Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Exhibit 6 – Forest Service NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References The following identifies both the data fields obtained using a FOCUS report from the PERHIS (personnel history) database table at the National Finance Center (NFC) and fields added for analysis purposes. Details regarding the specific data elements required for coding can be found in Attachment Ex6.6. Not all of the data fields were used for analysis in this report; however the fields include information that would potentially be needed for future analysis. The use of each field and applicable formulas are also identified below. Master Record Number – This field identifies a unique master position that is linked to the agency, SON, and grade. The values are assigned standard job numbers and/or unique alpha or numeric values. This field was determined to not be a unique identifier for analysis purposed during this study because the values were not present for all employees or in all systems. Individual Position Number – This field identifies the personnel position number. Specifically, it identifies, by number, the position occupied by the employee. Unfortunately this field was also determined to not be a unique identifier for the purposes of this study. The field is only present in one system and is not populated for all employees in the PERHIS table. Social Security Number (SSN) – This field was used as the unique identifier for each employee. SSN is the only unique identifier consistent across various information systems, and was needed to tie information from different information sources together for analysis purposes. First Name – Identifies the employee’s first name. Last Name – Identifies the employee’s last name. Middle Name – If applicable, this field identifies the employee’s middle name or middle initial. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – This field indicates whether the position is covered by the minimum pay and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Position Status – This field identifies if a position is considered permanent or other than permanent. A position coded with a “Y” is a permanent position and a position coded with an “N” is an “other than permanent” position. Seasonal Status Quo – This field identifies whether the employee is a seasonal, status quo, or seasonal and status quo employee. An employee coded with a “0” is neither seasonal nor status quo. An employee coded with a “1” is a seasonal employee serving in their first season. Other numbers coded in this field indicate what season an employee is in. NWFF Page Ex6.1 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Special Employment Program – Identifies if an employee is in a special employment program (e.g., Students in the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP)). The PERHIS (personnel history) table uses the codes below to identify different programs (Note: this table does not include all acceptable codes. The full code listing can be found in Attachment Ex6.6). 0 Not Applicable 71 1 Applied Physical Science 73 2 Chemical Engineering 74 3 Electrical Engineering 75 9 Physics 76 10 Civil Engineering 78 23 Engineering Physics 81 26 Biomedical Engineering 99 39 Apprentice Program C3 40 Mixed Tour C5 46 Schedule B (5 CFR 213.3202(K))8 C9 59 Veterans Adjustment Employee – Cooperative Education 62 Program Worker Trainee in Developmental Job 70 Ceiling Exempt D1 Air Traffic Controller – Second Career Train Cooperative Education Program – High School Cooperative Education Program – Associate Degree Students Students Upward Mobility – Assigned to Same Series Appointment under Summer Employment Program SES Sabbatical IPA – Out 50% of More Reimbursable Cooperative Education Program – Baccalaureate – Schedule B Cooperative Education Program – Associate Degree – Schedule B Cooperative Education Program – Vocational Tech – Schedule B Upward Mobility Program G5 Outstanding Scholar IP Intern Program Special Employment Code – This field identifies if an employee is in a special category of hire. Type of Employment – This field identifies the employee’s type of employment by code. The PERHIS (personnel history) table uses the codes below to identify different types of employment. 1 2 Full Time Part Time 4 5 3 Intermittent 6 Fee-Basis of Piecework First 40 Hours Intermittent when substituting for a full time employee (T&A only) Appointment Limit – Identifies if an appointment has a limitation or not to exceed (NTE) date. A position is coded with a “0” if it has no service year or appointment NTE date limitations. A position is coded with a “2” if there is a service year limitation with or without an appointment NTE date. NWFF Page Ex6.2 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Occupational Series – This field identifies the exact occupational group to which the employee’s position has been classified. A position’s series is a subdivision of an occupational group or job family consisting of positions similar, as to specialized line of work and qualifications requirements. An occupational group is the major category of white collar occupations, embracing a group of associated or related occupations (e.g., the Accounting and Budget Group, GS-0500). 1 Official Position Title – Identifies the official title of the employee’s position. Standard Position Title – This field was added during analysis to standardize spelling of position titles and abbreviations used when each employee’s official position title was entered into the system. Functional Group – This field was added to the analysis to further group the standard position titles by removing the specialized identification included within parentheses within the official position title (e.g., the standard title of Forestry Tech (Hotshot)was identified as a Forestry Tech in the functional group data field. Duty Hours – This field identifies the employee’s tour of duty hours per pay period. Tour of Duty is defined as the hours of a day (a daily tour of duty) and the days of an administrative workweek (a weekly tour of duty) that constitute an employee’s regularly scheduled workweek. If an employee is under a flexible schedule, the tour of duty is defined by the limits set by the Forest Service within which an employee shall complete the basic work requirement, including flexible and core time bands. 2 Work Schedule – This field identifies when an employee is scheduled to work. The FS Handbook further defines work schedules as fixed work schedules and flexible work schedules. The specific days and clock hours are set under a fixed work schedule, and the employee may not vary the time of arrival or departure. The core and flexible hours are set by the Forest Service within which an employee shall complete the basic work requirement under a flexible work schedule. The FS has designated core hours and days when an employee shall be present for work and designated flexible hours during which an employee may elect to work in order to complete their basic non-overtime work requirement. The following definitions reflect the PERHIS codes identified below: • • • Full Time – A regularly scheduled tour of duty which requires the employee to be in a leave and/or duty status for 80 hour each biweekly pay period Intermittent – Work based on sporadic and unpredictable requirements which prevent advance scheduling of a regular tour of duty. Employees work on an as-needed basis, are paid only for those hours work, and are not entitled to earn or use leave. Part Time – A regularly scheduled tour of duty which generally requires an employee to be on duty no less than 16 hours and no more than 32 hours per week. 1 US Office of Personnel Management, Introduction to the Position Classification Standards, TS-134, July 1995. Forest Service Handbook (FSH) Section 6109.11 – Pay Administration, Attendance, and Leave Handbook, June 2008. 2 NWFF Page Ex6.3 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service • Seasonal Employment – Annually recurring periods of work of less than 12 months each year. Seasonal employees are permanent employees who are placed in nonduty/nonpay status and recalled to duty in accordance with pre-established conditions of employment. The PERHIS (personnel history) table uses the codes below to identify different work schedules. F G H I Full Time Full Time Seasonal Full Time On Call Intermittent P Q R J Part Time Part Time Seasonal Part Time On Call Intermittent Seasonal Note: if an employee’s work schedule was not identified in the HRM data, the work schedule was assigned to the employee using a combination of the Seasonal Status Quo, Duty Hours, and Type of Employment fields. Duty Station Codes – These data fields identify the city, state, and county where the employee’s permanent duty station. The corresponding names for each code can be found in Attachment Ex6.3. Region – An employee’s region was initially determined using Level 2 of the Organization Codes. If unavailable, the employee’s duty station was used to determine their regional assignment. Note: Washington Office (WO) employees were identified by using Level 2 codes of 50 through 56 (shown below) and if the employee’s duty station was identified as Washington, DC. 50 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF 51 BUSINESS OPERATIONS 52 NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM 53 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 54 PROGRAMS AND LEGISLATION 55 56 DEPUTY CHIEF, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT STATE AND PRIVATE FORESTRY Position Supervisory Status – This data field identifies whether a position is considered supervisory or not. The PERHIS (personnel history) table uses the codes below to identify a position’s supervisory status. 1 3 4 5 NWFF Supervisory Position Managerial Position Supervisor (CSRA) Management Official (CSRA) 6 8 2 Leader Non-Supervisory Non-Supervisory Page Ex6.4 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Pay Plan – This data field identifies the applicable pay plan for the employee’s position. Federal work is generally classified under the General Schedule (GS) or the Federal Wage System (FWS). Grade – This field defines the grade of the employee under the corresponding Pay Plan. This data field was further categorized into the GS Grade Categories identified below for analysis purposes. GS 1,2,3, or 4 GS 5,6, or 7 GS 8,9, or 10 GS 11 or 12 GS 13 or Higher Non-GS Pay Plan Step – This data field identifies the employee’s step within the grade. Scheduled Salary – This data field lists the amount the employees is scheduled to earn prior to any allowance, adjustment, or differential (i.e., base salary) Salary Rate – Pay basis that the identified salary is based on (e.g., per annum, per hour, etc.). Base Salary – This field identifies the amount of the employee’s salary as an annual, monthly, daily, of hourly amount as indicated by the salary rate code. Pay Table Code- Identifies the salary table associated with the employee’s geographic location and applicable position type. Recruitment Bonus – This field corresponds to the lump sum dollar amount paid to newly appointed employees as an incentive for the employee to work for the agency. Retention Allowance – Identifies the incentive paid to retain the employee (up to 25% of base pay). Relocation Bonus – Lump sum dollar amount paid to a current employee to compensate them for relocation. Supervisory Percentage – The percentage of base pay to determine the differential rate paid for GS supervisory who supervise employees who are higher paid under other systems. Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) Percentage – This field identifies an employee’s cost of living allowance percent. Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) Difference Code – This field identifies the cost of living allowance post differential code (0=none; 5=COLA Local Retail/Private Housing). NWFF Page Ex6.5 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Environmental Differential Rate – This field identifies environmental differential rate in the coordinated federal wage system area (WG-10, Step 2) where the employee works. This rate is used for computing environmental differential pay. Wage Board Area Code - Code used to identify area used for Federal Wage System (FWS) pay rates. Wage Board Shift Rates (2nd, 3rd, and Varied Shifts) – These fields identify the differential rate of WG employees shift pay (2nd, 3rd, and varied shifts). Education Level – This field indicates the highest academic level of education attained by the employee. Uniform Service Status – This field identifies the employee’s current military status. This field was not used for purposes of this study. The PERHIS (personnel history) table uses the codes below to identify an employee’s uniform service status. 0 None 1 Ready Reserve 2 Standby Reserve 3 4 5 National Guard Retired Military – Regular Retired Military – NonRegular Veterans Preference – This field identifies an employee's veterans preference used for appointment purposes and is also used in determining retention rights for reduction in force actions and procedural rights in appeal cases, and in other areas where veteran’s preference is pertinent. This field was not used for purposes of this study. The PERHIS (personnel history) table uses the codes below to identify an employee’s veteran’s preference. 