Instrument Science Report STIS 97-07 Pre-Launch NUV MAMA Flats R. C. Bohlin, D. J. Lindler, & M. E. Kaiser 1997 May ABSTRACT A full set of flat field calibration files for the NUV MAMA has been generated from preflight laboratory data. An iterative technique with 12 passes through each raw flat data image is used to separate the illuminating lamp signature from the high frequency structure of the MAMA flat itself. The set of flats consists of one wavelength independent P-flat that corrects for the high frequency pixel-to-pixel sensitivity variations and 63 L-flats that correct for the lower frequency, wavelength dependent variations. The S/N of the counting statistics of the P-flat is over 300 per MAMA resolution element (2x2 lores pixels.) Onorbit tests are required to confirm the validity of the ground based flats for the reduction of flight data. 1. INTRODUCTION Bohlin, Lindler, & Baum (1996, hereafter BLB) defined the algorithms for deriving the STIS MAMA flats. However, one major and a few minor modifications to the BLB formalism are required. Since the BLB requirement that “...the small scale polish on the slit jaws must be constant to 1% of the slit width...” is not met for the narrower slits employed with the internal STIS flat field lamps, a correction for slit defects is necessary. Fortunately, the narrowest slit used to obtain high S/N P-flat data is the 52x0.1 arcsec slit, where the narrow slit defects do not exceed 20% transmission loss. The introduction of a correction, W, for slit width variations can correct all but the largest defects to the required 1% precision. W is an average over wavelength and is a function of pixel position along the slit. The 1-D function W is the raw flat data image collapsed along the spectral direction and is analogous to the orthogonal correction RL(λ), which is the average lamp spectrum collapsed along the slit direction and is used to correct the flat field images for narrow emission lines . The product of the L- and P-flats is the original data image with the instrumental signature removed; so that the BLB Eq. 4 becomes RL LP = ------------------------ ⁄ V W ⋅ RL ( λ ) 1 (Eq. 1.) where RL is the original calibration lamp image and V is just the correction for large scale cathode sensitivity changes and any OTA+STIS vignetting, which cannot be distinguished from illumination variation along the slit direction until a star is observed. V is now defined as just the denominator of the BLB Eq. 3: R* ( λ ) V ( p i, λ ) = --------------------R * ( p i, λ ) (Eq. 2.) where R* is the response to the star after application of the L- and P-flats with the initial guess of V=1. The smooth 2-D function V defined for every pixel is the smooth fit to V(pi,λ) at the discrete ~11 pi positions along the slit direction. The average of the 11 stellar spectra is R* (λ). Figures 1 and 2 show examples of average lamp spectra RL(λ), aka spectral S-flat, and of W, aka slit width W-flat, for a broad 2” wide slit and a narrow 0.1” slit, respectively. The BLB Eq. 5 becomes L = 〈 LP〉 = 〈 R L ⁄ ( W ⋅ R L ( λ ) )〉 ⁄ V (Eq. 3.) Since the image W RL (λ) is normalized to the average of RL, L is just the low frequency variation of the sensitivity with respect to the average sensitivity. Eq. 6 is now RL ⁄ ( W ⋅ RL ( λ ) ) P = LP ⁄ L = LP ⁄ 〈 LP〉 = --------------------------------------------〈 R L ⁄ ( W ⋅ R L ( λ ) )〉 (Eq. 4.) where the < > indicates a 9x9 median filter followed by a rebinning to a 128x128 image followed by a 2x2 box smoothing, instead of the 21x21 median and 256x256 rebinning of BLB. A 9x9 (lores px) median is sufficient to remove the small MAMA dark spots, while the heavier binning improves S/N in the short exposure images obtained for the typical Lflat. A straightforward application of Eq. 3-4 to the lab exposures with V set to unity, consists of the following steps: 1. Geometrically correcting the original co-added image to make the dispersion and spatial axes parallel to the x and y axes of the rotated image. 2. Collapsing this corrected image along the separate axes to obtain the S-flat and the W-flat averages. 3. Applying the inverse geometric distortion correction to transform the WS-flat product image back to the original distorted space to get the denominator of Eq. 3 W RL (λ) for division into the original image RL. 2 4. Filling fiducials in the non-dithered flats and masking other problem regions. 5. Filtering as specified above by the < > operation to get the L-flat from Eq. 3. 