Document 10394883

Municipal Disaster Risk Management Framework
Presented by: Greg Pillay
Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2006
Statutory Requirements
Section 42 (1) of the Disaster Management Act, Act 57 of
2002, provides for a Municipal Disaster Management
Each metropolitan and each district municipality must
establish and implement a framework for disaster
management in the municipality aimed at ensuring an
integrated and uniform approach to disaster management in
its area by –
the municipality and statutory functionaries of the
all municipal entities operating in its area;
all NGO’s institutions involved in DRM in it’s area;
the private sector;
A MDMF must be consistent with the provisions of the DM Act,
NDMF and the PDMF.
Synopsis of MDMF
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for DRM
KPA 2: Disaster Risk Assessment
KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction
KPA 4: Response & Recovery
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication
Enabler 2: Education, Training, Public Awareness & Research
Enabler 3: Funding Arrangements for Disaster Risk Management
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity
for Disaster Risk Management
Establish integrated institutional capacity within the municipality to
enable the effective implementation of disaster risk management
policy and legislation
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity
for Disaster Risk Management
1. Arrangements for the development of DRM Policy through the
establishment of:
Municipal Disaster Risk Management Advisory Forum
Inter-Departmental Planning & Risk Reduction Management
Committee (IDPRRMC);
Disaster Co-ordinating Team (DCT);
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity
for Disaster Risk Management
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
The MDMAF has been established and is operational;
Inter-Departmental Disaster Risk Management Planning
Committee (IDRMPC) has been established and is operational;
Key roleplayers for different disaster situations pre-identified for
representation on the Disaster Operations Committee (DOC).
Mechanisms for developing and adopting DRM Policy have
been established and put into operation.
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity
for Disaster Risk Management
2. Arrangements for Implementation of DRM Policy through:
Establishment of a fully resourced and funded Municipal
Disaster Risk Management Centre (MDRMC);
Municipal Departments and Entities.
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity
for Disaster Risk Management
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
Job description and KPI’s have been developed for the Head: MDRMC;
The appointment of the Head: MDRMC;
The MDRMC has been established and is fully operational;
Sufficient staff have been appointed, trained and developed for the
effective functioning of the MDRMC;
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity
for Disaster Risk Management
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) (continued)
Roles and responsibilities of municipal departments and entities
involved in DRM have been identified;
Staff in municipal departments and entities have been identified
and assigned as focal/nodal points for DRM;
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity
for Disaster Risk Management
3. Arrangements for Stakeholder Participation and Engagement
Establishment of community involvement;
Identifying NGO’s, CBO’s, FBO’s area of specialization,
capacity, resources, etc.
Establishing various categories of DRM volunteers
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity
for Disaster Risk Management
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
Mechanisms for stakeholder participation in DRM have been
established and are operating effectively;
NGO’s, CBO’s, FBO’s have been identified and tasked for the
responsibility for the provision of services for DRM;
A register of DRM stakeholders established and maintained;
A register of DRM volunteers established and maintained.
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity
4. Arrangements for regional, national and international co-operation for
DRM through:
Giving effect to the principle of co-operative governance between the
various spheres of government;
Provision of Mutual Assistance Agreements where necessary;
Provincial Co-operation
National Co-operation
Regional Co-operation
International Co-operation
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity
for Disaster Risk Management
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
Mechanisms identified and implemented to ensure the
application of the principle of co-operative governance;
Guidelines have been development for entering into
partnerships in concluding mutual assistance agreements and
memoranda of understanding;
Mechanisms have been identified and established for regional
and international participation in DRM activities;
KPA 2: Disaster Risk Assessment
Establish a uniform approach to assessing and monitoring disaster
risks that will inform disaster risk management planning and disaster
risk reduction undertaken within the municipality
KPA 2: Disaster Risk Assessment
Disaster Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction Planning through:
Identifying hazards and situations requiring a Disaster Risk
Assessment (DRA);
Undertaking DRA;
Selecting DRA methods and approaches;
Consolidation and classification of disaster risk information;
Generating a Disaster Risk Profile;
Monitoring, updating and disseminating risk information;
Conducting quality control
KPA 2: Disaster Risk Assessment
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
MDRMC applying the national standard / methodology for
conducting DRA’s;
MDRMC applying the national standard for assessing priority
disaster risks;
MDRMC applying statutory requirements to lessen disaster risk;
Findings of the DRA’s to be integrated into the IDP and
development plans of municipal departments and entities.
KPA 2: Disaster Risk Assessment
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)(continued)
Producing disaster risk maps;
Disseminating DRA and monitoring information, for ongoing
Establish SOP’s to interpret and disseminate early warnings for
rapid- and slow-onset disasters;
Conduct field consultations with communities at risks;
KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction
Ensure all disaster risk management stakeholders within the
municipal area develop and implement integrated disaster risk
management plans and risk reduction programmes in accordance
with the MDRMF.
KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction
Disaster Risk Reduction through:
Disaster Risk Management Planning by producing Level 1, 2
and 3 DRM Plans;
Prioritize municipal disaster risks;
Identifying most vulnerable areas, communities and
Giving priority to protecting strategic infrastructure (life-line
services, i.e. water, electricity, etc.)
KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
MDRMC to ensure that the various levels of DRM plans of
municipal departments and entities are consolidated for
Municipal priority risks have been identified and mapped by the
MDRMC, for reporting to the NDMC in the annual report;
Specific priority areas, communities and households within the
municipal area have been identified, mapped and documented
by the MDRMC for reporting to the NDMC in the annual report;
KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
Focus initiatives to reduce priority disaster risks in the municipal
area have been identified by the MDRMC and documented in
annual reports to the NDMC
Mechanisms to ensure input and involvement by the MDRMC in
development projects with disaster risk potential.
Mechanisms to ensure input and involvement by the MDRMC in
sport, recreation, social, religious, political and community
events with a disaster risk potential.
KPA 4: Response & Recovery
Ensure effective an appropriate disaster response and recovery within the
municipal area by:
Implementing uniform approach to dissemination of early warnings;
Averting or reducing the potential impact in respect of personal injury,
health, loss of life, property, infrastructure and the environment;
Implementing immediate integrated response and relief measures
Implementing rehabilitation and reconstruction strategies following a
disaster in an integrated and developmental manner.
KPA 4: Response & Recovery
Disaster Response & Recovery through:
Dissemination of Early Warnings;
Assessment, classification, declaration and review of a disaster;
Integrated response and recovery;
Relief Measures;
Rehabilitation and reconstruction;
KPA 4: Response & Recovery
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
Effective and appropriate early warning strategies and systems have
been developed and implemented;
Communication of information to stakeholders to enable appropriate
Guidelines and SOP’s including templates for assessment and costing
of disasters have be developed;
Mechanisms for the rapid and effective classification and declaration of
a disasters have been established.
KPA 4: Response & Recovery
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
Mechanisms for conducting and updating disaster reviews and
reporting, have been developed and implemented;
Municipal departments and entities that have primary
responsibility for contingency planning and co-ordination of
known hazards have been identified and allocated such
Stakeholders that bear secondary responsibility for contingency
planning and co-ordination of known hazards have been
identified and allocated such responsibilities;
KPA 4: Response & Recovery
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
Contingency plans for known hazards within a municipal area have
been developed;
Response and recovery plans are reviewed and updated regularly ;
Response SOP’s and checklists have been developed and understood
by all stakeholders;
Regular progress monitoring of the status of the disaster have been
Enabler 1: Information Management &
Guide the development of a comprehensive information
management and communication system, and establish
integrated communication links within the municipal area with all
disaster risk management roleplayers, internally and externally.
Enabler 1: Information Management &
1. Establishing an information management and communication system
An integrated uniformed system that provides for information exchange
between all the relevant interest groups in all three spheres of government, in
communities and in the private sector through a variety of communications
The system must provide for the receipt, storage, analysis and dissemination
of information;
The information management and communication system, which must be
compatible, will include the establishment of communication links between
various levels of Disaster Risk Management Centres.
Enabler 1: Information Management &
2. Integrated Information Management and Communication Model
An integrated information management and communication model
must be established to achieve the objectives of the four (4) KPAs
and three (3) Enablers;
The model must encompass the following primary functionalities:
Data Gathering;
Be able to capture data based on the four (4) KPAs and three
(3) Enablers;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
3. Data Acquisition (Data Collection and Capturing)
The following types of data amongst others, will be required:
Base Data (e.g. typographical, census, land cover, infrastructure,
deeds, environmental);
Dynamic Data (e.g. contact and other relevant detail of all roleplayers);
Field Data (e.g. features of buildings and infrastructure);
Research and Historical Data (e.g. research projects, data on historical
Hazard Tracking (e.g. weather conditions, flood, fire hazard conditions,
Early Warnings;
Situational Reporting System (e.g. incidents, local conditions)
Enabler 1: Information Management &
Key Performance Indicators
Data needs for the MDRMC have been defined;
Data sources have been identified by the MDRMC;
Data collection and capturing methodologies have been developed
and implemented;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and
4.1 KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for DRM
Information management and communication system must provide for the
following functionality:
A directory of names, contact details, roles and responsibilities of all
key roleplayers in municipal, provincial and national organs of state
involved in DRM must be developed and maintained;
A record of decisions and recommendations made by the Municipal
Disaster Management Advisory Forum (MDMAF) must be
disseminated to all roleplayers affected by the decisions;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs
and Enablers
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for DRM
Minutes of meetings of the Municipal Disaster Management Advisory
Forum (MDMAF), Inter-departmental Planning And Risk Reduction
Management Committee (IPRRMC) and the Disaster Co-ordinating
Team (DCT) must be recorded, disseminated and records kept;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs
and Enablers
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for DRM
A central 24-hours communications facility (Disaster Operations
Centre (DOC)) for reporting purposes as well as for managing the
dissemination of early warnings, must be established;
The DOC must provide for the co-ordination of response measures
in the case of significant events and disasters;
Memoranda of Understanding, mutual assistance agreements must
be recorded and updated;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs
and Enablers
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for DRM
An accurate record keeping system incorporating disaster risk
reduction contingency plans, hazard-specific plans, minutes, reports,
memoranda and correspondence must be established and
A register of units of volunteers must be established and maintained.
