CHECKLIST OF THE VASCULAR PLANTS of SILVER MOUNTAIN and the... Ottawa National Forest, October 2003

Ottawa National Forest, October 2003
Scientific name – common name
Abies balsamea - balsam fir
Acer rubrum - red maple
Acer saccharum - sugar maple
Acer spicatum - mountain maple
Achillea millefolium - common yarrow
Actaea pachypoda - white baneberry
Actaea rubra - red baneberry
Amelanchier interior - Pacific serviceberry
Anaphalis margaritacea - pearly everlasting
Antennaria howellii - Howell's pussytoes
Apocynum androsaemifolium - spreading dogbane
Apocynum cannabinum - Indian hemp
Aquilegia canadensis - red columbine
Aralia nudicaulis - wild sarsaparilla
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - kinnikinnick
Arisaema triphyllum - Jack-in-the-pulpit
Asplenium trichomanes - maidenhair spleenwort
Aster lateriflorus - calico aster
Athyrium filix-femina - common ladyfern
Campanula rotundifolia - bluebell bellflower
Carex arctata - drooping woodland sedge
Carex pedunculata - longstalk sedge
Carex spp. - sedge species
Carex trisperma - three-seeded sedge
Chimaphila umbellata - pipsissewa
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum - ox-eye daisy*
Clinopodium vulgare - wild-basil
Clintonia borealis - bluebead lily
Comptonia peregrina - sweet fern
Cornus alternifolia - alternateleaf dogwood
Cornus canadensis - bunchberry dogwood
Cornus rugosa - roundleaf dogwood
Corydalis sempervirens - rock harlequin
Corylus cornuta - beaked hazelnut
Crataegus sp. - hawthorn
Diervilla lonicera - northern bush honeysuckle
Dirca palustris - eastern leatherwood
Dryopteris carthusiana - spinulose woodfern
Dryopteris intermedia - intermediate woodfern
Epigaea repens - trailing arbutus
Epigaea repens - trailing arbutus
Epipactis helleborine - broadleaf helleborine *
Equisetum sylvaticum - woodland horsetail
Erigeron strigosus - prairie fleabane
Eupatorium maculatum - spotted Joe-Pye weed
Scientific name – common name
Eupatorium perfoliatum - common boneset
Galium triflorum - fragrant bedstraw
Gaultheria procumbens - eastern teaberry or wintergreen
Gymnocarpium dryopteris - western oak fern
Hieracium aurantiacum - orange hawkweed *
Hieracium piloselloides - tall hawkweed *
Hypericum perforatum - common St. Johnswort *
Juncus tenuis - poverty rush
Juniperus communis var. depressa - common juniper
Lathyrus sp. - pea species
Lobelia kalmii - Ontario lobelia
Lonicera canadensis - American fly honeysuckle
Lycopodium annotinum - stiff clubmoss
Lycopodium dendroideum - tree groundpine
Maianthemum canadense - Canada mayflower
Melampyrum lineare - narrowleaf cow-wheat
Mimulus glabratus var. jamesii - James' monkey-flower
Mitchella repens - partridgeberry
Monotropa hypopithys - pinesap
Monotropa uniflora - Indian pipe
Oryzopsis asperifolia - roughleaf ricegrass
Ostrya virginiana - ironwood
Parnassia parviflora - Grass of Parnassus
Phegopteris connectilis - long beech fern
Phleum pratense - timothy *
Physocarpus opulifolius - common ninebark
Picea glauca - white spruce
Pinus banksiana - jack pine
Pinus resinosa - red pine
Pinus strobus - eastern white pine
Plantago major - common plantain
Poa alsodes - grove bluegrass
Polygala polygama - racemed milkwort
Polygonum cilinode - fringed black bindweed
Polypodium virginianum - rock polypody
Populus grandidentata - bigtooth aspen
Populus tremuloides - quaking aspen
Prenanthes alba - white rattlesnakeroot
Prunella vulgaris - common selfheal
Prunus virginiana - chokecherry
Pteridium aquilinum - western bracken fern
Quercus rubra - northern red oak
Ranunculus acris - tall buttercup
Ranunculus recurvatus - blisterwort
Rhus glabra - smooth sumac
Scientific name – common name
Ribes hirtellum - hairystem gooseberry
Ribes sp. - currant or gooseberry
Rosa sp. - rose species
Rubus flagellaris - northern dewberry
Rubus idaeus var. strigosus - red raspberry
Rubus spp. - raspberry or blackberry
Rumex acetosella - common sheep sorrel *
Salix humilis - prairie or upland willow
Saxifraga virginiensis - early saxifrage
Scirpus atrovirens - green bulrush
Selaginella rupestris - northern selaginella
Smilacina racemosa - false Solomon's-seal
Solidago juncea - early goldenrod
Solidago spp. - goldernrod species
Sorbus decora - northern mountain ash
Taraxacum officinale - common dandelion
Thuja occidentalis - arborvitae or white cedar
Tilia americana - American basswood
Toxicodendron radicans - eastern poison ivy
Trientalis borealis - starflower
Trifolium pratense - red clover *
Ulmus americana - American elm
Uvularia grandiflora - largeflower bellwort
Vaccinium angustifolium - lowbush blueberry
Verbascum thapsus - common mullein *
Veronica officinalis - common gypsyweed
Woodsia ilvensis - rusty woodsia
* = non-native plant
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