Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 HRC AND WFC FLAT FIELDS: STANDARD FILTERS, POLARIZERS, AND CORONOGRAPH R. C. Bohlin, G. Hartig, and Andre Martel December 2001 ABSTRACT Laboratory flats with simulated sky illumination of the CCD cameras have been obtained for supported and many unsupported ACS modes. The ACS HRC flight detector shows a typical sensitivity variation from center to edge of ~10%, while the large format WFC minimum/maximum sensitivity variation is ~15%. The CEI specification of +-10% uniformity is met for WFC and HRC. The intrinsic rms variation of sensitivity in the pixel-topixel P-flat is 0.5-0.9%, so that observed flats with ~100,000 electrons/px and an rms of ~0.3% are required to improve the intrinsic S/N that is possible without a P-flat field reference file These high S/N flats are the P-flats combined with the low frequency L-flat sensitivity variation over the field. The 142 measured LP-flats include 13 and 17 single filter flats for WFC and HRC, respectively, 78 polarizer mode flats, and 34 flats of all types for the HRC coronographic mode. In addition, estimates are made for 15 supported modes that were not measured directly. All 157 flats are now available as reference files for the pipeline processing of ACS observations from Cycle 11. 1. INTRODUCTION Longward of its ~3500Å optical cutoff, the Refractive Aberrated Simulator/Hubble OptoMechanical Simulator (RAS/HOMS) with a continuum light source was used in 2001 February-March to produce flat fields which include both the low frequency L-flat and the high frequency pixel-to-pixel P-flat structure (Martel & Hartig 2001). These LP-flats Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 should be appropriate for reduction of on-orbit data with the flight B1 HRC and B4 WFC CCD detectors. The individual data frames are tabulated in Tables 1-5. The HRC flat field observations with standard, non-polarizing filters in Table 1 include the pre-flight database entry number of the first image of a set, the observation date, the exposure time in seconds, the number of images in the set, the filter wheel 1 and 2 positions, the CCD temperature, and the intrinsic 1σ rms pixel-to-pixel variation in sensitivity in a selected region of the HRC CCD. The laboratory calibration images are stored on the STScI SNAP5 disk with search and retrieval functionality provided by the ACS Instrument Definition Team (IDT) software written in the IDL language. Table 2 contains the same information as Table 1, but for the WFC. In addition, Table 2 specifies the filter wheel offset positions, the x-axis size in pixels, and the CCD amplifier configuration, which determine the location of the subarray within the 4096x4096 px detector. Subarray flats for the smaller filters are indicated by AXIS1=2048. The HRC flats for the polarizer modes are in Table 3, which has the same columns as Table 1, except that the rms variation is omitted. Table 4 has the same information as Table 2, but for the WFC polarizers. Similarly, Table 5 lists the coronographic flat field observations. Since the intrinsic rms variation is a property of the CCD, the rms values for the polarizing and coronographic modes are similar to those tabulated in Tables 1-2. The LP-flats are produced by combining the set of images for each filter mode with a cosmic ray rejection algorithm ( The physical overscan regions define the bias level. To normalize to unity, the flats are divided by the average number of counts in the central 1% of the combined frame. The acs_cr routine also produces the statistical uncertainty and data quality arrays for each flat. In the case of full WFC frames, the chip 2 images are divided by the chip 1 central value, in order to preserve the overall sensitivity difference between the two CCD chips across the ~40 pixel gap that separates the two independent pieces of the WFC detector. For display of the Figures in this presentation only, the two pieces of the WFC LP-flats are separately renormalized to the averages of strips along the adjacent edges of chips 1 and 2. Because of variation in the illuminating lamp with time, a special keyword (norm) in normalizes the succeeding images to the first one of a set by computing an effective exposure time. Without this renormalization, the typical lamp variation of ~3% causes most pixels in our high S/N flats to have at least one rejection. A single pass with a 5σ rejection and no sky adjustment in is used to combine the separate frames. In the case of the 2048x2046 pixel subimages that are used for the small filters that cover just part of one quadrant of the WFC, an extra line with unit value is added at the top and bottom of these flats to pad to a standard 2048x2048 size. These flats for the small filters are masked to unity below 90% of the central value of the data, so that no flat field correction is done on the scattered light outside the physical edge of the filter. The other two