Homogenization of the Transmission Eigenvalue Problem for a Periodic Media Isaac Harris Texas A&M University, Department of Mathematics College Station, Texas 77843-3368 iharris@math.tamu.edu Joint work with: F. Cakoni and H. Haddar Research Funded by: NSF Grant DMS-1106972 and University of Delaware Graduate Student Fellowship April 2016 Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 1 / 19 The Inverse Problem We consider the time harmonic Acoustic scattering in R3 or Electromagnetic scattering in R2 (TE-polarization case). Figure: A periodic domain for three different values of ε. Inverse Problem Obtain information about the macro and micro-structure of a periodic media where the period is characterized by a small parameter ε 1 from the scattered field. Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 2 / 19 The Scattering Problem for Periodic Media The time harmonic scattering by a periodic media with scattered 1 (Rm ) and incident field u i = exp(ikx · d), where the field uεs ∈ Hloc total field uε = uεs + u i and scattered field satisfy ∆uεs + k 2 uεs = 0 ∇ · A(x/ε)∇uε + k 2 n(x/ε)uε = 0 ∂ ∂ s uε = uεs + u i and uε = (u + u i ) ∂νA ∂ν ε s m−1 ∂uε s 2 lim r − ikuε = 0. r →∞ ∂r Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material in Rm \ D in D on ∂D 3 / 19 Convergence of the Coefficients The matrix A(y) ∈ L∞ (Y , Rm×m ) is Y -periodic symmetric positive definite and the function n(y) ∈ L∞ (Y ) is a positive Y -periodic function. We have that as ε → 0 1 nε := n(x/ε) → nh := |Y| Z n(y) dy weakly in L∞ Y Aε := A(x/ε) → Ah in the sense of H-convergence i.e. for uε * u in H 1 (D) then Aε ∇uε * Ah ∇u in [L2 (D)]m where Ah is a constant symmetric matrix Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 4 / 19 Far-Field Operators It is known that the radiating scattered field which depends on the incident direction d, has the following asymptotic expansion 1 e ik|x| ∞ u (x̂, d; k) + O usε (x, d; k) = as |x| → ∞ ε m−1 |x| |x| 2 We now define the far field operator as L2 (S) → L2 (S) Z (Fg )(x̂; ε) := u∞ ε (x̂, d; k)g (d) ds(d) S where S = {x ∈ Rm : |x| = 1} is the unit circle or sphere. Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 5 / 19 Transmission Eigenvalue Problem Motivation for the TE-problem I Transmission eigenvalues correspond to specific frequencies where there is an incident field ui that does not scatter I They are also connected to the injectivity of the far-field operator F I The Transmission eigenvalues can be used to determine/estimate the material properties. Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 6 / 19 The TE-Problem for a Periodic Media Homogenization is used to study composite periodic media. We are interested in the limiting case as ε → 0 for the TE-Problem. Find non-trivial kε , (vε , wε ) ∈ R+ × X (D) such that: ∇ · A(x/ε)∇wε + kε2 n(x/ε)wε = 0 kε2 vε ∆vε + =0 ∂wε ∂vε wε = vε and = ∂νA ∂ν in D in D on ∂D Note that the spaces for the solution (wε , vε ) will become precise later since they depend on whether A = I or A 6= I. Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 7 / 19 Reconstructing the Real TEs Question: Can the TEs be determined from the far field data? Answer: (IH-Cakoni-Sun 2014) The Far-Field equation in Rm is given by Z u∞ ε (x̂, d; k)gz (d) ds(d) = exp(−ikz · x̂) for a z ∈ D. S Let gzα be the regularized solution to the Far Field equation I if k ∈ R+ is not a TE then kgzα kL2 (S) is bounded as α → 0 I if k ∈ R+ is a TE then kgzα kL2 (S) is unbounded as α → 0 Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 8 / 19 Numerical Examples i.e. plot k 7→ ||gzα || A = Diag(5, 6) and n = 2 where the domain D is a 2 × 2 Square. Figure: Plot of the ||gzα ||L2 (S) for 25 points z ∈ D Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 9 / 19 Numerical Examples We now compute the TEs using the Far-Field Equation (FFE) and the FEM where we fix A = Diag(5, 6) and n = 2. Table: Comparison of FFE Computation v.s. FEM Calculations Method Domain 1st TEV 2nd TEV FFE FEM FFE FEM square (2 × 2) square (2 × 2) circle (R = 1) circle (R = 1) 1.84 1.84 1.98 1.98 6.60 6.63 7.23 7.13 Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 10 / 19 The case of an Isotropic media (i.e. A = I ) For this case (wε , vε ) ∈ L2 (D) × L2 (D) with uε = wε − vε ∈ H02 (D), where we have that the difference uε satisfies for nε := n(x/ε) 0 = ∆ + k 2 nε 1 ∆ + k 2 uε in D. nε − 1 The equivalent variational form is given by Z 1 ∆uε + kε2 uε ∆ϕ + kε2 nε ϕ dx = 0 for all ϕ ∈ H02 (D). nε − 1 D We can rewriting the variational form to the following form Aε,kε (uε , ϕ) − kε2 B(uε , ϕ) = 0 for all ϕ ∈ H02 (D). Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 11 / 19 Tricks of the Trade Assume that nmin ≤ n(y) ≤ nmax and let uε be the eigenfunction corresponding to the eigenvalue kε with kuε kH 1 (D) = 1 for all ε αk∆uε k2L2 (D) ≤ Aε,kε (uε , uε ) = kε2 B(uε , uε ) ≤ kε2 kuε k2H 1 (D) provided that nmin > 1 or 0 < nmax < 1. Lemma (Cakoni-Haddar-IH 2015) Assume that either nmin > 1 or 0 < nmax < 1. Then there exists an infinite sequence of real transmission eigenvalues kε, j for j ∈ N such that I kj (nmax , D) ≤ kε, j < kj (nmin , D) if nmin > 1 I kj (nmin , D) ≤ kε, j < kj (nmax , D) if 0 < nmax < 1. Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 12 / 19 Theorem (Cakoni-Haddar-IH 2015) Assume that nmin > 1 or 0 < nmax < 1, then there is a subsequence of kε , (vε , wε ) ∈ R+ × L2 (D) × L2 (D) that converges weakly to (v, w) ∈ L2 (D) × L2 (D) and kε → k that satisfies ∆w + k 2 nh w = 0 and ∆v + k 2 v = 0 ∂v ∂w = w = v and ∂ν ∂ν in D on ∂D provided that kε is bounded, where Z 1 nh := n(y) dy. |Y| Y Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 13 / 19 Reconstructing Material Properties A = I We can reconstruct the effective material property nh by finding a n0 such that k1 (n0 ) = k1 (nε ) where ∆w + k 2 n0 w = 0 and ∆v + k 2 v = 0 ∂w ∂v = w = v and ∂ν ∂ν in D on ∂D. Now let n(x/ε) = sin2 (2πx1 /ε) + 2 Table: Reconstruction from scattering data ε k1 (nε ) nh n0 0.1 5.046 2.5 2.5188 Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 14 / 19 Theorem (Cakoni-Haddar-IH 2015) I Assume that A(y) − I and n(y) − 1 have different sign in Y . I Assume that n(y) = 1 and A(y) − I is positive(or negative) definite. Then there is a subsequence of kε , (vε , wε ) ∈ R+ × H 1 (D) × H 1 (D) that converges weakly to (v, w) ∈ H1 (D) × H1 (D) and kε → k that satisfies ∇ · Ah ∇w + k 2 nh w = 0 and ∆v + k 2 v = 0 ∂w ∂v w = v and = ∂νAh ∂ν in D on ∂D provided that kε is bounded, where A(x/ε) → Ah in the sense of H-convergence as ε → 0. Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 15 / 19 Reconstructing Material Properties n = 1 We can reconstruct the effective material property Ah = ah I by finding an a0 such that k1 (a0 ) = k1 (Aε ) where a0 ∆w + k 2 w = 0 and ∆v + k 2 v = 0 in D ∂w ∂v w = v and a0 = on ∂D. ∂ν ∂ν 2 0 1 sin (2πx2 /ε) + 1 Now let A(x/ε) = 3 0 cos2 (2πx1 /ε) + 1 Table: Reconstruction from scattering data ε k1 (Aε ) ah a0 0.1 7.349 0.5 0.4851 Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 16 / 19 Thanks for your Attention: For more details: F. Cakoni, H. Haddar and I. Harris “Homogenization approach for the transmission eigenvalue problem for periodic media and application to the inverse problem”, Inverse Problems and Imaging 1025 - 1049, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2015−(arXiv:1410.37297). In the paper we have also considered: I The convergence of the interior transmission problem for the cases where A = I and A 6= I I Construct a bulk corrector to prove strong convergence for A 6= I I Numerical test for the order of convergence Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 17 / 19 Some References A. Bensoussan, J.L. Lions, G. Papanicolau Asymptotic Analysis for Periodic Structures Chelsea Publications, 1978 F. Cakoni and D. Colton, A Qualitative Approach to Inverse Scattering Theory Springer, Berlin 2014. F. Cakoni, B. Guzina and S. Moskows, “On the homogenization of a transmission problem in scattering theory for highly oscillating media”, SIAM J. Math. Analysis (to appear). I. Harris, Non-Destructive Testing of Anisotropic Materials University of Delaware, Ph.D. Thesis (2015). Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 18 / 19 Figure: Questions? Homogenization of the TE for Periodic Material 19 / 19