Johan Santana Michael Rubin

Johan Santana
Michael Rubin
Santana led the American League in strikeouts for the second straight year, was
second in ERA (behind Kevin Millwood by .01 earned runs), and posted a 9-2 record
with a 1.59 ERA after the All-Star break. No one really jumps out as the obvious Cy
Young pitcher in the AL this year, but you’ve got to love Santana’s consistency,
dominating the league for the last three years, and helping the struggling Twins all year
long. The Twins still had a shot at making the playoffs in mid-August, and Santana did
all that he could to get them there. Unfortunately, the rest of the Twins rotation faltered
and the White Sox and Indians pulled away but you can’t fault Santana. After all, he can’t
pitch 162 games a year. Santana is the best in a weak field of candidates this year, and
his stellar second half will definitely help his cause.