IDL routines used to derive the flats are a driver,, and a subroutine,, which calls acs_cr and does the normalization to unity, the padding, the masking, and the header creation. Figures 1-3 are examples of flats for the 2 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 HRC, a WFC subarray, and the full field WFC, respectively. The low order structure of the flats over the field of view (L-flat) is mostly due to the variations in the sensitivity of the CCD detector assembly; but variations in the filter transmissions also contribute, because the filters are close to the CCD focal plane. A translucent mylar diffuser screen at the pupil plane of the RAS/HOMS produces the same flat field as the sky through the OTA+ACS. See Sparks, et al.(2000) for a description of the role of SKY-flats in the pipeline data reduction. The pipeline data reduction will produce geometrically corrected images; but our LP-flats are observed sky-flats with no geometric correction. A direct application of a sky flat would make objects with uniform surface brightness show a uniform response per pixel. However, a star's total response would vary over the field in proportion to the change in the product of the x and y plate scales, i.e. in proportion to the geometric correction factor G of Bohlin et al. 1999, Bohlin et al. 2000, & Sparks, et al.(2000) as archived in the Image Distortion Correction (IDC) file. 2. WAVELENGTH DEPENDENCE 2.1 White Light Both the low frequency (L-flat) and pixel-to-pixel (P-flat) structure of the flats change with wavelength. This dependence of the flat field structure on the spectral distribution of the source may be the limiting factor in the analysis of GO science data with high S/N. 2.1.1 Cosmetic Artifacts The Blob Figure 4 is the white light flat for the F814W filter and shows a more uniform response than the F435W flat in Figure 3. The prominent extended doughnut of enhanced sensitivity at F435W has disappeared in F814W, while the blob at the lower left central part of chip 1 changes from a ~10% deficiency to an enhanced response of ~5%. Even for the adjacent filters, F435W and F475W, the ratio in the region of the blob still shows a relative enhancement of almost 10% in parts of the white region that are off-scale in the 1024x1024 WFC subsection in Figure 5. For HRC, the F475W/F435W ratio changes smoothly by <2%, over the full field of view. The Dust Motes Several circular patterns of a dark ring with a central brightening are visible on Figures 1-4 with typical diameters of ~30px on HRC and ~100px on WFC. These artifacts are shadows of dust on the CCD windows and are weaker on the f/25 WFC than at f/68 for HRC. Several of these dust motes can be seen at the same positions on Figures 3 and 4. 3 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Since the shapes and depths of these motes are almost independent of wavelength, their effects will be removed by the flats to <<1%, unless any of these particulate contaminants move to different positions on the CCD windows. The Freckles The small black spots (freckles) with a size of a few pixels can be seen on Figures 1-4; and a few have depths of more than 50%. The depth of the freckles decreases with increasing wavelength. However, the ratio of the adjacent wavelength HRC flats F475W/F435W has only 51 pixels that are more than 1.05. The worst HRC freckle includes pixels 486,608 and 488,607 near the image center and might create a false signal in a source with a slightly different spectral distribution than the tungsten lamp used for the white light laboratory flats. On the WFC, freckles are even less of a problem over most of the CCD area, as illustrated by the sparsity of small white dots on Figure 5. The data quality flag 'dq' in third extent of the flat field reference files. is set to 175 for pixel values in the flats of <0.1 or >2.0. Low sensitivity pixels also have an anomalous value in the uncertainty image 'err' in the second extent of the reference files. 2.1.2 P-Flat: Pixel-to-Pixel Fine Structure A relatively blemish free region at (590:690,434:534) on the HRC, at (590:690,1458:1558) on chip 1 of the full frame WFC, or at the same pixel range on the subarray flats of the WFC is used to study the pixel-to-pixel fine structure of the flats. The rms scatter is calculated in these regions, corrected for the small effect of the counting statistics, and tabulated in the final columns of Tables 1-2 as the intrinsic pixel-to-pixel rms structure of the detectors. In order to avoid any significant loss of S/N when applying flats to science data, the Poisson counting statistics of the flats are in the 0.2 to 0.3% range, i.e. at least 110,000 electrons per pixel. Table 1 shows that the intrinsic rms structure is as small as 0.5% in the longer wavelength filters on HRC. This intrinsic fine structure is always <1%; and generally decreases with wavelength, except for the fringing pattern in F892N and except for the longest