The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications Volume 4, Issue 6, 1998 On W a v e l e t S e t s Eugen J. Ionascu, David R. Larson, and Carl M. Pearcy Communicated by Guido Weiss ABSTRACT It is proved that associated with every wavelet set is a closely related "regularized" wavelet set which has very nice properties. Then it is shown that for many (and perhaps all) pairs E, F of wavelet sets, the corresponding MSF wavelets can be connected by a continuous path in L2(R) of MSF wavelets for which the Fourier transform has support contained in E U F. Our technique applies, in particular, to the Shannon and Journe wavelet sets. 1. Introduction In [2], the notion of a wavelet (measurable) set was introduced and the question was raised whether the set of all one-dimensional wavelets is connected (in the norm topology on L2(R)). Wavelet sets were also introduced independently and simultaneously as the support sets of minimally supported frequency (MSF) wavelets in the sequence of papers [3, 5] and [6], in which the connectivity problem was raised. (See also the recent excellent book [4].) The problem has been treated by several additional authors (cf. [7, 9, 10]) but is not solved in complete generality. The purpose of this note is to introduce a different approach to the connectivity problem which seems to be very natural and simple and proves somewhat more in several particular cases. We begin by introducing some preliminary terminology and notation. The measurable space under consideration will always be R together with the a-ring L of Lebesgue measurable sets, and Lebesgue measure on this space will be denoted by #. The LZ-space with respect to /z will be written, as above, simply as L2(R). Throughout the article, we shall need the equivalence relation on L defined by F -,~ G if F V G is a null set I/z]. Following roughly the ideas in [2], we redefine some notions and establish the connections between them. Recall (cf. [2]) that a function w 6 L2(R) is a wavelet if the family of functions {tOj,k}j,k~ x defined by wj,i(s) = 2J/2w (2Js + k) , s 6 R, j, k 6 Z , is an orthonormal basis for L2(R). We say that a subset G of N with positive measure is a wavelet set if ~ X1 C (1.1) = .7-(w), where w is a wavelet in L2(R) and .Y"is the Fourier-Plancherel transform on L2(N). A measurable Math Subject Classifications. 42C 15, 46H25. Keywords and Phrases. Wavelet, regularized, wavelet set, wandering measurable set, conti~mous path. 9 1998Birkh~userBoston.Allrights reserved ISSN 1069-5869 Eugen J. Ionascu,DavidR. Larson,and CarlM. Pearcy 712 subset G of ]R is called a 2-dilation generator of a partition of ]R if the sets 2~:G := {2ks : s E G ] , k E Z , are disjoint and Uk~z2k G "-" R, and G is a 2zr-translation generator of a partition of ]R if the sets G + 2ksr := {s + 2krr : s E G}, k E Z , are disjoint and Uk~z(G + 2kzr) ~ ]R. A measurable subset G of ]R is translation congruent modulo 2rr to a (measurable) set H if there exists a measurable bijection ~o : G --~ tp(G) such that ~0(s) - s is an integral multiple of 2zr for every s in G and r --~ H. Analogously, G is said to be dilation congruent modulo 2 to a (measurable) set H if there exists a measurable bijection ~ : G ~ ~ ( G ) such that ~t(s)/s is an integral power of 2 for every s in G and Or(G) ,~ H. L e m m a 1. The following conditions are equivalent for any measurable subset G of]R: (a) G is a wavelet set, (b) there exists a set G' E L such that G "~ G' and G ~ is a 2-dilation generator of a partition of]R and a 2zr-translation generator of another partition of]R, (c) the Littlewood-Patey wavelet set E = [-2~r, - z r ) O [rr, 2rr) is translation congruent modulo 2Jr and dilation congruent modulo 2 to G. Proof. Assume that G is a wavelet set. Then, by definition, there exists a wavelet w such that l VTTb-~Xo = ~-(w). Thus, the family of vectors {Wj.k }j,kEZ defined in (1.1) is an orthonormal basis of L2(]R). Since ~" is a unitary transformation and .