12/17/2015 www.math.tamu.edu/courses/math308/308currentsched.html MATH 308 - Suggested Weekly Schedule Note: This is a fall or spring schedule. In summer, this schedule is accelerated by 50% in order to accommodate a 10-week session. MATH 308. Differential Equations.(3-0) Credit 3.0. Ordinary differential equations, solutions in series, solutions using Laplace transforms, systems of differential equations. Prerequisites: MATH 251 or equivalent; knowledge of computer algebra system. Suggested Schedule Chapter 1: 2 days Section 1.1. Some Basic Mathematical Models; Direction Fields Section 1.2. Solutions of Some Differential Equations Section 1.3. Classification of Differential Equations 1.1-1.3 should be covered in 2 days Chapter 2: 5 days Section 2.1. Linear Equations; Method of Integrating Factors Section 2.2. Seperable Equations Section 2.3. Modeling with First Order Equations Section 2.4. Differences Between Linear and Nonlinear Equations Section 2.5. Autonomous Equations and Population Dynamics Section 2.6. Exact Equations and Integrating Factors Do 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 in two days, doing only one representative example from 2.5 Chapter 3: 8 days Section 3.1. Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients Section 3.2. Solutions of Linear Homogeneous Equations; the Wronskian Section 3.3. Complex Roots of the Characteristic Equation Section 3.4. Repeated Roots; Reduction of Order Section 3.5. Nonhomogeneous Equations; Method of Undetermined Coefficients Section 3.6. Variation of Parameters Section 3.7. Mechanical and Electrical Vibrations Section 3.8. Forced Vibrations Chapter 6: 6 days Section 6.1. Definition of the Laplace Transform Section 6.2. Solution of Initial Value Problems Section 6.3. Step Functions Section 6.4. Differential Equations with Discontinuous Forcing Functions Section 6.5. Impulse Functions Section 6.6. The Convolution Integral Chapter 7: 8 days Section 7.1,7.2 Introduction and Review of Matrices Section 7.3. Linear Algebraic Equations: Linear Independence, eigenvalues, Eigenvectors Section 7.4. Basic Theory of Systems of first Order Linear Equations Section 7.5. Homogeneous Linear systems with Constant Coefficients Section 7.6. Complex Eigenvalues Section 7.7. Fundamental Matrices Section 7.8. Repeated Eigenvalues Section 7.9. Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems Chapter 5: 6 days Section 5.1. Review of Power Series Section 5.2. Series Solutions near an Ordinary Point, Part I Section 5.3. Series Solutions near an Ordinary Point, Part II Section 5.4. Euler Equations; Regular Singular Points http://www.math.tamu.edu/courses/math308/308currentsched.html 1/2 12/17/2015 www.math.tamu.edu/courses/math308/308currentsched.html Section 5.5. Series Solution near a Regular Singular Point, Part I Section 5.6. Series Solution near a Regular Singular Point, Part II The remaining 4 lectures may come from either Chapter 8 (Numerical Methods) or Chapter 9 (Nonlinear Systems). Optional Track #1 - 4 days (Numerical Methods) Section 8.1. The Euler or Tangent Line Method Section 8.2. Improvements on the Euler Method Section 8.3. The Runge-Kutta Method Section 8.4. Multistep Methods Optional Track #2 - 4 days (Nonlinear Systems) Section 9.1. The Phase Plane; Linear Systems Section 9.2. Autonomous Systems and Stability Section 9.3. Locally Linear Systems Section 9.4, 9.5. Competing Species, Predator-Prey Equations Add in three days for exams and this will give a total of 42 days. Please send comments, questions, or suggestions to Alisa Baron at "alisa@math.tamu.edu". Updated August 17, 2011 by ap http://www.math.tamu.edu/courses/math308/308currentsched.html 2/2