wavelength F850LP filter on HRC. In white light, fringing in standard filters is observed only for F892N (see Figure 2). For all astrophysical sources where the continuum flux dominates the line emission within the narrow 150Å bandpass of F892N, the typical fringe amplitude is <1% and should be removed to a small fraction of a percent, because the fringe pattern is stable in monochromatic images. (See below for a measurement of monochromatic fringe stability.) Small differences in the effective wavelength of the source spectrum cause only small residual noise in flat fielded data. For example, in the standard regions of HRC and WFC the residuals for F475W/F435W are only 0.12% and 0.15%, respectively, after correcting for the expected scatter due to counting statistics of 0.32 and 0.37%, respectively. 4 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 2.2 Monochromatic Light Several monochromatic flats were obtained to compare with the broad band white light flats that are used in the pipeline ACS data processing. 2.2.1 P-Flat Wavelengths below 6400Å Table 6 quantifies the rms errors accrued by a monochromatic source after dividing by the white-light pipeline-reference flat for a selection of the standard broadband filters on WFC. The standard 101x101 pixel regions defined in 2.1.2 are used to compute the Poisson counting statistics, the actual one σ rms scatter, the intrinsic rms variation (Sigma Flat), and the minimum and maximum value of the flat. The Poisson scatter is removed from the 'Actual sigma' to calculate the 'Sigma Flat', which is the intrinsic rms variation of the flat itself. The RATIO section of the Table shows the result of correcting the numerator flat by the denominator flat, where the Poisson statistics are the numerator and denominator Poisson statistics combined in quadrature. The 'Actual sigma' entries are the standard deviations within the ratio sub-images. At the shortest monochromatic wavelength of 3880Å in Table 6, the residual of 0.63% is the poorest, because the pixel-to-pixel P-flat structure increases rapidly below ~4000Å. However, the impact is only for monochromatic sources below 4000Å when a S/N ~200 per pixel is required. Monochromatic data for HRC in the range 4751-6300Å shows residuals similar to the WFC residuals in Table 6 for the same wavelength range. Except for the shortest wavelength of 3880Å, the intrinsic rms structure in the monochromatic flats is <0.9%. This intrinsic scatter is reduced to ~0.2% by application of the broadband flat that includes the monochromatic wavelength in its bandpass. Below 6400Å and probably up to 7300 or 7400Å, the broadband P-flats obtained with the continuum lamp in the laboratory are adequate for astronomical objects with any flux distribution. Wavelengths above 7400Å Fringing patterns with modulations up to ~20% for monochromatic light (see Figures 10-11 of Bohlin, Hartig, and Tsvetanov 2000) prevent verification of the above generalization at longer wavelengths. However, the default external tungsten flats should be adequate, because the P-flats generally show weaker wavelength dependencies at the longer wavelengths. In any case, fringing will probably limit the measurement precision of small structure in monochromatic sources beyond ~7400Å. Any attempts to remove the fringing signature from images of monochromatic sources will be based on the results of the ESA-ECF effort to model and remove fringing effects in the ACS spectral modes. Stability of the fringing pattern is good: At 9200Å, where the modulation is ~20% and the intrinsic rms scatter is 5-6%, the rms of the residual pattern is only ~0.5% when comparing fringe flats taken at CCDTEMP1 temperatures that differ by 2C. Further quantification 5 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 of fringing residuals in monochromatic images must await completion of the ESA-ECF modeling work. 2.2.2 L-Flats The large scale error introduced by correcting the monochromatic flats of section 2.2.1 by the white light flats with the same filter is often less than 1-2%. However, errors exceeding 20% occur in the WFC blob region at 3880Å. At 4330Å, the blob error has dropped to ~5%; but 4330Å is still the worst case of overall L-flat error, as illustrated in Figure 6. The L-flat ratio for monochromatic light at 4300Å is 0.95 in the top left corner, and 1.11 in the bottom right corner. In addition, errors exceeding 5% occur at the bottom right for 3880Å, in the blob for 4551Å, at the bottom right for 4770Å, and at the top left for 6141 and 6320Å. The HRC monochromatic L-flats divided by the white light flats are within ~1% of unity for the seven wavelengths measured between 4751 and 6300Å. In the IR at 9000Å with the F814W filter, Figure 7 illustrates a ~4% enhancement in the L-flat at the center of the doughnut and a ~4% drop in the doughnut ring region. Also, illustrated in Figure 7 is the intricate fringe pattern for 9000Å monochromatic light where the typical fringe amplitude is +-7%. In summary, an observer should be wary of errors >2% for the WFC in the blob region, in the doughnut ring in the IR, and at the extremes of the field for all wavelengths. The amount of possible error depends on the amount of deviation of source spectrum from that of the smooth continuum of the tungsten filament lamp used in the laboratory flat field calibration program. 