6. Applying Eq. 4 to get the P-flat, i.e., removing the lamp signature from the original co-added RL image and then dividing by the L-flat as rebinned to the original 2048x2048 hires size. 7. The L-flat and the P-flat are both normalized to unity in the central region. This procedure succeeds in separating the illuminating lamp signature from the detector signature, because the spectral and slit axes are not aligned with the MAMA detector, which has large sensitivity variations between adjacent rows of the hi-res image of ~4x. The geometric correction is mostly a rotation of ~0.02 radian for G230M. Thus, the collapsed averages in the geometrically correct space have a residual ripple with a period of ~50 hi-res px that is caused by dropping contributions from one original line, while including a new independent line that can differ by 4x in signal. The effect of this residual can be demonstrated by applying the derived LP-flat correction to the original data and displaying one of the corrected rows, as in Figure 3. Instead of removing the instrumental signature and producing a smooth spectrum of the continuum lamp, a ~1% ripple with a half-cycle of ~50px appears. To solve this problem, iterations are necessary to apply the improved P-flat from one iteration to the original image in order to reduce the error caused by residual even-odd variation and get improved flats after the next iteration. In other words, the P-flat from Eq. 4 is applied to RL before solving Eq. 3 again. Figure 3 demonstrates the effectiveness of the iterative technique on a complete row of an image corrected by its own flat field. Figure 4 quantifies the improvement for a piece of the same row after removing the slope with a spline fit. An adequate convergence is found after an initial pass plus 11 iterations for a total of 12 solutions of Eq. 3-4. Figure 5 shows the effectiveness of the iterations in reducing the lumpiness of an L-flat, where the periodicity of 50 hires px corresponds to ~3px in the 128x128 rebinned L-flat. Similarly, Figures 1-2 demonstrate the improvement in the W-flats and S-flats for the standard 11 iterations. 2. P-flats An extensive set of flat field exposures were obtained during ground testing at Ball Aerospace and at GSFC. The STIS IDT has stored these images in an on-line database and has assigned a unique Flight Software (FSW) number to each image. Individual exposures have up to 3000 counts per resolution element (2x2 lores pixel), so that co-addition is required to achieve the CEI spec of 10,000 counts or S/N=100 per resolution element. Masks must be constructed to locate fiducials, so those portions of each image can be given zero weight in the co-addition. Data of P-flat quality exist at six wavelength settings in the G230M mode, as summarized in Table 1. The FSW entries in Table 1 are ordered by 3 wavelength and clumped within wavelength for the same lamp+slit setup. Because the entrance slit is often shifted along its length in the focal plane to move the positions of the fiducials and fill in the flat field under the fiducials, only clumps of images with the same lamp illumination along the slit can be co-added. Table column headings are standard IDT database nomenclature, where eg. a mode_id of 2.2 is G230M, OSWABSP is the slit wheel step position, and MGLOBAL is the total counts/s in the entire image. The column “external source” indicates either deuterium (“D2”) for the external lamp or “INTERNAL” for the internal deuterium flat field lamp. As the first step in the production of flats, each of the 12 clumps of data are co-added to produce 12 raw flat data images with at least a total of 2500 counts/res-el or a S/N=50. Eq. 4 with 11 iterations is applied to each of the 12 sets of data in Table 1 to obtain 12 independent P-flats. The narrow slit defect near pixel 1155 in Figure 2 for the 52x0.1” slit and a similar defect for the two data sets that use the 0.5” wide slit require masks, because the cumulative effect of the iterative procedure broadens these narrow features in the Wflat that is derived from the geometrically rectified image. More smoothing is caused by the unrectification procedure; and the use of this broadened correction to remove the instrumental signature causes an undercorrection, leaving ~2% feature in the P-flat. Figures 6 and 7 compare P-flat data taken at Ball and a more recent P-flat obtained at GSFC to the same denominator