Instrument Science Report STIS 95-008D STIS science apertures (Revision D) M.Clampin, Olivia Lupie, Vicki Balzano and George Hartig July 12th 1996 ABSTRACT We describe the STIS apertures, which comprise UV/Optical filters, Neutral Density filters, spectroscopic slits, coronographic masks and clear apertures of different sizes, and present the nomenclature used to define the STIS apertures for the PDB and STIS proposal instructions. 1. Introduction The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) offers four observing configurations, 1st-order long-slit spectroscopy, echelle spectroscopy, slitless spectroscopy and direct imaging. In order to support these diverse capabilities the STIS slit wheel contains five classes of focal plane apertures: • Longslits - for 1st Order spectroscopy • Echelle slits - for echelle spectroscopy • Clear apertures - for target acqusition and slitless spectroscopy • Filtered apertures - for UV and visible bandpass imaging • Coronographic apertures - for spectroscopic and imaging coronography. In total the STIS slit wheel contains 65 aperture slots. Some of the aperture slots contain multiple slits or masks and so the total number of specified apertures exceeds the number of aperture slots. A complete summary of available apertures is presented in Table 1, where the slits have been ordered in categories which describe their primary use. The slit number corresponds to the location of the slit in the flight software table. 1 Table 1. A summary of STIS apertures, filters and focal plane masks Width (Y) (arcsec) Length (X) (arcsec) Aperture no. Type Description Camera Apertures (Long slits) (FUV MAMA, NUV MAMA & CCD) 24.7 24.7 Aperture 1 Clear aperture for imaging and Objective prism spectroscopy 24.7 24.7 Filter 2 Ly- filter for narrowband imaging with FUV-MAMA 24.7 24.7 Filter 3 Crystalline Quartz filter for imaging with MAMAs 24.7 24.7 Filter 4 182nm Cont filter for imaging with NUV-MAMA 24.7 24.7 Filter 5 CIII filter for narrowband imaging with NUV-MAMA 24.7 24.7 Filter 9 270nm Cont Filter for imaging with NUV-MAMA 24.7 24.7 Filter 6 MgII filter for imaging with NUV-MAMA 24.7 24.7 Filter 7 SrF2 filter for imaging with MAMAs 24.7 24.7 Filter 8 UV ND Step filter (4 steps ND1-ND4) - target acquisition 50 50 Aperture 10 CCD clear aperture for unfiltered imaging 50 50 Aperture 50 Occulting bars/wedge for UV and Visible coronographic imaging 50 28 Filter 54 Visible long pass filter for target acqusition with the CCD 50 28 Filter 55 [OIII] narrowband filter for target acquisition with the CCD 50 28 Filter 56 OII narrowband filter for target acquisition with the CCD 24.7 24.7 Filter 57 ND3 filter for target acqusition with the CCD & MAMA detectors 24.7 24.7 Filter 58 ND5 filter for target acqusition with the CCD & MAMA detectors 1st Order spectroscopy (Long slits) (FUV MAMA, NUV MAMA & CCD) 0.049 52.0 1st Order slit 34, 66, 67 Long slit with 0.5” and 0.86” wide fiducial bars (see Figure 1) 0.1 52.0 1st Order slit 35, 68, 69 Long slit with 0.5” and 0.86” wide fiducial bars (see Figure 1 0.2 52.0 1st Order slit 36, 70, 71 Long slit with 0.5” and 0.86” wide fiducial bars (see Figure 1 0.5 52.0 1st Order slit 37, 72, 73 Long slit with 0.5” and 0.86” wide fiducial bars (see Figure 1 2.0 52.0 1st Order slit 38, 74, 75 Long slit with 0.5” and 0.86” wide fiducial bars (see Figure 1 0.1 52.0 1st Order slit 39, 76. 77 Long slit with 3 occulting bars 0.5”, 1.0 and 3.0” wide (see Figure 2) 0.05-0.2 36.77 1st Order slit 12 Slit Tilt +45o (see Figure 3) 0.05-0.2 36.77 1st Order slit 13 Slit Tilt -45o (see Figure 3) 0.6-2.0 36.77 1st Order slit 14 Slit Tilt +45o (see Figure 3) 0.6-2.0 36.77 1st Order slit 15 Slit Tilt -45o (see Figure 3) 2 2 1st Order slit 11 Slit for 1st Order spectroscopy of planets July 1996 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D Page 2 Width (Y) (arcsec) Length (X) (arcsec) Aperture no. Type Description Echelle spectroscopy (Long slits) (FUV MAMA & NUV MAMA) 0.063 0.1 Echelle slit 16 0.09 0.1 Echelle slit 17 0.2 0.1 Echelle slit 18 0.063 0.2 Echelle slit 19 0.09 0.2 Echelle slit 20 0.2 0.2 Echelle slit 21 0.063 0.33 Echelle slit 22 0.09 0.33 Echelle slit 23 0.2 0.33 Echelle slit 24 0.063 1.0 Echelle slit 25 0.2 1.0 Echelle slit 26 0.5 0.2 Echelle slit 27 0.025 0.1 Echelle slit 30 Very high spectral resolution slit 0.2 6 Echelle slit 29 Slit for observation of extended sources 0.5 6 Echelle slit 32 Slit for observation of extended sources 0.063 6 Echelle slit 28 Slit for observation of extended sources 0.5 0.5 Echelle slit 31 6 6 Echelle slit 33 0.05 0.2 Echelle slit 63 ND filter for flat fielding with continuum lamp (ND=2.0) 0.05 0.33 Echelle slit 62 ND filter for flat fielding with continuum lamp (ND=3.0) 0.063 0.2 Echelle slit 40-44 Set of 5 slits designed for high signal to noise observations 0.2 0.2 Echelle slit 45-49 Set of 5 slits designed for high signal to noise observations Spectroscopic flat field calibration (Long slits) (FUV MAMA, NUV MAMA & CCD) 29 0.054 XDisp Cal 51 Cross-dispersed slit, also intended for use with cross dispersers 29 0.09 XDisp Cal 52 Cross-dispersed slit, also intended for use with cross dispersers 29 0.2 XDisp Cal 53 Cross-dispersed slit, also intended for use with cross dispersers 0.05 31 1st Order slit 59 Slit with ND=0.4 0.05 31 1st Order slit 60 Slit with ND=0.8 0.05 31 1st Order slit 61 Slit with ND=1.2 31 0.05 XDisp Cal 64 Cross dispersed slit with ND=0.4 31 0.05 XDisp Cal 65 Cross dispersed slit with ND=0.8 July 1996 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D Page 3 Width (Y) (arcsec) Length (X) (arcsec) Aperture