1 2 None 5-Point 3 10-Point Disability 4 5 6 10-Point Compensable 10-Point Other 10-Point 30% Compensable Year the Employee is Eligible for Voluntary Retirement - The following sections outline the formula used to calculate the year that FS employees will become eligible for voluntary retirement. This data field was used to analyze and forecast retirement eligibility percentages and anticipated attrition for the future FS workforce. Explanation of the Formula Calculations: • NWFF Formula first checks if the number of years of service is known for the employee. If it is unknown, then voluntary retirement eligibility is not able to be calculated for the employee. Page Ex6.6 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service • • Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) – PERHIS Codes 1, 7, C, D, & R 3 o The formula checks if the employee is enrolled in the CSRS retirement system. If the employee is under the CSRS system, the formula checks to verify at least one of the following conditions can be calculated: The employee has served a minimum of 5 years AND the employee is at least 62 years old The employee has served a minimum of 20 years AND the employee is at least 60 years old The employee has served a minimum of 30 years AND the employee is at least 55 years old o If none of the conditions above can calculated (i.e., an error is returned) the retirement eligibility date cannot be calculated and it is coded as “Unknown.” o If one of the three conditions listed above is true for the employee, then the employee is currently eligible for retirement under the CSRS retirement system. o If none of the three conditions are true, the formula then calculates the year that the employee is eligible for voluntary retirement by adding the minimum of the following conditions to the applicable File Year currently being analyzed: The higher of the difference between the employee’s age and 55 vs. the difference between the years of service and 30 The higher of the difference between the employee’s age and 60 vs. the difference between the years of service and 20 The higher of the difference of the employee’s age from 62 vs. the difference between the number of years of service and 5 Special Law Enforcement and Firefighter Coverage (6c – PERHIS Codes 6, E, M, & T4 o The formula checks if the employee is enrolled in the 6c retirement benefit. If the employee is under 6c, the formula then checks if the employee’s age is known. If unknown, retirement eligibility is unable to be calculated. o The formula checks if the employee meets any of the following conditions: The employee has served a minimum of 20 years AND the employee is at least 50 years old The employee has served a minimum of 25 years The employee is at least 57 years old o If one of the three conditions listed above is true for the employee, then the employee is currently eligible for retirement under 6c coverage. o If none of the three conditions is met for the employee, then the formula determines the year the employee is eligible for retirement by adding the minimum of the following conditions to the applicable File Year being analyzed: The difference between the number of years of service and 25 The difference between 70 and the sum of the employee’s years of service and their age 3 US Office of Personnel Management, CSRS Retirement and FERS Retirement Guidance, http://www.opm.gov/retire/index.aspx 4 US Office of Personnel Management, CSRS and FERS Handbook. Chapter 46 - Special Retirement Provisions for Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, Air Traffic Controllers, and Military Reserve Technicians. NWFF Page Ex6.7 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service • • Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) – PERHIS Codes 2, I, K, L, & N3 o The formula checks if the employee is enrolled in the FERS retirement plan. If the employee is under FERS, the formula then checks if the employee’s age is known. If unknown, an employee is assumed to be eligible for voluntary retirement after 30 years of service. The year the employee is eligible is calculated by adding the different between 30 and the number of years of service added to the applicable File Year being analyzed. o The formula then checks to verify at least one of the following conditions can be calculated: The employee has served a minimum of 5 years AND the employee is at least 62 years old The employee has served a minimum of 20 years AND the employee is at least 60 years old The employee has served a minimum of 30 years AND the employee is at least 55 years old o If none of the conditions above can calculated (i.e., an error is returned) the retirement eligibility date cannot be calculated and it is coded as “Unknown.” o If one of the three conditions listed above is true for the employee, then the employee is currently eligible for retirement under the FERS retirement system. o If none of the three conditions are true, the formula then calculates the year that the employee is eligible for voluntary retirement by adding the minimum of the following conditions to the applicable File Year currently being analyzed: The greater of the following: • If the employee was born prior to 1953, the formula returns the difference between 55 and the employee’s age. • If the employee was born prior to 1970, the formula returns the difference between 56 and the employee’s age. • If the employee was born after 1969, then the formula returns the difference between 57 and the employee’s age. • The difference between 30 and the number of years of service The greater of the difference between the employee’s age and 60 vs. the difference between the years of service and 20 The higher of the difference of the employee’s age from 62 vs. the difference between the number of years of service and 5 The formula then checks for enrollment in other retirement plans, and signals the reviewer to “check” each employee under another plan. Specific Formula Used to Calculate Voluntary Retirement Eligibility: =IF(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE="Unknown", "Unknown", IF(OR(RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=1, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=7, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="C", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="D", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="R"), IF(ISERROR(OR(AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=5, EMPLOYEE AGE>=62), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=20, EMPLOYEE AGE>=60), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=30, EMPLOYEE AGE>=55))), "Unknown", NWFF Page Ex6.8 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service IF(OR(AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=5, EMPLOYEE AGE>=62), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=20, EMPLOYEE AGE>=60), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=30, EMPLOYEE AGE>=55)), "Currently Eligible for Voluntary", (FILE YEAR +1)+MIN(MAX(55-EMPLOYEE AGE, 30-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE), MAX(60-EMPLOYEE AGE, 20-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE), MAX(62-EMPLOYEE AGE, 5-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE)))), IF(OR(RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="T", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="M", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="E", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=6), IF(EMPLOYEE AGE="Unknown", "Unknown", IF(OR( AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=20, EMPLOYEE AGE>=50), NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=25, EMPLOYEE AGE >=57), "Currently Eligible for Voluntary", (FILE YEAR +1)+MIN(25-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE, 70-(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE+EMPLOYEE AGE)))), IF(OR(RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="I", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="K", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="L", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="N", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=2), IF(EMPLOYEE AGE="Unknown", (FILE YEAR+1)+(30-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE), IF(ISERROR(OR(AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=5, EMPLOYEE AGE>=62), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=20, EMPLOYEE AGE>=60), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=30, EMPLOYEE AGE>=55))), "Unknown", IF(OR(AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=5, EMPLOYEE AGE>=62), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=20, EMPLOYEE AGE>=60), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=30, EMPLOYEE AGE>=55)), "Currently Eligible for Voluntary", (FILE YEAR+1) + MIN(MAX(IF(BIRTH YEAR<1953, 55-EMPLOYEE AGE, IF(BIRTH YEAR<1970, 56-EMPLOYEE AGE, IF(BIRTH YEAR>1969, 57-EMPLOYEE AGE, "CHECK AGE"))), 30-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE), MAX(60-EMPLOYEE AGE, 20-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE), MAX(62-EMPLOYEE AGE, 5NUMBER YEARS SERVICE))))), IF(ISERROR(OR(RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=5, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=3, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=4, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="G", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="J", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="P", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="W", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=”X”)), "Unknown", IF(OR(RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=5, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=3, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=4, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="G", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="J", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="P", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="W", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=”X”), "Other", "CHECK")))))) Number of Years from Age 57 – This data field was added to analyze the effect that the mandatory retirement age of 57 has on the population of employees under the 6c benefit. The formula initially determines if an employee is under a 6c retirement benefit (PERHIS Codes 6, E, M, & T). If an employee is not 6c, the employee is identified as “Not 6c” in this field. If the 6c employee’s age is unknown, then the field is populated as “unknown.” If the 6c employee has already reached the age of 57, the field is identified as “Over 57.”Otherwise, the formula calculates the difference between the employee’s age and 57. Specific Formula Used to Calculate Number of Years from 57: =IF(6c IDENTIFICATION ="No", "Not 6c", IF(ISERROR(57-EMPLOYEE AGE), "Unknown", IF((57-EMPLOYEE AGE)<0, "Over 57", 57-EMPLOYEE AGE))) Retirement Categories – This data field further categorizes the calculated year of retirement eligibility into the following categories for analysis purposes: NWFF Page Ex6.9 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Currently Eligible for Voluntary Less than 5 Years till Eligible 5 to 10 Years till Eligible 11 to 20 Years till Eligible 21 to 30 Years till Eligible More than 30 Years till Eligible Specific Formula Used to Categorize Retirement Categories: =IF(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY="Currently Eligible for Voluntary", "Currently Eligible for Voluntary", IF(OR(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY="CHECK", YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY="Other", YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY="Unknown"), "Unknown", IF((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY-(FILE YEAR +1))>30, "More than 30 Years till Eligible", IF((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY-(FILE YEAR +1))<5, "Less than 5 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY-(FILE YEAR +1))>=5, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY-(FILE YEAR +1))<=10), "5 to 10 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY-(FILE YEAR +1))>=11, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY-(FILE YEAR +1))<=20), "11 to 20 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY-(FILE YEAR +1))>=21, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY-(FILE YEAR +1))<=30), "21 to 30 Years till Eligible", "Unknown"))))))) Year of Mandatory Separation (6c Employees Only) – This field identifies the year employees under the 6c retirement benefit will reach mandatory separation requirements. The calculation formula initially checks if an employee is covered by the 6c retirement benefit, then checks for an identified 6c retirement date. If the 6c retirement date is not known, the formula then calculates the year of mandatory separation by taking the maximum of the following calculations: • • The file year plus one plus the calculated number of years from 57 The file year plus one plus the difference between the number of years of regular service and 20 If the 6c retirement date is known, the formula then checks if the Number of Years from 57 is known. • • NWFF If the number of years from the age of 57 is unknown, the formula then checks if the number of years of 6c service is greater than 20. o If true, then the employee is identified as “Previously Separated” under the assumption that they would have been required to leave a 6c covered position even though the employee would have retained coverage from the benefit. o If the number of years of 6c service is less than 20 years, the year of mandatory separation for the employee is calculated to be the file year plus one plus the difference between the number of years of 6c service and 20. If the number of years from the age of 57 is known, the formula then checks if the number of years from the age of 57 is less than the difference between the number of years of 6c service and 20. Page Ex6.10 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service o o If true, the formula calculates the year of mandatory separation as the file year plus one plus the difference between the number of years of 6c service and 20. If false, the formula then checks if the employee was identified as “Over 57” in a previous calculation. If so, the employee is identified as “Previously Separated” under the assumption that they would have been required to leave a 6c covered position even though the employee would have retrained coverage by the benefit. If false, the formula then checks if the calculated number of years from 57 was known. If unknown, then formula calculates the year of mandatory separation as one plus the file year plus the difference between the number of years of 6c service and 20. Otherwise, if the number of years from 57 is known, the formula calculates the year of mandatory separation as the file year plus one plus the difference between the number of years of regular service and 20. Specific Formula Used to Calculate the Year of Mandatory Separation (6c Employees Only): =IF(YEARS OF 6C SERVICE="Not 6c", "", IF(YEARS OF 6C SERVICE="Unknown 6c Ret Date", MAX(FILE YEAR+1+NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57, FILE YEAR+1+(20-NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE)), IF(NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57="Unknown", IF(YEARS OF 6C SERVICE>20, "Previously Separated", (FILE YEAR+1)+(20-YEARS OF 6C SERVICE)), IF(NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57<(20-YEARS OF 6C SERVICE), (FILE YEAR+1)+(20YEARS OF 6C SERVICE), IF(NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57="Over 57", "Previously Separated", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57="Unknown", (FILE YEAR+1)+(20-YEARS OF 6C SERVICE), (FILE YEAR+1)+NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57)))))) Years of 6c Service (6c Employees Only) – This formula calculates the number of years of 6c service for those employees covered by the 6c benefit. The formula first checks if the employee is covered by the benefit, if they are not then the field is populated with “Not 6c.” If covered by the benefit, the formula then checks if the 6c retirement date field is populated with a number in the system. If it is not, then this field is populated with “Unknown 6c Ret Date.” If the 6c retirement date is found in the system, the formula calculates the number of years of 6c service as the file year plus one minus the year the employee’s identified 6c retirement date (i.e., the difference between the number of years left to serve and the number of years served to date). Specific Formula Used to Calculate the Number of Years of 6c Service (6c Employees Only): =IF(6c IDENTIFICATION = "No", "Not 6c", IF(6c RETIREMENT DATE=0,"Unknown 6c Ret Date",(File Year +1)-LEFT(6C RETIREMENT DATE,4))) 6c Retirement Date – This field Identifies the date that the employee entered the 7 1/2% retirement plan, if applicable (i.e., Law Enforcement and Firefighters Retirement Benefit). NWFF Page Ex6.11 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Retirement Coverage – This field identifies the type of retirement/social security coverage held by the employee of record. The PERHIS (personnel history) table uses the codes below to identify an employee’s retirement coverage. 