image obtained at Ball, where both numerator images are at the same wavelength and utilize the same 52x2” entrance slit. Figure 6 shows only random noise, while a pattern appears in Figure 7, indicating a change between 96Aug-Sep and 96Nov. Tables 2-3 and Figure 8 characterize the P-flats and quantify their differences. Table 2 is analogous to Table 5 of BLB and compiles the statistics of the 12 independent P-flats for the central 20% of the x-range by 10% of the y-range of the images. The columns are in the same order as the groupings in Table 1 that enumerate the FSW images comprising each P-flat. The Poisson counting statistics, the actual one sigma rms scatter, and the max and min are tabulated for each image in three bin sizes: per resolution element of which there are 512x512 in the whole image, per lores pixel with 1024x1024 px in an image, and per hires pixel of the 2048x2048 image. The scatter and range is much larger in the hires case because of the odd-even effect in the MAMA detectors. Table 3 compares each of the first 11 P-flats to the extreme wavelength 2977Å flat with the best statistics. Table 3 is similar to Table 2, except the entries are the one sigma values for ratios of images. Image ratios test the similarity of the flat fields at different wavelengths. The first row for each of the three image sizes is the expected sigma from counting statistics, the second row is the actual scatter in the ratio images, and the third row measures the actual difference between the two ratioed images. In other words, these third rows of each set are the actual scatter with the Poisson uncertainty removed in quadrature. The results are consistent with no wavelength dependence and little MAMA 4 contribution to the scatter per lores pixel or per resolution element. There is a residual scatter of a few percent in the hires ratios, which demonstrates the nearly complete removal of the large ~60% pixel-to-pixel scatter of the hires flats. Since the tabulated Poisson statistics utilize the average counts, the Poisson entries for the hires case are underestimates of sigma because of the large change in sensitivity between adjacent pixels due to the odd-even effect in the MAMA electronics. The corresponding hires residuals are overestimates. The time change illustrated in Figure 7 for the 96Nov GSFC data appears most strongly in the hires residual of 9.81% in the last row of Table 3. The other P-flat data obtained in 96Nov is at 2419Å and also has a high residual of 9.22% per hires pixel at image center. To better illustrate the time change over the whole NUV MAMA, Figure 8 displays the residual one sigma values for the entire ratio image of Figure 7. This ratio image is divided into 8x8 blocks and the residual for each of the three types of scatter are listed in each of the 64 blocks. All blocks show less than 1% change per resolution element; and even most of the lores entries are <1%. However, all regions of the GSFC data differ from the Ball data by a statistically significant amount. Even though all 12 independent flats agree within the 1% specification per resolution element, the GSFC data demonstrate a change from the internally consistent set of Ball images. Thus, all of the Ball data can be averaged to make a pure NUV MAMA superflat relevant to the Ball thermal vac time period. Since the 1769 and 1933Å flats have illumination along only the central third of the slit, the superflat is the combination of the Ball data at the G230M central wavelengths of 2176, 2419, 2659, and 2977Å and is shown in Figure 9. The Poisson statistic of 0.30% per resolution element for the superflat appears in the final column of Table 2 and corresponds to a S/N=333 in regions without fiducial or slit defect masks. On-orbit flats are required to quantify changes, which degrade S/N achieved when this superflat is applied to flight data. 3. L-flats There are 63 L-flats required for the prime and intermediate supported modes for the NUV MAMA, as summarized in Clampin & Baum (1996). Of these 63, measurements for 27 modes exist: the four that also provide the P-flat data and 23 more collated in Table 4 in the same style as Table 1. The other 36 must be manufactured from measured L-flats, using assumptions about the continuity of change with wavelength. A variety of complications arise in several combinations for the different modes during the process of making an L-flat from a long slit spectrum of a