Mitigation of CTE Losses in ACS/WFC: Optimal Background Parameters From Simulated Images! Roberto J. AVILA, Jay ANDERSON, and the ACS Team! Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore MD! Putting the electrons back where they belong! ABSTRACT! The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) team has been exploring ways to further mitigate the effects of charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) on the wide field channel (WFC), in particular at low background levels where losses are so large that the current methods cannot recover the original signal. Using post flash increases the background levels and mitigates losses, although this also increases the effective background noise. We simulated images to represent typical astronomical scenes with various levels of post flash and explored the relationship between signal preserved and noise added. From this we present guidelines for guest observers on how best to optimize signal to noise ratios in their observations. ! INTRODUCTION! !Over the last few years the HST/ACS Team has explored ways to alleviate the problem of CTE losses that CCDs experience in space due to harsh radiation conditions. In June 2012 the team released CALACS 2012.2, the new image calibration pipeline that delivers products with CTE correction (amongst other corrections) using the Anderson & Bedin (2010) method. Work has also continued on improving the CTE Photomotric Correction Formula (Chiaberge, 2012).! ! CTE losses are more severe when the background is low (Anderson & Bedin, 2010; Chiaberge, 2012; Avila et al., 2011) because signal packets have a higher chance of being caught in charge traps and effectively vanish during readout. This is detrimental to short exposures, UV images where the background is low, and images taken with narrow band filters. The white paper by MacKenty & Smith (2012) discusses further methods that can be employed to alleviate CTE losses. For ACS/WFC in particular they recommend increasing the background. By increasing the background, the chances of a signal packet getting caught in a charge trap is reduced because the charges in front of it fill those traps. When observing with ACS/WFC the background of an image can be increased by taking a longer exposure, using a broader filter, or by using the post flash capabilities of the instrument. The post flash method uses an internal LED lamp which illuminates the CCD and floods it with extra electrons. ! ! This study is an extension of our study of simulated images with low background levels (Avila et al, 2011). We explore how photometry of point sources is affected by CTE at high background levels. ! ! In addition to alleviating the losses, the increased background level helps the correction algorithm work better. The green points in figure 1 show the photometry for stars after CTE correction has been applied. At the highest background level the ratio between the input and output flux remains within 10% down to a few hundred counts. ! !Figure 2 shows the signal to noise ratio (left) and the magnitude uncertainty (right) for CTE corrected and uncorrected photometry. The left panels show that even though there is an increase in noise due to the higher background, at high backgrounds the preservation of the signal increases quickly enough that the hit to signal to noise is not too severe. ! CONCLUSION! ! The problem of CTE degradation in space bound CCDs will never go away, but new methods are continually being developed to help alleviate the problem. Now, in addition to using a photometric correction formula, or an image correction algorithm, we recommend increasing the background in images by at least ~100 electrons in order to reduce CTE losses of points sources. This, in combination with the other established methods ensures that even faint point sources retain enough signal for good scientific use.! Figure 1 – Results from 0.1” aperture photometry. Left column shows results in terms of instrumental magnitudes. Right column is in counts. Each row corresponds to a different background level. Green points are for simulated FLC images and red points for FLT images. !The result of each simulation is three images: one that simulates an observation where the CCD has 100% CTE, one with the observed CTE losses (FLT images), and one with CTE correction (FLC images). These are used to measure how much CTE degrades the photometry, and how well the correction algorithm recovers the true flux of the stars.! IMAGES! RESULTS! !We created images with 5 different background levels: 0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 electrons. The images mimic the process of image acquisition, CTE loss, and CCD readout. We ignore bias level subtraction and flat fielding since these steps have no impact on the amount of CTE loss. We pay close attention to the points in the process where noise and CTE losses are introduced. ! ! • Each image contains 4640 stars with brightness ranging from -14 to -2 instrumental magnitudes. ! • The desired background is added.! • Poisson noise is added.! • CCD readout is simulated with and without CTE losses.! • Read noise is added.! ! !Figure 1 shows the result of the aperture photometry in terms of both input instrumental magnitudes and fluxes. The red points show the photometry for stars in the simulated FLT images. We see that at background=0 even bright stars (~1000 electrons) lose ~30% of the flux within the aperture. The loss levels decrease with increasing background, and they level off at a background of ~100 electrons. At that background level, even stars with only a few hundred electrons only lose ~20% of their flux. This result is close to that found in Figure 6 of MacKenty & Smith (2012). The main difference being that those tests use real images with more noise than these “ideal” simulations. ! ! Figure 2 –The signal to noise (left) and magnitude uncertainties (right) from the simulated photometry. Each row corresponds to a different background level. Green points are for simulated FLC images and red points for FLT images. REFERENCES! ! Anderson, J. & Bedin, L. R. 2010, PASP, 122, 1035–1064! ! Avila, R. et al, AAS meeting 219, 241.07 ! ! Chiaberge, M., ACS ISR 12-05, STScI, Baltimore, MD ! ! MacKenty, J., Smith, L., White Paper, ! !! !