no. Type Description Fail-Safe slits (Long slits) (FUV MAMA, NUV MAMA & CCD) 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 100 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 101 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 102 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 103 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 104 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 105 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 106 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 107 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 108 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 109 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 110 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 111 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 112 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 113 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 114 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 115 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 116 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 117 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 118 Contingency only 0.09 4.0 Fail-safe slit 119 Contingency only 0.09 3.5 Fail-safe slit 120 Contingency only. Slit inset in CCD clear aperture 0.09 3.5 Fail-safe slit 121 Contingency only. Slit is #1 of 2 mounted next to coronographic mask 0.09 3.5 Fail-safe slit 122 Contingency only. Slit is #2 of 2 mounted next to coronographic mask 2. 1st order spectroscopic science apertures (long slits) There are ten apertures designed for spectroscopy of point and extended sources with the first order grating complement. Six of the long slits are 52” in length and have widths ranging from 0.049 to 2”. The slits all have two fiducial bars which are intended to be used as reference points during the extraction of spectra (see Figure 1). An additional 0.1” wide slit has three occulting bars spaced at 13” intervals (see Figure 2). The remaining long slits are designed to facilitate observations of moving targets where scheduling of specific roll angles may be problematic. For this reason each set of the two ‘planetary’ slits, are tilted July 1996 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D Page 4 at angles of +45o and -45o. The design of these slits is also different from the other long slits, as is shown in Figure 3. It should be noted that the four slits have a support strut at each end of the central slit, which divide it from the wider, outer components of the slit (not shown in Figure 3). Note that these struts will not be available for use as occulting bars. For low spectral resolution observations of planets, in particular Io, there is a 2”x2” slit for use with the first order gratings. There are three long slits, of length 31”, which have three different values of neutral density filters. These slits are primarily intended for flat field calibration, but are also suitable for observations of bright objects. Figure 1: Schematic showing the 52” long slits and the location of the fiducial bars. 14.3” 22.4” 14.0” 0.5” 0.86” Figure 2: Schematic showing the 52” x 0.1” long slit with 3 occulting bars. 12.5” 12.25” 11.25” 11.5” 0.1” 1” 0.5” 3” 12 .2 5” 12 .2 5” 12 .2 5” 0. 2” Figure 3: A schematic showing the STIS ‘Planetary slits’design. Axis2 0. 05 ” Axis1 July 1996 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D Page 5 3. Echelle slits STIS features a large complement of echelle slits offering a large range of slits widths and lengths. The STIS echelle slits come in sets. There are three groups of slits with widths ranging from 0.063” to 0.2”, for lengths of 0.1”, 0.2” and 0.33”. In addition, there are a number of individual slits with sizes ranging from 0.025”x0.1, to 6”x6”. For continuum lamp calibrations and observations of bright sources there are two echelle slits with neutral density filters. The ‘high signal/noise’ slits (see Figure 4), comprise five slits spaced at distances appropriate for optimum recombination of the spectra. There are two of these apertures with different slit widths, five 0.063”x0.2 “slits and five 0.2”x0.2” slits. 4. Fail-Safe slits Fail-safe slits have been mounted on the STIS slit wheel to prevent a complete loss of spectroscopic capabilities, if the slit wheel were to fail, during a mechanism movement. The fail-safe slits are mounted between imaging apertures and slits, so that there is usually a usable slit aperture in the instrument’s field of view (see DWG 521911). The calibration region of the slit wheel does not have fail safe slits, as it is was felt that stray light through clear fail-safe slits, near heavily ND-attenuated calibration slits, might render the calibration slits unusable. These slits are listed here for completeness, but will never be used in normal operational conditions, consequently they are not discussed further in this document. The numbers assigned to fail-safe slits in this document supersede previous slit number assignments in the Ball Aerospace drawing DWG 521911. Figure 4: A schematic showing the configuration of the ‘high S/N slits’.The vertical spacing between slits is given in units of arcseconds. 