~(wj,o) = ~ X 2 1- J G for all j in Z, it follows that all of the sets 2JG fl 2~G, j ~ k (j, k E Z), are null sets. We can clearly find a measurable subset G1 of G such that Gl -- G and the family {2JGI}j~z is disjoint. Since for all j, k 6 Z w e h a v e eiks (wj.,,))(s) = ]R , s and {~(wj,l:)}j,k~z is an orthonormal basis of L2(]R), we get that Uk~z 2kG "~ Uk~z 2kGl "~ ]R, which proves that Gl is a 2-dilation generator of a partition of ]R. We assert that for e v e r y j , k ~ Z, j r k, the set ( G + 2 j r r ) M ( G + 2 k s r ) i s a n u l l s e t . If not, there exists s ~ Z\{0} such that/z(G A (G + 2esr)) > 0. Set F = G f3 (G + 2err), so F u ( F - 2s C G. Since/z(F) > 0, there exists a subset F1 of F of positive measure such that F1 f'l (F1 - 2e~r) = O. Thus, IIx,=, - 11 = (1.3) (F,) > o. On the other hand, using (1.2) and the fact that the family {2JG}j~z is almost disjoint, we have fR ] . < ~ ( w y . k ) , xe~ - X ( F , - 2 t , , ) > __ eiks (s) - •j,O f eiks ( x F , ( S ) _ X(F,_21zr)(s))ds ,/V(N Ja aj,o (~ eikSds eikSds) O, y,k Z, On WaveletSets 713 which contradicts (1.3). Thus, (G + 2jzr) N (G + 2krr) ~ (GI + 2jrr) f'l (G1 + 2kzr) is a null set for all j --r k (j, k ~ Z). Thus, we can find a subset G' of GI such that G ~ ~ G1 and the family {G' + 2jzr}j~z is disjoint. Since II~ = U k c z ( E ' + 2ksr) (with E' = [0, 2~r)), if we define tp : G' --~ E ' by r = s - 2kzr ifs e G~ : = G' Cl (E' + 2kzr), r becomes an injective measurable map. Then from (1.2) we obtain that 8k,o~//z(G) = fReiksXG(S)dS:fG eeikSdS=k~Z i k s d S ' fG'k = k~zf~ eikSds=f~ (G'k) eikSds (G') ,/-2-~fe,(I/,,/2-~)eikSx,(G,)(s)ds. = Since the family of functions {s --+ (1/,/-2-~)eikSXE,(S)}keZis an orthonormal basis for L2(E'), we conclude from the above computation that X~(G')is the constant function (s//x(G)/(2sr))XE, in L2(E'). Hence,/z(G) = 2zr and r ~ E ~, so U (G' + 2kn') k~Z k~Z = u j~Z (~:. (,0~;> + ~,~ + ,>~)) jeZ = = u (~,~ (,0~;> + ~,,~)) j~Z u (~,,z (,0<~;> + ~ - ) ) ~ u : ' + ~-,> = ~. e~Z (1.4) ~Z This proves that G' is a 2zr-translation generator of a partition of R. Since G' C G1 and G' ~ G, G' is also a 2-dilation generator of a partition of ]R, so (a) implies (b). We prove now that (b) implies (c). Thus, suppose that the set G' is as in part (b). We consider the equivalence relation p on the null set R \ ( U k s z 2kG ' U {0}) defined by sl p s2 if sl/s2 is an integral power of 2. By the axiom of choice there exists a subset G of R ~ U k s Z 2 t G ' such that contains exactly one point from each equivalence class (rood p). Clearly, G is a null set and the set = G' U G has the property that the family {2kG}/~sz is a measurable partition of R\{0}. Hence, if we define ~ : E --~ G by ~ ( s ) = 2-ks for s E E A (2kG), if/is a measurable bijection, and so since G "-" G, E is dilation congruent modulo 2rr to G. Similarly one shows that E is translation congruent modulo 2zr to G. To establish the implication (c) =~ (a), let ~ : E --+ ~ ( E ) "~ G be the measurable bijection which satisfies ~(s)/s E {2k : k E Z} for every s ~ E. If we consider the measurable sets Ek : = {s ~ E : ~(s)/s = 2k}, k ~ Z, then 2JEt A 2~Em C 2JE N 2kE = 0 for all s m ~ Z and all j, k ~ Z, j -~ k. Thus, for j ~ Z\{0} fixed we have / 2J~(E) f'l ~(E) \k~Z = \k~Z / U 2~+~e~2'E,=U2'(E'-~E,) = ~ (1.5) This implies that the family {2JG}jeZ is almost disjoint, and a computation like (1.4) shows that U j ~ z 2j G ~ R. Therefore, by (1.2), it suffices to show that the family of functions I'-" (I/7~) e/"~">l,:. <"~> EugenJ. lonascu,DavidR. Larson, and CarlM. Pearcy 714 is an orthonormal basis for L2(G). For this purpose let ~o : E --* ~o(E) -,~ G be a measurable bijection which satisfies ~o(s) - s ~ {2kzr : k ~ Z} for every s ~ E. We consider E k := {s ~ E : ~o(s) - s = 2kzr }, k 6 Z, and an arbitrary function f ~ L2(G). Then fG f(s)e-ikSds = f~(E) f(s)e-ikSds = E e~Z (Et) f. -- - fe:( f(s)e-ik'ds = Z eEZ fe '+2e~r f (s)e-ikSds f (t + 2&r)e-ikt-2iken dt ~o(t))e lktdt, k ~ Z . (1.7) - First, letting f ( s ) = e ijs in (1.7), we get that the family (1.6) is orthonormaI (since g ( G ) = /z(cp(E)) = ~-]~k~Zlz( Ek + 2kzr) = /z(E) = 2zr). Second, (1,7) tells us that the only element of L2(G) that is orthogonal to the family (1.6) is f = 0. Thus, the family (1.6) is an orthonormal basis for L2(G), and the lemma is proved. [] Now let G q L be an arbitrary wavelet set. Then we know from Lemma l(b) that there exists a wavelet set G ' ~ G such that the families {G' + 2k~r}k~Z and {2kG'}kzZ are disjoint and satisfy U(G'+2k ) ~R, LI2 G' ~R k~Z k~Z It turns out to be very convenient for the constructions to follow to know something stronger, namely, that G' may be chosen to also satisfy U (o' + 2k.) = R, U 2k ' = kcZ k~Z (1.8) Strangely enough, this is always possible, as is established by the following result. Theorem 1. Let G be a wavelet set. Then there exists a (wavelet) set G ~ ~ L such that G ~ ,- G, G ~ is a 2-dilation generator of a partition of R and a 2It-translation generator of another partition of •, and, furthermore, the equalities in (1.8) hold. Moreover, there exist unique measurable bijections and ~t of E onto G' satisfying the conditions ~(s)/sE {2k:kEZ}, r sEE. (1.9) Proof. According to part (c) in Lemma 1 there exist measurable bijections ~o : E --+ ~o(E) ~ G and ~ : E --+ ~ ( E ) "~ G such that ~o(s) - s ~ {2kzr : k q Z} and ~ ( s ) / s ~ {2k : k fi Z} for every s q E. Let G1 = ~o(E) M ~p(E) and inductively define the sequences {Gn}nr and {En}n~n of sets by En = ~o-1 (Gn) n q/-1 (Gn), n E N, Gn+l = ~o(En) n ~ (En), n E N\{1}. (1.10) It is easy to see that both sequences {Gn}, {En} are decreasing and that En "" E, Gn "" G for every n in N. Let J~ := AnEN En, G := Anon Gn, and observe that /z (/~) = lim/z (En) = 2zr ----lim/z ( G . ) = / z (G) , n ?1 (1.11) On WaveletSets 715 from which we get that E ,,~ E and G -,~ G. We assert that ~p(/~) = G and ~p(/~) = G. We first show that ~0(E) C G. Consider s ~ E and fix n ~ N\{I}. Since s ~ En, there exists t ~ Gn such that s = r and there exists ~ E En-l such that t = ~(~). Hence, ~p(s) = ~ ( ~ ) ~ ~P(En-l), and since ~o(s) ~ ~o(En) C ~o(En-l), it follows from (1.10) that ~o(s) ~ Gn, and thus that ~o(s) ~ and ~ ( E ) C G. Analogously one establishes that ~(J~) C G, ~o-l(G) C E, and ~ - l ( ~ ) C /~, which shows that ~p(J~) = G = ~(J~). We define now G' = G U (EkJ~). From (1.11) we get G ~ "-~ G, and if we define ~ [resp. ~] : E ~ G' to be ~o [resp. ~ ] on E and the identity function on E \ E , we obtain that r and are measurable bijections (with range G') satisfying (1.9). (To verify the injectivity of ~b and ~, let Sl ~ E\J~, s2 ~ E, and r = r [resp. ff(Sl) = if(s2)]. Then ~P(S2) [resp.q/(s2)] = sl E E. Since s2, ~(s2) ~ E and s2 - ~/(s2) is an integral multiple of 2re, we must have ~p(s2) = s2 = Sl and similarly for ~.) Two computations similar to (1.4) show that both equalities in (1.8) hold, and two computations similar to (1.5) show that the sequences {G' + 2k:r }i~Z and {2tG'}k~Z are disjoint. Finally, the uniqueness of ~ and ~ follows immediately from (1.9) and the fact that G' is both a 2-dilation generator and a 2zr-translation generator of partitions of IR. [] Definition 1. If G C ~ is any wavelet set and G' is related to G as in Theorem 1, we say that G ~ is a r e g u l a r i z a t i o n of G and that G ~ is a r e g u l a r i z e d wavelet set. (Easy examples show that such a G ~need not be unique.) 2. T h e Main Result The following concept will be very useful. If (X, M) is any measurable space and g : X -+ X is a measurable bijection with measurable inverse, a measurable set W C X is called a wandering set for g if the family {g(k)(W)}k~Z is disjoint and X = [.Jk~Zg(k)(W), where g(k) is the identity function on X when k = 0 and the composition o f g [resp. g - l ] with itself Ikl times when k > 0 [resp. k < 0]. (In particular, if X = 0, then W = 0 is a wandering set for g.) With these preliminaries disposed of, we now turn to our principal construction. Let F be any wavelet set, let F ~ be a regularization of F, and let ~b : E ~ F', ff : E ~ F ' be the measurable bijections given by Theorem 1. Since ~ - l and ~ - l are measurable as well [via (1.9)], the function h : E --+ E defined by h = ~b-1 o ~ and its inverse are measurable bijections. We consider a measurable partition E = E1 t.) E2 U E3 U . . . t.) Eoo of E, where (2.1) k=l For each n ~ N U {oo}, h maps each En onto itself and h Ie, is a measurable bijection with measurable inverse. The following is our principal theorem. T h e o r e m 2. Let E be the Littlewood-Paley wavelet set as above, F any wavelet set, and F ~a regularization of F. Suppose there exists a wandering set W for the function h leoo defined above. Then there exists a family of(regularized) wavelet sets {Gt}t~[O, ll such that Go = E, GI V F~ is at most countable, and Gt ( E U F for all t ~ [0, 1]. Moreover, the function t ~ .Tr-l(--~XGt) defined on [0, 1] is continuous (with respect to the norm topology on L2(R)) and consists entirely of wavelets. Proof. Let ~ and q/as above. For t E [0, 1] and n ~ N we define the sets pt = [-2rC-(2-t)~r)U[(2-t):r, 2~r), Wt = W f q p t , Ptn= E n N P t , EugenJ. lonascu, DavidR. Larson, and CarlM. Pearcy 716 n--I f2t = Uh(k)(wt), oo f2tn=Uh(k)(Pnt), f 2 t = f 2 t u U a k~Z k=0 ~, (2.2) k=2 where the En are as in (2.1). Then the desired family of wavelet sets is given by Gt := ( E \ a , ) t.; ~b (f2t), t 6 [0, 1]. (2.3) Clearly, the sets Wt, P n, t aoo, t t f2t (and consequently Gt) are measurable for all t ~ [0, 1] and a n, n 6 N. It is easy to see that Go = E (since p0 = 0). To show that GI V F ' is at most countable, we note that ~b(s) = s for all s in El except possibly a countable set. (Indeed, i f s 6 El, then h(s) = s and this leads to the equation ~b(s) = s + 2 l r c = 2ms = ~ ( s ) for some l, m ~ Z. I f m = 0 then I = 0, which shows that ~b(s) = s. I f m # 0 then s = - 2 l J r / ( 2 m - 1), and the set of such points is countable.) A calculation using (2.2) shows that G1 = ( E \ a l ) u ~ b ( a l ) = E1 