2007 Symposium on Teaching, Research and Outreach Service-Learning:

2007 Symposium on Teaching, Research and Outreach
A Continuing Dialogue on the Synergy Between Teaching, Research and Outreach
Time and Date: 11:45 - 3:00 Thursday, October 11, 2007
Location: Marshall Hall (Alumni) Lounge
Invited Speaker:
Dr. Paul Roodin
Director, Experience-based Education
SUNY Oswego
New wine in old bottles,
old wine in new bottles?
Our invited speaker will be followed invited roundtable presentations/discussion by ESF Faculty and other central New
York campuses.
Tentative Schedule
11:45 am
Registration and Lunch
12:10 pm
Welcome, Dr. Chuck Spuches, Associate Dean, ESF Outreach
Opening Remarks by President Neil Murphy
Provost Dr. Bruce Bongarten
Dr. Allan Drew, introduces keynote speaker
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Paul Roodin, Director, Experience-based Education and Professor of Psychology, SUNY
College at Oswego:
Service-Learning: New wine in old bottles, old wine in new bottles?
Concurrent Roundtable Discussion Groups I
Dr. Allan Drew (Forestry & Natural Resources Management) & Dr. James Hassett (Environmental Resources & Forest
Engineers Without Borders Project in Dominica W.I.
In January, 2005, the SUNY-ESF student chapter of Engineers Without Borders installed a micro-hydro system for
In January, 2005, the SUNY-ESF student chapter of Engineers Without Borders installed a micro-hydro system for
streamwater generation of electricity at the Archbold Tropical Research & Education Center in Dominica, W.I. The venture
was a service-learning project done in conjunction with students from the University of Vermont and the Gund Institute for
Ecological Economics there. The turbine generator has the capacity to supply 30 percent of the electrical energy needs of the
Archbold Center, a demonstration of sustainable energy technology to island residents and an improvement over diesel
generated power.
Dr. Rick Beal (ESF Outreach)
The ESF Science Corps embodies SUNY ESF's vision: A Better World through Environmental Discovery
The Science Corps supports campus-based, in-school, workplace and field-based STEM (science, technology, engineering
and mathematics) learning and professional development experiences for middle and high school students and teachers.
Established by a National Science Foundation grant, ESF undergraduate, masters and Ph.D. students, faculty and other
volunteers comprise the Science Corps. Members are "front line" role models for students whose academic and career plans
are emerging. Current Science Corps efforts include ESF in the High School, the Environmental Challenge, and ESF
SCIENCE (Summer Camps Investigating Ecology in Neighborhood and City Environments), a project supported by a U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency grant. Efforts are undertaken in partnership with urban, suburban and rural schools as well
as numerous public, private and non-profit organizations.
Our project's focus is to produce environmental science leaders who will be able to meet the extraordinary environmental
challenges of the 21st century. Our project will offer transformational opportunities for graduate students to become
environmental scientists who possess the skills required to meet society's immediate and future challenges. We will enhance
their effectiveness as environmental science communicators and as research scientists who can actively engage and make a
positive difference in their own communities through Service-Research a variant of the Service-Learning concept.
Dr. Robin Hoffman (Landscape Architecture) & Dr. Rick Smardon (Environmental Studies)
Landscape Architecture Studio and Save the County, Land Trust
This break out session will highlight the fall 2006 LA studio that did site inventory and analysis for a proposed development
project on the Seneca River in Cicero. This work was of mutual benefit to the Town of Cicero, STC Land Trust, developer and
students alike.
Dr. Sue Senecah (Environmental Studies)
State-wide Dialogs on Ecosystem based Management
Eight graduate students, many in the GPES program of Environmental Communication & Participatory Processes, assisted in
five statewide dialogues held in Syracuse, Buffalo, New York City, Long Island, and Albany. The five, 4-hour events engaged
over 500 participants in a collaborative learning process regarding implementing the state's 2006 commitment to ecosystembased management and formed the basis for a subsequent report to the new New York Ocean and Great Lakes Ecosystem
Conservation Council. The events were sponsored by the Coastal Resources Division of the NYS Department of State.
Leah Flynn and Eve Tamela (Vista Volunteer)
ESF Campus Day of Service
ESF students spent Saturday, September 22 in service to the community on specific projects: Milton J. Rubenstein Museum
of Science & Technology (MOST), Rescue Mission / Liverpool Warehouse, The Samaritan Center, Sarah House Spay and
Neuter Syracuse (SANS), Westcott Community Center. The students work at these sites will be featured in the roundtable
discussion. What is service-learning and how does the service students provide to the community relate to the definition
provided at this Symposium?
Prof. Cheryl Doble (Landscape Architecture)
The Franciscan Vietnamese Peace Garden
This roundtable will review a collaborative project between ESF
Landscape Architecture students, Syracuse Community Development, local nonprofits, a private design firm and the
Syracuse Vietnamese Community. The project explores strategies to strengthen academic/community partnerships, foster
cross-cultural dialogue and facilitate student reflection.
Concurrent Discussion Groups II
Participant Reflective Comments, Facilitated Dr. Dudley Raynal, Dean, Instruction and Graduate Studies
Associate Dean Spuches: Recognition of Invited Guests and Speaker; Program Evaluation
More information on the 2007 symposium coming soon. Please bookmark this page and visit again.
Information and images of Past Symposia
For further information contact ESF Outreach:
221 Marshall Hall
1 Forestry Drive
Syracuse, NY 13210
315-470-6890 (fax)
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