1” 1” 1” 1” Axis1 0.26” Axis2 0.12” 0.05” 0.19” 5. STIS Camera Apertures STIS offers filtered and unfiltered imaging capabilities, primarily to assist in target acquisition and target identification. The camera filters are comprised of several groups of July 1996 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D Page 6 apertures: • UV filters for Band 1 and Band 2 MAMA imaging • Visible filters for Band 3 and Band 4 CCD imaging • Neutral density filters to assist in target acquisition • clear, unfiltered apertures + occulting masks for coronography The clear apertures are designed to permit unfiltered imaging for both the MAMA and CCD detectors, and in the case of the MAMAs objective prism spectroscopy. The coronographic mask is shown in Figure 5 and comprises a pair of crossed wedges and 2 fingers at the edge of the field of view. Since the coronographic mask is a slit wheel element it cannot be used in combination with a filter, and so will be used for unfiltered imaging for the both MAMA and CCD observations. The mask is designed for a 50”x50” aperture, so MAMA observations with the coronographic mask will require a number of different mode select mechanism positions to place different regions of the mask in the field of view. A number of locations on the occulting masks have been specified, to correspond to widths of 2.75”, 2.5”, 2.0”, 1.75” and 1.0” on each wedge, and are shown in Figure 6. The initial mask design featured two occulting bars, however, the smaller aperture BAR5 was damaged during system integration and has been removed. Figure 5: Schematic showing the design of the STIS occulting mask. 3 WEDGEB 10 3 BAR10 0.5 WEDGEA 3 0.5 50 July 1996 All sizes given in arcseconds STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D Axis 2 Axis 1 Page 7 Figure 6: Location of apertures on occulting wedge 50” 1.0” 1.75” 2.0” 2.5” 2.75” Wedge A2.8 - 5” WedgeA2.5 - 10” WedgeA2.0 - 20” Wedge A1.8 - 25” WedgeA1.0 - 40” 6. Calibration apertures STIS has a number of slits designed exclusively for the calibration of first order and echelle mode spectroscopic observations. There are three long slits with different ND filters to permit flat field calibration of first order spectroscopic observations by reducing the calibration lamp intensity to an acceptable level for the MAMA detectors. For calibration of the echelle modes, there are five slits, which are designed for use with the echelle cross dispersed gratings. Three of these slits are clear and used for the echelle mode flat fields, while two have neutral density filters for flat fielding of the medium resolution echelle modes where calibration lamp intensity levels are too high for the MAMA detectors. 7. PDB aperture file The STIS apertures have been assigned names suitable for entry into PDB tables. The assigned PDB names are shown in Table 2. The table lists the aperture number corresponding to the aperture’s location in the flight software table, the flight software name (used for commanding), the PDB name, and the aperture name used in the proposal instructions. The PDB names have been assigned using the following rules: • Each aperture has separate PDB names for each detector used with that aperture. • The first letter, “O” indicates a STIS instrument aperture • The second letter indicates the detector for that PDB name F = FUV-MAMA, • N = NUV-MAMA, • V = Visible CCD. • Clear and filtered apertures are defined by size of the aperture side in asec • Slits are defined as length x width, where the units are given in asec for dimensions >1 asec and in masec for dimensions < 1 asec. July 1996 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D Page 8 F25QTZ 3 F25C3 F25MG2 F25SRF2 5 6 7 OF25NDQ3 OF25NDQ4 ON25NDQ1 ON25NDQ2 ON25NDQ3 ON25NDQ4 OV25NDQ1 OV25NDQ2 OV25NDQ3 OV25NDQ4 ON25CN270 F25CN270 A50 S2X2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 11 OF2X2 OV50 OF25NDQ2 OF25NDQ1 8 8 ON25SRF2 OF25SRF2 ON25MG2 7 F25NDQ ON25CN182 F25CN182 4 ON25C3 ON25QTZ 3 OF25QTZ OF25LYA F25LYA 2 OF25 ON25 A25 1 PDB 1 Flight software Aperture number Table 2. PDB aperture name summary 2X2 50CCD F25CN270 F25NDQ4 F25NDQ3 F25NDQ2 F25NDQ1 F25NDQ4 F25NDQ3 F25NDQ2 F25NDQ1 F25NDQ4 F25NDQ3 F25NDQ2 F25NDQ1 F25SRF2 F25MGII F25CIII F25CN182 F25QTZ F25LYA 25MAMA Proposal Instructions Small aperture for planets: FUV-MAMA Clear aperture for CCD 270nm Cont Filter: NUV-MAMA UV ND Quad 4: CCD UV ND Quad 3: CCD UV ND Quad 2: CCD UV ND Quad 1: CCD UV ND Quad 4: NUV-MAMA UV ND Quad 3: NUV-MAMA UV ND Quad 2: NUV-MAMA UV ND Quad 1: NUV-MAMA UV ND Quad 4: FUV-MAMA UV ND Quad 3: FUV-MAMA UV ND Quad 2: FUV-MAMA UV ND Quad 1: FUV-MAMA SRF2 Filter: NUV-MAMA SRF2 Filter: FUV-MAMA MgII Filter: NUV-MAMA CIII Filter: NUV-MAMA 182nm Cont Filter: NUV-MAMA Quartz Filter: NUV-MAMA Quartz Filter: FUV-MAMA Ly-a Filter used by FUV-MAMA Clear aperture for NUV-MAMA Clear aperture for FUV-MAMA Description Page 9 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D July 1996 ON200X060 OF200X060 19 19 OV100X200 18 S200X060 ON100X200 OF100X200 18 18 OV100X090 17 S100X200 ON100X090 OF100X090 17 17 OV100X060 16 S100X090 ON100X060 OF100X060 16 16 OV36X600N 15 S100X060 ON36X600N OF36X600N 15 15 OV36X600P 14 S36X600N ON36X600P OF36X600P 14 14 OV36X050N 13 S36X600P ON36X050N OF36X050N 13 13 OV36X050P 12 S36X050N ON36X050P 12 OF36X050P 12 S36X050P OV2X2 11 PDB ON2X2 Flight software 11 Aperture number 0.2X0.06 0.1X0.2 0.1X0.09 0.1X0.06 36X0.6N45 36X0.6P45 36X0.05N45 36X0.05P45 Proposal Instructions Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=0.1”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=0.1”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=0.1”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.09”, length=0.1”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.09”, length=0.1”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.09”, length=0.1”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=0.1”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=0.1”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=0.1”): FUV-MAMA