U~b(E\E1) = E l U ( F ' \ ~ b ( E l ) ) , so G1 V FI is countable. From (2.3) we see that Gt C E U F ' for all t ~ [0, 1]. To check that each Gt is a wavelet set, by Lemma 1 it suffices to show that E is translation congruent modulo 2Jr and dilation congruent modulo 2 to Gt. For this purpose let us observe that h ( a t ) = f2t and thus ~b(at) = ~ ( a t ) for all t 6 [0, I]. Moreover, we have ~b(f2t) fq E = 0 for all t 6 [0, 1]. (Indeed, if ~b(s) 6 E for some s in ~t, then ~b(s) = s by (1.9) and the fact that {E + 2kzr }k~Z is a disjoint family. Hence, s 6 E :1 F', and since ~ ( s ) 6 F', we must have r = s [since {2kFI}~Z is a disjoint family]. This implies that h ( s ) = ( r o (O)(s) = s and hence s 6 El. But this contradicts the fact that f2t N E t = 0 by the definition of a t . ) We consider the measurable maps ~ot, ~tt : E --+ Gt defined to be the identity function on E \ a t and by ~ot = ~, ~t = ~/ on f2t for all t E [0, 1]. Since Gt = ( E \ a t ) t.J ~ ( a t ) = ( E \ a t ) U ~ ( a t ) for all t E [0, 1], and ( E \ a t ) fq ~(at) = ( E \ a t ) f') Ct(at) = ~, ~ot and ~/t are injective and map E onto Gt. It is clear that for all t 6 [0, 1] and all s 6 E, ~ot (S) - - S is an integral multiple of 2rr and ~t ( s ) / s is an integral power of 2. As in the proof of Theorem 1, one concludes easily that all the sets Gt are regularized wavelets sets. Since 5r is a unitary operator, to check that the function t --+ .Y"-I ( ~ 'tX G , ) is continuous, it suffices to show that the function t --+ XG, is continuous on [0, I]. For this purpose let q, t2 6 [0, 1], and, without loss of generality, suppose that tl < t2. Then Pq Q pt2 and consequently a q c f2t2. THUS, XGq - XG,2 2L2 = XGq ~TGt2 2L2 = / Z ( f 2 t 2 \ a t , ) + / z (~o ( a t 2 \ a q ) ) . (2.4) Since ~b is/z-measure preserving, (2.4) becomes XGq -- XG, 2 2L2 = 2(/z (at2) - / z (f2tl)) 9 (2.5) The following lemma completes the proof of Theorem 2. L e r a m a 2. The function co defined by co(t) = / z ( a t ) , Proof. t ~ [0, 1], is continuous on [0, 1]. We begin by defining the functions con on [0, 1] by coo(t)=/z (at), con(t)= U (at), n ~ N. F r o m ( 2 . 2 ) w e see that oo co(t) = coo(t) + Z cok(t), t 6 [0, 1]. k=2 Since h ( E n ) = En for all n ~ N, we obtain Y coW) <_Y .u (ek) <_ U(E) = 2 r, k=2 k=2 t ~[0,1], (2.6) On WaveletSets 717 so the series in (2.6) converges uniformly on [0, 1]. Thus, it suffices to show that for n = 0, 1. . . . . the function wn is continuous on [0, 1]. For n = 1, 2 . . . . . we note that if 0 < tl < t2 < 1, then n-1 f2~ \ S2t~ C Uk=0 h(k)(P~2\Ptt), and consequently we have n-I 0 ~<~O.)n( t 2 ) - O)n (tl)_~< Zl-l,(h(k)(Pnt2 \ pntl)) , n EN. k=O Since/z(P~t2 \ p t l ) < 2st }tl - t21 [cf. (2.2)], to establish the continuity of the wn, n ~ N, it is sufficient to show that for k ~ Z the measure vk defined on (E, L 71 E) by vk(L) = lz(h(k)(L)), L ~ L 71 E, k ~ Z, is absolutely continuous with respect to/Zl(Lne ). Moreover, using (2.2) and the facts that Wt C W and W is a wandering set for hlEoo, we get o)o(t) = ~ Iz (h(k) (Wt)) (2.7) keTZ and t ~[0,1]. kEZ kEZ This shows that the convergence of the series in (2.7) is uniform on [0, 1], and since lz (Wt2\Wq) < 2rr It1 - tzl, t l , t2 E [0, 11, the continuity of w0 will also follow from the absolute continuity [/z] of the vk, k ~ Z. In order to check the relations vk < < /ZILf'IE, we observe that the measure Vl is mutually absolutely continuous with respect to (i.e., equivalent to) /ZlLAE. Indeed, let L be a measurable subset