continuum calibration lamp. Slit irregularities and the odd spectral emission line must be removed by geometrically rectifying the co-added image, extracting the average spectrum (S-flat) and the W-flat, creating the average image, distorting this average back to the uncorrected geometry, and dividing by the original coadded image by this average. Sometimes an emission line is too strong or the geometric 5 correction coefficients are preliminary, so that a special line mask is required. Emission lines at the edge of images also require a special mask as do regions of no signal, such as below the cutoff for the GSFC nitrogen purge data. The 29” long slit is not long enough to cover the cross-dispersed X-modes, so the L-flats are set to unity beyond the slit ends. For those L-flats with undithered slit positions, the fiducials must be filled with an average of the local image beyond the edges of the fiducial. Another problem is that the iterative procedure fails in regions of the lowest S/N, which is at the fiducial positions that are dithered and filled by only two of three slit positions. When the average number of counts per pixel in the fiducial positions falls below a critical value, the fiducial positions are too bright in the L-flat. For 7 hires counts, the fiducial positions are ~1% too high, while the problem is <0.1% but can still be discerned in the L-flat image at 13 counts. Thus, all future L-flat data should have at least 13 x 16 = 208, or maybe 300 to be safe, counts per resolution element, which is S/N=17. The lab data for mode G230M at 2739, 2818, 2898, and 3055Å all have less than nine hires counts at the fiducial positions and do not produce useful L-flats. The best L-flats are made from the high S/N>50 per resolution element P-flat quality data at the G230M central wavelengths of 2176, 2419, 2659, and 2977Å. Table 1 lists three repeat observations at 2419Å, four at 2659Å, and two at 2977Å. The L flats derived from these observations reproduce to <0.3% at the same wavelength for the external deuterium lamp illumination as illustrated in Figure 10 by the ratio of a 2” to a 0.5” wide slit observation at 2659Å. Unfortunately, the highest S/N L-flat at 2659Å with the 0.1” wide slit and the internal deuterium lamp (Figure 5b) does not agree with the L-flat derived from external lamp illumination, as shown in the ratio image of Figure 11. Differences at the left and right edges are overplotted in Figure 11 and amount to a total difference from top to bottom corners at either side of 1.4%. In other words, the lamp energy distributions at the top and bottom of the slit are different for at least one of the internal or external illuminations. A constant shape for the illumination along the STIS entrance slit is essential for defining L-flats. The repeat observations of the external lamp can be combined to produce a set of high quality L-flats at 2176, 2419, 2659, and 2977Å. At shorter wavelengths, the G230M L-flat data from Table 4 at 1769, 1851, 1933, and 2014Å agree within uncertainties, despite the fact that the first three utilize the internal lamp, while 2014Å has external illumination. These four L-flats are averaged with the counts in each as a weight to produce a high quality L-flat at the weighted average wavelength of 1915Å. The core set of five L-flats at 1915, 2176, 2419, 2659, and 2977Å show a consistent change with wavelength, as illustrated in Figures 12-15. Changes with wavelength approach 1% only between 2176 and 2419Å, so that interpolation of flats at intermediate wavelengths may have errors of <1%. For example, the ratio of the G230M measured Lflat at 2257Å to the interpolated L-flat at 2257Å is illustrated in Figure 16. A comparison of Figure 16 with the ratio images in Figures 12-15 demonstrates that most of the devia- 6 tions from unity and lumpy appearance of the ratio image and of the tracing in Figure 16 are caused by the low statistical significance of the numerator image. Similarly, ratio images in Figures 17-18 for two cross-dispersed modes show no systematic deviations as large as 1% from the denominator image, which is extrapolated in the case of Figure 18. For G230M, only the internal lamp L-flat at 1687Å is discrepant with the extrapolated Lflat; and for the cross-dispersed modes with internal illumination, X230M at 1975Å and X230H at 2010Å show significant differences with the interpolation. Because the G230L spectral direction is nearly along the MAMA row direction, the images are first divided by the super P-flat to speed the convergence of the iterative procedure. The resulting G230L L-flats with internal and external lamps are discrepant by a few percent. Cuts along a column at nearly constant wavelength do not agree with the corresponding cut that could be interpolated from the set of 5 core L-flats, although the external lamp L-flat at G230L shows a level of variation more comparable to the core set. Perhaps, the requirement that the lamp illumination is a constant spectral shape along the entrance slit cannot be met for the broad wavelength coverage of G230L. 4. Summary A super P-flat has been constructed and is applicable to all NUV MAMA modes for data obtained on the ground. Studies of L-flats revealed these facts: • Both external and internal L-flats are repeatable. • The internal deuterium lamp produces different L-flats than derived for external illumination, although the internal G230M L-flats at 1769, 1851, and 1933Å are plausible extensions of the external series to shorter wavelength. • External L-flats show less deviation from unity over the detector than L-flats made with the internal lamp. • There is a smooth progression with wavelength for the five core L-flats from 1915 to 2977Å; and most of the measured L-flats are adequately represented to better than 1% accuracy by interpolation or extrapolation from this set. • External cross-dispersed L-flats agree with external G230M L-flats, while internal cross-dispersed L-flats differ from internal G230M. For example, internal X230M1975Å and X230H-2010Å differ radically from internal G230M data at nearby wavelengths. • None of the three possible choices for the G230L L-flat are consistent. A full set of 63 L-flats can be generated from the core set of five; however, serious discrepancies still exist. Internal and external lamps produce different L-flats, and four of the 27 measured modes have L-flats that do not fit a pattern and cannot be confirmed with existing data. Hopefully, the on-orbit vignetting measurements using stars at 11 positions 7 along the 52x2” slit will resolve the question of proper L-flats. Because of these problems and because the L-flats corrections are only of order 1%, we recommend populating the pipeline with unit L-flat files, initially. An effect of this choice of L=1 is to make the sensitivity for point sources a function of position along the slit direction. 5. References Bohlin, R. C., Lindler, D. J., & Baum, S. 1996, Instrument Science Report, STIS 96-015, (Baltimore:STScI). Clampin, M., & Baum, S. 1996, Instrument Science Report, STIS 96-009A, (Baltimore:STScI). 8 Table 1. STIS prelaunch FWS test data catalog of P flat data FSW Entry mode _id cenwave (Å) OSWABSP INTEG (s) 8438 2.2 1769 3242395 8439 2.2 1769 8440 2.2 1769 8441 2.2 8442 SMS Name 9 EXPSTART SLITSIZE (arcsec) MGLOBAL external source COMMENTS 2000.0 11-SEP-1996 19:35 52 X 2 163193.0 D2 Band 2 FF Methodology 3245755 2000.0 11-SEP-1996 20:13 52 X 2 156845.0 “ Band 2 FF Methodology 3244076 2000.0 11-SEP-1996 20:53 52 X 2 151363.8 “ Band 2 FF Methodology 1769 3241015 2000.0 11-SEP-1996 21:32 52 X 2 146017.2 “ Band 2 FF Methodology 2.2 1769 3239636 2000.0 11-SEP-1996 22:10 52 X 2 140849.9 “ Band 2 FF Methodology 8431 2.2 1933 3242396 1000.0 11-SEP-1996 17: 9 52 X 2 183579.4 D2 Band 2 FF Methodology 8432 2.2 1933 3241395 1000.0 11-SEP-1996 17:36 52 X 2 177913.5 “ Band 2 FF Methodology 8433 2.2 1933 3240396 1000.0 11-SEP-1996 17:58 52 X 2 173675.7 “ Band 2 FF Methodology 8434 2.2 1933 3242995 1000.0 11-SEP-1996 18:19 52 X 2 169572.9 “ Band 2 FF Methodology 8435 2.2 1933 3243995 1000.0 11-SEP-1996 18:40 52 X 2 165790.1 “ Band 2 FF Methodology 6552 2.2 2176 3240215 3000.0 OFLT2P7B 29-AUG-1996 20:49 52 X 2 144714.6 D2+ND0+DIFFU B2 Extern Deut FFs 6554 2.2 2176 3240216 3000.0 OFLT2P7B 29-AUG-1996 21:42 52 X 2 144899.1 D2+ND0+DIFFU B2 Extern Deut FFs 6560 2.2 2176 3240216 3000.0 OFLT2P7B 29-AUG-1996 22:49 52 X 2 145061.7 D2+ND0+DIFFU B2 Extern Deut FFs 6562 2.2 2176 3240216 3000.0 OFLT2P7B 29-AUG-1996 23:42 52 X 2 145088.2 D2+ND0+DIFFU B2 Extern Deut FFs 6569 2.2 2176 3240215 3000.0 OFLT2P7B 30-AUG-1996 0:56 52 X 2 145127.9 D2+ND0+DIFFU B2 Extern Deut FFs 6571 2.2 2176 3240216 3000.0 OFLT2P7B 30-AUG-1996 1:49 52 X 2 145125.0 D2+ND0+DIFFU B2 Extern Deut FFs 6523 2.2 2419 3406032 3000.0 TST220 29-AUG-1996 8:36 52 X 0.5 113009.4 D2 B2 Extern Deut FFs 6525 2.2 2419 3406032 3000.0 