Long slit (width=0.6”, length=35.7”, =-45o): CCD Long slit (width=0.6”, length=35.7”, =-45o): NUV-MAMA Long slit (width=0.6”, length=35.7”, =-45o): FUV-MAMA Long slit (width=0.6”, length=35.7”, =+45o): CCD Long slit (width=0.6”, length=35.7”, =+45o): NUV-MAMA Long slit (width=0.6”, length=35.7”, =+45o): FUV-MAMA Long slit (width=0.05”, length=35.7”, =-45o): CCD Long slit (width=0.05”, length=35.7”, =-45o): NUV-MAMA Long slit (width=0.05”, length=35.7”, =-45o): FUV-MAMA Long slit (width=0.05”, length=35.7”, =+45o): CCD Long slit (width=0.05”, length=35.7”, =+45o): NUV-MAMA Long slit (width=0.05”, length=35.7”, =+45o): FUV-MAMA Small aperture for planets: CCD Small aperture for planets: NUV-MAMA Description Page 10 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D July 1996 OV200X500 OF6X060 27 28 S6X060 ON200X500 OF200X500 27 27 OV1X200 26 S200X500 ON1X200 OF1X200 26 26 OV1X060 25 S1X200 ON1X060 OF1X060 25 25 OV330X200 24 S1X060 ON330X200 OF330X200 24 24 OV330X090 23 S330X200 ON330X090 OF330X090 23 23 OV330X060 22 S330X090 ON330X060 OF330X060 22 22 OV200X200 21 S330X060 ON200X200 OF200X200 21 21 OV200X090 20 S200X200 ON200X090 20 OF200X090 S200X090 20 PDB OV200X060 Flight software 19 Aperture number 6X0.06 0.2X0.5 1X0.2 1X0.06 0.3X0.2 0.3X0.09 0.3X0.06 0.2X0.2 0.2X0.09 Proposal Instructions Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=0.6”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=0.5”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=0.5”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=0.5”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=1.0”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=1.0”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=1.0”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=1.0”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=1.0”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=1.0”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=0.33”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=0.33”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=0.33”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.09”, length=0.33”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.09”, length=0.33”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.09”, length=0.33”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=0.33”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=0.33”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=0.33”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): CCD - used for coronographic acquisitions with CCD Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.09”, length=0.2”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.09”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.09”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): CCD Description Page 11 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D July 1996 ONL050F1 OVL050F1 OFL050R1 66 66 66 ONL050R1 OFL050F1 66 66 OVL050 34 SL050R1 ONL050 OFL050 34 34 OV6X6 33 SL050 ON6X6 OF6X6 33 33 OV6X500 32 S6X6 ON6X500 OF6X500 32 32 OV500X500 31 S6X500 ON500X500 OF500X500 31 31 OV100X030 30 S500X500 ON100X030 OF100X030 30 30 OV6X200 29 S100X030 ON6X200 29 OF6X200 29 S6X200 OV6X060 28 PDB ON6X060 Flight software 28 Aperture number 52X0.05F1-R 52X0.05F1 52X0.05 6X6 6X0.5 0.5X0.5 0.1X0.03 6X0.2 Proposal Instructions Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: NUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: FUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: CCD Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”): CCD Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”): NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=6.0”, length=6.0”): CCD Echelle slit (width=6.0”, length=6.0”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=6.0”, length=6.0”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.5”, length=6.0”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.5”, length=6.0”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.5”, length=6.0”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.5”, length=0.5”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.5”, length=0.5”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.5”, length=0.5”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.025”, length=0.1”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.025”, length=0.1”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.025”, length=0.1”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=6.0”): CCD Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=6.0”): NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.2”, length=6.0”): FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=0.6”): CCDMAMA Echelle slit (width=0.063”, length=0.6”): NUV-MAMA Description Page 12 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D July 1996 OFL100R2 69 ONL100R2 OVL100F2 69 69 ONL100F2 69 SL100R2 OFL100F2 69 OFL100R1 68 OVL100R1 OVL100F1 68 68 ONL100F1 68 ONL100R1 OFL100F1 68 68 OVL100 35 SL100R1 ONL100 35 OFL100 35 SL100 OVL050R2 67 OFL050R2 67 ONL050R2 OVL050F2 67 67 ONL050F2 67 SL050R2 OFL050F2 67 PDB OVL050R1 Flight software 66 Aperture number 52X0.1F2-R 52X0.1F2 52X0.1F1-R 52X0.1F1 52X0.1 52X0.05F2-R 52X0.05F2 Proposal Instructions Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: NUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: FUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: CCD Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: CCD Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: NUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: FUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: CCD Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”): CCD Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”): NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”): FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: CCD Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: NUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: FUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: CCD Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.049”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: CCD Reference point off-fiducial Description Page 13 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D July 1996 ONL500 OVL500 OFL500F1 ONL500F1 OVL500F1 37 37 72 72 72 OFL500 37 SL500 OVL200R2 71 OFL200R2 71 ONL200R2 OVL200F2 71 71 ONL200F2 71 SL200R2 OFL200F2 71 OFL200R1 70 OVL200R1 OVL200F1 70 70 ONL200F1 70 ONL200R1 OFL200F1 70 70 OVL200 36 SL200R1 ONL200 36 OFL200 SL200 36 PDB OVL100R2 Flight software 69 Aperture number 52X0.5F1 52X0.5 52X0.2F2-R 52X0.2F2 52X0.2F1-R 52X0.2F1 52X0.2 Proposal Instructions Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: CCD Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”): CCD Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”): NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”): FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: CCD Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: NUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: FUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: CCD Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: CCD Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: NUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: FUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: CCD Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”): CCD Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”): NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.2”, length=52”): FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: CCD Reference point off-fiducial Description Page 14 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D July 1996 OFL2F2 ONL2F2 OVL2F2 75 75 75 OFL2R1 74 OVL2R1 OVL2F1 74 74 ONL2F1 74 ONL2R1 OFL2F1 74 74 OVL2 38 SL2R1 ONL2 38 OFL2 38 SL2 OVL500R2 OFL500R2 73 73 OVL500F2 73 ONL500R2 ONL500F2 73 73 OFL500F2 73 SL500R2 OVL500R1 72 OFL500R1 ONL500R1 SL500R1 72 PDB 72 Flight software Aperture number 52X2F2 52X2F1-R 52X2F1 52X2 52X0.5F2-R 52X0.5F2 52X0.5F1-R Proposal Instructions Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: CCD Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: CCD Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: NUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: FUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: CCD Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”): CCD Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”): NUV-MAMA Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”): FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: CCD Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: NUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: FUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: CCD Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: CCD Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: NUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=0.5”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.5’: FUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Description Page 15 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D July 1996 OVLBAR3 OFLBARR3 ONLBARR3 77 77 77 OFLBAR3 77 ONLBAR3 OVL1BARR2 39 77 ONLBARR2 39 SLBAR3 OFLBARR2 39 OFLBAR2 39 OVLBAR2 OVLBARR1 76 39 ONLBARR1 76 ONLBAR2 OFLBARR1 76 39 OVLBAR1 76 SLBAR2 ONLBAR1 76 OFLBAR1 76 SLBAR1 OVL2R2 75 OFL2R2 ONL2R2 SL2R2 75 PDB 75 Flight software Aperture number 52X0.1B3.0-R 52X0.1B3.0 52X0.1B0.5-R 52X0.1B0.5 52X0.1B1.0-R 52X0.1B1.0 52X2F2-R Proposal Instructions Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=3.0”: NUV-MAMA Reference point off-bar Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=3.0”: FUV-MAMA Reference point off-bar Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=3.0”: CCD Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=3.0”: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=3.0”: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=0.5”: CCD Reference point off-bar Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=0.5”: NUV-MAMA Reference point off-bar Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=0.5”: FUV-MAMA Reference point off-bar Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=0.5”: CCD Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=0.5”: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=0.5”: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=1.0”: CCD Reference point off-bar Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=1.0”: NUV-MAMA Reference point off-bar Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=1.0”: FUV-MAMA Reference point off-bar Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=1.0”: CCD Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=1.0”: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=1.0”: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: CCD Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: NUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Slit (width=2.0”, length=52”). Fiducial=0.86’: FUV-MAMA Reference point off-fiducial Description Page 16 