of E such that/.t (L) = 0. It is clear from (1.9) that for every s in E we get h(s) = 2ms -t- 2kTr for some integers m and k. Thus, we consider the measurable partition E = U i , j ~ z Hij o f E , where H ij = {s E E : h(s) = 2is -F 2jrr}. Since h is a measurable bijective map, h(L) is the disjoint union u,, (,. i,j~Z =u (L n,-,,,)+ i,jEZ This implies that v I ( L ) ~---- ~'~ i,jEZ 11~(2i (L71HiJ) nt-2jTr) ~ Y ~ 2il.s i,jEZ =0. (2.8) Reciprocally, if L is a measurable subset of E such that vl (L) = 0, we obtain from (2.8) that lz(L N H ij) = 0 for every i, j 6 Z. Hence,/z(L) = Y~i,j~z lz(L N H ij) ~- O. T h u s , Vl and/z vanish simultaneously on L 71 E, and by virtue of the relationships between vl, vk, and/~, the same is true for all Wo k 6 Z. Since the v/r and/z are all finite measures on (E, L 71 E), for each fixed k ~ Z and for each ~ > 0, there exists 8k > 0 such that vk(L) < e whenever/z(L) < 8k (see, e.g., [1, p. 169]). This is what was needed, so the proof is complete. [] [] R e m a r k 1. In Theorem 2, E is the Littlewood-Paley wavelet set, but the content of the theorem is not altered if we replace E by any regularized wavelet set. Corollary 1. Let F be a wavelet set for which the set Eoo defined in the preamble to Theorem 2 is a null set (equivalently, for which almost every point of E has a finite orbit under the corresponding function h). Then there exists a wandering set W for hlEo~, and thus the conclusions of Theorem 2 hold. Eugen J. lonascu, David R. Larson, and Carl M. Pearcy 718 Proof. IfE~ isvoid, then Oisawanderingsetforhle~. IfE~ ~ 0, we consider the equivalence relation 8 on E ~ given by s ~ s ~ if h (k) (s) = s' for some integer k. By the Axiom of Choice there exists a subset W of E ~ such that W contains exactly one point from each equivalence class (mod S). By hypothesis it follows that W is a measurable null set. Clearly, by construction, h (k)(W) N W = 0 for all k E N and E ~ = [-Jk~Z h(k)(W) 9 Hence, W is a wandering set for hie ~, and this proves the corollary. There are several examples of wavelet sets to which we can apply Corollary 1. E x a m p l e 1. First we consider the class of all wavelet sets F such that (E, F) is an interpolation pair (see [2, p. 56]). (Indeed, in the notation of [2], if (trff) 2 is the identity function (a.e.) on JR, one may observe that (~rff)lE, = ~bo ~ - l (a.e.) in our notation, and thus h (2) is the identity function (a.e.) on E. This implies that E --. E1 tJ E2 and hence that Eoo is a null set.) Consequently, we obtain the following result first mentioned in [2]: Any two wavelets associated with an interpolation pair of wavelet sets can be connected by an arc of wavelets. E x a m p l e 2. There are cases (see [2, p. 83]) when (trF) E 3 is the identity function on JR. Clearly, these cases are also covered by Corollary 1. Indeed, Corollary 1 applies whenever there exists an n ~ N such that h (n) is the identity function (a.e.) on E, since in this case E "-- U~=l Ej. In fact, we can prove somewhat more. Corollary 2. Let F be a wavelet set such that the function h defined in the preamble to Theorem 2 has the property that h (k) is continuous on E f o r some k E Z\{0}. Then there exists a wandering set W f o r hie ~, and thus the conclusions of Theorem 2 hold. Proof. We write g for h (k), and recall that g and g - l are measurable and injective maps of E onto itself. Since g maps connected sets to connected sets, we must have g([Tr, 2rr)) = [-2rr, - J r ) or g([Jr, 2~r)) = [Jr, 2:r). In