3. SHORT WAVELENGTH HRC FLATS WITH THE RAS/CAL Because the RAS/HOMS optics are opaque below 3500Å, the RAS/CAL system is used with a UV-bright deuterium lamp shining on a piece of reflective diffusing Spectralon, which is placed in front of a mirror in RAS/CAL to simulate OTA sky illumination for the HRC UV flats. For the one filter in common, F435W, the L-flat from RAS/CAL drops below the RAS/HOMS L-flat by up to ~10% in the upper right hand corner, while the deuterium flats are brighter than the RAS/HOMS baseline by ~10% in a region at the lower right side of the field. Thus, 10-20% of the area of the deuterium flats are apparently in error by >5%. A RAS/CAL flat with the same setup, except for a tungsten lamp like the one used in RAS/HOMS, shows a similar drop at the upper right but no bright patch. The deuterium RAS/CAL flats probably suffer from a specular reflection that causes a spurious bright patch and from a mis-alignment that causes lower illumination at the upper right. If the L-flat illumination error for the deuterium lamp is independent of wavelength down to the shortest wavelength F220W filter, then these flats can be corrected by the deuterium illumination error as measured by the ratio D/T of the deuterium F435W flat divided by the tungsten baseline F435W flat. The pixel-to-pixel intrinsic structure is the 6 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 same for both lamps in F435W. The only fine structure in D/T at F435W is in the dust motes, where the deuterium illumination causes a typical 1-2% and maximum of 6% error in a few pixels around the dust motes. Since the dust motes exhibit diffraction rings, D/T should show some wavelength dependence in the regions of the dust motes. To estimate the error in correcting the shortest wavelength F220W filter flat with D/T, the tungsten baseline flats over a similar factor of two in wavelength from F435W to F814W are compared. The two worst motes from dust on the HRC window are at (20,910) and (280,210). There are several pixels within ~10 pixels of these two positions that differ by up to +-3% at the first diffraction ring in the F814W/F435W ratio. Another complication to the D/T correction technique is that the deuterium F435W flat has a low S/N corresponding to only ~20,000 electrons or a rms Poisson noise of 0.7%, which is comparable to the intrinsic rms structure of 0.8% for the HRC UV flats. In order to improve the statistics of the D/T correction, both the numerator and denominator F435W flats are smoothed via a 3x3 pixel box. Since the Poisson statistics of the F220W, F250W, and F330W observations are ~0.35%, the 0.7/3=0.23% noise of the smoothed D/T correction increases their Poisson noise to only ~0.4%. The ~0.9% statistical uncertainty of the F344N flat is determined by its ~13,000 total counts, i.e. electrons. These four UV flats for HRC are generated by In summary, the extra uncertainty in the P-flats for the four HRC UV filters is limited to a few percent for a few pixels in the dust mote regions. Evidence that the UV L-flats are correct to <5% is provided by the fact that the observed L-flat structure in the original RAS/CAL deuterium flats is the same to <5% from F220W to F435W. There are a few supported modes for which no laboratory flat field measurement was done. The missing flats are for the three HRC UV filters, F220W, F250W, and F330W in combination with PolUV and with the coronograph. The UV flats with the coronograph+PolUV are also missing but are not supported modes. Since the UV transmission as a function of position on the PolUV filters and on the coronograph mask is likely to vary and is unconstrained by measurement, a good estimate for the missing UV flats cannot be made. These UV flats are crudely estimated by correcting the corrected UV flats of section 3 by the ratio (PolUV+F435W)/F435W or by (CORON+F435W)/F435W. Although the POLUV and CORON transmissions change little over the longer wavelength ranges, the UV transmission may change by larger amounts that cannot be estimated in the absense of actual UV transmission measurements. Perhaps, the missing UV lab flats can be obtained by observing the bright earth after launch. 