multi-Objective Optimization, Multi-Disciplinary Optimization. Important criterion: the number of design variables (optimization unknowns). p cost of Optimization p methods ((and its reduction). ) Computational Hybridization! ►Industrial Optimization– Suggestions, ideas & recipes: Relevant or irrelevant cases to the themes discussed in this event. Optimization in Aerodynamics/fluid mechanics always shows us the way!! ►Modern research areas in Optimization methods: Optimization of unsteady/transient processes… Optimization of processes involving multiphase flows, chemical reactions… Robust Optimization, Optimization under Uncertainties… Methods for low-cost computation of high-order derivatives… Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 3 Optimization Methods – Prerequisites / Classification F(b) (1) Problem Parameterization (2) Objective(s) – Objective Function(s) (3) Constraint(s), equality-inequality, if any… (4) Evaluation-analysis software ((5)) Optimization-search p method (6) (in most cases) An adequately powerful computer b Gradient-Free Methods (Stochastic optimization methods) Gradient-Based Methods (Steepest Descent, CG, etc) ( (exact or approximate i gradient) di ) Hessian-Based Methods (N t or Quasi-Newton (Newton Q i N t methods) th d ) (exact or approximate Hessian) Individual-Based Methods Population Based Methods Population-Based Hybridization! Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 4 Multi-Objective Optimization min F1, min F2 F2 F1 Pareto Front Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 5 PART I: Stochastic Optimization methods • • • • • Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) Differential Evolution (DE) Particle-Swarm Optimization (PSO) Ant-Colony Optimization (ACO) etc. Population-based, randomized search of the design space. Suitable for multi-objective j and multi-disciplinary p y optimization p problems. p Pro(s): Gradient-Free, Plug&Play way of accommodating existing/commercial analysis tools directly amenable to parallelization. tools, parallelization Con(s): Computationally expensive unless coupled with “computational intelligence” techniques. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 6 (μ, λ) Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) at a Glance Offspring population ((λ individuals)) Mutation Evaluation (λ calls to the evaluation s/w) Parent Selection (μ parents) CrossoverC Recombination The (μ,λ) ΕΑ can reproduce almost any other known evolutionary algorithm, such as G Genetic i Algorithms, Al i h E l i Strategies, Evolution S i etc. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 7 Metamodel-Assisted EAs (MAEAs) Problem-Specific Evaluation Model (Exact/Costly Model) Surrogate Evaluation Model (Approximate/Cheap Model) Performance F Design Variable b In each generation, instead of performing λ calls to the exact-costly evaluation s/w, the metamodel or surrogate evaluation model (less accurate, cheaper) is used to preevaluate l the h population l i members. b Th Then, only, l the h top λe<<λλ off them h are evaluated l d on the expensive s/w. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 8 MAEAs with Inexact Pre-Evaluation (IPE) λ evaluations Generation 2 Generation 1 Generation 3 IPE starts here λe<<λ evaluations Generation 6 Generation 5 Generation 4 More generations are needed; however, apart from the very first ones, the number of calls to the expensive e pensi e evaluation e al ation tool per generation reduces red ces to λe<<λ. <<λ The value al e of λe and the first generation relying upon IPE are user-controlled parameters. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 9 Distributed Metamodel-Assisted EAs (DMAEAs) Adjustable j Parameters: Number of demes or islands Communication topology Communication C i i ffrequency Migration algorithm EA set-up per deme A DEA or DMAEA with distinct explorationp & exploitation-oriented p subpopulations p p is a very efficient search method! Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 10 Expected Gain from DMAEAs Standard EA Metamodel-Assisted EA (MAEA) Distributed EA (DEA) ( ) Distributed MAEA (DMAEA) E l ti Evaluations Similar behavior can be found in manyy other cases! A well-tuned DMAEA constantlyy outperforms other variants, such as EAs, DEAs or MAEAs. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 11 Optimization Study in Marine Engines Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) combustion in a large two-stroke marine Diesel engine Maker: Wärtsilä Switzerland Type 2T 2-T RT-flex58T-B Bore 580 mm Stroke 2416 mm Speed 105 RPM Max. power output 2125 KW/cyl Injection system Common Rail Number of injectors 3 Improvement of the operation of a large two-stroke two stroke marine diesel engine, engine at full load, load by implementing pilot injection, using CFD and EAs. The problem is solved as a twoobjective optimization one: (a) min. NOx concentration & (b) min. specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC); both are normalized with the corresponding values for continuous injection (reference case). The main and pilot injection profiles are parameterized in terms of four design variables. Division of Marine Engineering Evaluation Code (CFD) : KIVA 3. 3 Optimization S/W : EASY Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, NTUA Prof. L. Kaiktsis 12 Optimization Study in Marine Engines SOPI SOMI PMF MR Design-Optimization Variables: : Start Of the Pilot Injection : Start St rt Of the Main M in Injection : Pilot Mass Fraction injected as part of the total fuel amount : Total injected Mass Reduction with respect to the reference case of continuous injection. Fuel injection profile Studies with single- and twin-needle j will be p presented. A twin-needle injectors injector allows different orientation of fuel injection for the pilot and main injection. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece Division of Marine Engineering School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, NTUA Prof. L. Kaiktsis 13 Optimization Study in Marine Engines MDO combustion in RT-flex58T-B under Partially Premixed Compression Ignition Pilot Main Injection Injection A l α Angle Angle β Spatial distribution of temperature Pilot Injection j Main j Injection Twin-needle injector Division of Marine Engineering School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, NTUA Prof. L. Kaiktsis Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 14 Optimization Study in Marine Engines Results of Unconstrained & Constrained Optimization using EAs 103 101 7 100 H I J K 99 98 97 E F Case H Reference 6 Rate of He eat Release S FOC [% of R eeference C ase] Reference Unconstrained Case of Present Study Unconstrained Case of Andreadis et al. Constrained Case of Present study (Pressure, Work) Constrained Case of Andreadis et al. (Pressure, Work) Pareto fronts 102 5 4 3 2 1 G 0 -40 96 -20 0 20 40 60 Crank Angle [deg.] 95 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 NOx [% of Reference Case] Division of Marine Engineering School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, NTUA Prof. L. Kaiktsis Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 15 Optimization Study in Marine Engines S Spray propagation i d during i pilot il iinjection j i Pananakis et al. 25th ILASS Conf. (2013) C Case H ● Utilization of available cylinder volume ● No impact of fuel on cylinder wall Andreadis et al. Int. J. Engine Research (2011) Case C ● Fuel liquid films on cylinder wall ● Higher Hi h di dispersion i of fuel droplets ● Good air-fuel mixing during pilot injection The pilot injection parameters are very similar but the injection angles are substantially g injectors j are considered in Case C,, where p pilot injection j different,, since single-needle is associated with wall wetting, with fuel still remaining in the near-wall region at the Top Dead Center (TDC). This is avoided for injection from Division of Marine Engineering twin needle valves, due to the modified injection angles. School of Naval Architecture & Thus, in Case H, a Partially Premixed Compression Marine Engineering, NTUA Ignition (PPCI) is attained. Prof. L. Kaiktsis Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 16 Biomass Pyrolysis Process Use of EA for the determination of a kinetic model and its parameters, to be used in biomass pyrolysis process. Fuel : Straw Experimental thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) using a heating rate of 10 oC/min To describe the mass loss during pyrolysis, pyrolysis an independent parallel reaction model was adopted and mathematically fitted, in order to determine its constants (using Eas, namely EASY). Biomass pyrolysis is modeled using three (N=3) components: Hemicellulose, Hemicellulose Cellulose and Lignin. Lab. Steam Boilers School of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA Prof. S. Karellas Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 17 Biomass Pyrolysis Process Independent Parallel Reaction Model Overall ((mass loss)) rate of conversion for N reactions: dm j dt = ∑c i da i , j i dt Thermal decomposition p of the individual components da i , j , i = 1,.., N 9 Design variables: c i , E i , Ai dt = Ai e − Ei RT j (1 − a i , j ) Determine the contribution (c) of each component to dm/dt, the activation energy (E) and preexponential factor (A). Objective Function: ⎡⎛ dm j Fobj = ∑ ⎢⎜⎜ j = 1 ⎢ ⎝ dt ⎣ K min . ⎤ ⎞ ⎛ dm j ⎞ ⎥ ⎟ ⎟ − ⎜⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ exp ⎝ dt ⎠ comp ⎥⎦ 2 Lab. Steam Boilers School of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA Prof. S. Karellas Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 18 Biomass Pyrolysis Process Optimization Results – DMAEA vs. EA Optimal Solution Lab. Steam Boilers School of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA Prof. S. Karellas Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 19 Design of HYDROMATRIX® The design of a Hydromatrix®, Hydromatrix® which comprises a number of “small” small axial flow turbine generator units forming a factory-assembled grid or “matrix”, was carried out in Andritz-Hydro, using EASY. A Hydromatrix® has a lot of advantages compared to conventional designs (lower cost to power ratio): min. civil construction works, min. time for project schedules, construction & installation, min. environmental inflict, etc. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 20 Design of HYDROMATRIX® Objectives (metrics): Objectives 1/2 (f1,f2) : Given swirl and axial velocity distributions at the exit Objective 3 (f2): Uniform loading Objective 4 (f4): Cavitation index Objective 5 (f5): Pumping area Full Load Part Load Best Effic The Hydromatrix® Th H d i ® runner blade bl d was modeled d l d using i 52 design d i variables and the design was carried out with 5 objectives, at 3 operating points. EASY handled this design problem as a twoobjective bj ti case (via ( i weights): i ht ) (a) min. F1(f1,f2, at the 3 OPs) & (b) min. F2(f3,f4,f5, at the 3 OPs) Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 21 Design of HYDROMATRIX® F2 F1 EAs or MAEAs with the PCA of design variables: With the same computing cost (number of evaluations), the MAEA with PCA assisting the evolution operators outperforms MAEA. The computed fronts of nondominated solutions by the two methods, methods at the same cost, cost are shown for the Hydromatrix® runner design problem. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 22 Design-Optimization of a Francis Runner The design of the Francis runner, at 3 operating points, was carried out by Andritz-Hydro, with two objectives: (a) exit velocity profiles’ quality and (b) uniformity of the blade loading and two constraints (head and cavitation). There are 372 design variables, in total! Due to the extremely high problem dimension, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the continuously evolving front of nondominated solutions assists (a) the application of the evolution operators (EA(PCA) or MAEA(PCA)) and (b) the metamodel training by cutting off the less important components of the training patterns (M(PCA)AEA). Both are combined in M(PCA)AEA(PCA). Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 23 Overall efficiency Optimization of Geothermal ORC Systems R-134a R-410A R-407C R-600a Design- Optimization of an innovative Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) System for electricity production using low-enthalpy geothermal energy, with three objectives. Design carried out at the Center for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES) (CRES), using EASY EASY, for the EU-funded project LOW-BIN. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 24 Optimization of Ground Source Heat Pump Systems Design of a Ground Source Heat Pump with two objectives: (a) max. coefficient of performance, COP & (b) min. heat exchangers’ surface. GSHPs are used for heating and cooling buildings. buildings Design performed by CRES, CRES using EASY, EASY for the EU-funded project GROUND-MED. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 25 Solution of Unit Commitment Problems using EASY EASY was used to solve Unit Commitment problems. With M power units (gas, steam, wind turbines etc.) and a given energy demand for a T-hour scheduling horizon, the objective is to schedule all units so as to operate with min. Total Operating Cost (TOC) while meeting constraints (min. STUP/SHDN times, ramp, spinning reserve, etc). The method has been extended to handle problems with probabilistic unit outages ((Monte Carlo simulations). ) In collaboration with the Public Power Corporation, p , Greece. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 26 PART II: Deterministic Optimization methods Deterministic Optimization Methods: Gradient-based methods, methods quasi-Newton or exact Newton methods. methods Assisted by the adjoint variable method in fluid mechanics (gradient or Hessian computation) Pro(s): Fast! Con(s): Need to compute the gradient of F, or even the Hessian. May be trapped into local minima. Hybrid Optimization Methods! Continuous Adjoint: First-differentiate, then-discretize Di Discrete Adj i First-discretize, Adjoint: Fi di i then-differentiate h diff i Starting Point: The set of PDEs governing the analysis problem. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 27 Applications of the Adjoint Method in Turbomachinery Reference Blade Ent ntropy Generation Row 1 1.34 Reference Blade 1.32 1.3 Row 2 1.28 1.26 1.24 1.22 0 5 10 15 20 Cycle 25 30 35 Optimal Blade Optimal Blade Design-Optimization of a 3D peripheral compressor rows, for minimal viscous losses, with ith geometrical constraints constraints, using sing the contin continuous o s adjoint method. method Turbulence model : Low-Reynolds number Spalart-Allmaras. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 28 Applications of the Adjoint Method in Turbomachinery pinit popt Optimization of a Francis turbine blade, targeting a 1.5m increase in the hydraulic height, subject to a number of flow constraints, incl. cavitation. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 29 Applications of the Adjoint Method in Car Industry Volkswagen L1 Car: ● Half-model, low-Re mesh (y+~1), 18 M cells ●(Continuous) Adjoint to [RANS & Spalart-Allmaras]. Spalart Allmaras] ● Drag reduction. Velocity Adjoint velocity Sensitivity Sensitivity map: Direction of favorable surface displacement for reducing drag: red d - inwards, i d blue bl – outwards. d Sensitivity Map Sensitivity Map Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 30 Applications of the Adjoint Method in Car Industry Convergence: Optimizing ONLY the Spoiler Overall deformation less than 20mm Baseline Optimized For an aerodynamically already nearly perfect car: >2% drag reduction 30% lift improvement (not included in F!!!!) Baseline Optimized Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 31 Topology Optimization & Continuous Adjoint Method Unconstrained With constraint on the mass flowrate per exit The adjoint method is used to solve topology optimization problems in fluid mechanics & heat transfer. Due to the h excessively i l hi high h number b off design variables, the adjoint method suits perfectly to this purpose. With constraint on the Flow swirl at the exit Example: Design of a manifold with a single inlet and four outlets. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 32 Topology Optimization & Continuous Adjoint Method gear box outle t inlet Topology optimization of an air-conditioning duct of a passenger car, targeting min. total pressure losses. The optimal design (yields 45% less total pressure losses. Starting Geometry: F = 0.25 m5/s3 Optimal Geometry: F = 0.177m5/s3 Topology optimization of the plenum chamber of a student racing car, targeting min. totall pressure llosses, b by additionally ddi i ll using i a fl fluid id volume l constraint. i Th The optimal i l design yields a 29% reduction in the objective function value. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 33 Closure Once a reliable analysis method is available, next step is to optimize the “system”. A great gamut off optimization i i i methods h d is i available il bl from f plug-and-play l d l evolutionary l i algorithms to tailored-to-the problem gradient-based methods. Evolutionary algorithms are nice is there is a moderate number of unknowns and/or the optimization is not to be repeated on a daily basis. They might be the only choice if the existing analysis s/w is a “black-box”. In their standard form, EAs are quite slow. However, nowadays, there are interesting ways to lower the CPU cost and/or the wall clock time. Gradient-based methods, usually based on the adjoint method to compute the gradient of the objective function, are much faster but can be trapped into a local (rather than the global)) minimum. Programming g g g adjoint j methods require q a certain investment in time. Hybridization seems to be the best way to use them. EAs are responsible for the exploration p of the search space p whereas g gradient-based for the refinement of p promising g solutions. Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 34 Many Thanks to: Dr. A. Asouti Dr. E. Kontoleontos D E Dr. E. P Papoutsis-Kiachagias i Ki h i Dr. D. Papadimitriou Dr. S. Kyriacou Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit, NTUA, Greece 35