any case, by squaring if necessary, we may suppose that g maps [Jr, 2zr) onto itself and thus that g (rr) = 7r and g is strictly increasing on [Jr, 2zr). Hence, lims ~ 2n g (s) = 2zr. In other words, g can be extended to be a continuous bijection on [Jr, 2rr ], and thus a homeomorphism. Consequently g is a homeomorphism of [zr, 2rr) onto itself, and similarly for g on [ - 2 r r , - J r ) . Let C + be the set of fixed points ofgt[rr,2~r ) (which includes Jr), and let U + = [zr, 2Jr) \ C +. If U + = 0, then 12t is a wandering set for glu+. Otherwise U + is a nonempty open subset of R which can be written uniquely as a countable union U + = U j ~ j ( a j , bj) of disjoint open intervals. Clearly, aj, bj ~ C + U {2zr} and g((ay, by)) = (aj, bj) for all j. Consequently, U + consists exactly of those points s ~ [rr, 2zr) such that the orbit of s under g (and therefore under h) is infinite. We now exhibit a wandering set W + for gltJ+. For each j ~ J we choose a point (say, the midpoint) sj ~ (aj, bj) and define W + = [..Jj Iy, where lj = [sj, g(sj)) if sj < g(sj) and Ij = [g(sj), sj) if g(sj) < sj. Itis easy to see that the family of sets {g(k)(W+)}k~Z is disjoint and Uk~Z g(~)(W+) = U+. In a similar way we construct a wandering set W - for glu-, where U - C [-27r, - r r ) is defined analogously to U + , and we write r~ = W + t3 W - . Clearly I~' is a wandering set for glu+UtJ- (and (g-1)lu+uu-). The following lemma applied to X = U + U U - , M = L Iq X, and v = / z l x completes the proof of the corollary. /,emma 3. Let (X, M, v) be a complete, finite measure space, and let h : X --+ X be a measurable bijection with measurable inverse which preserves sets of measure zero and has the property that f o r some n E N, h (n) has a wandering set. Then h also has a wandering set. Proof. Suppose .W is a wandering set for h (ko) (ko > 1), and consider the collection S of subsets On WaveletSets 719 of W defined by S:={SCW:S~I~and {h(J)(s)}j~zisadisjointfamily } . Obviously 0 ~ S, and we consider the partial ordering defined on S by $1 -~ $2 if S1 C $2 and v(S2\S1) > 0. Let C = {S,,}~A be a chain in S. Then A is at most countable since W cannot contain uncountably many disjoint sets of positive measure, and an easy calculation shows that U = Uct~A Sct E S. T h U S , U is an upper bound for the chain C, and by Zorn's Lemma, S contains a maximal element M. By definition, the family {h(J)(M)}j~Z is disjoint, and we assert that v ( X \ Uj~z h(J)(M)) = 0. Suppose, for the moment, that this has been established. Then, if \ / X \ Uj az h (j) (M) ~ ~, we put an equivalence relation on this set of measure zero as in the proof of Corollary 1, and using the Axiom of Choice as in that corollary and the completeness of (X, M, v), we obtain a set T of measure zero such that M U T is a wandering set for h. Thus it suffices to verify that X \ U j e z h ( J ) ( M ) has measure zero. Suppose not. Then R = W\(Ujezh(J)(M)) must also have positive measure. (Otherwise, by hypothesis, X = Ue~z h(ek~ is almost contained in Uj~z h(J)(M) .) Using the fact that U h(k~ = X, j = 1 . . . . . k o - 1 , e~Z we may choose integers n l . . . . . n~o_l by induction so that the (measurable) set Q = R n h(k~ n h(k~ N ... n h(k~176 has positive measure, and since Q c R and R n (Uj~zh(J)(M)) = O, we have h(m)(Q)n ( U h ( J ) ( M ) I = 0 , \j~z / mEZ. Thus M O Q ~ S, which contradicts the fact that M is a maximal element of S, so the proof is complete. [] [] R e m a r k 2. One can prove that, in fact, the