4. HRC CORONOGRAPH Because the coronographic mode has an apodizer mask that changes the instrumental PSF, the blemishes have a different diffraction structure, as illustrated in Figures 8-9. The F475W coronograhic flat with the POL0V filter from Figure 8 is divided by the same flat without the coronographic mask to produce Figure 9. Figure 9 shows that the dust mote 7 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 and L-flat structure of a coronograph flat does not match the corresponding mode without the coronographic mask because of the different PSF for the coronograph and because of the substrate transmission properties of the mask. The worst case differences in the small dust motes are +-5% for the motes at (278,208) and (672,618). The large blemish on the left side of Figure 8 with a deviation of +-3% in Figure 9 is the worst case of the bubbles in the optical cement that bonds the two pieces of the curved polarizing filters. However, outside of the bubble and dust mote regions, the coronograph does not change the P-flat structure, as demonstrated by the reduction of the intrinsic rms structure from ~1% in Figure 8 to 0.4% in Figure 9. Observations were inadvertently omitted for the HRC coronographic flats for F606W in combination with the three PolV filters with polarization angles of 0, 60, and 120 degrees. Since the transmission properties of the coronograph subtrate do not change rapidly over the 5000-7000Å range, the coronographic contribution to the flats can be estimated by the ratios, R, for the three F555W+PolV filters with the coronograph divided by the F555W+PolV flats without the coronograph. Substitutes for the missing coronographic flats are manufactured by multiplying the existing HRC F606W+PolV flats by the R image for each of the three corresponding polarization angles. To estimate the error for these three missing flats, the F658N+PolV is corrected by R and compared with the flats that are actually measured with the coronograph. The error in the L-flat structure of this manufactured flat is <1%; and the manufactured coron+F606W+PolV flats should also be good to <1%. The F625W filter could not be used in this process because of a dust particle on the F625W filter, which causes a prominent large feature in the ratios for (coron+F625W+PolV)/(F625W+PolV). Fortunately, the HRC regions for both the F606W and the neighboring F555W are clean. 5. FUTURE ANALYSIS OF THE LABORATORY FLAT FIELDS Subsequent publications will deal with the ramp filters and the dispersing modes. The anomalous results and stability of the flat fields are also deferred to later discussions. REFERENCES Bohlin, R. C., Hartig, G., Lindler, D. J., Meurer, G., & Cox, C. 1999, Instrument Science Report, ACS 99-01, (Baltimore:STScI) Bohlin, R. C., Hartig, G., & Tsvetanov, Z. 2000, Instrument Science Report, ACS 00-10, (Baltimore:STScI) Martel, A. & Hartig, G. 2001, rashoms_feb2001/ Sparks, W. B., Jedrzejewski, R., Clampin, M., & Bohlin, R.C. 2000, Instrument Science Report, ACS 00-03, (Baltimore:STScI) 8 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Figure 1 Flat field for F435W on HRC with a stretch from 0.90 to 1.05, as indicated on the reference calibration bar at the top right. The HRC CCD is 1024x1024 pixels. The Fastie occulting finger is at the top and is masked to unit value on the flat. The numerous ~30 px size dark rings with a central bright spot are caused by dust particles on the CCD window. The primary filter F435W is written at the top, followed by the secondary filter. The next line of text "rms(%)=" indicates one-σ values in the 101x101 standard region (square outlined by dashed line) for the total pixel-to-pixel scatter, the Poisson counting statistic, and the intrinsic rms variation of the flat. The fourth line of text is the file name indicating an LP-flat (lp), h for HRC, e for external illumination, 01057 for the date of observation: day 57 in 2001,sm02 for the sum of 2 images taken for cosmic ray rejection, and the filtername f435w. 0.900 ACS HRC LP Flat F435W CLEAR1S 1.050 rms(%)= 0.85 0.22 0.82 lphe01057sm02f435w Bohlin: prtimg 12-Nov-2001 15:10 9 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Figure 2 Flat field in continuum light for the small F892N narrow band filter on WFC. This subarray is 2048x2048 px and is from Amp B for the right hand half of chip 1 of the two 4096x2048 CCD chips that are butted together in the WFC. The fringe pattern with ~1% amplitude is caused by interference of light in semi-transparent layers of the CCD substrate. 0.900 ACS WFC LP Flat F892N CLEAR2L 1.050 rms(%)= 0.81 0.30 0.75 lpwe01058sm03f892n chip=1 Bohlin: prtimg 12-Nov-2001 16:19 10 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Figure 3 Flat field for F435W on WFC. The prominent cosmetic features are a white doughnut of enhanced sensitivity with a black blob of reduced sensitivity near the center of the doughnut. The doughnut and blob are coherent across the ~40 pixel crack that separates the two 4096x2048 pixel chips, because the two wafers are adjacent cuts of the same silicon boule and are intentionally butted to produce the observed continuity. Small errors in the measured relative gain of the two amplifiers used to read each chip cause the weak discontinuity across a vertical line at the center of the image. 