TST220 29-AUG-1996 9:29 52 X 0.5 112833.2 “ B2 Extern Deut FFs 6942 2.2 2419 3243641 2400.0 OFT2P10D 1-SEP-1996 13:28 52 X 2 140261.2 D2+ND0.5 B2 EXT D2 FF 6945 2.2 2419 3241960 2400.0 OFT2P10D 1-SEP-1996 14:14 52 X 2 140166.0 D2+ND0.5 B2 EXT D2 FF 6948 2.2 2419 3240281 2400.0 OFT2P10D 1-SEP-1996 14:59 52 X 2 140114.1 D2+ND0.5 B2 EXT D2 FF 6955 2.2 2419 3238601 2400.0 OFT2P10D 1-SEP-1996 15:59 52 X 2 140249.1 D2+ND0.5 B2 EXT D2 FF 6958 2.2 2419 3236921 2400.0 OFT2P10D 1-SEP-1996 16:44 52 X 2 140417.7 D2+ND0.5 B2 EXT D2 FF 13451 2.2 2419 3240280 3300.0 11-NOV-1996 19: 6 52 X 2 49862.8 D2 Verif. of DMA Timeout Fix 13452 2.2 2419 3240281 3300.0 11-NOV-1996 20: 4 52 X 2 49877.3 “ Verif. of DMA Timeout Fix 13800 2.2 2419 3240281 3000.0 OMIECHK6 12-NOV-1996 11:40 52 X 2 47014.7 “ Verif. of DMA Timeout Fix 13802 2.2 2419 3240281 3000.0 OMIECHK6 12-NOV-1996 12:32 52 X 2 46921.5 “ Verif. of DMA Timeout Fix 13808 2.2 2419 3240281 3000.0 OMIECHK6 12-NOV-1996 13:40 52 X 2 46928.1 “ Verif. of DMA Timeout 5677 2.2 2659 1151367 3000.0 OFLT2STB 23-AUG-1996 5:56 52 X 0.1 256544.0 INTERNAL Bnd2 Flat Field Stability 5679 2.2 2659 1151366 3000.0 OFLT2STB 23-AUG-1996 6:55 52 X 0.1 256022.8 “ Bnd2 Flat Field Stability 5683 2.2 2659 1151366 3000.0 OFLT2STB 23-AUG-1996 7:57 52 X 0.1 259456.2 “ Bnd2 Flat Field Stability Table 1. STIS prelaunch FWS test data catalog of P flat data (Continued) 10 FSW Entry mode _id cenwave (Å) OSWABSP INTEG (s) SMS Name EXPSTART SLITSIZE (arcsec) MGLOBAL external source COMMENTS 5685 2.2 2659 1151367 3000.0 OFLT2STB 23-AUG-1996 8:57 52 X 0.1 264293.7 INTERNAL Bnd2 Flat Field Stability 5989 2.2 2659 1151366 3000.0 OFLAT2DF 25-AUG-1996 22:42 52 X 0.1 271570.0 “ Band 2 Flat Field 5991 2.2 2659 1151366 3000.0 OFLAT2DF 25-AUG-1996 23:41 52 X 0.1 277086.8 “ Band 2 Flat Field 5995 2.2 2659 1151367 3000.0 OFLAT2DF 26-AUG-1996 0:43 52 X 0.1 270530.6 “ Band 2 Flat Field 5997 2.2 2659 1151366 3000.0 OFLAT2DF 26-AUG-1996 1:43 52 X 0.1 264115.7 “ Band 2 Flat Field 6001 2.2 2659 1151366 3000.0 OFLAT2DF 26-AUG-1996 2:45 52 X 0.1 259120.5 “ Band 2 Flat Field 6003 2.2 2659 1151366 3000.0 OFLAT2DF 26-AUG-1996 3:45 52 X 0.1 255270.5 “ Band 2 Flat Field 6007 2.2 2659 1151366 3000.0 OFLAT2DF 26-AUG-1996 4:47 52 X 0.1 251964.6 “ Band 2 Flat Field 6009 2.2 2659 1151367 3000.0 OFLAT2DF 26-AUG-1996 5:47 52 X 0.1 249449.6 “ Band 2 Flat Field 6013 2.2 2659 1151366 3000.0 OFLAT2DF 26-AUG-1996 6:49 52 X 0.1 247149.9 “ Band 2 Flat Field 6015 2.2 2659 1151367 3000.0 OFLAT2DF 26-AUG-1996 7:49 52 X 0.1 245441.0 “ Band 2 Flat Field 6019 2.2 2659 1151367 3000.0 OFLAT2DF 26-AUG-1996 8:51 52 X 0.1 243654.2 “ Band 2 Flat Field 6021 2.2 2659 1151367 3000.0 OFLAT2DF 26-AUG-1996 9:51 52 X 0.1 242266.3 “ Band 2 Flat Field 6025 2.2 2659 1151367 3000.0 OFLAT2DF 26-AUG-1996 10:53 52 X 0.1 240755.9 “ Band 2 Flat Field 8751 2.2 2659 1151383 3000.0 OFLT2STB 16-SEP-1996 6:58 52 X 0.1 234084.6 “ Flat Field Stability 8753 2.2 2659 1151383 3000.0 OFLT2STB 16-SEP-1996 7:57 52 X 0.1 230312.8 “ Flat Field Stability 8757 2.2 2659 1151383 3000.0 OFLT2STB 16-SEP-1996 8:59 52 X 0.1 227316.9 “ Flat Field Stability 8759 2.2 2659 1151383 3000.0 OFLT2STB 16-SEP-1996 9:59 52 X 0.1 225365.7 “ Flat Field Stability 6500 2.2 2659 3406032 3000.0 OFLT2EX3 29-AUG-1996 1:22 52 X 0.5 84108.9 D2 B2 Extern Deut FFs 6502 2.2 2659 3406031 3000.0 OFLT2EX3 29-AUG-1996 3:10 52 X 0.5 83280.9 “ B2 Extern Deut FFs 6508 2.2 2659 3406032 3000.0 OFLT2EX3 29-AUG-1996 5: 9 52 X 0.5 82878.2 “ B2 Extern Deut FFs 6510 2.2 2659 3406032 3000.0 OFLT2EX3 29-AUG-1996 6: 2 52 X 0.5 82805.9 “ B2 Extern Deut FFs 6516 2.2 2659 3406032 3000.0 OFLT2EX3 29-AUG-1996 7: 5 52 X 0.5 82872.6 “ B2 Extern Deut FFs 8449 2.2 2659 3408174 3000.0 OFLT2EX3 11-SEP-1996 23:51 52 X 0.5 53982.1 “ B2 Flat Field 8451 2.2 2659 3408174 3000.0 OFLT2EX3 12-SEP-1996 0:44 52 X 0.5 47972.1 “ B2 Flat Field 6605 2.2 2659 3240216 1500.0 OFLT2EX3 30-AUG-1996 6:46 52 X 2 99562.9 D2 Band 2 Ext D2 Flat 6607 2.2 2659 3240215 1500.0 OFLT2EX3 30-AUG-1996 7:14 52 X 2 99614.3 “ Band 2 Ext D2 Flat 6609 2.2 2659 3240216 1500.0 OFLT2EX3 30-AUG-1996 7:41 52 X 2 98912.8 “ Band 2 Ext D2 Flat 6611 2.2 2659 3240215 1000.0 OFLT2EX3 30-AUG-1996 8: 8 52 X 2 98639.1 “ Band 2 Ext D2 Flat 6613 2.2 2659 3240216 1000.0 OFLT2EX3 30-AUG-1996 8:27 52 X 2 98747.9 “ Band 2 Ext D2 Flat Table 1. STIS prelaunch FWS test data catalog of P flat data (Continued) FSW Entry mode _id cenwave (Å) OSWABSP INTEG (s) SMS Name EXPSTART SLITSIZE (arcsec) MGLOBAL external source COMMENTS 14654 2.2 2659 3240281 3300.0 O2P13STBA 22-NOV-1996 13:16 52 X 2 223132.9 D2 Mode2.2p13 FF SN=100 14656 2.2 2659 3241961 3300.0 O2P13STBA 22-NOV-1996 14:13 52 X 2 222746.5 “ Mode2.2p13 FF SN=100 14658 2.2 2659 3238601 3300.0 O2P13STBA 22-NOV-1996 15:11 52 X 2 222743.9 “ Mode2.2p13 FF SN=100 14660 2.2 2659 3236921 3300.0 O2P13STBA 22-NOV-1996 16:10 52 X 2 222763.0 “ Mode2.2p13 FF SN=100 14662 2.2 2659 3243641 3300.0 O2P13STBA 22-NOV-1996 17:10 52 X 2 221392.0 “ Mode2.2p13 FF SN=100 6583 2.2 2977 3240215 3000.0 OFT2P17B 30-AUG-1996 3:30 52 X 2 53921.4 D2+ND0+DIFFU B2 Extern Deut FFs 6585 2.2 2977 3240215 3000.0 OFT2P17B 30-AUG-1996 4:23 52 X 2 53799.8 D2+ND0+DIFFU B2 Extern Deut FFs 6594 2.2 2977 3240216 3000.0 OFT2P17B 30-AUG-1996 6:45 52 X 2 53660.5 D2+ND0+DIFFU B2 Extern Deut FFs 6597 2.2 2977 3240215 3000.0 OFT2P17B 30-AUG-1996 3:44 52 X 2 53727.9 D2+ND0+DIFFU B2 Extern Deut FFs 6912 2.2 2977 3243640 2400.0 OFT2P17D 1-SEP-1996 6:49 52 X 2 189679.9 D2+ND0 Mode 2.2p17 FF w/Ext D2 6915 2.2 2977 3241961 2400.0 OFT2P17D 1-SEP-1996 7:35 52 X 2 189263.9 D2+ND0 bad: dropped data lines 6918 2.2 2977 3240281 2400.0 OFT2P17D 1-SEP-1996 8:20 52 X 2 189208.2 D2+ND0 Mode 2.2p17 FF w/Ext D2 6925 2.2 2977 3238600 2400.0 OFT2P17D 1-SEP-1996 9:20 52 X 2 189770.4 D2+ND0 Mode 2.2p17 FF w/Ext D2 6928 2.2 2977 3236921 2400.0 OFT2P17D 1-SEP-1996 10: 5 52 X 2 189994.9 D2+ND0 Mode 2.2p17 FF w/Ext D2 11 Table 2. Statistics of the Flat Field Images 1769 52x2 1933 52x2 2176 52x2 2419 52x0.5 2419 52x2 2419 52x2 2659 52x0.1 2659 52x0.5 2659 52x2 2659 52x2 2977 52x2 2977 52x2 SF Poisson (%) 0.75 0.98 0.91 1.80 1.14 1.73 0.39 1.33 1.85 0.79 1.83 0.97 0.30 Actual sigma (%) 1.48 1.61 1.59 2.15 1.72 2.18 1.37 1.80 2.22 1.55 2.21 1.59 1.33 Minimum 0.83 0.83 0.89 0.88 0.89 0.89 0.88 0.88 0.90 0.87 0.91 0.87 0.89 Maximum 1.07 1.07 1.06 1.09 1.07 1.09 1.07 1.07 1.08 1.07 1.09 1.06 1.07 Poisson (%) 1.49 1.97 1.83 3.60 2.27 3.47 0.78 2.66 3.70 1.57 3.66 1.94 0.60 Actual sigma (%) 2.87 3.13 3.05 4.16 3.34 4.29 2.60 3.45 4.40 3.00 4.38 3.11 2.53 Minimum 0.74 0.75 0.79 0.80 0.79 0.79 0.80 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.80 0.78 0.81 Maximum 1.22 1.22 1.25 1.26 1.22 1.25 1.23 1.22 1.26 1.22 1.25 1.21 1.23 P FLATS (512x512) P FLATS (1024x1024) P FLATS (2048x2048) 12 Poisson (%) 2.99 3.94 3.65 7.20 4.55 6.93 1.56 5.31 7.39 3.15 7.31 3.89 1.20 Actual sigma (%) 62.39 62.44 62.18 59.50 62.30 61.27 62.15 59.84 62.55 60.82 62.58 62.31 62.15 Minimum 0.25 0.29 0.25 0.24 0.27 0.24 0.26 0.27 0.24 0.27 0.23 0.24 0.26 Maximum 2.54 2.58 2.62 2.84 2.63 2.66 2.59 2.65 2.78 2.57 2.82 2.65 2.57 Table 3. Statistics for the Ratio of Flat Fields to 2977Å Flat 1769 1933 2176 2419 2419 2419 2659 2659 2659 2659 2977 Poisson (%) 1.23 1.38 1.33 2.05 1.50 1.99 1.05 1.65 2.09 1.25 2.07 Actual sigma (%) 1.24 1.41 1.33 2.04 1.50 2.02 1.07 1.64 2.07 1.33 2.06 Resid. sigma (%) 0.20 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.38 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.00 Poisson (%) 2.45 2.77 2.67 4.09 2.99 3.98 2.10 3.29 4.18 2.50 4.14 Actual sigma (%) 2.47 2.80 2.67 4.02 2.99 4.01 2.12 3.31 4.17 2.63 4.13 Resid. sigma (%) 0.29 0.42 0.12 0.00 0.11 0.56 0.34 0.31 0.00 0.80 0.00 Poisson (%) 4.91 5.53 5.33 8.18 5.98 7.95 4.19 6.59 8.35 5.00 8.28 Actual sigma (%) 5.72 6.47 6.15 8.96 6.89 12.18 4.87 7.25 9.63 11.01 9.55 Resid. sigma (%) 2.95 3.34 3.05 3.66 3.42 9.22 2.48 3.04 4.79 9.81 4.75 P FLATS (512x512) P FLATS (1024x1024) P FLATS (2048x2048) 13 Table 4. STIS Prelaunch FSW Test Data Catalog of L-flat Data 14 ENTRY mode _id cenwave (Å) OSWABSP INTEG (s) SMS Name EXPSTART SLITSIZE (arcsec) MGLOBAL external source COMMENTS 8545 2.1 2376 4147100 1100.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 5:52 31 X 0.05 145413.0 INTERNAL Band 2 L-Flats 8547 2.1 2376 4147484 1100.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 6:19 31 X 0.05 144753.7 “ Band 2 L-Flats 8549 2.1 2376 4146870 1100.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 6:47 31 X 0.05 144072.6 “ Band 2 L-Flats 14622 2.1 2376 3240281 800.0 20-NOV-1996 19: 2 52 X 2 59985.0 D2 M2.1 L Flat Fields S/N=10 14623 2.1 2376 3241961 800.0 20-NOV-1996 19:19 52 X 2 60760.9 “ M2.1 L Flat Fields S/N=10 14624 2.1 2376 3238601 800.0 20-NOV-1996 19:39 52 X 2 62287.7 “ M2.1 L Flat Fields S/N=10 8503 2.2 1687 3240281 180.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 0:33 52 X 2 215152.0 INTERNAL Band 2 L-Flats 8505 2.2 1687 3241814 180.