End of Semester Wrap up

Megan McPherson
FW: Merry Christmas to you and yours
End of Semester Wrap up
As we conclude another fall semester, we thought you might like to see some
special moments and highlights that you may have missed.
The Sally Society at WBU presented The Schoolof Mathematics and
Sciences with $10,000 to support our School's undergraduate research.
During Wayland's
homecoming celebrations, The
School of Mathematics and
Sciences welcomed Dr. Joel
O'Hair, WBU graduate 06', as
our special guest speaker. Dr.
O'Hair talked to students and
faculty about the impact
Wayland had on his life.
WBUGS & TAS hosted "bike
for bats" event in September.
Drs. Kasner and Walsh took 8
students to Caprock Canyon
and biked to the Clarity
Dr. William Hahn, Dr. Elise Adamson, Dr. Joel
Tunnels to watch the bats take
O'Hair (Homecoming Guest Speaker), Dr.
Jessica Faucett, Dr. Scott Franklin
The School of Mathematics and Sciences hosted Creation Care Week,
Nov. 2-6. Dr. David Foster, Professor of Biology and Environmental
Science at Messiah College and Vice-Chair of the Au Sable Institute of
Environmental Studies Board of Trustees, was the guest speaker at
chapel. Dr. Foster also participated in the Q&A session as well as with
various science classes and a throughout the week. - Read More
WBUGS hosted their annual community cleanup event in collaboration
with Creation Care Week. Students gathered at the Runningwater Draw
to clean up the area. View photos here.
The School of Mathematics and Sciences at Wayland Baptist University
and the School of Engineering at West Texas A&M University entered
into an official agreement Wednesday, November 11th, to offer a
program that will allow students to earn dual degrees from the
universities. - Read More
Dr. Matthew Allen purchased new equipment to begin research in tree
ring measurements. Students in Dr. Allen's ecology class have already
initiated a study examining the growth dynamics of cottonwood trees in
Blanco Canyon near Floydada, TX. Tree-ring analysis revealed that
some of the cottonwood trees are well over 100 years old. Further
analysis revealed that in recent years, the cottonwood growth rate was
better predicted by the amount of irrigation in a particular year than by
the amount of precipitation. This suggests that irrigation in surrounding
areas has a significant impact on the canyon's hydrology and growth of
its trees.
Drs. Allen and Kasner took their conservation biology and ecology
courses on two extended field trips this fall. September 16-20 they
traveled to Oklahoma with 15 students spending several days visiting the
Wichita Mountains and
Tall Grass Prairie in
northern Oklahoma and
the Nickel Preserve on the
western end of Ozarks.
Both locations are nature
conservancies and the Tall
Grass Prairie preserve is
where Dr. Allen did some
of his doctoral work. The
second week in October
the group traveled to
Cloudcroft, NM. View
photos here.
The Geology program took a multi-day field trip to New Mexico on
September 16-20. Drs. Parker and Walsh lead eight students visiting the
Santa Rosa state park and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in northern
New Mexico. They spent two nights in the Santa Fe National Forest
north of Santa Fe, exploring the Jemez Caldera. View photos here.
Several geology students also attended the "Introduction To Black Shale
Petrophysics" and "Paleogeography And Stratigraphy Of The Great
American Carbonate Bank Of Laurentia" short courses at the
MidContinent AAPG meeting in Tulsa, OK.
Dr. Robert Moore- Master of the
We are proud to announce that Dr. Robert Moore
has completed the master's program in Christian
Ministry at Wayland Baptist University. Dr.
Moore started working at Wayland as an adjunct
in the fall of 2009 with intentions to teach just as
a temporary job while attending school to
complete his masters. Dr. Moore had his Ph.D. in
chemistry from Auburn University but said he
never dreamed of being a teacher at a university. Yet, after sharing his
experience of teaching with his wife, mathematics professor Dr. Emilia Moore,
he realized that having an office on campus and interacting with students on a
daily basis was exactly what he was called to do. Dr. Moore became a full-time
professor at Wayland in the fall of 2010. He has also been a church university
minister since the summer of 2010. He is active in his church, Stonebridge
Fellowship Church of Plainview, and the leader of a small group in which many
of his students are involved. He continues to be a great addition to our
Wayland family and a strong Christian leader.
Recent Publications and Professional Travel
Dr. Daniela Derderian, Professor in Biology, received approval for her
manuscript's publication entitled: "Water deprivation-partial rehydration
induces sensitization of sodium appetite and alteration of hypothalamic
transcripts" in American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and
Comparative Physiology.
Dr. Gary Gray, Professor of Chemistry, attended in October the annual
Welch conference in Houston.
Dr. Andrew Kasner, Professor of Biology, attended the academic council of
Au Sable Institute in Michigan.
Dr. Don Parker, Professor in Geology, authored a paper entitled: "Basement
control of alkali flood rhyolite magmatism of the Davis Mountains Volcanic
Field, Trans-Pecos Texas." He gave an oral presentation on the paper at the
November Geological Society of America Meeting in Baltimore. He also coauthored a poster session at the same meeting entitled, "Mantle heterogeneity
and melting conditions in the Strait of Sicily rift zone."
Dr. Tim Walsh, Professor of Geology, attended various short courses and
meetings including the Mid-Continent American Association of Petroleum
Geologists (AAPG) Meeting in Tulsa, OK, West Texas Geological Society
Meeting in Midland, TX and Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 75th Annual
Meeting in Dallas, TX.
May your days be filled with peace, hope, and
joy this holiday season.
God Bless,
The School of Mathematics & Sciences, WBU
School of Mathematics & Sciences, WBU | www.wbu.edu/mathsci |
mathscience@wbu.edu |
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School of Mathematics and Science, Wayland Baptist University | Wayland Baptist University | 1900 W. 7th St. |
Plainview | TX | 79072