0.900 ACS WFC CLEAR1L F435W rms(%)= 0.95 0.25 0.91 lpwe01058sm03f435w 1.050 Bohlin: prtimg 11-Dec-2001 14:57 11 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Figure 4 Flat field for F814W on WFC. In comparison to the F435W filter in Figure 3, the doughnut has disappeared, while the blob has morphed from a low to a high sensitivity relative to the rest of the field. Several weak motes with a ~100px diameter are visible and result from dust particles on the CCD window. A few of these same motes can be distinguished in Figure 3. 0.900 ACS WFC CLEAR1L F814W rms(%)= 0.74 0.28 0.69 lpwe01058sm03f814w 1.050 Bohlin: prtimg 11-Dec-2001 14:59 12 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Figure 5 A 1024x1024px region of the WFC ratio image of the F475W/F435W flats. The blob is prominent on the 0.97 to 1.03 stretch even for these neighboring bandpasses. Away from the blob, the pixel-to-pixel residual scatter of 0.16% demonstrates that these two flats have almost exactly the same P-flat structure. 0.97 ACS WFC RATIO 1.03 F475W CLEAR2L / F435W CLEAR1L rms(%)= 0.40 0.37 0.14 lpwe01058sm03f475w / lpwe01058sm03f435w 1024x1024 center: 1512, 522 Bohlin: wbloup 13-Nov-2001 12:56 13 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Figure 6 Ratio of a monochromatic 4330Å flat to a white-light tungsten flat for the F435W on WFC. While the white-light flat provides an excellent (0.2% rms) correction of the P-flat structure, the L-flat residuals are a worst case from our limited test set of monochromatic flats. About half of the image shows a residual of >2%, while substantial regions differ from unity by >5%. Because of these differential variations in sensitivity with the spectral flux distribution of the source, caution is advised when attempting to perform relative photometry over the large WFC field of view. 0.950 ACS WFC RATIO F435W CLEAR1L / F435W CLEAR1L 1.050 rms(%)= 0.66 0.65 0.15 lp4330w01057sm02f435w / lpwe01058sm03f435w Bohlin: prtimg 13-Nov-2001 13:02 14 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Figure 7 Monochromatic flat at 9000Å divided by the broadband, white-light F814W flat on WFC. The fringing pattern is prominent; and ~4% large scale L-flat residuals appear in the doughnut and blob regions. Because of the small scale of the fringing, rms residuals in the standard 101x101 pixel region are 3.8%. 0.950 ACS WFC RATIO F814W CLEAR1L / F814W CLEAR1L 1.050 rms(%)= 3.87 0.86 3.78 lp9000w25691f814w / lpwe01058sm03f814w Bohlin: prtimg 13-Nov-2001 15:00 15 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Figure 8 White light flat for the coronograph combined with the F475W and POL0V filters. The regions of the coronographic spots and the Fastie finger are masked to unit value. The "c" in the file name lphc... indicates that the coronograph is in the beam for this flat. The square box outlined with a dashed line is the 101x101 pixel region where the statistics are computed. 0.900 ACS HRC LP Flat F475W POL0V 1.050 rms(%)= 1.06 0.22 1.03 lphc01058sm02f475wpol0v Bohlin: prtimg 23-Oct-2001 11:30 16 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Figure 9 Flat from Figure 8 divided by the same flat without the coronograph. Differences in the small window dust motes and the large POL0V bubble blemishes are prominent along with an overall gradient in the L-flat from top left to bottom right. 0.950 ACS HRC RATIO F475W POL0V / F475W POL0V 1.050 rms(%)= 0.50 0.31 0.39 lphc01058sm02f475wpol0v / lphe01057sm02f475wpol0v Bohlin: prtimg 23-Oct-2001 11:26 17 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Table 1. Table 1. HRC Standard Filters with LP Illumination ENTRY DATE-OBS EXP-TIME N FILTER1 FILTER2 CCD TEMP(C) RMS(%) 33997 23/08/01 1000.0 2 CLEAR1S F250W -80.0 0.80 33999 23/08/01 1000.0 2 CLEAR1S F220W -80.1 0.75 34002 23/08/01 1000.0 2 CLEAR1S F330W -80.0 0.75 34009 23/08/01 1000.0 4 CLEAR1S F344N -80.0 0.77 26107 26/02/01 14.5 2 CLEAR1S F435W -80.9 0.82 26119 26/02/01 35.0 2 CLEAR1S F660N -80.9 0.55 26105 26/02/01 3.0 2 CLEAR1S F814W -80.8 0.52 26103 26/02/01 3.5 2 F475W CLEAR2S -80.8 0.81 26115 26/02/01 86.0 2 F502N CLEAR2S -81.0 0.71 26111 26/02/01 3.8 2 F550M CLEAR2S -80.8 0.71 26093 26/02/01 2.3 2 F555W CLEAR2S -80.9 0.75 26101 26/02/01 0.7 2 F606W CLEAR2S -80.9 0.61 26643 28/02/01 0.7 1 F606W CLEAR2S -80.8 0.61 26097 26/02/01 0.9 2 F625W CLEAR2S -80.9 0.60 26117 26/02/01 15.0 2 F658N CLEAR2S -80.8 0.62 26095 26/02/01 2.8 2 F775W CLEAR2S -80.8 0.46 26099 26/02/01 15.5 2 F850LP CLEAR2S -80.8 0.89 26113 26/02/01 120.0 2 F892N CLEAR2S -80.8 0.93 18 Table 2. WFC Standard Filters with LP Illumination DATE-OBS EXP-TIME N FILTER1 FW1 OFF FILTER2 FW2 OFF AXIS1(px) CCD AMP CCD TEMP(C) RMS(%) 26089 26/02/01 1.0 2 CLEAR1L 0 F435W 0 4096 ABCD -78.8 0.92 26313 27/02/01 30.0 3 CLEAR1L 0 F435W 0 4096 ABCD -78.9 0.91 26421 27/02/01 23.2 3 CLEAR1L 0 F660N 0 4096 ABCD -78.8 0.80 26310 27/02/01 1.3 3 CLEAR1L 0 F814W 0 4096 ABCD -78.9 0.69 26307 27/02/01 5.9 