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D July 1996 OV200C OF200D 47 48 S200D ON200C OF200C 47 47 OV200B 46 S200C ON200B OF200B 46 46 OV200A 45 S200B ON200A OF200A 45 45 OV200X60E 44 S200A ON200X60E OF200X60E 44 44 OV200X60D 43 S200X60E ON200X60D OF200X60D 43 43 OV200X60C 42 S200X60D ON200X60C OF200X60C 42 42 OV200X60B 41 S200X60C ON200X60B OF200X60B 41 41 ON200X60A 40 S200X60B ON200X60A 40 OF200X60A S200X60A 40 PDB OVLBARR3 Flight software 77 Aperture number 0.2X0.2FPD 0.2X0.2FPC 0.2X0.2FPB 0.2X0.2FPA 0.2X0.06FPE 0.2X0.06FPD 0.2X0.06FPC 0.2X0.06FPB 0.2X0.06FPA Proposal Instructions High S/N slit D (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA High S/N slit C (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): CCD High S/N slit C (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA High S/N slit C (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA High S/N slit B (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): CCD High S/N slit B (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA High S/N slit B (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA High S/N slit A (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): CCD High S/N slit A (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA High S/N slit A (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA High S/N slit E (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): CCD High S/N slit E (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA High S/N slit E (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA High S/N slit D(width=0.063”, length=0.2”): CCD High S/N slit D(width=0.063”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA High S/N slit D (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA High S/N slit C(width=0.063”, length=0.2”): CCD High S/N slit C(width=0.063”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA High S/N slit C (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA High S/N slit B (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): CCD High S/N slit B (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA High S/N slit B (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA High S/N slit A (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): CCD High S/N slit A (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA High S/N slit A (width=0.063”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.1”, length=52”). Bar=3.0”: CCD Reference point off-bar Description Page 17 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D July 1996 ON50COR OV50COR OFBAR10 ONBAR10 OVBAR10 OFWGA28 ONWGA28 OVWGA28 OFWGA25 ONWGA25 OVWGA25 OFWGA20 ONWGA20 OVWGA20 OFWGA18 ONWGA18 OVWGA18 OFWGA10 ONWGA10 OVWGA10 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 OF50COR 50 50 OV200E 49 A50CORON ON200E 49 OF200E 49 S200E OV200D 48 PDB ON200D Flight software 48 Aperture number WEDGEA1.0 WEDGEA1.8 WEDGEA2.0 WEDGEA2.5 WEDGEA2.8 BAR10 50CORON 0.2X0.2FPE Proposal Instructions Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 5 - 1.0”: CCD Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 5- 1.0”: NFUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 5 - 1.0”: FUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 4 - 1.75”: CCD Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 4 - 1.75”: NUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 4- 1.75”: FUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 3 - 2.0”: CCD Coronograph Wedge APos. 3- 2.0”: NUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 3- 2.0”: FUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 2 - 2.5”: CCD Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 2- 2.5”: NUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 2- 2.5”: FUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 1 - 2.75”: CCD Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 1 - 2.75”: NUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge A Pos. 1 - 2.75”: FUV-MAMA Coronograph BAR10: CCD Coronograph BAR10: NUV-MAMA Coronograph BAR10: FUV-MAMA Center of clear aperture (coronograph): CCD Center of clear aperture (coronograph): NUV-MAMA Center of clear aperture (coronograph): FUV-MAMA High S/N slit E (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): CCD High S/N slit E (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA High S/N slit E (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA High S/N slit D (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): CCD High S/N slit D (width=0.2”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA Description Page 18 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D July 1996 OFWGB18 ONWGB18 OVWGB18 OFWGB10 ONWGB10 OVWGB10 OF050X29 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 OV200X29 OV28X50LP F28X50LP F28X50O3 53 54 55 OV28X50O3 ON200X29 OF200X29 53 53 OV090X29 52 S200X29 ON090X29 52 OF090X29 OVWGB20 50 S090X29 ONWGB20 50 52 OFWGB20 50 OV050X29 OVWGB25 50 51 ONWGB25 50 ON050X29 OFWGB25 50 51 OVWGB28 50 S050X29 ONWGB28 50 PDB OFWGB28 Flight software 50 Aperture number F28X50OIII F28X50LP 0.2X29 0.09X29 0.05X29 WEDGEB1.0 WEDGEB1.8 WEDGEB2.0 WEDGEB2.5 WEDGEB2.8 Proposal Instructions [OIII] filter for CCD target acquisition Longpass filter for CCD target acquisition Cross dispersed (width=29.0”, length=0.2”): CCD Cross dispersed (width=29.0”, length=0.2”): NUV-MAMA Cross dispersed (width=29.0”, length=0.2”): FUV-MAMA Cross dispersed (width=29.0”, length=0.09”): CCD Cross dispersed (width=29.0”, length=0.09”): NUV-MAMA Cross dispersed (width=29.0”, length=0.09”): FUV-MAMA Cross dispersed (width=29.0”, length=0.054”): CCD Cross dispersed (width=29.0”, length=0.054”): NUV-MAMA Cross dispersed (width=29.0”, length=0.054”): FUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 5 - 1.0” Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 5- 1.0”: NFUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 5 - 1.0”: FUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 4 - 1.75”: CCD Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 4 - 1.75”: NUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 4- 1.75”: FUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 3 - 2.0”: CCD Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 3- 2.0”: NUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 3- 2.0”: FUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 2 - 2.5”: CCD Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 2- 2.5”: NUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 2- 2.5”: FUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 1 - 2.75”: CCD Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 1 - 2.75”: NUV-MAMA Coronograph Wedge B Pos. 1 - 2.75”: FUV-MAMA Description Page 19 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D July 1996 OV050X31B OF050X31A 64 65 S050X31A ON050X31B OF050X31B 64 64 OV200X050 63 S050X31B ON200X050 OF200X050 63 63 OV330X050 62 S200X050 ON330X050 OF330X050 62 62 OV31X050C 61 S330X050 ON31X050C OF31X050C 61 61 OV31X050B 60 S31X050C ON31X050B OF31X050B 60 60 OV31X050A 59 S31X050B ON31X050A OF31X050A 59 59 OV25ND5 58 S31X050A ON25ND5 58 OF25ND5 58 F25ND5 OV25ND3 OF25ND3 57 F25ND3 57 OV28X50O2 ON25ND3 F28X50O2 56 PDB 57 Flight software Aperture number 0.05X31NDA 0.05X31NDB 0.2X0.05ND 0.3X0.05ND 31X0.05NDC 31X0.05NDB 31X0.05NDA F25ND5 F25ND3 F28X50OII Proposal Instructions Long slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=0.8: FUV-MAMA Long slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=0.4: CCD Long slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=0.4: NUV-MAMA Long slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=0.4: FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.05”, length=0.2”) ND=2.0: CCD Echelle slit (width=0.05”, length=0.2”) ND=2.0: NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.05”, length=0.2”) ND=2.0: FUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.05”, length=0.33”) ND=3.0: CCD Echelle slit (width=0.05”, length=0.33”) ND=3.0: NUV-MAMA Echelle slit (width=0.05”, length=0.33”) ND=3.0: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=1.2: CCD Slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=1.2: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=1.2: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=0.8: CCD Slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=0.8: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=0.8: FUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=0.4: CCD Slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=0.4: NUV-MAMA Slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=0.4: FUV-MAMA Neutral density=5.0: CCD Neutral density=5.0: NUV-MAMA Neutral density=5.0: FUV-MAMA Neutral density=3.0: CCD Neutral density=3.0: NUV-MAMA Neutral density=3.0: FUV-MAMA [OII] filter for CCD target acquisition Description Page 20 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D July 1996 OV050X31A 65 PDB ON050X31A Flight software 65 Aperture number Proposal Instructions Long slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=0.8: CCD Long slit (width=0.05”, length=31”) ND=0.8: NUV-MAMA Description Page 21 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D July 1996 8. Aperture assignments to STIS spectral elements The STIS apertures can all be associated with one or more spectroscopic and imaging configurations of STIS. In Table 3 below, the apertures have been categorized by optical element for the full complement of supported and available modes. This table will be used by the ground system to check that a given combination of aperture and optical element is compatible with the complement of available and supported operating configurations. Aperture and grating combinations not itemized in Table 3 will not be recognized by the ground system and, thus, cannot be implemented as stored commanding for STIS. In Table 4 we show the same categorization of STIS apertures for GO supported operating configurations only. Table 3. Assignment of STIS available and supported apertures. Mode # Optical elements 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1 2.1B G140L, G230L, G430L,G750L, G230LB 36X0.05P45, 36X0.05N45, 36X0.6P45, 36X0.6N45, 52X0.05, 52X0.05F1, 52X0.05F2, 52X0.1, 52X0.1F1, 52X0.1F2, 52X0.2, 52X0.2F1, 52X0.2F2, 52X0.5, 52X0.5F1, 52X0.5F2, 52X2, 52X2F1, 52X2F2, 52X0.1B0.5, 52X0.1B1.0, 52X0.1B3.0, 2X2, 6X6, 25MAMA, 50CCD, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25QTZ, F25SRF2, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 31X0.05NDA, 31X0.05NDB, 31X0.05NDC 1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 4.2 2.2B G140M, G230M, G430M, G750M, G230MB 36X0.05P45, 36X0.05N45, 36X0.6P45, 36X0.6N45, 52X0.05, 52X0.05F1, 52X0.05F2, 52X0.1, 52X0.1F1, 52X0.1F2, 52X0.2, 52X0.2F1, 52X0.2F2, 52X0.5, 52X0.5F1, 52X0.5F2, 52X2, 52X2F1, 52X2F2, 52X0.1B0.5,52X0.1B1.0,52X0.1B3.0, 2X2, 6X6, 25MAMA, 50CCD, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25QTZ, F25SRF2, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4, 31X0.05NDA, 31X0.05NDB, 31X0.05NDC July 1996 Apertures STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D Page 22 Mode # Optical elements 1.3, 2.3 E140M, E230M 0.1X0.06, 0.1X0.09, 0.1X0.2, 0.2X0.06, 0.2X0.09, 0.2X0.2, 0.3X0.06, 0.3X0.09, 0.3X0.2, 1X0.06, 1X0.2, 0.2X0.5, 6X0.2, 6X0.5, 6X0.06, 0.1X0.03, 0.5X0.5, 36X0.05P45, 36X0.05N45, 36X0.6P45, 36X0.6N45, 0.2X0.06FP, 0.2X0.2FP, 0.2X0.05ND, 0.3x0.05ND, 2X2, 6X6, 25MAMA, 52X0.05, 52X0.1, 52X0.2 31X0.05NDA, 31X0.05NDB, 31X0.05NDC, 25MAMA, 52X0.05 F25QTZ, F25SRF2, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 1.4, 2.4 E140H, E230H 0.1X0.06, 0.1X0.09, 0.1X0.2, 0.2X0.06, 0.2X0.09, 0.2X0.2, 0.3X0.06, 0.3X0.09, 0.3X0.2, 1X0.06, 1X0.2, 0.2X0.5, 6X0.2, 6X0.5, 6X0.06, 0.1X0.03, 0.5X0.5, 36X0.05P45, 36X0.05N45, 36X0.6P45, 36X0.6N45, 0.2X0.06FP, 0.2X0.2FP, 0.2X0.05ND, 0.3X0.05ND, 2X2, 6X6, 25MAMA, 52X0.05, 52X0.1, 52X0.2 31X0.05NDA, 31X0.05NDB, 31X0.05NDC 25MAMA, 52X0.05 F25QTZ, F25SRF2, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 2.5 PRISM 25MAMA, 52X0.05 F25QTZ, F25SRF2, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 1.6 MIRFUV F25LYA, F25QTZ, F25SRF2, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 2.6 MIRNUV F25CN182, F25CIII, F25MGII, F25SRF2, F25QTZ, F25CN270, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 3.6, 4.6 MIRVIS F28x50LP, F28x50OII, F28x50OIII, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 1.6 (Unfiltered) MIRCUV 25MAMA, 2.6 (unfiltered) MIRNUV 25MAMA, July 1996 Apertures STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D Page 23 Mode # Optical elements 3.6, 4.6 (unfiltered) MIRVIS 1.7x3, 1.7x4, 2.7x3, 2.7x4 (flat field calibration) X140M, X140H, X230M, X230H Apertures 50CCD, 50CORON, BAR10, WEDGEA2.8, WEDGEA2.5, WEDGEA2.0, WEDGEA1.8, WEDGEA1.0, WEDGEB2.8, WEDGEB2.5, WEDGEB2.0, WEDGEB1.8, WEDGEB1.0 0.05X29, 0.09X29, 0.2X29, 0.05X31NDA, 0.05X31NDB Table 4. Assignment of STIS supported apertures. Mode # Optical elements 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 2.1b G140L, G230L G430L, G750L G230LB 52X0.1, 52X0.2, 52X0.5, 52X2, 52X0.2F1, 25MAMA, 50CCD, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25QTZ, F25SRF2, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 4.2, 2.2B G140M, G230M, G430M, G750M, G230MB 52X0.1, 52X0.2, 52X0.5, 52X2, 52X0.2F1 25MAMA, 50CCD, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25QTZ, F25SRF2, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 July 1996 Apertures 1.3, 2.3 E140M, E230M 0.2X0.06, 0.2X0.2, 6X0.2, 25MAMA, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25QTZ, F25SRF2, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 1.4, E140H, 0.2X0.09, 0.2X0.2, 6X0.2, 25MAMA, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25QTZ, F25SRF2, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 2.4 E230H 0.1X0.09, 0.1X0.2, 6X0.2, 25MAMA, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25QTZ, F25SRF2, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 2.5 PRISM 25MAMA, 52X0.05, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25QTZ, F25SRF2, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 1.6 MIRFUV F25LYA, F25QTZ, F25SRF2, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D Page 24 Mode # Optical elements Apertures 2.6 MIRNUV F25CN182, F25CIII, F25MGII, F25SRF2, F25QTZ, F25CN270, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 3.6, 4.6 MIRVIS F28X50LP, F28X50OII, F28X50OIII, F25ND3, F25ND5, F25NDQ1, F25NDQ2, F25NDQ3, F25NDQ4 1.6 (Unfiltered) MIRCUV 25MAMA, 2.6 (unfiltered) MIRNUV 25MAMA, 3.6, 4.6 (unfiltered) MIRVIS 50CCD, 50CORON, BAR10, WEDGEA2.8, WEDGEA2.5, WEDGEA2.0, WEDGEA1.8, WEDGEA1.0, WEDGEB2.8, WEDGEB2.5, WEDGEB2.0, WEDGEB1.8, WEDGEB1.0 9. Revision History Version B Revisions to Supported and Available modes Version C The following changes have been made in this version: • Planetary slits have been added to echelle modes in the available list • All names for the filter ND6 have been changed to ND3 • Errors in filter numbering were corrected • The supported and available filter list was updated to match the proposal instructions • The aperture figures have been updated with measured dimensions of apertures • New PDB names were created to allow the echelle apertures to be used with the CCD e.g. for acq/peak. • The following apertures have been removed from Table 2, because the smaller occulting bar in the 50CORON aperture was damaged. Its suitability for science observations should be reviewed, post-launch, if it is not physically removed from the instrument in the meantime. 50 OFBAR5 50 ONBAR5 Coronograph BAR5: NUV-MAMA 50 OVBAR5 Coronograph BAR5: CCD July 1996 BAR5 Coronograph BAR5: FUV-MAMA STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D Page 25 Version D The following changes have been made in this version: • A new figure showing location of coronographic apertures, plus a correction to coronographic nomenclature WEDGEA1.5 and WEDGEB1.5 have been changed to WEDGEA1.0 and WEDGEB1.0. • A slit for prism wavecals has been added to the available and supported modes • The 52x2 slit has been added to supported 1st order modes • Neutral density longslits has been added to available echelle modes and were eliminated from the cross-dispersed modes • Clear apertures and neutral density filters have been added to the available and supported echelle modes Outstanding issues: The following additions are being currently being developed by the STIS Science Team and will be added in the next revision of this document: • Addition of NUV filters to the list of available CCD imaging modes. • Addition of new apertures for flat fielding the long-slits in regions normally occulted by the fiducials. This will involve defining new filter wheel positions for these new slit apertures. July 1996 STIS Instrument Science Report 95-008D Page 26