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers
KPA 2: Disaster Risk Assessment
Information management and communication system must provide for the following
Identifying hazards and their potential impacts;
Mapping of hazards and disaster risks;
Planning appropriate disaster risk reduction measures;
Monitoring and tracking hazards for the purposes of early warnings and updating
of information;
Facilitating response management when significant events or events classified as
disasters occur;
Assessing and tracking damage caused by hazards;
Planning appropriate response and recovery measures;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs
and Enablers
KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction
Information management and communication system must provide
for the following functionality:
Must be able to assist roleplayers within all spheres with the
development and updating of disaster risk management plans;
Be able to draw on risk profiles and a detailed resource database in
order to facilitate risk reduction planning and contingency planning;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs
and Enablers
KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction
Must be able to facilitate the inclusion of disaster risk reduction
strategies and IDPs and development programmes;
Must enable tracking of status of initiatives, programmes, plans, etc.
in relation to disaster risk reduction measures.
Must be linked to GIS for easy retrieval and updating;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs
and Enablers
KPA 4: Response & Recovery
Information management and communication system must provide
for the following functionality:
Facilitate the management of response and recovery operations;
Provide for the recording, retrieval and updating of specific real-time
information during incidents/disasters;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs
and Enablers
KPA 4: Response & Recovery
Indicate area affected, type of event, analysis of status of critical
lifeline infrastructure (e.g. water, electricity, etc.),
Provide analysis reporting of impacts;
Monitoring of progress of recovery operations;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs
and Enablers
KPA 4: Response & Recovery
Information management and communication system must provide
for the following functionality:
Situation reporting, tracking and analysis of status of critical disaster
operations such as search and rescue, emergency medical care,
access routes and fires suppression
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs
and Enablers
KPA 4: Response & Recovery
Manage a response and recovery database that identifies primary
agencies, response and recovery plans, resources and support
agencies, and relevant service providers.
Information management and communication system must provide
for the following functionality:
Manage a response and recovery database that identifies primary
agencies, response and recovery plans, resources and support
agencies, and relevant service providers.
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs
and Enablers
Enabler 2: Education, Training, Public Awareness and
Information management and communication system must provide
for the following functionality:
Education, training, public awareness and research programmes
pertaining to DRM must be recorded and monitored;
Content of education and training programmes as well as records of
participants (e.g. volunteers, community members, etc.) must be
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs
and Enablers
Enabler 3: Funding Arrangements for DRM
Information management and communication system must provide
for the following functionality:
Record data relating to all funding matters (e.g. OPEX, CAPEX,
Projects, etc.);
Management of a Disaster Relief Fund;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs
and Enablers
Key Performance Indicators
For evaluating the information management and communication
system must cover the following areas:
Integrated institutional capacity;
Disaster risk assessment;
Disaster risk reduction programmes and plans;
Response and recovery;
Education, training, public awareness and research;
Funding mechanisms and financial controls;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
5. Specialised System Functionalities
Information management and communication system must provide
for the following functionality:
Document Management System;
Resource and Capacity Database;
Modelling and Simulations;
Monitoring and Evaluating Systems;
Management of DRM programmes and projects;
Quality Management System
Enabler 1: Information Management &
5. Specialised System Functionalities
Key Performance Indicators
A uniformed document management system has been developed and
implemented by the MDRMC;
A comprehensive, uniform and easily resourced and capacity database has
been developed and implemented;
A modelling and simulation application has been developed;
An integrated monitoring evaluation system has been developed and
A uniform programme and project management tool (Project Portfolio Office
(PPO)) has been developed and used by all roleplayers;
A QMS has been developed and implemented, and a designated individual in
the MDRMC have been assigned responsibility to administer the system;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
6. Development of an Integrated
Communication System
Information management and communication system must conform to the
following requirements:
Must provide the platform for a single, shared DRM Common Operating
Environment (COE) designed for usage that facilitates:
Inter-operatability between systems and systems components;
Sharing of common system components;