3 F475W 0 CLEAR2L 0 4096 ABCD -78.8 0.92 26415 27/02/01 132.0 3 F502N 0 CLEAR2L 0 4096 ABCD -78.8 0.94 26412 27/02/01 4.3 3 F550M 0 CLEAR2L 0 4096 ABCD -78.8 0.88 26291 27/02/01 2.8 3 F555W 0 CLEAR2L 0 4096 ABCD -78.8 0.90 26304 27/02/01 0.5 3 F606W 0 CLEAR2L 0 4096 ABCD -78.8 0.81 26475 28/02/01 0.5 3 F606W 0 CLEAR2L 0 4096 ABCD -78.7 0.80 26297 27/02/01 0.7 3 F625W 0 CLEAR2L 0 4096 ABCD -78.8 0.84 26418 27/02/01 9.1 3 F658N 0 CLEAR2L 0 4096 ABCD -78.8 0.79 26294 27/02/01 1.4 3 F775W 0 CLEAR2L 0 4096 ABCD -78.8 0.70 26300 27/02/01 6.3 3 F850LP 0 CLEAR2L 0 4096 ABCD -78.8 0.71 26426 27/02/01 77.0 3 F892N 57 CLEAR2L 0 2048 B -78.8 0.75 26430 27/02/01 77.0 3 F892N -61 CLEAR2L 0 2048 C -78.7 0.72 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 19 ENTRY Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Table 3. HRC Polarizer Filters with LP Illumination ENTRY DATE-OBS EXP-TIME N FILTER1 FILTER2 CCD TEMP(C) 26123 26/02/01 11.0 2 26125 26/02/01 11.0 2 F475W POL0V -80.9 F475W POL60V -80.9 26127 26/02/01 11.0 2 F475W POL120V -80.9 26681 28/02/01 245.0 2 F502N POL0V -80.8 26683 26685 28/02/01 245.0 2 F502N POL60V -80.9 28/02/01 245.0 2 F502N POL120V -80.8 26657 28/02/01 11.6 2 F550M POL0V -80.9 26659 28/02/01 11.6 2 F550M POL60V -80.9 26661 28/02/01 11.6 2 F550M POL120V -80.9 26129 26/02/01 6.7 2 F555W POL0V -80.8 26131 26/02/01 6.7 2 F555W POL60V -80.8 26133 26/02/01 6.7 2 F555W POL120V -80.8 26675 28/02/01 2.0 2 F606W POL0V -80.9 26677 28/02/01 2.0 2 F606W POL60V -80.9 26679 28/02/01 2.0 2 F606W POL120V -80.9 26141 26/02/01 2.0 2 F625W POL0V -80.9 26143 26/02/01 2.0 2 F625W POL60V -80.9 26145 26/02/01 2.0 2 F625W POL120V -80.8 26147 26/02/01 39.0 2 F658N POL0V -80.9 26149 26/02/01 39.0 2 F658N POL60V -80.9 26151 26/02/01 39.0 2 F658N POL120V -81.0 26135 26/02/01 6.7 2 F775W POL0V -80.9 26137 26/02/01 6.7 2 F775W POL60V -80.9 26139 26/02/01 6.7 2 F775W POL120V -80.8 26663 28/02/01 21.5 2 F850LP POL0V -80.9 26665 28/02/01 21.5 2 F850LP POL60V -80.9 26667 28/02/01 21.5 2 F850LP POL120V -80.8 26669 28/02/01 250.0 2 F892N POL0V -80.9 26671 28/02/01 250.0 2 F892N POL60V -80.8 26673 28/02/01 250.0 2 F892N POL120V -80.9 26155 26/02/01 45.0 2 POL0UV F435W -80.9 26157 26/02/01 45.0 2 POL60UV F435W -80.8 26159 26/02/01 45.0 2 POL120UV F435W -80.9 26645 28/02/01 95.0 2 POL0UV F660N -80.9 26647 28/02/01 95.0 2 POL60UV F660N -80.9 26649 28/02/01 95.0 2 POL120UV F660N -80.9 26161 26/02/01 5.8 2 POL0UV F814W -80.9 26163 26/02/01 5.8 2 POL60UV F814W -80.9 26165 26/02/01 5.8 2 POL120UV F814W -80.9 20 Table 4. WFC Polarizer Filters with LP Illumination DATE-OBS EXP-TIME N FILTER1 FW1 OFF FILTER2 FW2 OFF AXIS1(px) CCD AMP CCD TEMP(C) 26318 27/02/01 16.0 3 F475W 0 POL0V -57 2048 B -78.8 26324 27/02/01 16.0 3 F475W 0 POL120V -57 2048 B -78.8 26321 27/02/01 16.0 3 F475W 0 POL60V -57 2048 B -78.8 26869 01/03/01 360.0 3 F502N 0 POL0V -57 2048 B -78.8 26875 01/03/01 360.0 3 F502N 0 POL120V -57 2048 B -78.8 26872 01/03/01 360.0 3 F502N 0 POL60V -57 2048 B -78.8 26833 01/03/01 12.0 3 F550M 0 POL0V -57 2048 B -78.8 26839 01/03/01 12.0 3 F550M 0 POL120V -57 2048 B -78.7 26836 01/03/01 12.0 3 F550M 0 POL60V -57 2048 B -78.9 26327 27/02/01 7.4 3 F555W 0 POL0V -57 2048 B -78.8 26333 27/02/01 7.4 3 F555W 0 POL120V -57 2048 B -78.8 26330 27/02/01 7.4 3 F555W 0 POL60V -57 2048 B -78.7 26860 01/03/01 1.7 3 F606W 0 POL0V -57 2048 B -78.8 26866 01/03/01 1.7 3 F606W 0 POL120V -57 2048 B -78.8 26863 01/03/01 1.7 3 F606W 0 POL60V -57 2048 B -78.8 26345 27/02/01 1.7 3 F625W 0 POL0V -57 2048 B -78.8 26351 27/02/01 1.7 3 F625W 0 POL120V -57 2048 B -78.8 26348 27/02/01 1.7 3 F625W 0 POL60V -57 2048 B -78.8 26354 27/02/01 23.0 3 F658N 0 POL0V -57 2048 B -78.8 26360 27/02/01 23.0 3 F658N 0 POL120V -57 2048 B -78.7 26357 27/02/01 23.0 3 F658N 0 POL60V -57 2048 B -78.8 26336 27/02/01 2.9 3 F775W 0 POL0V -57 2048 B -78.9 26342 27/02/01 2.9 3 F775W 0 POL120V -57 2048 B -78.9 26339 27/02/01 2.9 3 F775W 0 POL60V -57 2048 B -78.8 26842 01/03/01 8.5 3 F850LP 0 POL0V -57 2048 B -78.8 26848 01/03/01 8.5 3 F850LP 0 POL120V -57 2048 B -78.9 26845 01/03/01 8.5 3 F850LP 0 POL60V -57 2048 B -78.7 26365 27/02/01 16.0 3 F475W 0 POL0V 61 2048 C -78.8 26371 27/02/01 16.0 3 F475W 0 POL120V 61 2048 C -78.9 26368 27/02/01 16.0 3 F475W 0 POL60V 61 2048 C -78.7 26934 01/03/01 360.0 3 F502N 0 POL0V 61 2048 C -78.9 26940 01/03/01 360.0 3 F502N 0 POL120V 61 2048 C -78.8 26937 01/03/01 360.0 3 F502N 0 POL60V 61 2048 C -78.8 26898 01/03/01 12.0 3 F550M 0 POL0V 61 2048 C -78.8 26904 01/03/01 12.0 3 F550M 0 POL120V 61 2048 C -78.9 26901 01/03/01 12.0 3 F550M 0 POL60V 61 2048 C -78.8 26374 27/02/01 7.4 3 F555W 0 POL0V 61 2048 C -78.8 26380 27/02/01 7.4 3 F555W 0 POL120V 61 2048 C -78.7 26377 27/02/01 7.4 3 F555W 0 POL60V 61 2048 C -78.8 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 21 ENTRY DATE-OBS EXP-TIME N FILTER1 FW1 OFF FILTER2 FW2 OFF AXIS1(px) CCD AMP CCD TEMP(C) 26925 01/03/01 1.7 3 F606W 0 POL0V 61 2048 C -78.9 26931 01/03/01 1.7 3 F606W 0 POL120V 61 2048 C -78.7 26928 01/03/01 1.7 3 F606W 0 POL60V 61 2048 C -78.8 26392 27/02/01 1.7 3 F625W 0 POL0V 61 2048 C -78.8 26398 27/02/01 1.7 3 F625W 0 POL120V 61 2048 C -78.9 26395 27/02/01 1.7 3 F625W 0 POL60V 61 2048 C -78.8 26401 27/02/01 23.0 3 F658N 0 POL0V 61 2048 C -78.8 26407 27/02/01 23.0 3 F658N 0 POL120V 61 2048 C -78.9 26404 27/02/01 23.0 3 F658N 0 POL60V 61 2048 C -78.9 26383 27/02/01 2.9 3 F775W 0 POL0V 61 2048 C -78.7 26389 27/02/01 2.9 3 F775W 0 POL120V 61 2048 C -78.7 26386 27/02/01 2.9 3 F775W 0 POL60V 61 2048 C -78.8 26907 01/03/01 8.5 3 F850LP 0 POL0V 61 2048 C -78.7 26913 01/03/01 8.5 3 F850LP 0 POL120V 61 2048 C -78.8 26910 01/03/01 8.5 3 F850LP 0 POL60V 61 2048 C -78.9 26916 01/03/01 90.0 3 F892N -61 POL0V 61 2048 C -78.9 26922 01/03/01 90.0 3 F892N -61 POL120V 61 2048 C -78.7 26919 01/03/01 90.0 3 F892N -61 POL60V 61 2048 C -78.8 26851 01/03/01 90.0 3 F892N 57 POL0V -57 2048 B -78.8 26857 01/03/01 90.0 3 F892N 57 POL120V -57 2048 B -78.8 26854 01/03/01 90.0 3 F892N 57 POL60V -57 2048 B -78.9 26456 27/02/01 81.0 3 POL0UV -61 F435W 0 2048 C -78.9 26462 28/02/01 81.0 3 POL120UV -61 F435W 0 2048 C -78.8 26459 27/02/01 81.0 3 POL60UV -61 F435W 0 2048 C -78.9 26889 01/03/01 42.0 3 POL0UV -61 F660N 0 2048 C -78.8 26895 01/03/01 42.0 3 POL120UV -61 F660N 0 2048 C -78.7 26892 01/03/01 42.0 3 POL60UV -61 F660N 0 2048 C -78.9 26465 28/02/01 2.4 3 POL0UV -61 F814W 0 2048 C -78.8 26471 28/02/01 2.4 3 POL120UV -61 F814W 0 2048 C -78.8 26468 28/02/01 2.4 3 POL60UV -61 F814W 0 2048 C -78.7 26436 27/02/01 81.0 3 POL0UV 57 F435W 0 2048 B -78.8 26442 27/02/01 81.0 3 POL120UV 57 F435W 0 2048 B -78.7 26439 27/02/01 81.0 3 POL60UV 57 F435W0 0 2048 B -78.8 26824 01/03/01 42.0 3 POL0UV 57 F660N 0 2048 B -78.9 26830 01/03/01 42.0 3 POL120UV 57 F660N 0 2048 B -78.8 26827 01/03/01 42.0 3 POL60UV 57 F660N 0 2048 B -78.7 26445 27/02/01 2.4 3 POL0UV 57 F814W 0 2048 B -78.8 26451 27/02/01 2.4 3 POL120UV 57 F814W 0 2048 B -78.8 26448 27/02/01 2.4 3 POL60UV 57 F814W 0 2048 B -78.8 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 22 ENTRY Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Table 5. HRC Coronographic LP-flat Data ENTRY DATE-OBS EXP-TIME N FILTER1 FILTER2 CCD TEMP(C) 26169 26/02/01 4.6 2 F555W CLEAR2S -80.9 26171 26/02/01 5.6 2 F775W CLEAR2S -80.9 26173 26/02/01 1.8 2 F625W CLEAR2S -81.0 26175 26/02/01 31.0 2 F850LP CLEAR2S -80.9 26177 26/02/01 1.4 2 F606W CLEAR2S -80.9 26179 26/02/01 7.0 2 F475W CLEAR2S -80.9 26181 26/02/01 6.0 2 CLEAR1S F814W -80.9 26183 26/02/01 29.0 2 CLEAR1S F435W -80.8 26187 26/02/01 7.6 2 F550M CLEAR2S -80.8 26189 26/02/01 240.0 2 F892N CLEAR2S -80.9 26191 26/02/01 172.0 2 F502N CLEAR2S -80.9 26193 26/02/01 30.0 2 F658N CLEAR2S -80.8 26195 26/02/01 70.0 2 CLEAR1S F660N -80.9 26199 27/02/01 22.0 2 F475W POL0V -80.9 26201 27/02/01 22.0 2 F475W POL60V -80.9 26203 27/02/01 22.0 2 F475W POL120V -80.9 26205 27/02/01 13.4 2 F555W POL0V -80.9 26207 27/02/01 13.4 2 F555W POL60V -81.0 26209 27/02/01 13.4 2 F555W POL120V -80.9 26211 27/02/01 13.4 2 F775W POL0V -81.0 26213 27/02/01 13.4 2 F775W POL60V -80.9 26215 27/02/01 13.4 2 F775W POL120V -80.9 26217 27/02/01 4.0 2 F625W POL0V -80.9 26219 27/02/01 4.0 2 F625W POL60V -80.9 26221 27/02/01 4.0 2 F625W POL120V -80.9 26223 27/02/01 78.0 2 F658N POL0V -80.9 26225 27/02/01 78.0 2 F658N POL60V -80.9 26227 27/02/01 78.0 2 F658N POL120V -80.9 26242 27/02/01 90.0 2 POL0UV F435W -80.9 26244 27/02/01 90.0 2 POL60UV F435W -80.9 26246 27/02/01 90.0 2 POL120UV F435W -80.9 26248 27/02/01 11.6 2 POL0UV F814W -80.9 26250 27/02/01 11.6 2 POL60UV F814W -80.8 26252 27/02/01 11.6 2 POL120UV F814W -80.8 23 Instrument Science Report ACS 2001-11 Table 6. STATISTICS OF THE WFC MONOCHROMATIC FLATS VS. BROADBAND FLATS 3880 4330 4551 4772 5076 5381 5672 5962 6141 6320 f435w f435w f475w f475w f475w f555w f606w f606w f625w f625w Poisson(%) 1.28 0.60 0.56 0.58 0.67 0.53 0.41 0.35 0.33 0.32 Actual sigma(%) 1.79 1.08 1.05 1.08 1.15 1.04 0.97 0.92 0.92 0.89 Sigma Flat(%) 1.26 0.90 0.89 0.91 0.93 0.90 0.88 0.85 0.86 0.83 Minimum 0.78 0.88 0.88 0.87 0.87 0.86 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 Maximum 1.06 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.02 f435w f435w f475w f475w f475w f555w f606w f606w f625w f625w Poisson(%) 0.29 0.29 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.28 0.28 0.26 0.26 Actual sigma(%) 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.93 0.85 0.85 0.87 0.87 Sigma Flat(%) 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.89 0.80 0.80 0.83 0.83 Minimum 0.89 0.89 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.85 0.85 Maximum 1.04 1.04 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.01 0.99 0.99 Poisson(%) 1.31 0.67 0.62 0.64 0.72 0.59 0.49 0.45 0.42 0.42 Actual sigma(%) 1.45 0.69 0.65 0.68 0.76 0.62 0.54 0.49 0.45 0.44 Resid. sigma(%) 0.63 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.24 0.19 0.21 0.20 0.15 0.16 NUMERATOR DENOMINATOR RATIO 24