hypothesis in Lemma 3 can be weakened to the assumption that (X, 1~) is simply a measurable space. The proof is very computational (so we do not include it here), and is based on checking that the set , = wn U N h(JD(w) ' (Jl ..... jko_l)~A g----I where .4 is a subset of the product (koZ + 1) x ... x (koZ + ko - 1) with certain properties, is a wandering set for h. E x a m p l e 3. An interesting wavelet set to which Corollary 2 applies is Journe's (regularized) wavelet set (el. [2, p. 45]): J=[-32;,-4zr) U[-rr,-~)U[~,zr)U[4rr, 3-~-) 9 One can easily compute the corresponding function h (constructed from E and J) and obtain that h(s) = s/4 + 3rr/2 for s 6 [ - 2 z r , - 1 0 r r / 7 ) , h(s) = 2s + 4rr if s 6 [-10zr/7), h(s) = 2 s - 4zr 720 Eugen J. lonascu, David R. Larson, and Carl M. Pearcy for s 6 [zr, 10zr/7), and h ( s ) = s / 4 - 3zr/2 i f s ~ [10rr/7, 2~r). Obviously h is continuous, but calculations show that E ~ is not a null set, so Corollary 1 does not apply. But the set [ - 9 z r / 7 , - 8 r r / 7 ) U [8zr/7, 9rr/7) is easily seen to be a wandering set for hie ~ , and thus Theorem 2 applies. E x a m p l e 4. The following (regularized) wavelet set G (due to Gu [8]), is an interval wavelet set (i.e., a wavelet set which is a union of intervals), but even so, for every k 6 Z the function h (k) is not continuous: G : = [ - 6 4 0 r r / 2 1 , -448~r/15) U [ - 5 6 r r / 1 5 , - S z r / 3 ) U [ - 2 z r / 3 , -10~r/21) U [2zr/15, 4rr/15) . Indeed, an analysis of the functions ~b and ~ allows one to check that h is given by s / 4 + 2zr, s ~ [-2Jr, - 4 0 r r / 2 1 ) , h(s) = 16s + 32Jr, s E [ - 4 0 r r / 2 1 , - 1 5 r r / 8 ) , 16s + 28zr, s ~ [-15zr/8, - 2 8 z r / 1 5 ) , 2s + 2rr, s E [-28zr/15, - 3 r r / 2 ) , 2s + 4zr, s E [ - 3 z r / 2 , - 4 ~ r / 3 ) , s / 2 + 2zr, s E [ - 4 z r / 3 , - J r ) , s / 4 - 2zr, s ~ [Jr, 16zr/15), s / 8 - 2zr, s ~ [16zr/15, 2rr) . (2.9) One can trace the orbit {h(n)(--27r)}n~N and observe that it is an infinite set. But from the proof of Corollary 2, one knows that if h (k) were continuous for some k ~ Z, then - 2 z r would be a fixed point for h (2k). Still, it turns out that h i e ~ has a wandering set, so Theorem 2 applies again. In fact, one can check that E = E3 !.3 E4 U E ~ , where E3 = [ - 7 z r / 4 , - 2 6 r r / 1 5 ) U [ - 3 r r / 2 , - 2 2 z r / 1 5 ) U [Jr, 16zr/15) , E4 = [ - 2 8 r r / 1 5 , - l l r r / 6 ) U [ - 2 6 J r / 1 5 , - 5 r r / 3 ) U [ - 2 2 r r / 1 5 , - 4 z r / 3 ) U [16zr/15, 4zr/3) , Eoo = [-2zr, - 2 8 r r / 1 5 ) U [ - I lzr/6, - 7 r r / 4 ) U [ - 5 r r / 3 , - 3 r r / 2 ) U [ - 4 z r / 3 , - z r ) U [4zr/3, 2zr) and the interval [37r/2, 2rr) is a wandering set for hie ~ . We have reason to believe that the following conjecture, which we are presently unable to prove, is true. Conjecture 1. Given an arbitrary wavelet set F, there exists a wandering set f o r the corresponding function hie ~ associated with E and F. References [1] Brown, A. and Pearcy, C. (1977). Introduction to Operator Theory I, Elements of Functional Analysis, SpringerVedag. [2] Dai, X. and Larson, D. (1998). Wandering vectors for unitary systems and orthogonal wavelets, Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc., 134, no. 640. 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Received June 3, 1997 Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 77843 e-mail: ionascu Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 77843 e-mail: Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 77843 e-mail: