New and improved slagging and corrosion control techniques for biomass firing Martti Aho IV Liekkipäivä 23.01.2008 Organisation of the research project t t t Research organisations:VTT (Co-ordinaator) Åbo Akademi University Main funding: Tekes (Climbus) Supporting companies: Metso Power Oy (boiler manufacturer) Kemira Oyj (chemical manufacturer) Pohjolan voima Oy (energy company) t Project duration: 1.1.2005-31.12.2006 Kemira Chemicals Oyj Research project ”CORRAWAY” Martti Aho IV Liekkipäivä 2008 3 Background of operational risks during biomass combustion 4 On furnace view… . Recycled fuel Peat, coal Sawdust Forest residues = safe or protective = some risks or risky = very risky Martti Aho IV Liekkipäivä 2008 5 CASE 1. BARK/FOREST RESIDUE Heat transfer surface COMPOUN D ALKALI CHLORIDES S RI Y SK Cl releases ä corrosion KCl NaCl Lack of protecting compounds Risk description: Cl deposition which can lead to high temperature superheater corrosion Contains 0.01-0.04 wt% Cl but it can produce about 10 wt% Cl To critical deposit locations Low ash content BARK/FOREST RESIDUE Martti Aho IV Liekkipäivä 2008 6 Presence of melt in fly ash makes it sticky. Presence of Cl in the fly ash lowers strongly start T of melting ( ref.:Åbo Academi’s calculations) 7 Recycled fuel with high Cl content, but usually <1 wt% Example: 40% REF in bark (Cl 0.24wt%) + High heating value! Can produce 25wt% Cl to deposits Martti Aho IV Liekkipäivä 8 Superheater tubes after high temperature Classisted corrosion Martti Aho IV liekkipäivä 2008 9 Destruction of alkali chlorides carrying Cl to the deposits Na Cl Additive or protective fuel HCl + X Protective fuel is fossil! K Cl Martti Aho IV liekkipäivät 2008 10 Additive spraying at critical position to the furnace. Advantage: S is immendiately in its right form (SO3) at right place Strong and selective effect-> SO2 emissions will not be a problem ’ 2MCl + SO3 + H2O -> M2SO4 + 2 HCl SO3 residue reacts with CaO etc. Na2SO4 K2SO4 HCl SO3 direct ”attach” Cl carriers:NaCl, KCl Martti Aho IV liekkipäivät 2008 11 Reagents invented and tested in the project: t t Ammonium sulphate “Chlorout“ patented by Vattenfall for comparison: (NH4)2SO4 -> SO3 + 2 NH3 + H2O (thetmal destruction at 235 oC:) ( 2-functional: NH3 reduces NO) *Al (III) and Fe (III) sulphates (Corr 1 ja 2) used earlier as water chemicals. The new innovation enlargens their application to energy production (1 functional) *Patent rights transferred from VTT to Metso Power & Kemira (2007) Al2(SO4)3 ----à Al2O3 + 3 SO3 (thermal destruction at 770 C Fe2(SO4)3 à Fe2O3 + 3 SO3 (thermal destruction at 440 C) t Dosage parameter used: Sreagenssi / Cl2 polttoaineessa Martti Aho IV Liekkipäivä 2008 12 Question 1 at the start: Is the molar flow or sulphur forming ”quantitatively” SO3 the only effecting parameter from the reagent? Mx(SO4)y -> SO3 + --Please, note: the real reactions are very complicated and there are differences for example in the thermal decomposition temperatures of the additives studied Martti Aho IV Liekkipäivä 2008 13 Question 2 at the start: How selective are the ”vital”reactions (see red arrows) in relation to the ”wrong”reactions consuming SO3? ’ . . M M 2S O 4 (s ta b le ) SO3 MOH MOH MCl SO3 HCl (u n s tab le ) HCl MOH MCl A d d itiv e CaO SO3 2 CaC O 3 MCl + Cl M C l + H 2O C aS O 4 (s ta b le ) CaO O SO2 S fu e l + O 2 M = K or Na Martti Aho IV liekkipäivä 2008 14 Fractionation results 40% REF 60% bark 14000 12000 mg/kg D.S. 10000 Insoluble Leached in HCl Leached in acetate Leached in H2O 8000 6000 4000 No HCl leaching with Cl! from PVC 2000 0 Si Al Fe Ti Mn Ca Mg Martti Aho IV liekkipäivä 2008 P Na K S Cl 15 BFB combustion tests with bark containing 40% recycled fuel on energy basis (Cl 0.24 wt%). Very corrosive fuel when burnt alone with high steam values! Martti Aho IV Liekkipäivä 2008 16 Typical temperature distibution in the 20 kW BFB 8 Residence time, [s] 7 6 5 Freeboard top Deposit probe (Ts= 500ºC) Impactor sampling Chemical addition Tertiary air 4 3 2 Secondary air 1 Bed zone 0 650 700 750 800 850 T, [ºC] 900 950 Martti Aho IV liekkipäivä 2008 1000 1050 17 dib. air Ejektor ELPI Cyclone T 800-1000°C VTT diluter Ejektor Cyclone MFC Cooling system DLPI Exh nitrogen Ftir & CO2 Sampling to impactors from 20 kW BFB reactor 18 Results with and comparison of Al2(SO4)3 and Fe2(SO4)3 with two dosage levels 19 The effect of water soluble sulphur-containing chemical to concentrations of HCl (blue) and other chlorines (red part of columns). Fuel 40% REF 60% bark with 0.24 wt% Cl 400 in < 4um ash in HCl 350 300 S/Cl2 = 1.5 Cl, mg/Nm3 S/Cl2 = 0.45 250 200 Risky Cl 150 100 50 0 No additives Al2(SO4)3 Fe2(SO4)3 Al2(SO4)3 Martti Aho IV liekkipäivä 2008 Fe2(SO4)3 20 Cl in vapours and in fine fly ash, fuel 40% REF 60% bark 140 Fly ash particle size range 120 Cl mg/Nm3 100 Dosage S/Cl2 = 0.45 80 1.61-4.02 µm 0.64-1.61 µm 0.26-0.64 µm 0.1-0.26 µm 0.03-0.1 µm 60 40 Dosage S/Cl2= 1.5 20 0 No additives Al2(SO4)3 Fe2(SO4)3 Al2(SO4)3 Martti Aho IV liekkipäivä 2008 Fe2(SO4)3 21 Analysis of deposits in Åbo Akademi University by Tor Lauren t The deposit samples were collected from wind and lee sides and from 50 degrees up from the centre of the wind side position for SEM EDS analysis. Lee side =50° 50o from Wind side Wind side Flue gas flow 22 Deposition of Cl: 40% REF 60% bark 35 S/Cl2= 0.45 30 Cl wt% 25 Wind 50o Lee 20 15 10 S/Cl2= 1.5 5 0 No additives Al2(SO4)3 Fe2(SO4)3 Al2(SO4)3 Martti Aho IV liekkipäivä 2008 Fe2(SO4)3 23 Comparison of the new reagents to the only one existing in the markets ((NH4)2SO4 24 40%RDF+60%bark, molar dosage factor Sadditive/Cl2fuel is 1.5 140 120 1.61-4.02 µm 0.64-1.61 µm 0.26-0.64 µm 0.1-0.26 µm 0.03-0.1 µm mg Cl/Nm3 100 80 60 40 20 0 No additives (NH4)2SO4 Al2(SO4)3 Martti Aho IV liekki-päivät 2008 Fe2(SO4)3 25 Cl depositon with S/Cl2 W=Wind S= Side L = lee S W L 30 30 25 25 20 Pa ino -% P a in o -% 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 Alkutila 0.45 0.75 1.5 2.25 Alkutila 0.45 Al2(SO4)3 (NH4)2SO4 Martti Aho IV Liekki-päivät 2008 0.75 1.50 2.25 26 Conclusions t t t There are many (stil unknown) other additive-originated paramerets effecting to the sulphation power of alkalies than just the molaric sulphur flow: The power of the reagents with constant sulphur mass flow in the reaction: 2MCl + SO3 + H2O -> M2SO4 + 2 HCl was: Al2(SO4)3 > Fe2(SO4)3 >> (NH4)2SO4 This order is directly proportional to the temperature needed to thermal destruction. Probably ammoniun sulphate decomposes faster than the other sulphates which then produce fresh SO3 at longer furnace zone. Complete decomposion to SO3 at short furnace zone leading to high local SO3 concentr. may strengthen other SO3 consuming reactions than sulphation and reduce alkali sulphation selectivity to SO3 t With the new reagents, sulphation of alkali chlorides dominates strongly over the other SO3 consuming reactions which is a significant advantage: chemicals can be used with low dosages with small or insignificant increase of SO2 emissions Martti Aho IV Liekki-päivät 2008