High-Performance communications;
Identifying and assigning clear roles and responsibilities to
roleplayers involved;
Ensure secure access;
Generating of reports;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
6. Development of an Integrated Information Management and
Communication System
Key Performance Indicators
A DRM information and communication system has been
established and implemented;
The DRM information and communication system supports the KPAs
and Enablers;
Synergy and compatibility between the National, Provincial and
Municipal information and communication systems;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
7. Information Dissemination and Display System
Information management and communication system must conform
to the following requirements:
Must ensure that DRM information is electronically available to
the public;
Must develop, implement and maintain an interactive website
that provides controlled access to the information management
system based on the information needs;
Provide a facility for electronic dissemination of information to
the media;
Enabler 1: Information Management &
7. Information Dissemination and Display System
Key Performance Indicators
Information dissemination system and channels of communication
between all roleplayers that includes community and the media have
been established;
DRM information is accessible to the public;
Enabler 2: Education, Training, Public
Awareness and Research
Promote a culture of risk avoidance amongst stakeholders within the
municipality by capacitating roleplayers through integrated
education, training an public awareness programmes;
The culture of risk avoidance will be promoted by the following:
Development of DRM training programmes;
Development of public awareness strategy;
Promotion of risk avoidance behaviour.
Focusing on research programmes;
Enabler 2: Education, Training, Public
Awareness and Research
Key Performance Indicators
Ongoing training interventions that includes short courses,
workshops, seminars, conferences, are made available to
Training porgrammes have been developed and implemented;
Facilitators, instructors and presenters have become qualified and
The DRM Training Centre situated at Hillstar, Ottery, becomes
registered with the applicable SETA;
Widespread community-based DRM training in taking place;
DRM Learnerships have been developed and are operational;
Enabler 2: Education, Training, Public
Awareness and Research
Key Performance Indicators
Education and Training Quality Assurer (ETQA) has been appointed;
Disaster risk reduction is the focus of all DRM awareness programmes;
Awareness of DRM are promoted at schools and communities at risk;
Articles of DRM are regularly published in the media;
Good relationships have been established and maintained with media
A link between scientific research and policy is exists;
Research institutions (e.g. UCT DIMP) participate in research programmes
on an organised basis;
Enabler 2: Education, Training, Public
Awareness and Research
Key Performance Indicators
Research institutions (e.g. UCT DIMP) participate in research
programmes on an organised basis;
Local, provincial, national, regional and international exchange, cooperation and networking on a regular basis;
DRM research contributes to technology development.
Enabler 3: Funding Arrangements for
Disaster Risk Management
The following legislation will be the statutory framework for funding
arrangements for DRM within the municipality:
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996
Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002
Municipal Finance Management Act 53 of 2003 (MFMA)
Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000
Funding Sources / Mechanisms
Start-Up activities
(KPA1, Enabler 1)
National Government
Conditional grant for local government
DRM ongoing operations
(KPAs 2 and 3)
National and provincial government
Own departmental budgets
Disaster risk reduction
(KPAs 2 and 3)
National Departments
Provincial Departments
Local Government
Own budgets. Augmented as necessary.
Response, recovery and rehabilitation
National Government
Provincial Government
Local Government
Own Budget. Also access to central
contingency funds. Conditional infrastructure
grants (i.e. Municipal Infrastructure Grant
Education, training and capacity-building
(Enabler 2)
All spheres of government
Own Budget. Re-imbursement through SETAs.
Also funding through private sector, research
foundations, NGOs and donors
Enabler 3: Funding Arrangements for
Disaster Risk Management
Key Performance Indicators
Minimum requirements for the MDRMC have been costed;
Conditional grants to fund start-up cost for MDRMC has been
Responsibilities of the MDRMC as set-out in the Disaster
Management Act 57 of 2002 has been costed;
These cost estimates inform the budget for the MDRMC within the
The MDRMC has access to a disaster relief fund;
The costs of a comprehensive disaster risk assessment is included
into the budget of the MDRMC funded by the local government
conditional grant;
Enabler 3: Funding Arrangements for
Disaster Risk Management
Key Performance Indicators
The cost to provide for risk reduction initiatives by line function
departments within the municipality are included in their respective
annual OPEX and CAPEX budgets;
People, households and communities affected by disasters have
access to relief measures;
Response and recovery actions are funded;
Rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts are co-funded by the
different spheres of government;
Funds are available from government departments, international
donor organisations, private companies, research organisations and
NGOs for research programmes.
Let us work together
for a better city