1 Civil Service (CSRS) I 2 FICA J 3 Foreign Service K 4 None L 5 Other M 6 Civil Service (CSRS) 7.5% Reduction (under P.L. 93-350)7 N FERS and FICA Reserve Techs 7 CSRS (Congressional) (Hits) P Foreign Service Pension Systems (FSPS) and FICA C Covered by FICA and CSRS at the transitional withholding rate (1.3%) R Covered by FICA and CSRS (7%) T Covered by FICA and CSRS at a special deduction rate (7.5% for Law Enforcement and Firefighter Personnel) W Covered by FICA and Foreign Service Retirement System X Covered by FICA and by another Federal Government Retirement System D E G CSRS Offset (Congressional) (FICA) Covered by FICA and CSRS (for Law Enforcement and Firefighter personnel) at the transitional withholding rate (1.3%) Covered by FICA and by the Foreign Service Retirement System at the transitional withholding rate (1.3%) FERS (Congressional) (FICA) Covered by FICA and by another Federal Government Retirement System at the transitional withholding rate (1.3%) FERS and FICA FERS and FICA (Air Traffic Controllers) FERS and FICA (Special) Law Enforcement and Firefighters Annuitant Indicator – This field indicates if an employee is receiving retirement or retained pay from a previous position. This field was not used for the purposes of this study. Performance Evaluation Code – This field identifies individual's performance evaluation rating. This field was not used for the purposes of this study. Union Affiliation - identifies the code for the union that dues are being deducted from an employee's salary. This field was not used for purposes of this study. Date On-Duty at Agency – This field identifies the date an employee entered on duty in the Agency. NWFF Page Ex6.12 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Number of Years of Service – This formula first checks to verify if one of the following conditions is true for the employee: • The employee’s year on duty at the agency is known AND the year of the employee’s service computation date (SCD) is known. • The employee’s year on duty at the agency is equal to zero AND the employee’s SCD is also equal to zero. If one of the above conditions is true, then the formula checks to see if the employee has a known Appointment Date. If known, the employee’s number of years of service is calculated to be the difference between the file year plus one and the employee’s appointment date. Otherwise, the employee’s number of years of service cannot be calculated and the field is populated with “Unknown.” If neither of the above conditions is true, the formula then checks the following: • • • The employee’s year on duty at the agency is greater than the employee’s SCD year AND the employee’s SCD year does not equal zero. If true, the formula then checks if the file year plus one minus the SCD year is greater than zero. If it is not, the field is populated with a zero. Otherwise the employee’s years of service is calculated to be the file year plus one minus the SCD year (i.e., the number of years the employee has completed since their SCD). If false, the formula then checks if the year on duty at the agency is coded with a zero. If true, the employee’s years of service is calculated to be the file year plus one minus the SCD year. If false the formula then checks to verify that the file year plus one minus the year on duty at the agency is greater than zero. o If it is not, the field is populated with a zero. Otherwise the employee’s years of service is calculated to be the file year plus one minus the year on duty at the agency (i.e., the number of years the employee has completed since their SCD). Note: this formula first uses SCD as the primary field for calculation, followed by year on duty at the agency, and then finally the year the employee was appointed to the position. Specific Formula Used to Calculate the Number of Years of Service: =IF(OR(AND(YEAR ON DUTY AT AGENCY="Unknown", SCD YEAR="Unknown"), AND(YEAR ON DUTY AT AGENCY=0, SCD YEAR=0)), IF(EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT DATE = "Unknown", "Unknown", (File Year+1)-EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT DATE), IF(AND(YEAR ON DUTY AT AGENCY>SCD YEAR, SCD YEAR>0), IF(((File Year +1)-SCD YEAR)<0, 0, (File Year +1)-SCD YEAR), IF(YEAR ON DUTY AT AGENCY=0, ( File Year +1)-SCD YEAR, IF(((File Year +1)-YEAR ON DUTY AT AGENCY)<0, 0, (File Year +1)-YEAR ON DUTY AT AGENCY)))) NWFF Page Ex6.13 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Categories of Service - This data field further categorizes the calculated number of years of service into the following categories for analysis purposes: Less than 5 5 to 10 Years of Service 11 to 15 Years of Service More than 15 Years of Service Unknown Specific Formula Used to Categorize the Number of Years of Service: =IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE="Unknown", "Unknown", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE<5, "LESS THAN 5", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE<=10, "5 TO 10 YEARS OF SERVICE", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE<=15, "11 TO 15 YEARS OF SERVICE", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE>15, "MORE THAN 15 YEARS OF SERVICE", ""))))) Employee Appointment Date – This field identifies the date the employee's appointment conversion is effective. Career Tenure Date – This field identifies the Date from which service is to be counted toward career or permanent tenure. This field was not used for purposes of this study. Date Entered Position – This field identifies the date employee brought on board or moved to a new personnel office. Buy Back Potential15 – Temporary non-deduction service performed on or after January 1, 1989 (FERS) is only creditable towards the three years primary/rigorous service needed before transferring to a secondary position. Temporary service performed after this date is not creditable under FERS for any other retirement purpose, including retirement eligibility and annuity computation. Employees who completed temporary service prior to January 1, 1989 did not pay into the retirement benefit at the appropriate rate. As a result, these employees were given the option to “buy back” their service time and credit the time towards 6c retirement if they contributed the additional percentage applicable to their service time. This impacts the analysis for this study because employees may be retiring prior to the predicted date if they elected to “buy back” any time. This formula first checks if this situation may apply to the employee. If it does, the formula calculates the potential number of years bought back towards retirement. Specific Formula Used to Calculate the Potential for Buy Back: =IF(AND(SCD YEAR<=1990, SCD YEAR>0), IF((YEAR ON DUTY AT AGENCY-SCD YEAR)<0, SCD YEAR-YEAR ON DUTY AT AGENCY, "No"), "No") Service Computation Date (SCD) – The date, either actual or constructed by crediting service, used to determine benefits that are based on how long the person has been in the Federal Service. This date was used as the primary means of calculating each employee’s length of service and subsequently, their retirement eligibility. Birthdate – This field identifies an employee’s date of birth. NWFF Page Ex6.14 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Sex – This field identifies whether an employee is a male or female. This field was left blank for some employees in the PERHIS data. An employee’s sex was coded as “unknown” for analysis purposes when this occurred. Race and National Origin (RNO) – This field contains a code identifying an employee's minority group. The PERHIS (personnel history) table uses the codes below to identify an employee’s RNO. F American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian or Pacific Islander Black, Not of Hispanic Origin Hispanic White, Not of Hispanic Origin Asian Indian G Chinese H Filipino A B C D E J Guamanian K L Hawaiian Japanese M N Korean Samoan P Q Vietnamese All other Pacific Islanders or Asian Not Hispanic in Puerto Rico Y Start Date – This code identifies the day the employee started with the organization. Agency Organization Codes – These fields identify the organizational level the employee is assigned by level. The second level was used as the primary means for identifying the region the employee was assigned within the Agency. Position Category - This field further categorizes the identified Functional Position Titles into the following analysis categories. A full listing of what specific positions can be found in which categories can be found in Attachment Ex6.1. Direct Fire Support Fire Management Program Administrative and Business Management Functions Phase 1 or Phase 2 Identification – This field clearly identifies whether an employee billed 51% or more of their hours to fire for the file year being analyzed or whether they billed less than 51% of their hours to fire. Those employees who billed 51% or more of their time to fire are considered “in-scope” of Phase 1 of this study and those who billed less than 51% will be covered by Phase 2. The following table defines the phase divisions for different work schedules or appointment types: NWFF Page Ex6.15 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Appointment Type / Work Schedule Annual Scheduled Work Hours NWFF 51% Annual Workload Division Full Time 2,080 Hours More than 1,060 Hours Full Time Seasonal: 18/8 Appointment 13/13 Appointment 1,440 Hours 1,039 Hours qMore than 734 Hours More than 529 Hours Note: HRM data did not identify which category the employee fell into (i.e., 18/8 or 13/13) for FS, so all FS Full Time Seasonal employees who billed more than 529 base 8 hours were considered in-scope for Phase 1. Part Time and Part Time Seasonal 16-32 Hours per Week 832-1664 Hours per Year Intermittent and Intermittent Seasonal Assumption: Employees can enter intermittent status after they have completed guaranteed seasonal pay periods. Employees may have billed hours to fire program codes under another status in the PAS system, but the HRM data reflects the employee’s nd status as of August 2 in the fiscal year. More than 424 Hours More than 529 Hours (Consistent with Full Time Seasonal) Note: Law Enforcement Employees are considered outside of the scope of this study for both phases. Law Enforcement positions were identified using the following criteria: • • • Official Position Title included “Law Enforcement”, “LE&I, or “LEO” in title (including student trainee); Organization Level 2 was identified as Region 60; – LE&I; The employee had a Special Pay Table designation of LEEO. Specific Formula Used to Categorize the Phase The Employee Belongs In: =IF(WORK SCHEDULE="Full Time", IF(TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS>(1060), "Over 51%", "Less than 51%"), IF(ISERROR(TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS>529), "No Hours", IF(OR(TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS="Unknown", TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS="No Hours"), "No Hours", IF(AND(WORK SCHEDULE="Full Time Seasonal", TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS>529), "Over 51%", IF(AND(WORK SCHEDULE="Full Time Seasonal", TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS<530), "Less than 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Part Time Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Part Time"), TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS>424), "Over 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Part Time Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Part Time"), TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS<425), "Less than 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent"), TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS>529), "Over 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent Seasonal", WORK NWFF Page Ex6.16 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service SCHEDULE="Intermittent"), TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS<530), "Less than 51%", "Unknown Work Schedule"))))))))) FMO Identification – In addition to positions with a functional title of Fire Management Officer or a variation (e.g., Assistant FMO, Supervisory FMO, etc.), FS employees identified as Unit Fire Program Managers (UFPM), Forest Assistant Fire Management Officers (FAFMO), District or Zone Assistant Fire Management Officers (DZAFMO), and District or Zone Fire Management Officers (DZFMO) in IQCS were considered Fire Management Officers for analysis purposes. 6c Identification - This data field was added to identify the population of employees under the 6c retirement benefit. The formula determines if an employee is under a 6c retirement benefit using the PERHIS Codes 6, E, M, & T. If an employee is under the benefit, the field is populated with a “Yes”, If the employee’s retirement plan is not known, the field is populated with “Unknown, otherwise it is populated with a “No.” Notes - This data field was added simply to document analysis notes that pertain to specific employees (e.g., a space was mistakenly included in the system between two numbers and needed removed for analysis.). WFHF Hours – This field identifies the number of hours billed by the employee to the WFHF program in the file’s fiscal year. WFPR Hours - This field identifies the number of hours billed by the employee to the WFPR program in the file’s fiscal year. WFSU Hours - This field identifies the number of hours billed by the employee to the WFSU program in the file’s fiscal year. WFW3 Hours - This field identifies the number of hours billed by the employee to the WFW3 program in the file’s fiscal year. Total Number of Hours – This field sums the total number of hours billed by the employee to the four fire programs during the file’s fiscal year. NWFF Page Ex6.17 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Attachments for Exhibit 6 Attachment Ex6.1 – Number of FS Positions/Employees in Each Position Analysis Category for the Corresponding Position Title Attachment Ex6.2 – FS Data Analysis Field Crosswalk Attachment Ex6.3 – FS Duty Station Codes Attachment Ex6.4 – FS Organization Codes Attachment Ex6.5 – FS Data System Query Details Attachment Ex6.6 – PERHIS Data Dictionary Attachment Ex6.7 – Functional Position Title Crosswalk NWFF Page Ex6.18 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Attachment Ex6.1 – Number of FS Positions/Employees in Each Position Analysis Category for the Corresponding Position Title (FY 2009 Only) Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support ACCESS CLERK 0 0 0 Administrative & Business Management Functions 1 ACCOUNTANT 0 0 0 7 7 ACCOUNTING TECH 0 0 0 65 65 ACCOUNTS MAINTENANCE CLERK 0 0 0 1 1 ACQUISITION ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST 0 0 0 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 0 0 0 17 17 ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK 0 0 0 10 10 ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR 0 0 0 6 6 ADMINISTRATIVE LIASON 0 0 0 3 3 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 0 0 0 26 26 ADMINISTRATIVE SPEC 0 0 0 12 12 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT ASSISTANT 0 0 0 88 88 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT CLERK 0 0 0 60 60 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN 0 0 0 4 4 ADMINISTRATOR 0 0 0 4 4 AERIAL ATTACK SYSTEM SPEC 4 0 0 0 4 AGREEMENTS SPEC 0 0 0 3 3 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATOR 0 0 1 0 1 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE RESOURCE TECH 0 0 4 0 4 AIR CONDITIONER EQUIP MECHANIC 0 0 1 0 1 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.19 Total Number of Positions 1 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support AIR OPERATIONS OFFICER 0 2 0 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 AIR QUALITY SPEC 0 0 4 0 4 AIR RESOURCE SPEC 0 0 1 0 1 AIRCRAFT DISPATCHER 13 0 0 0 13 AIRCRAFT INSPECTOR 0 0 5 0 5 AIRCRAFT MECHANIC 0 0 1 0 1 AIRCRAFT PILOT 2 0 0 0 2 AIRPLANE PILOT 44 0 0 0 44 AIRTANKER BASE ASSISTANT 0 0 1 0 1 ANIMAL CARETAKER 0 0 1 0 1 ANIMAL PACKER 11 0 0 0 11 APPEALS SPECIALIST 0 0 0 1 1 APPLICATIONS EXAMINER 0 0 0 1 1 APPLICATIONS STAFF ASST 0 0 0 1 1 APPLIED FIRE ECOLOGIST 0 0 5 0 5 APPRAISER 0 0 0 3 3 APPRENTICE WILDLAND FIREFIGHTER 2 0 0 0 2 AQUATIC BIOLOGIST 0 0 2 0 2 ARCHEOLOGIST 0 0 307 0 307 ARCHEOLOGIST INSTRUCTOR 0 0 1 0 1 ARCHEOLOGIST TECH 0 0 308 0 308 ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN LAISN OFFCR 0 0 0 1 1 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 0 4 0 0 4 ASSISTANT DISTRICT RANGER 0 1 0 0 1 ASSISTANT FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER 0 8 0 0 8 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.20 Total Number of Positions 2 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support ASSISTANT FOREST PLANNER 0 0 1 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 ASSISTANT NEPA PLANNER 0 0 2 0 2 ASSISTANT RESOURCE CLERK 0 0 0 1 1 ASSOCIATE DEPUTY CHIEF STATE AND PRIVATE FORESTS AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION OFFICER 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION SPEC 0 0 0 2 2 AUTOMATED LANDS PROGRAM MANAGER 0 0 0 1 1 AUTOMOTIVE AND MOBILE EQUIP REPAIR INSPECTOR AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 15 0 15 AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC INSPECTOR SUPERVISOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR INSPECTOR 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 16 0 16 AUTOMOTIVE WORKER 0 0 4 0 4 AVIATION GROUP MANAGER 0 1 0 0 1 AVIATION INSPECTOR AIRWORTHINESS 0 0 4 0 4 AVIATION MAINTENANCE INSPECTOR 0 0 1 0 1 AVIATION MANAGEMENT OFFICER 0 5 0 0 5 AVIATION MANAGEMENT SPEC 15 0 0 0 15 AVIATION OPERATIONS SPEC 0 0 5 0 5 AVIATION PROGRAM MANAGER 0 1 0 0 1 AVIATION SAFETY AND TRAINING MANAGER 0 0 0 1 1 AVIATION SAFETY AND TRAINING SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 AVIATION SAFETY INSPECTOR 0 0 10 0 10 AVIATION SAFETY MANAGER 0 0 7 0 7 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.21 Total Number of Positions 1 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION SPEC 0 0 2 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 BIOLOGICAL RECOURCE SPEC 0 0 2 0 2 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE TECH 0 0 1 0 1 BIOLOGICAL SCIENTIST 0 0 164 0 164 BIOLOGICAL TECH 0 0 851 0 851 BIOLOGIST 0 0 46 0 46 BOTANIST 0 0 119 0 119 BUDGET ANALYST 0 0 0 30 30 BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING ANALYST 0 0 0 1 1 BUDGET ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 BUDGET OFFICER 0 0 0 16 16 BUDGET TECH 0 0 0 5 5 BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND FLEET ASSISTANT BUILDING MANAGER 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 0 0 0 50 50 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CLERK 0 0 0 1 1 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 BUSINESS SERVICES ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 CARPENTER 0 0 6 0 6 CARTOGRAPHER 0 0 8 0 8 CARTOGRAPHER TECH 0 0 62 0 62 CHANGE MANAGEMENT SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TECH 0 0 1 0 1 CHEMIST 0 0 3 0 3 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.22 Total Number of Positions 2 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support CIVIL ENGINEERING TECH 0 0 181 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 CIVILIAN PAY CLERK 0 0 0 3 3 CLERK 0 0 0 22 22 COMMUNICATIONS SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST 0 0 1 0 1 COMMUNITY PLANNER 0 0 1 0 1 COMMUNITY PLANNING PROGRAM SPEC 0 0 1 0 1 COMPUTER ASSISTANT 0 0 0 30 30 COMPUTER CLERK 0 0 0 1 1 COMPUTER OPERATOR 0 0 0 1 1 COMPUTER SPECIALIST 0 0 0 11 11 COMPUTER SYSTEMS ANALYST 0 0 0 1 1 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 0 0 3 0 3 CONTENT ANALYSIS ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 CONTRACTOR SPEC 0 0 0 128 128 CONVEYANCE EXAMINER 0 0 0 1 1 COOK 0 0 8 0 8 COOK TRAINING LEADER 0 0 1 0 1 COOPERATIVE FIRE PROTECTION SPEC 0 0 1 0 1 COOPERATIVE FORESTRY PROGRAM SPEC 0 0 1 0 1 COPIER EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 0 0 0 2 2 CULTURAL ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 CUSTOMER SERVICE ASSISTANT 0 0 0 11 11 CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERK 0 0 0 5 5 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE 0 0 0 29 29 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.23 Total Number of Positions 181 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support DATA SERVICES SPEC 0 0 0 Administrative & Business Management Functions 46 DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR 0 0 0 4 4 DEPUTY DISTRICT RANGER 0 14 0 0 14 DEPUTY FOREST SUPERVISOR 0 13 0 0 13 DIRECTOR 0 3 0 0 3 DIRECTOR, DEPUTY 0 2 0 0 2 DISTRICT RANGER 0 144 0 0 144 DUPLICATION PRESS OPERATOR 0 0 0 1 1 EARLY INTERVENTION PROG SPECLST 0 0 0 1 1 ECOLOGIST 0 0 107 0 107 ECONOMIST 0 0 0 2 2 ECOSYSTEM PLANNER 0 0 1 0 1 EDITORIAL ASSISTANT 0 0 0 8 8 EDUCATIONAL SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 EDUCATIONAL TECH 0 0 0 4 4 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TECH 0 0 2 0 2 ELECTRICIAN 0 0 2 0 2 ELECTRONICS TECH 0 0 46 0 46 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST 0 0 6 0 6 EMERGENCY PROGRAMS SPEC 0 0 1 0 1 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 ENGINEER 0 0 146 0 146 ENGINEER (VARIOUS) 0 0 10 0 10 ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 255 0 0 0 255 ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 6 0 0 0 6 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.24 Total Number of Positions 46 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Support Administrative & Business Management Functions Total Number of Positions 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 0 0 49 0 49 ENTOMOLOGIST 0 0 2 0 2 ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATION SPEC 0 0 1 0 1 ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR 0 0 35 0 35 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION ASSISTANT 0 0 2 0 2 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ASSISTANT 0 0 3 0 3 ENVIRONMENTAL SPEC 0 0 1 0 1 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP MANAGER 0 0 1 0 1 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT MANAGER 0 0 0 4 4 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT SPEC 0 0 0 9 9 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT CLERK 0 0 0 1 1 EQUIPMENT SPEC 0 0 6 0 6 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 FACILITIES OPERATIONS SPEC 0 0 2 0 2 FAICILTIES MANAGEMENT SPEC 0 0 3 0 3 FILE CLERK 0 0 0 3 3 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS TECH 0 0 0 1 1 FINANCIAL ANALYST 0 0 0 13 13 Direct Fire Fire Management Program ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR LEADER ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SUPERVISOR ENGINEERING PROGRAM ASST 6 Position Functional Title FOREMAN NWFF Page Ex6.25 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support FINANCIAL ASSISTANT 0 0 0 Administrative & Business Management Functions 2 FINANCIAL SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 FIRE AND AVAITION MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR FIRE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 FIRE CLERK 0 0 2 0 2 FIRE ECOLOGIST 0 0 1 0 1 FIRE ECOLOGY SPECIALIST 0 0 2 0 2 FIRE EMERGENCY AND OPERATIONS SPEC 1 0 0 0 1 FIRE EQUIPMENT PROGRAM MANAGER 0 1 0 0 1 FIRE LOGISTICS DISPATCHER 31 0 0 0 31 FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER 0 39 0 0 39 FIRE MANAGEMENT PLANNER 0 0 3 0 3 FIRE MANAGEMENT SPEC 14 32 0 0 46 FIRE OPERATIONS SPEC 3 0 0 0 3 FIRE PLANNER 0 0 1 0 1 FIRE PLANNING SPEC 0 0 1 0 1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER 0 2 0 0 2 FIRE RESOURCE ASSISTANT 0 0 1 0 1 FIRE SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGER 0 0 1 0 1 FIRE TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER SPEC 0 0 0 2 2 FISCAL ANALYST 0 0 0 1 1 FISCAL CLERK 0 0 0 3 3 FISH BIOLOGIST 0 0 167 0 167 FIXED WING OPERATIONS SPEC 0 0 2 0 2 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.26 Total Number of Positions 2 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support FLEET AND EQUIPMENT SPEC 0 0 17 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 FLEET ASSISTANT 0 0 1 0 1 FOREST ANALYST 0 0 1 0 1 FOREST HEALTH COORDINATOR 0 0 1 0 1 FOREST NEPA COORDINATOR 0 0 1 0 1 FOREST PRODUCTION TECH 0 0 2 0 2 FOREST PROTECTION OFFICER 0 0 1 0 1 FOREST SPEC 0 0 2 0 2 FOREST SUPERVISOR 0 18 0 0 18 FORESTER 0 990 0 0 990 FORESTRY AID 4322 0 0 0 4322 FORESTRY TECH 10983 0 0 0 10983 FORESTRY TECH FOREMAN 6 0 0 0 6 FORKLIFT OPERATOR 0 0 1 0 1 FUELS COORDINATOR 0 0 3 0 3 GARDENER 0 0 1 0 1 GEOGRAPHER 0 0 14 0 14 GEOLOGIST 0 0 26 0 26 GIS ANALYST 0 0 10 0 10 GIS COORDINATOR 0 0 2 0 2 GIS DATABASE MANAGER 0 0 1 0 1 GIS FOREST COORDINATOR 0 0 1 0 1 GIS SPECIALIST 0 0 50 0 50 GIS ZONE ASST 0 0 1 0 1 GRANT SPEC 0 0 0 44 44 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.27 Total Number of Positions 17 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support GRANTS COORDINATOR 0 0 0 Administrative & Business Management Functions 2 GRANTS MANAGEMENT ASST 0 0 0 2 2 GUIDE 0 0 7 0 7 HELICOPTER INSPECTOR PILOT 1 0 0 0 1 HELICOPTER MANAGEMENT SPEC 0 3 0 0 3 HELICOPTER OPERATIONS SPEC 2 0 0 0 2 HELICOPTER PILOT 5 0 0 0 5 HIGH VOLTAGE MOBILE EQUIPMENT MECHANIC HISTORIAN 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 0 0 0 13 13 HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER 0 0 0 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES SPEC 0 0 0 22 22 HYDROLOGIC TECHNICIAN 0 0 121 0 121 HYDROLOGIST 0 0 178 0 178 ILLUSTRATOR 0 0 0 2 2 INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGER 0 0 1 0 1 INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SPEC 0 0 3 0 3 INFORMATION AND EDUCATION TECH 0 0 0 1 1 INFORMATION AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT OFFICER INFORMATION ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 103 103 INFORMATION COORDINATOR 0 0 0 2 2 INFORMATION RECEPTIONIST 0 0 0 230 230 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) SPEC 0 0 119 0 119 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.28 Total Number of Positions 2 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support INTEGRATED ACQUISITION SYSTEM SPECIALIST INTEGRATED RESOURCE ANALYST 0 0 0 Administrative & Business Management Functions 1 0 0 6 0 6 INTELLIGENCE SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 INTERDISCIPLINARY 0 0 6 0 6 INTERDISCIPLINARY BIOLOGIST 0 0 1 0 1 INTERNAL/EXTERNAL PROGRAM AREA LEADER INTERPRETIVE & EDUCATION PROGRAM MGR. INTERPRETIVE PLANNER 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 INTERPRETIVE SPEC 0 0 0 2 2 LABORER 0 0 142 0 142 LABORER LEADER 0 0 3 0 3 LAND MANAGEMENT PLANNER 0 0 4 0 4 LAND MANAGEMENT PLANNING SPECIALIST 0 0 8 0 8 LAND MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST 0 0 1 0 1 LAND USE PLANNER 0 0 1 0 1 LAND USE PLANNING SPEC 0 0 3 0 3 LANDS SPECIALIST 0 0 2 0 2 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 0 0 43 0 43 LEAD ACCOUNTING TECH 0 0 0 2 2 LEAD AIRCRAFT PILOT 1 0 0 0 1 LEAD ARCHEOLOGIC TECH 0 0 1 0 1 LEAD BIOLOGICAL TECHNICIAN 0 0 6 0 6 LEAD CARTOGRAPHY TECH 0 0 1 0 1 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.29 Total Number of Positions 1 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support LEAD ECOSYSTEM SERVICES GROP LEADER 0 0 1 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 LEAD ELECTRONICS TECH 0 0 13 0 13 LEAD ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 6 0 0 0 6 LEAD ENGINEERING TECH 0 0 1 0 1 1033 0 0 0 1033 LEAD INFORMATION ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 LEAD IT SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 LEAD LABORER 0 0 1 0 1 LEAD LEGAL ADMIN SPEC 0 0 0 2 2 LEAD MAINTENANCE MECHANIC 0 0 3 0 3 LEAD MAINTENANCE WORKER 0 0 7 0 7 LEAD MATERIALS HANDLER 0 0 3 0 3 LEAD PROCUREMENT ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 LEAD RANGE TECH 1 0 0 0 1 LEAD RESEARCH FORESTER 0 0 0 1 1 LEAD SURVEY TECH 0 0 3 0 3 LEAD TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANT 0 0 1 0 1 LEAD WAREHOUSEMAN 0 0 1 0 1 LEAD WELDER 0 0 1 0 1 LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE SPEC 0 0 0 3 3 LEGAL ASSISTANT 0 0 0 2 2 LEGAL CLERK 0 0 0 1 1 LEGAL INSTRUMENTS EXAMINER 0 0 0 3 3 LEGISLATIVE COORDINATOR 0 0 0 1 1 LIAISON SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 Position Functional Title LEAD FORESTRY TECH NWFF Page Ex6.30 Total Number of Positions 1 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support LIBRARY TECH 0 0 0 Administrative & Business Management Functions 5 MAIL AND FILE CLERK 0 0 0 4 4 MAINTENANCE HELPER 0 0 3 0 3 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC 0 0 7 0 7 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC FOREMAN 0 0 1 0 1 MAINTENANCE WORKER 0 0 60 0 60 MAINTENANCE WORKER LEADER 0 0 1 0 1 MANAGEMENT & PROGRAM ANALYSIS 0 0 0 14 14 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0 0 0 8 8 MANAGEMENT ANALYST OFFICER 0 0 0 1 1 MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT SPEC 0 0 0 4 4 MATERIALS ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 0 0 1 0 1 MATERIALS HANDLER 0 0 88 0 88 MATERIALS HANDLER LEADER 0 0 5 0 5 MATHMATICAL STATISTICIAN 0 0 0 2 2 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECH 0 0 7 0 7 METEOROLOGICAL TECH 0 0 1 0 1 METEOROLOGIST 0 0 13 0 13 MINERAL MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST 0 0 1 0 1 MONITORING COORDINATOR 0 0 2 0 2 MOTOR VEHICLE DISPATCHER 0 0 1 0 1 MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATOR 0 0 21 0 21 NATIONAL FIRE USE PROGRAM MANAGER 0 1 0 0 1 NATURAL RESOURCE BIOLOGIST 0 0 5 0 5 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.31 Total Number of Positions 5 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support NATURAL RESOURCE INTERPRETATIVE SPEC 0 0 0 Administrative & Business Management Functions 1 NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SPEC 0 0 3 0 3 NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGER 0 25 0 0 25 NATURAL RESOURCE PLANNER 0 0 32 0 32 NATURAL RESOURCE PROGRAM COORDINATOR NATURAL RESOURCE PROGRAM LEADER 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 2 0 2 NATURAL RESOURCE SPEC 0 0 149 0 149 NEP (ENVIRONMENT) 0 0 1 0 1 NEPA COORDINATOR 0 0 8 0 8 NEPA PLANNER 0 0 11 0 11 NEPA WRITER 0 0 1 0 1 OFFICE ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 OFFICE AUTOMATION ASSISTANT 0 0 0 112 112 OFFICE AUTOMATION CLERK 0 0 0 219 219 OFFICE MANAGER 0 0 0 4 4 OFFICE SERVICES ASSISTANT 0 0 0 2 2 OPERATIONS ASSISTANT 2 0 0 0 2 OPERATIONS RESEARCH ANALYST 0 0 6 0 6 OPERATIONS SUPPORT CLERK 0 0 0 1 1 OUTDOOR RECREATION PLANNER 0 0 22 0 22 PARALEGAL SPECIALIST 0 0 0 5 5 PARK RANGER 0 2 0 0 2 PARTNERSHIP COORDINATOR 0 0 0 3 3 PARTNERSHIP SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.32 Total Number of Positions 1 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support PAT POLICY LIAISON SPEC 0 0 0 Administrative & Business Management Functions 1 PAYROLL CLERK 0 0 0 2 2 PAYROLL TECH 0 0 0 1 1 PERSONNEL ASSISTANT 0 0 0 2 2 PERSONNEL CLERK 0 0 0 2 2 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST 0 0 0 1 1 PERSONNEL OFFICER 0 0 0 1 1 PHOTOGRAPHER 0 0 1 0 1 PHOTOGRAPHIC TECH 0 0 2 0 2 PHYSICAL SCIENCE STAFF OFFICER 0 0 1 0 1 PHYSICAL SCIENCE TECHNICIAN 0 0 14 0 14 PHYSICAL SCIENTIST 0 0 16 0 16 PHYSIOLOGIST 0 0 1 0 1 PLANNER 0 0 5 0 5 PLANNING TEAM LEADER 0 0 1 0 1 PLANT PATHOLOGIST 0 0 2 0 2 PROCUREMENT ANALYST 0 0 0 6 6 PROCUREMENT ASSISTANT 0 0 0 15 15 PROCUREMENT CLERK 0 0 0 3 3 PROCUREMENT TECH 0 0 0 22 22 PROGRAM ANALYST 0 0 12 0 12 PROGRAM ASSISTANT 0 0 30 0 30 PROGRAM CLERK 0 0 10 0 10 PROGRAM COORDINATOR 0 0 1 0 1 PROGRAM COORDINATOR ANALYST 0 0 1 0 1 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.33 Total Number of Positions 1 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support PROGRAM MANAGER 0 0 4 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 PROGRAM OFFICER 0 0 2 0 2 PROGRAM SPECIALIST 0 63 11 0 74 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SPEC 0 0 1 0 1 PROPERTY DISPOSAL TECH 0 0 1 0 1 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST 0 0 0 9 9 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TECH 0 0 0 4 4 PRTG SPECIALIST 0 0 1 0 1 PUBLIC AFFAIRS ASSISTANT 0 0 0 2 2 PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER 0 0 0 3 3 PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST 0 0 0 90 90 PUBLIC AFFAIRS TECH 0 0 0 2 2 PUBLIC INFORMATION TECH 0 0 0 3 3 PUBLIC RELATIONS/OUTREACH SPECIALIST 0 0 0 1 1 PUBLIC SERVICES SPECIALIST 0 0 0 1 1 PUBLICATION SPECIALIST 0 0 0 1 1 PURCHASING AGENT 0 0 0 107 107 RANGE AID 94 0 0 0 94 RANGE CONSERVATIONIST 0 0 29 0 29 211 0 0 0 211 RANGELAND MANAGEMENT SPEC 0 0 179 0 179 REALTY CLERK 0 0 0 1 1 REALTY OFFICER 0 0 0 2 2 REALTY PROGRAM MANAGER 0 0 0 1 1 REALTY SPEC 0 0 0 49 49 Position Functional Title RANGE TECH NWFF Page Ex6.34 Total Number of Positions 4 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support RECREATION ASSISTANT 0 0 4 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 RECREATION LANDS STAFF OFFICER 0 0 6 0 6 RECREATION SPECIALIST 0 0 7 0 7 RECRUIT TECH 0 0 0 1 1 RECRUITMENT LIAISON SPECIALIST 0 0 0 4 4 REGIONAL APPEALS AND LITIGATION MANAGER REGIONAL FIRE SAFETY MANAGER 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 2 REGIONAL FIRE TRAINING AND SAFETY OFFICER REGIONAL FUELS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 RESEARCH ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 RESEARCH BIOCHEMIST 0 0 1 0 1 RESEARCH FORESTER 0 0 11 0 11 RESEARCH HYDROLOGIST 0 0 1 0 1 RESEARCH INFORMATION SPEC 0 0 1 0 1 RESEARCH METEOROLOGIST 0 0 1 0 1 RESEARCH SOCIAL SCIENTIST 0 0 1 0 1 RESEARCH SOIL SCIENTIST 0 0 1 0 1 RESOURCE ASSISTANT 0 0 0 92 92 RESOURCE CLERK 0 0 0 66 66 RESOURCE INFORMATION SPECIALIST 0 0 36 0 36 RESOURCE MANAGER 0 0 3 0 3 RESOURCE POLICY ANALYST 0 0 0 1 1 RESOURCE SPECIALIST 0 0 23 0 23 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.35 Total Number of Positions 4 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support RESOURCE STAFF OFFICER 0 0 1 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 RESOURCE SUPPORT ASSISTANT 0 0 0 3 3 RESOURCE TECH 0 0 1 0 1 REVIEW APPRAISER 0 0 0 3 3 RURAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT SAFETY & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MANAGER 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 5 SAFETY & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SPEC 0 0 0 15 15 SAFETY MANAGER 0 0 5 0 5 SAFETY TECH 0 0 2 0 2 SECRETARY 0 0 0 22 22 SENIOR FIREFIGHTER 1 0 0 0 1 SENIOR FORESTRY TECH 79 0 0 0 79 SERVICES AND SUPPORT WORKER 0 0 1 0 1 SMALL ENGINE MECHANIC 0 0 8 0 8 SOCIAL SCIENCE ANALYST 0 0 0 3 3 SOCIAL SCIENCE SPEC 0 0 0 2 2 SOCIAL SCIENCE TECHNICIAN 0 0 0 1 1 SOCIAL SCIENTIST 0 0 0 6 6 SOCIAL SERVICES ASSISTANT 0 0 0 25 25 SOIL SCIENTIST 0 0 95 0 95 SPATIAL FIRE ANALYST 0 0 1 0 1 STAFF ASSISTANT 0 0 0 2 2 STAFF OFFICER 0 0 1 0 1 STAFF SPEC 0 0 1 0 1 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.36 Total Number of Positions 1 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support 0 0 1 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 355 0 0 0 355 SUPERVISORY ACCOUNTANT 0 0 0 2 2 SUPERVISORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 SUPERVISORY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 0 0 0 1 1 SUPERVISORY ADMINISTRATIVE SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 SUPERVISORY AGRICULTURAL ADMINISTRATOR SUPERVISORY AIRCRAFT PILOT 0 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 4 SUPERVISORY AIRPLANE PILOT 3 0 0 0 3 SUPERVISORY ARCHEOLOGIST 0 0 4 0 4 SUPERVISORY ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATION SUPERVISORY ASSISTANT FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER SUPERVISORY AUDITOR 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 SUPERVISORY AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC 0 0 2 0 2 SUPERVISORY AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR INSPECTOR SUPERVISORY BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE TECH 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 4 0 4 SUPERVISORY BIOLOGICAL SCIENTIST 0 0 35 0 35 SUPERVISORY BIOLOGIST 0 0 8 0 8 SUPERVISORY BUDGET ANALYST 0 0 0 1 1 SUPERVISORY CARTOGRAPHER 0 0 1 0 1 SUPERVISORY CHEMIST 0 0 1 0 1 Position Functional Title STATISTICIAN STUDENT TRAINEE NWFF Page Ex6.37 Total Number of Positions 1 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support SUPERVISORY CIVIL ENGINEER 0 0 2 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 SUPERVISORY CONTRACTOR SPEC 0 0 0 31 31 SUPERVISORY COORDINATOR 0 2 0 0 2 SUPERVISORY DIRECTOR AVIATION AND FIRE MANAGEMENT SUPERVISORY ECOLOGIST 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 SUPERVISORY ELECTRONICS TECH 0 0 2 0 2 SUPERVISORY ENGINEER 0 0 51 0 51 SUPERVISORY ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SUPERVISORY ENGINEERING TECH 11 0 0 0 11 0 0 14 0 14 SUPERVISORY ENTOMOLOGIST 0 0 2 0 2 SUPERVISORY ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR SUPERVISORY FINANCIAL ANALYST 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 8 8 SUPERVISORY FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER 0 27 0 0 27 SUPERVISORY FIRE MANAGEMENT SPEC 0 3 0 0 3 SUPERVISORY FISH BIOLOGIST 0 0 7 0 7 SUPERVISORY FLEET AND EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY FOREST TECH 0 0 1 0 1 98 0 0 0 98 SUPERVISORY FORESTER 0 240 0 0 240 1503 0 0 0 1503 SUPERVISORY FUELS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY GRANTS SPEC (VARIOUS) 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 4 SUPERVISORY HUMAN RESOURCES SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 Position Functional Title SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH NWFF Page Ex6.38 Total Number of Positions 2 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support SUPERVISORY HYDROLOGIST 0 0 7 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 SUPERVISORY INFO SERVICES SUPERVISOR 0 0 0 1 1 SUPERVISORY INFORMATION ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 SUPERVISORY INFORMATION RESOURCE MANAGER SUPERVISORY INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEM SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 SUPERVISORY IT SPEC 0 0 0 4 4 SUPERVISORY LABORER 0 0 1 0 1 SUPERVISORY LAND PLANNER 0 0 5 0 5 SUPERVISORY LAND SPEC 0 0 1 0 1 SUPERVISORY LAND SURVEYOR 0 0 3 0 3 SUPERVISORY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 0 0 1 0 1 SUPERVISORY MAINTENANCE WORKER 0 0 1 0 1 SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST 0 0 2 0 2 SUPERVISORY MATERIALS HANDLER 0 0 1 0 1 SUPERVISORY METEOROLOGIST 0 0 3 0 3 SUPERVISORY NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGER SUPERVISORY NATURAL RESOURCE OFFICER 0 4 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 3 SUPERVISORY NATURAL RESOURCE PLANNER 0 6 0 0 6 SUPERVISORY NATURAL RESOURCE SPEC 0 57 0 0 57 SUPERVISORY OPERATIONS TEAM LEADER 0 2 0 0 2 SUPERVISORY OUTDOOR RECREATION PLANNER SUPERVISORY PARK RANGER 0 0 5 0 5 0 1 0 0 1 SUPERVISORY PERSONAL ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.39 Total Number of Positions 7 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support SUPERVISORY PHYSICAL SCIENTIST 0 0 4 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 SUPERVISORY PLANNER 0 0 4 0 4 SUPERVISORY PROCUREMENT ANALYST 0 0 0 2 2 SUPERVISORY PROCUREMENT TECH 0 0 0 2 2 SUPERVISORY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY PROGRAM SPEC 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 SUPERVISORY PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST 0 0 0 5 5 SUPERVISORY PUBLIC SERVICE GROUP LEADER SUPERVISORY RANGE CONSERVATIONIST 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 0 4 SUPERVISORY RANGELAND MANAGEMENT SPEC SUPERVISORY RECREATION SPEC 0 11 0 0 11 0 3 0 0 3 SUPERVISORY RESEARCH FORESTER 0 0 0 2 2 SUPERVISORY RESEARCH WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST SUPERVISORY RESOURCE FOREST PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIST SUPERVISORY RESOURCE SPECIALIST 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 3 SUPERVISORY SOCIAL SCIENTIST 0 0 0 3 3 SUPERVISORY SOCIAL SERVICES ASSISTANT 0 0 0 4 4 SUPERVISORY SOIL SCIENTIST 0 0 4 0 4 SUPERVISORY SUPPORT MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE SUPERVISORY SUPPORT MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.40 Total Number of Positions 4 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Position Functional Title Direct Fire Fire Management Program SUPERVISORY SUPPORT SERVICES SPECIALIST 0 0 2 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 SUPERVISORY SUPPORT SERVICES SUPERVISOR SUPERVISORY SUPPORT SYSTEM ANALYST 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 SUPERVISORY TECHNICAL EDITOR 0 0 0 4 4 SUPERVISORY TELECOMMUNICATION SPEC 0 0 0 2 2 SUPERVISORY TRAINING ISNTRUMENT ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISORY VISITOR INFORMATION ASSISTANT SUPERVISORY VISITOR SERVICES INFO SPEC 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 SUPERVISORY VOCATIONAL TRAINING SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY WILDLAND FIRE OPERATIONS SPEC SUPERVISORY WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 13 0 13 SUPPLY CLERK 0 0 4 0 4 SUPPLY MANAGEMENT OFFICER 0 0 2 0 2 SUPPLY MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE 0 0 1 0 1 SUPPLY SPECIALIST 0 0 1 0 1 SUPPLY SYSTEM ANALYST 0 0 1 0 1 SUPPLY TECH 0 0 20 0 20 SUPPORT SERVICES ASST 0 0 14 0 14 SUPPORT SERVICES CLERK 0 0 2 0 2 SUPPORT SERVICES SPEC 0 0 122 0 122 SUPPORT SERVICES SUPERVISOR 0 0 68 0 68 SUPPORT SPEC 0 0 0 6 6 NWFF Page Ex6.41 Support Total Number of Positions 2 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support SURVEYING TECH 0 0 41 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 SURVEYOR 0 0 49 0 49 SYSTEMS ACCOUNTANT 0 0 0 1 1 SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR 0 0 0 1 1 TEACHER 0 0 0 6 6 TEACHER SUPERVISOR 0 0 0 1 1 TECHNICAL INFORMATION SPEC 0 0 0 7 7 TECHNICAL PUBLICATION WRITER/EDITOR 0 0 0 9 9 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPEC 0 0 0 9 9 TIMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANT 0 0 0 2 2 TIMBER RESOURCE SPEC 0 0 2 0 2 TRACTOR OPERATOR 13 0 0 0 13 TRACTOR OPERATOR LEADER 1 0 0 0 1 TRAINING INSTRUCTOR 0 0 0 2 2 TRAINING SPEC 0 0 0 10 10 TRAINING TECH 0 0 0 2 2 TRAINING TECHNIAN 0 0 0 1 1 TRAINING TECHNICIAN 0 0 0 3 3 TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANT 0 0 0 5 5 TRANSPORTATION SPEC 0 0 2 0 2 TRAVEL INFORMATION ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 TRAVEL MANAGEMENT PLANNER 0 0 0 1 1 TREE FELLER 0 0 2 0 2 TRIBAL RELATIONS SPECIALIST 0 0 0 1 1 UNIT AVIATION MANAGER 1 0 0 0 1 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.42 Total Number of Positions 41 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support UNIT CLERK 0 0 0 Administrative & Business Management Functions 2 UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY FACILITATOR 0 0 1 0 1 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR 0 0 6 0 6 VCHR EXAMINER 0 0 1 0 1 VEGETATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST 0 0 5 0 5 VISITOR SERVICES INFO ASSISTANT 0 0 0 101 101 VISITOR SERVICES INFO SPEC 0 0 0 26 26 VISITOR SERVICES INFO TECHNICIAN 0 0 0 4 4 VISUAL INFORMATION ASSISTANT 0 0 0 1 1 VOUCHER EXAMINER 0 0 0 1 1 WAREHOUSE WORKER 0 0 11 0 11 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR WELDER 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 2 0 2 WILDERNESS SPECIALIST 0 0 3 0 3 WILDERNESS TECH 0 0 1 0 1 WILDLAND FIRE OPERATIONS SPEC 1 0 0 0 1 WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST 0 0 443 0 443 WILDLIFE COORDINATOR 0 0 1 0 1 WORK PROGRAMS OFFICER 0 0 1 0 1 WRI RADIO 0 0 1 0 1 WRITER/EDITOR 0 0 0 16 16 YOUTH CONSERVATION CORPS CREW LEADER 0 0 0 1 1 ARCHEOLOGICAL AID 0 0 29 0 29 STUDENT TRAINEE (SUPPORT) 0 0 125 0 125 Position Functional Title NWFF Page Ex6.43 Total Number of Positions 2 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Direct Fire Fire Management Program Support BIOLOGICAL AID 0 0 172 Administrative & Business Management Functions 0 CARTOGRAPHER AID 0 0 3 0 3 ENGINEERING AID 0 0 25 0 25 HYDROLOGIC AID 0 0 9 0 9 LIBRARY AID 0 0 0 1 1 RECREATION AID 0 0 1 0 1 SOCIAL SERVICES AID 0 0 0 5 5 STUDENT TRAINEE (ADMIN) 0 0 0 40 40 SURVEYING AID 0 0 13 0 13 19182 1643 5962 2696 29483 Position Functional Title Grand Total NWFF Page Ex6.44 Total Number of Positions 172 FINAL REPORT Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Attachment Ex6.2 – FS Data Analysis Field Crosswalk Data Analysis Element Master Record Number Description First Name Identifies a unique master position that is linked to the agency, SON, and grade. The values are assigned standard job numbers and/or unique alpha or numeric values. This field was determined to not be a unique identifier for analysis purposed during this study because the values were not present for all employees or in all systems. Identifies the personnel position number. Specifically, it identifies, by number, the position occupied by the employee. Unfortunately this field was also determined to not be a unique identifier for the purposes of this study. The field is only present in one system and is not populated for all employees in the PERHIS table. This field was used as the unique identifier for each employee. SSN is the only unique identifier consistent across various information systems, and was needed to tie information from different information sources together for analysis purposes. Identifies an employee's first name. Last Name Identifies an employee's last name. Middle Name/Initial Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Employee’s middle name or middle initial (if applicable). Indicates whether position is covered by the minimum pay and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Identifies if a position is considered permanent or other than permanent. A position coded with a “Y” is a permanent position and a position coded with an “N” is an “other than permanent” position. Identifies whether the employee is a seasonal, status quo, or seasonal and status quo employee. An employee coded with a “0” is neither seasonal nor status quo. An employee coded with a “1” is a seasonal employee serving in their first season. Other numbers coded in this field indicate what season an employee is in. Individual Position Number Social Security Number Position Status Seasonal Status Quo NWFF PERHIS Database Element MASTER-RECORDNUMBER MR_NO FOCUS Code C3685 POSITION-NUMBER POS_NO C0016 SSNO SSNO C1029 NAME-EMPLOYEEFIRST NAME-EMPLOYEELAST NAME-EMPLOYEEMIDDLE FAIR-LABORSTANDARDS-CODE NAME_FIRST C0008 NAME_LAST C0007 NAME_INIT C0009 FLSA C0025 POSITION-STATUSBUDGET POS_STAT_B UD C0019 SEASONALSTATUS-QUOCODE SEA_STAT_Q UO D4377 Page Ex6.45 FOCUS Name Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Data Analysis Element Special Employment Program Special Employment Code Type of Employment Appointment Limit Occupational Series Official Position Title Duty Hours Work Schedule Duty Station Codes Position Supervisory Status Pay Plan NWFF Description Identifies if an employee is in a special employment program (e.g., Students in the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP)). Identifies employees in a special category of hire. Identifies the employee's type of employment by code (1=full-time; 2=part-time; 3=intermittent; 4=fee basis of piecework; 5=first 40 hours; 6=intermittent when substituting for a FT employees (T&A only)). Identifies if an appointment has a limitation or not to exceed (NTE) date. A position is coded with a “0” if it has no service year or appointment NTE date limitations. A position is coded with a “2” if there is a service year limitation with or without an appointment NTE date. Identifies the exact occupational group to which the employee's position has been classified. Describes the official title of the employee's position. Identifies tour of duty hours per pay period. Identifies when an employee is scheduled to work. The FS Handbook further defines work schedules as fixed work schedules and flexible work schedules. (F=full time; G=full time, seasonal; H=full time, on-call; P=part time; Q=part time, seasonal; R=part time, on-call; I=intermittent; J=intermittent seasonal) These data fields identify the city, state, and county where the employee’s permanent duty station. If outside one of the fifty states, the continent code is alphabetic. Identifies whether a position is considered supervisory or not. Identifies the applicable pay plan for the employee’s position. Federal work is generally classified under the General Schedule (GS) or the Federal Wage System (FWS). PERHIS Database Element SPECEMPLOYMENTPGMS-CODE FOCUS Name SPEC_EMP_P GM FOCUS Code C0129 SPECIALEMPLOYEE-CODE SPEC_EMP_C D D4379 TYPE-OFEMPLOYMENT TYPE_EMPLY D4479 APPOINTMENTLIMIT-CODE APPT_LMT_C D D4338 OCCUPATIONALSERIES-CODE OCC_SER C0058 POSITIONOFFICIAL-TITLE TOUR-OF-DUTYHOURS WORK-SCHEDULE POS_OFF_TIT L DUTY_HRS C0476 WORK_SCHE D D9898 DUTY-STATIONCITY-CODE DUTY-STATIONCNTY-CODE DUTY-STATIONSTATE-CODE POSITIONSUPERVISORYCODE PAY-PLAN DTY_CITY_CD DTY_CNTY_C D DTY_STATE_ CD C0056 C0057 C0020 POS_SUPV_C D D4480 PAY_PLAN C0021 Page Ex6.46 C0055 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Data Analysis Element Grade Level Step Scheduled Salary Salary Rate Base Salary Pay Table Code Recruitment Bonus Retention Allowance Relocation Bonus Supervisory Percentage Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) Percentage Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) Difference Code Environmental Differential Rate Wage Board Area Code NWFF Description This field defines the grade of the employee under the corresponding Pay Plan. This data field identifies the employee’s step within the grade. Amount the employee is scheduled to earn prior to any allowance, adjustment, or differential (i.e. Base Salary). Pay basis that salary is based on (e.g. per annum, per hour, etc.). Identifies the amount of the employee’s salary as an annual, monthly, daily, of hourly amount as indicated by the salary rate code. Identifies the salary table associated with the employee’s geographic location and applicable position type from FPM supplement 990-2. This field corresponds to the lump sum dollar amount paid to newly appointed employees as an incentive for the employee to work for the agency. Identifies the incentive paid to retain the employee (up to 25% of base pay). Lump sum dollar amount paid to a current employee to compensate them for relocation. The percentage of basic pay to determine differential rate paid for GS supervisors who supervise employees who are higher paid under other systems. cost of living allowance percent This field identifies the cost of living allowance post differential code (0=none; 5=COLA Local Retail/Private Housing). Identifies environmental differential rate in the coordinated federal wage system area (WG-10, Step 2) where the employee works. This rate is used for computing environmental differential pay. Code used to identify area used for Federal Wage System (FWS) pay rates. PERHIS Database Element GRADE GRADE FOCUS Code C0039 STEP STEP C7172 SCHEDULEDSALARY SCHD_SAL D9999 SALARY-RATECODE BASE-CONTRACTSALARY SALARY_RAT E BASE_SALAR Y C0022 PAY-TABLE-CODE PAY_TAB_CD E1843 RECRUITMENTBONUS RECRUIT_BO N E1813 RETENTIONALLOWANCE RET_ALLOW E0292 RELOCATIONBONUS RELOC_BONU S E1815 SUPVY-PERCENT SUPVYPERCEN E2269 COLA-PERCENT COST_OF_LIV ING_ALL COLA-POST-DIFFCODE COLA_DIFF_C D D4381 ENVIRONMENTALDIFF-RATE ENV_DIFF_RA T C0155 WAGE-BOARDAREA-CODE WAGE_BRD_C D D0713 Page Ex6.47 FOCUS Name C0041 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Data Analysis Element Wage Board Shift Rates Education Level Uniform Service Status Veterans Preference 6c Retirement Date Retirement Coverage Annuitant Indicator Performance Evaluation Code Union Affiliation Date On Duty at Agency Employee Appointment Date Career Tenure Date Date Entered Position Service Computation Date Birthdate NWFF Description Identify the differential rate of WG employees shift pay (2nd, 3rd, and varied shifts). Indicates the highest academic level of education attained by the employee. Indicates employee’s current military status. Identifies an employee's veterans preference used for appointment purposes and is also used in determining retention rights for reduction in force actions and procedural rights in appeal cases, and in other areas where veteran preference is pertinent. This field was not used for purposes of this study. Identifies the date that the employee entered the 7 1/2% retirement plan, if applicable. (i.e., Law Enforcement and Firefighters Retirement Benefit) Identifies the type of retirement/social security coverage held by the employee of record. Indicates if an employee is receiving retirement or retained pay from a previous position. This field was not used for the purposes of this study. Identifies individual's performance evaluation rating. This field was not used for the purposes of this study. Identifies the code for the union that dues are being deducted from an employee's salary. This field was not used for the purposes of this study. Date an employee entered on duty in the Agency. Date the employee's appointment conversion is effective. PERHIS Database Element WAGE-BOARDSHIFT-RATE-2ND WAGE-BOARDSHIFT-RATE-3RD WAGE-BOARDSHIFT-RATE-VAR EDUCATION-LEVEL UNIFORMSERVICE-STATUS VETERAN-PREFCODE FOCUS Name WB_SHFT_RT _2 WB_SHFT_RT _3 WB_SHFT_RT _V EDUCATION_L V FOCUS Code C0161 C0162 C0163 D4476 UNIF_SER_ST A VET_PREF_C D C0130 RETIREMENTCOVERAGE-CODE RET_COV_CD C0098 ANNUITANTINDICATOR ANNUIT_IND C0562 PERF-EVALRATING-CODE PERF_EVAL_ CD D5735 UNION_CODE UNION_CODE D4418 C0561 RTRE 6c DT AGENCY-EOD-DT APPNT-EFF-DT Date from which service is to be counted toward career or permanent tenure. Date employee brought on board or moved to a new personnel office. Identifies service computation date for retirement. Car_P_Ten_DT Identifies an employee's date of birth. DATE-OF-BIRTH-DT ENT-POI-DT SCD-CSR-DT Page Ex6.48 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Data Analysis Element Sex Race and National Origin (RNO) Start Date Agency Organization Codes NWFF Description This field identifies whether an employee is a male or female. This field was left blank for some employees in the PERHIS data. An employee’s sex was coded as “unknown” for analysis purposes when this occurred. Code identifying an employee's minority group. Identifies the day the employee started with the organization. Identifies the organizational level the employee is assigned by level. The second level was used as the primary means for identifying the region the employee was assigned within the Agency. PERHIS Database Element SEX-CODE SEX_CD FOCUS Code C0010 RNO-CODE RNO_CD C0484 ORG-AGCY ORG-LEV2 ORG-LEV3 ORG-LEV4 ORG-LEV5 ORG-LEV6 ORG-LEV7 ORG-LEV8 C0071 C0072 C0073 C0074 C0075 C0076 C0077 C0078 FOCUS Name START-DATE-DT ORG-STRUCTURECODE-AGCY ORG-STRUCTURECODE-2ND-LEV ORG-STRUCTURECODE-3RD-LEV ORG-STRUCTURECODE-4TH-LEV ORG-STRUCTURECODE-5TH-LEV ORG-STRUCTURECODE-6TH-LEV ORG-STRUCTURECODE-7TH-LEV ORG-STRUCTURECODE-8TH-LEV Page Ex6.49 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Attachment Ex6.3 – FS Duty Station Codes Forest Service Duty Station Codes Contained in Separate Excel File Due to Size Attachment Ex6.4 – FS Organization Codes Forest Service Organization Codes Contained in Separate Excel File Due to Size NWFF Page Ex6.50 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Attachment Ex6.5 – FS Data System Query Details The following contain detailed instructions required for gathering the human resource information from the FS PERHIS table from the personnel system: (format is LIBRARY.REPORT_NAME - DESCRIPTION) FSW.HFFLEO05 - Employees covered under section 8336(C) of Title 5 US Code, fire fighter and law enforcement retirement. Report provides data for a specific date. FSW.HFFLEO06 - Same as HFFLEO05 with retirement filter removed, provides data for all employees. Report provides data for a specific date. FSW.TESTLH3 - Same as HFFLEO06 with variables for Level 2 organization range. Report provides data for a specific date. FSW.TESTLH4 - Supplements FSW.TESTLH3 with data fields missing due to report size. Report provides data for a specific date. FSW.TESTLH5 - Same as FSW.TESTLH3 - code modified to run in segments (crashing due to volume of data). Report provides data for a specific date. FSW.TESTLH6 - Same as FSW.TESTLH4 - code modified to run in segments (crashing due to volume of data). Report provides data for a specific date. FSW.MAIDWN01 (originally FSW.TESTLH7W) - Employment related information. Report provides data for a date range, based on list of SSNs. FSW.MAIDWN02 (originally FSW.TESTLH8W) - Demographics, organizational codes, start dates. Report provides data for a date range, based on list of SSNs. FSW.MAIDWN03 (originally FSW.TESTLH9W) - Performance evaluation, union code. Report provides data for a date range, based on list of SSNs. Define files used: FSW.D07SSNOS - FY2007 Social Security Numbers not found in August 2, 2007 reports. FSW.D08SSNOS - FY2008 Social Security Numbers not found in August 2, 2008 reports FSW.D09SSNOS - FY2009 Social Security Numbers not found in August 2, 2009 reports *** An important note *** - Running these reports requires the NFC FOCUS report runner to have authority to run "BIG" report downloads. This is an access granted by the mainframe/database administrators at NFC. NWFF Page Ex6.51 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service The following is an explanation of how the financial data was pulled from the PAS system: 1. To limited it down to Base Time only pulled all the expenditures and pay hours in the following Budget Object Codes (BOC) for Fund Codes WFWF and WFSU: 2. To be able to pull this amount of data out of the Financial Data Warehouse (FDW) It needed to be pulled it by Fiscal Year (FY). Therefore for each FY there are two files running from FY2004-2009. a.) One file pulled Fiscal Year = Budget Fiscal Year b.) The second file pulled Fiscal not equal to Budget Fiscal Year (this was to capture the charges for Payperiod 19 and any other pay related transaction occurring after the FY end) **** In each file where there was no Employee Name (which is usually some sort of an accounting adjustment) and where Pay Hrs were equal to 0 were filtered out. 3. The following fields are included in all the data files: Fiscal Year, Fund, Program, Job Code, Employee Name, SSN, RRUU (Organization Code), Pay Plan, Pay Grade, Pay Series, Pay Step, Amount, Pay Hrs, Pp Covered (Pay Period Covered) NWFF Page Ex6.52 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Attachment Ex6.6 – PERHIS Data Dictionary The PERHIS Data Dictionary is contained in a separate document due to size. NWFF Page Ex6.53 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service Attachment Ex6.7 – Functional Position Title Crosswalk FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group ACCESS CLERK ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTING TECH ACCOUNTS MAINTENANCE CLERK ACQUISITION ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST ADMINISTRATIVE & PROGRAM ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CLERK ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT COORDINATOR ADMINISTRATIVE LIASON ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS SPEC ADMINISTRATIVE PROGRAM SPECIALIST ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT CLERK NWFF Page Ex6.54 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN ADMINISTRATOR AERIAL ATTACK SYSTEM SPEC AGREEMENTS SPEC AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE RESOURCE TECH AIR CONDITIONER EQUIP MECHANIC AIR OPERATIONS OFFICER AIR QUALITY SPECIALIST AIR RESOURCE SPEC AIRCRAFT DISPATCHER AIRCRAFT INSPECTOR AIRCRAFT MECHANIC AIRCRAFT PILOT AIRPLANE PILOT AIRTANKER BASE ASSISTANT ANIMAL CARETAKER ANIMAL PACKER APPEALS SPECIALIST NWFF Page Ex6.55 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group APPLICATIONS EXAMINER APPLICATIONS STAFF ASST APPLIED FIRE ECOLOGIST APPRAISER APPRENTICE WILDLAND FIREFIGHTER APPRENTICE WILDLAND FIREFIGHTER AQUATIC BIOLOGIST ARCHEOLOGICAL AIDE ARCHEOLOGIST ARCHEOLOGIST INSTRUCTOR ARCHEOLOGIST TECH ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN LAISN OFFCR ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ASSISTANT DISTRICT RANGER ASSISTANT FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER ASSISTANT FOREST PLANNER ASSISTANT NEPA PLANNER ASSISTANT RESOURCE CLERK ASSOCIATE DEPUTY CHIEF STATE AND PRIVATE FORESTS NWFF Page Ex6.56 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION OFFICER AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION SPEC AUTOMATED LANDS PROGRAM MANAGER AUTOMOTIVE AND MOBILE EQUIP REPAIR INSPECTOR AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC INSPECTOR SUPERVISOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR INSPECTOR AUTOMOTIVE WORKER AVIATION GROUP MANAGER AVIATION INSPECTOR AIRWORTHINESS AVIATION MAINTENANCE INSPECTOR AVIATION MANAGEMENT OFFICER AVIATION MANAGEMENT SPEC AVIATION OPERATIONS SPEC AVIATION PROGRAM MANAGER AVIATION SAFETY AND TRAINING MANAGER AVIATION SAFETY AND TRAINING SPEC AVIATION SAFETY INSPECTOR AVIATION SAFETY INSPECTOR AIRWORTHINESS AVIATION SAFETY MANAGER NWFF Page Ex6.57 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group BIOLOGICAL AIDE BIOLOGICAL AIDE (FISH) BIOLOGICAL AIDE (PLANTS) BIOLOGICAL AIDE (WILFLIFE) BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION SPEC BIOLOGICAL RECOURCE SPEC BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE TECH (WEEDS) BIOLOGICAL SCIENTIST BIOLOGICAL LAB TECH (SOILS) BIOLOGICAL TECH BIOLOGICAL TECH (BIOCHEMISTRY) BIOLOGICAL TECH (FISH & WILDLIFE) BIOLOGICAL TECH (FISH) BIOLOGICAL TECH (GIS) BIOLOGICAL TECH (INSECTS) BIOLOGICAL TECH (NATURAL RESOURCES) BIOLOGICAL TECH (PLANTS) BIOLOGICAL TECH (SOILS) BIOLOGICAL TECH (WILDLIFE) BIOLOGIST BIOLOGIST (ENDANGERED SPECIES) BIOLOGIST (ENVIRONMENTAL SPEC) BIOLOGIST (NEPA) BOTANIST BUDGET ANALYST BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING ANALYST BUDGET ASSISTANT NWFF Page Ex6.58 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING OFFICER BUDGET OFFICER BUDGET TECH BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND FLEET ASSISTANT BUILDING MANAGER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CLERK BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SPEC BUSINESS SERVICES ASSISTANT CARPENTER CARTOGRAPHER CARTOGRAPHER AIDE CARTOGRAPHER TECH CHANGE MANAGEMENT SPEC CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TECH CHEMIST CHEMIST (RESEARCH) CIVIL ENGINEERING TECH CIVILIAN PAY CLERK CLERK COMMUNICATIONS SPEC NWFF Page Ex6.59 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST COMMUNITY PLANNER COMMUNITY PLANNING PROGRAM SPEC COMPUTER ASSISTANT COMPUTER CLERK COMPUTER OPERATOR COMPUTER SPECIALIST COMPUTER SPECIALIST (PROG &ANALYSIS) COMPUTER SYSTEMS ANALYST CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR CONTENT ANALYSIS ASSISTANT CONTRACTOR SPEC CONVEYANCE EXAMINER COOK COOK TRAINING LEADER COOPERATIVE FIRE PROTECTION SPEC COOPERATIVE FORESTRY PROGRAM SPEC COPIER EQUIPMENT OPERATOR CULTURAL ASSISTANT CUSTOMER SERVICE ASSISTANT NWFF Page Ex6.60 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERK CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE DATA SERVICES SPEC DATA SERVICES SPEC (GIS) DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR DEPUTY DISTRICT RANGER DEPUTY FOREST SUPERVISOR DIRECTOR (VARIOUS) DIRECTOR, DEPUTY (VARIOUS) DISTRICT RANGER DUPLICATION PRESS OPERATOR EARLY INTERVENTION PROG SPECLST ECOLOGIST ECOLOGIST (RESEARCH) ECOLOGIST (TRAINEE) ECONOMIST ECOSYSTEM PLANNER EDITORIAL ASSISTANT EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM SPEC EDUCATIONAL TECH ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TECH NWFF Page Ex6.61 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group ELECTRICIAN ELECTRONICS TECH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST EMERGENCY PROGRAMS SPEC EMPLOYEE RELATIONS ASSISTANT ENGINEER (VARIOUS) ENGINEERING AIDE ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR FOREMAN ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR LEADER ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SUPERVISOR ENGINEERING PROGRAM ASST ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN ENTOMOLOGIST ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATION SPEC ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION ASSISTANT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ASSISTANT ENVIRONMENTAL SPEC NWFF Page Ex6.62 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP MANAGER EQUAL EMPLOYMENT MANAGER EQUAL EMPLOYMENT SPEC EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ASSISTANT EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT CLERK EQUIPMENT SPEC EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT FACILITIES OPERATIONS SPEC FAICILTIES MANAGEMENT SPEC FILE CLERK FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS TECH FINANCIAL ANALYST FINANCIAL ASSISTANT FINANCIAL SPEC FIRE AND AVAITION MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR FIRE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST FIRE CLERK FIRE ECOLOGIST FIRE ECOLOGY SPECIALIST FIRE EMERGENCY AND OPERATIONS SPEC NWFF Page Ex6.63 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group FIRE EQUIPMENT PROGRAM MANAGER FIRE LOGISTICS DISPATCHER FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER FIRE MANAGEMENT PLANNER FIRE MANAGEMENT SPEC FIRE MANAGEMENT SPEC (DISPATCH) FIRE MANAGEMENT SPEC (PLANNING) FIRE MANAGEMENT SPEC (PRESCRIBED FIRE & FUELS) FIRE MANAGEMENT SPEC (TRAINING) FIRE OPERATIONS SPEC FIRE PLANNER FIRE PLANNING SPEC FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER FIRE RESOURCE ASSISTANT FIRE SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGER FIRE TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER SPEC FISCAL ANALYST FIRE RETARDANT MIXER OPERATOR FISCAL CLERK FISH BIOLOGIST FISH BIOLOGIST (MANAGEMENT) FIXED WING OPERATIONS SPEC NWFF Page Ex6.64 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title FLEET AND EQUIPMENT SPEC FLEET ASSISTANT FOREST ANALYST FOREST HEALTH COORDINATOR FOREST NEPA COORDINATOR FOREST PRODUCTION TECH FOREST PROTECTION OFFICER FOREST SPEC FOREST SUPERVISOR FORESTER FORESTER (ADM) FORESTER TRAINEE FORESTRY AID FORESTRY AID (FIRE) FORESTRY AID (RECREATION) FORESTRY AID TRAINEE FORESTRY AIDE (FIRE) FORESTRY TECH FORESTRY TECH (AIR TANKER BASE MANAGER) FORESTRY TECH (AIRTANKER BASE) FORESTRY TECH (ASSISTANT FMO) FORESTRY TECH (AVAITION) FORESTRY TECH (DISPATCH) FORESTRY TECH (ECOSYSTEM) FORESTRY TECH (FIRE DISPATCH) FORESTRY TECH (FIRE ENGINE OPERATOR) FORESTRY TECH (FIRE MANAGEMENT) FORESTRY TECH (FIRE) NWFF Page Ex6.65 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title FORESTRY TECH (FUELS) FORESTRY TECH (GIS) FORESTRY TECH (HELITACK) FORESTRY TECH (HOTSHOT/HANDCREW) FORESTRY TECH (INTELLIGENCE COORDINATION) FORESTRY TECH (LOGISTICS) FORESTRY TECH (LOOKOUT) FORESTRY TECH (PREV & MITIG) FORESTRY TECH (PRISON CREW LEADER) FORESTRY TECH (RECREATION) FORESTRY TECH (RESEARCH) FORESTRY TECH (SENIOR FF) FORESTRY TECH (SMOKEJUMPER TRAINEE) FORESTRY TECH (SMOKEJUMPER) FORESTRY TECH (STUDENT TRAINEE) FORESTRY TECH (TIMBER SALE ADMIN) FORESTRY TECH (TIMBER SALE PREP) FORESTRY TECH (TIMBER STAND IMPROVEMENT) FORESTRY TECH (WILDERNESS) FORESTRY TECH (WILDERNESS/TRAILS) FORESTRY TECH FOREMAN FORKLIFT OPERATOR FUELS COORDINATOR GARDENER GEOGRAPHER GEOLOGIST GIS ANALYST GEOGRAPHICAL INF COORD GIS COORDINATOR GIS ADMINISTRATOR NWFF Page Ex6.66 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title GIS FOREST COORDINATOR GIS SPECIALIST GIS ZONE ASST GRANT SPEC GRANTS COORDINATOR GRANTS MANAGEMENT ASST GUIDE HELICOPTER INSPECTOR PILOT HELICOPTER MANAGEMENT SPEC HELICOPTER OPERATIONS SPEC HELICOPTER PILOT HIGH VOLTAGE MOBILE EQUIPMENT MECHANIC HISTORIAN HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER HUMAN RESOURCES SPEC HYDROLOGIC AIDE HYDROLOGIC TECHNICIAN HYDROLOGIST ILLUSTRATOR NWFF Page Ex6.67 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGER INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SPEC INFORMATION AND EDUCATION TECH INFORMATION AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT OFFICER INFORMATION ASSISTANT INFORMATION COORDINATOR INFORMATION RECEPTIONIST INFORMATION SPEC INFORMATION TECH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) SPEC INTERGRATED ACQUISITION SPEC INTEGRATED RESOURCE ANALYST INTELLIGENCE SPEC INTERDISCIPLINARY INTERDISCIPLINARY BIOLOGIST INTERNAL/EXTERNAL PROGRAM AREA LEADER INTERPRETIVE & EDUCATION PROGRAM MGR. INTERPRETIVE PLANNER INTERPRETIVE SPEC LABORER NWFF Page Ex6.68 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title LABORER LEADER LAND MANAGEMENT PLANNER LAND MANAGEMENT PLANNING SPECIALIST LAND MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST LAND USE PLANNER LAND USE PLANNING SPEC LANDS SPECIALIST LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LEAD ACCOUNTING TECH LEAD AIRCRAFT PILOT LEAD ARCHEOLOGIC TECH LEAD BIOLOGICAL TECHNICIAN LEAD BIOLOGICAL TECHNICIAN (PLANTS) LEAD BIOLOGICAL TECHNICIAN (WILDLIFE) LEAD CARTOGRAPHY TECH LEAD ECOSYSTEM SERVICES GROP LEADER LEAD ELECTRONICS TECH LEAD ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR LEAD ENGINEERING TECH LEAD FORESTRY TECH LEAD FORESTRY TECH (FIRE ENGINE OPERATOR) LEAD FORESTRY TECH (FIRE) NWFF Page Ex6.69 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title LEAD FORESTRY TECH (FUELS) LEAD FORESTRY TECH (HELITACK) LEAD FORESTRY TECH (HOTSHOT/HANDCREW) LEAD FORESTRY TECH (RECREATION) LEAD FORESTRY TECH (SMOKEJUMPER) LEAD FORESTRY TECH (TIMBER SALE PREP) LEAD INFORMATION ASSISTANT LEAD IT SPEC LEAD LABORER LEAD LEGAL ADMIN SPEC LEAD MAINTENANCE MECHANIC LEAD MAINTENANCE WORKER LEAD MATERIALS HANDLER LEAD PROCUREMENT ASSISTANT LEAD RANGE TECH LEAD RESEARCH FORESTER LEAD SURVEY TECH LEAD SURVY TECH LEAD TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANT LEAD WAREHOUSEMAN LEAD WELDER LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE SPEC LEGAL ASSISTANT NWFF Page Ex6.70 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group LEGAL CLERK LEGAL INSTRUMENTS EXAMINER LEGISLATIVE COORDINATOR LIAISON SPEC LIBRARY AIDE LIBRARY TECH MAIL AND FILE CLERK MAINTENANCE HELPER MAINTENANCE MECHANIC MAINTENANCE MECHANIC FOREMAN MAINTENANCE WORKER MAINTENANCE WORKER LEADER MANAGEMENT & PROGRAM ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT ANALYST MANAGEMENT ANALYST OFFICER MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT SPEC MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST MATERIALS ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN MATERIALS HANDLER NWFF Page Ex6.71 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group MATERIALS HANDLER LEADER MATHMATICAL STATISTICIAN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECH METEOROLOGICAL TECH METEOROLOGIST MINERAL MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST MONITORING COORDINATOR MOTOR VEHICLE DISPATCHER MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATOR NATIONAL FIRE USE PROGRAM MANAGER NATURAL RESOURCE BIOLOGIST NATURAL RESOURCE INTERPRETATIVE SPEC NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SPEC NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGER NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGER (RECREATION) NATURAL RESOURCE PLANNER NATURAL RESOURCE PROGRAM COORDINATOR NATURAL RESOURCE PROGRAM LEADER NATURAL RESOURCE SPEC NATURAL RESOURCE SPEC (FIRE MANAGEMENT) NATURAL RESOURCE SPEC (FUELS MANAGEMENT) NWFF Page Ex6.72 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title NATURAL RESOURCE SPEC (RECREATION) NATURAL RESOURCE SPEC (REMOTE SENSING) NEP (ENVIRONMENT) NEPA COORDINATOR NEPA PLANNER NEPA WRITER OFFICE ASSISTANT OFFICE AUTOMATION ASSISTANT OFFICE AUTOMATION CLERK OFFICE MANAGER OFFICE SERVICES ASSISTANT OPERATIONS ASSISTANT OPERATIONS RESEARCH ANALYST OPERATIONS SUPPORT CLERK OUTDOOR RECREATION PLANNER PARALEGAL SPECIALIST PARK RANGER PARTNERSHIP COORDINATOR PARTNERSHIP SPEC PAT POLICY LIAISON SPEC NWFF Page Ex6.73 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title PAYROLL CLERK PAYROLL TECH PERSONNEL ASSISTANT PERSONNEL CLERK PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST PERSONNEL OFFICER PHOTOGRAPHER PHOTOGRAPHIC TECH PHYSICAL SCIENCE STAFF OFFICER PHYSICAL SCIENCE TECHNICIAN PHYSICAL SCIENTIST RESEARCH PHYSICAL SCIENTIST PHYSIOLOGIST PLANNER PLANNING TEAM LEADER PLANT PATHOLOGIST PROCUREMENT ANALYST PROCUREMENT ASSISTANT PROCUREMENT CLERK PROCUREMENT TECH NWFF Page Ex6.74 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title PROGRAM ANALYST PROGRAM ASSISTANT PROGRAM CLERK PROGRAM COORDINATOR PROGRAM COORDINATOR ANALYST MINERAL PROGRAM MANAGER PROGRAM MANAGER PROGRAM OFFICER PROGRAM SPECIALIST PROJECT MANAGEMENT SPEC PROPERTY DISPOSAL TECH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TECH PRINTING SPECIALIST PUBLIC AFFAIRS ASSISTANT PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST PUBLIC AFFAIRS TECH PUBLIC INFORMATION TECH PUBLIC RELATIONS/OUTREACH SPECIALIST NWFF Page Ex6.75 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title PUBLIC SERVICES SPECIALIST PUBLICATION SPECIALIST PURCHASING AGENT RANGE AID RANGE AID RANGE CONSERVATIONIST RANGE TECH RANGELAND MANAGEMENT SPEC REALTY CLERK REALTY OFFICER REALTY PROGRAM MANAGER REALTY SPEC RECREATION AIDE RECREATION ASSISTANT RECREATION LANDS STAFF OFFICER RECREATION SPECIALIST RECRUIT TECH RECRUITMENT LIAISON SPECIALIST REGIONAL APPEALS AND LITIGATION MANAGER REGIONAL FIRE SAFETY MANAGER NWFF Page Ex6.76 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title REGIONAL FIRE TRAINING AND SAFETY OFFICER REGIONAL FUELS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST RESEARCH ASSISTANT RESEARCH BIOCHEMIST RESEARCH FORESTER RESEARCH HYDROLOGIST RESEARCH INFORMATION SPEC RESEARCH METEOROLOGIST RESEARCH SOCIAL SCIENTIST RESEARCH SOIL SCIENTIST RESOURCE ASSISTANT RESOURCE CLERK RESOURCE INFORMATION SPECIALIST RESOURCE MANAGER RESOURCE POLICY ANALYST RESOURCE SPECIALIST RESOURCE STAFF OFFICER RESOURCE SUPPORT ASSISTANT RESOURCE TECH REVIEW APPRAISER NWFF Page Ex6.77 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group RURAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT SAFETY & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MANAGER SAFETY & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SPEC SAFETY MANAGER SAFETY TECH SECRETARY SENIOR FIREFIGHTER SENIOR FORESTRY TECH SENIOR FORESTRY TECH (FIRE ENGINE OPERATOR) SENIOR FORESTRY TECH (HOTSHOT/HANDCREW) SENIOR FORESTRY TECH (PREVENTION) SERVICES AND SUPPORT WORKER SMALL ENGINE MECHANIC SOCIAL SCIENCE ANALYST SOCIAL SCIENCE SPEC SOCIAL SCIENCE TECHNICIAN SOCIAL SCIENTIST SOCIAL SERVICES AIDE SOCIAL SERVICES ASSISTANT SOIL SCIENTIST SPATIAL FIRE ANALYST NWFF Page Ex6.78 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group STAFF ASSISTANT STAFF OFFICER STAFF SPEC STATISTICIAN STUDENT TRAINEE STUDENT TRAINEE (FIRE APPARATUS) STUDENT TRAINEE (FIRE) STUDENT TRAINEE (FORESTRY AIDE) STUDENT TRAINEE (FORESTRY TECH) STUDENT TRAINEE (FORESTRY) STUDENT TRAINEE (MISCELLANEOUS) STUDENT TRAINEE (NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT) STUDENT TRAINEE (RANGE MANAGEMENT) STUDENT TRAINEE (VARIOUS ADMIN) STUDENT TRAINEE (WILDLIFE) STUDENT TRAINEE (EDUCATION) STUDENT TRAINEE (MISCELLANEOUS) STUDENT TRAINEE (SOCIAL SCIENCE) STUDENT TRAINEE (VARIOUS ADMIN) NWFF Page Ex6.79 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group ARCHEOLOGIST TRAINEE BIOLOGIAL SCIENCE AIDE TRAINEE LANDS SPECIALIST TRAINEE STUDENT TRAINEE (AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT) STUDENT TRAINEE (ARCHEOLOGY) STUDENT TRAINEE (BIOLOGY) STUDENT TRAINEE (BOTANY) STUDENT TRAINEE (ECOLOGY) STUDENT TRAINEE (ELECTRONICS TECH) STUDENT TRAINEE (ENTOMOLOGY) STUDENT TRAINEE (FISH BIOLOGIST) STUDENT TRAINEE (FISH) STUDENT TRAINEE (GEOLOGY) STUDENT TRAINEE (HYDROLOGY) STUDENT TRAINEE (LAND SURVEYING) STUDENT TRAINEE (MISCELLANEOUS) STUDENT TRAINEE (PHYSICAL SCIENCE) STUDENT TRAINEE (PLANT ECOLOGIST) STUDENT TRAINEE (RANGE CONSERVATION) STUDENT TRAINEE (RECREATION) STUDENT TRAINEE (SOIL SCIENTIST) STUDENT TRAINEE (VARIOUS ADMIN) STUDENT TRAINEE (VARIOUS ENGINEERING) STUDENT TRAINEE (WILDLIFE BIOLOGY) SUPERVISORY ACCOUNTANT SUPERVISORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT SUPERVISORY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER SUPERVISORY ADMINISTRATIVE SPEC SUPERVISORY AGRICULTURAL ADMINISTRATOR SUPERVISORY AIRCRAFT PILOT SUPERVISORY AIRPLANE PILOT NWFF Page Ex6.80 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title SUPERVISORY ARCHEOLOGIST SUPERVISORY ASSISTANT ADMINSTRATOR SUPERVISORY ASSISTANT FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER SUPERVISORY AUDITOR SUPERVISORY AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC SUPERVISORY AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR INSPECTOR SUPERVISORY BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE TECH SUPERVISORY BIOLOGICAL SCIENTIST SUPERVISORY BIOLOGIST SUPERVISORY BUDGET ANALYST SUPERVISORY CARTOGRAPHER SUPERVISORY CHEMIST SUPERVISORY CIVIL ENGINEER SUPERVISORY CONTRACTOR SPEC SUPERVISORY COORDINATOR SUPERVISORY DIRECTOR AVIATION AND FIRE MANAGEMENT SUPERVISORY ECOLOGIST NWFF Page Ex6.81 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group SUPERVISORY ELECTRONICS TECH SUPERVISORY ENGINEER (VARIOUS) SUPERVISORY GENERAL ENGINEER SUPERVISORY ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SUPERVISORY ENGINEERING TECH SUPERVISORY ENTOMOLOGIST SUPERVISORY ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR SUPERVISORY FINANCIAL ANALYST SUPERVISORY FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER SUPERVISORY FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT SPEC SUPERVISORY FIRE MANAGEMENT SPEC SUPERVISORY FIRE MANAGEMENT SPEC (DISPATCH) SUPERVISORY FISH BIOLOGIST SUPERVISORY FLEET AND EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY FOREST SUPERVISOR SUPERVISORY FORESTER SUPERVISORY FORESTER ADMINISTRATOR SUPERVISORY FOREST TECH SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (ASST FMO) SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (DISPATCH) SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (FIRE DISPATCH) SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (FIRE ENGINE OPERATOR) SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER) NWFF Page Ex6.82 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (FIRE) SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (HELITACK) SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (HOTSHOT/HANDCREW) SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (PREVENTION) SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (RECREATION) SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (SMOKEJUMPER) SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (TIMBER SALE PREP) SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (TIMBER STAND IMPROVEMENT) SUPERVISORY FORESTRY TECH (WILDERNESS) SUPERVISORY FUELS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY GRANTS SPEC (VARIOUS) SUPERVISORY HUMAN RESOURCES SPEC SUPERVISORY HYDROLOGIST SUPERVISORY INFO SERVICES SUPERVISOR SUPERVISORY INFORMATION ASSISTANT SUPERVISORY INFORMATION MANAGER SUPERVISORY INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEM SPEC SUPERVISORY IT SPEC SUPERVISORY LABORER SUPERVISORY LAND PLANNER SUPERVISORY LAND SPEC SUPERVISORY LAND SURVEYOR SUPERVISORY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT NWFF Page Ex6.83 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title SUPERVISORY MAINTENANCE WORKER SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY MATERIALS HANDLER SUPERVISORY METEOROLOGIST SUPERVISORY NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGER SUPERVISORY NATURAL RESOURCE OFFICER SUPERVISORY NATURAL RESOURCE PLANNER SUPERVISORY NATURAL RESOURCE SPEC SUPERVISORY NATURAL RESOURCE SPEC (FIRE) SUPERVISORY OPERATIONS TEAM LEADER SUPERVISORY OUTDOOR RECREATION PLANNER SUPERVISORY PARK RANGER SUPERVISORY PERSONAL ASSISTANT SUPERVISORY PHYSICAL SCIENTIST SUPERVISORY PLANNER SUPERVISORY PROCUREMENT ANALYST SUPERVISORY PROCUREMENT TECH SUPERVISORY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SPEC SUPERVISORY PROGRAM SPEC SUPERVISORY PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPEC NWFF Page Ex6.84 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Functional Group FY2009 Standard Position Title SUPERVISORY PUBLIC SERVICE GROUP LEADER SUPERVISORY RANGE CONSERVATIONIST SUPERVISORY RANGELAND MANAGEMENT SPEC SUPERVISORY RECREATION SPEC SUPERVISORY RESEARCH FORESTER SUPERVISORY RESEARCH WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST SUPERVISORY RESOURCE FORST PRODUCTION TECH SUPERVISORY RESOURCE SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY SOCIAL SCIENTIST SUPERVISORY SOCIAL SERVICES ASSISTANT SUPERVISORY SOIL SCIENTIST SUPERVISORY SUPPORT MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE SUPERVISORY SUPPORT MANAGEMENT SPEC SUPERVISORY SUPPORT SERVICES SPEC SUPERVISORY SUPPORT SERVICES SUPERVISOR SUPERVISORY SUPPORT SYSTEM ANALYST SUPERVISORY TECHNICAL EDITOR SUPERVISORY TELECOMMUNICATION SPEC SUPERVISORY TRAINING ISNTRUMENT ELECTRICIAN NWFF Page Ex6.85 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group SUPERVISORY VISITOR INFORMATION ASSISTANT SUPERVISORY VISITOR SERVICES INFO SPEC SUPERVISORY VOCATIONAL TRAINING SPEC SUPERVISORY WILDLAND FIRE OPERATIONS SPEC SUPERVISORY WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST SUPPLY CLERK SUPPLY MANAGEMENT OFFICER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE SUPPLY SPECIALIST SUPPLY SYSTEM ANALYST SUPPLY TECH SUPPORT SERVICES ASST SUPPORT SERVICES CLERK SUPPORT SERVICES SPEC SUPPORT SERVICES SUPERVISOR SUPPORT SPEC SURVEYING AIDE SURVEYING TECH SURVEYING TECHNICIAN SURVEYOR (LAND) NWFF Page Ex6.86 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group SYSTEMS ACCOUNTANT SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR TEACHER TEACHER SUPERVISOR TECHNICAL INFORMATION SPEC TECHNICAL PUBLICATION WRITER/EDITOR TECHNICIAL WRITER AND EDITOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPEC TIMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANT TIMBER RESOURCE SPEC TRACTOR OPERATOR TRACTOR OPERATOR LEADER TRAINING INSTRUCTOR TRAINING SPEC TRAINING TECH TRAINING TECH TRAINING TECH TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANT TRANSPORTATION SPEC TRAVEL INFORMATION ASSISTANT NWFF Page Ex6.87 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group TRAVEL MANAGEMENT PLANNER TREE FELLER TRIBAL RELATIONS SPEC UNIT AVIATION MANAGER UNIT CLERK UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY FACILITATOR UKNOWN UNKNOWN UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR VCHR EXAMINER VEGITATION MANAGEMENT SPEC VISITOR INFORMATION ASSISTANT VISITOR SERVICES INFO ASSISTANT VISTOR INFORMATION ASSISTANT VISITOR INFORMATION ASSISTANT VISITOR SERVICES INFO SPEC VISITOR SERVICES INFO TECHNICIAN VISUAL INFORMATION ASSISTANT VOUCHER EXAMINER WAREHOUSE WORKER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR WATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR NWFF Page Ex6.88 Final Report Exhibit 6 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – Forest Service FY2009 Standard Position Title FY2009 Functional Group WELDER WILDERNESS SPECIALIST WILDERNESS TECH WILDLAND FIRE OPERATIONS SPEC WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST (GENERAL) WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST (RESEARCH) WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST MANAGEMENT WILDLIFE COORDINATOR (UTAH) WORK PROGRAMS OFFICER WRI RADIO WRI EDITOR WRITER/EDITOR YOUTH CONSERVATION CORPS CREW LEADER NWFF Page Ex6.89 Final Report