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 0:45 52 X 2 204200.3 “ Band 2 L-Flats 8507 2.2 1687 3238698 180.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 0:58 52 X 2 200738.8 “ Band 2 L-Flats 8509 2.2 1769 3406059 300.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 1:11 52 X 0.5 73991.7 INTERNAL Band 2 L-Flats 8511 2.2 1769 3407631 300.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 1:25 52 X 0.5 73585.5 “ Band 2 L-Flats 8513 2.2 1769 3404514 300.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 1:40 52 X 0.5 73388.6 “ Band 2 L-Flats 8515 2.2 1851 3406059 180.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 1:55 52 X 0.5 141838.8 INTERNAL Band 2 L-Flats 8517 2.2 1851 3407631 180.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 2: 7 52 X 0.5 141278.3 “ Band 2 L-Flats 8519 2.2 1851 3404514 180.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 2:20 52 X 0.5 141215.7 “ Band 2 L-Flats 8521 2.2 1933 3406060 180.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 2:33 52 X 0.5 218527.3 INTERNAL Band 2 L-Flats 8523 2.2 1933 3407631 180.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 2:45 52 X 0.5 217653.7 “ Band 2 L-Flats 8525 2.2 1933 3404514 180.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 2:58 52 X 0.5 217601.4 “ Band 2 L-Flats 13870 2.2 2014 3241960 420.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 20:59 52 X 2 86334.5 D2 Mode 2.2 L Flats 13873 2.2 2014 3240281 420.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 21: 8 52 X 2 86331.4 “ Mode 2.2 L Flats 13876 2.2 2014 3236920 420.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 21:18 52 X 2 86587.0 “ Mode 2.2 L Flats 13280 2.2 2095 3241961 240.0 O22LFLTU 8-NOV-1996 13:42 52 X 2 96165.8 D2 Bnd 2L Flats, short waves 13283 2.2 2095 3240280 240.0 O22LFLTU 8-NOV-1996 13:48 52 X 2 96250.8 “ Bnd 2L Flats, short waves 13286 2.2 2095 3238601 240.0 O22LFLTU 8-NOV-1996 13:55 52 X 2 96369.4 “ Bnd 2L Flats, short waves 13267 2.2 2257 3241960 240.0 O22LFLTU 8-NOV-1996 13:12 52 X 2 102438.2 D2 Bnd 2L Flats, short waves 13270 2.2 2257 3240281 240.0 O22LFLTU 8-NOV-1996 13:19 52 X 2 102547.0 “ Bnd 2L Flats, short waves 13273 2.2 2257 3238601 240.0 O22LFLTU 8-NOV-1996 13:25 52 X 2 102685.0 “ Bnd 2L Flats, short waves Table 4. STIS Prelaunch FSW Test Data Catalog of L-flat Data (Continued) 15 ENTRY mode _id cenwave (Å) OSWABSP INTEG (s) SMS Name EXPSTART SLITSIZE (arcsec) MGLOBAL external source COMMENTS 13247 2.2 2338 3243641 180.0 O22LFLTB 8-NOV-1996 11:47 52 X 2 78736.4 D2 Band 2L Flats w/ Ext D2 13250 2.2 2338 3241960 180.0 O22LFLTB 8-NOV-1996 11:53 52 X 2 78754.4 “ Band 2L Flats w/ Ext D2 13253 2.2 2338 3240281 180.0 O22LFLTB 8-NOV-1996 11:59 52 X 2 78847.7 “ Band 2L Flats w/ Ext D2 13256 2.2 2338 3238601 180.0 O22LFLTB 8-NOV-1996 12: 5 52 X 2 78947.6 “ Band 2L Flats w/ Ext D2 13259 2.2 2338 3236921 180.0 O22LFLTB 8-NOV-1996 12:11 52 X 2 79115.2 “ Band 2L Flats w/ Ext D2 13349 2.2 2499 3241961 3300.0 OMIECHCK 9-NOV-1996 17:45 52 X 2 38033.3 D2 Verif. of DMA Timeout Fix 13352 2.2 2499 3240281 3300.0 OMIECHCK 9-NOV-1996 18:44 52 X 2 38224.6 “ Verif. of DMA Timeout Fix 13356 2.2 2499 3238600 3300.0 OMIECHCK 14666 2.2 2579 3240281 800.0 14667 2.2 2579 3241961 14668 2.2 2579 3238601 13857 2.2 2739 3241961 420.0 13860 2.2 2739 3240281 13863 2.2 2739 13844 2.2 2818 13847 2.2 13850 9-NOV-1996 19:43 52 X 2 38294.7 “ Verif. of DMA Timeout Fix 22-NOV-1996 18:45 52 X 2 212895.1 D2 Mode 2.2 LFlat S/N=10 800.0 22-NOV-1996 19: 2 52 X 2 212806.2 “ Mode 2.2 LFlat S/N=10 800.0 22-NOV-1996 19:19 52 X 2 212944.2 “ Mode 2.2 LFlat S/N=10 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 20:19 52 X 2 36099.6 D2 Mode 2.2 L Flats 420.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 20:29 52 X 2 36059.0 “ Mode 2.2 L Flats 3238601 420.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 20:39 52 X 2 36095.1 “ Mode 2.2 L Flats 3241961 420.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 19:42 52 X 2 43566.2 D2 Mode 2.2 L Flats 2818 3240281 420.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 19:52 52 X 2 43542.0 “ Mode 2.2 L Flats 2.2 2818 3238601 420.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 20: 1 52 X 2 43607.9 “ Mode 2.2 L Flats 13831 2.2 2898 3241961 420.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 19: 4 52 X 2 42721.8 D2 Mode 2.2 L Flats 13834 2.2 2898 3240281 420.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 19:14 52 X 2 42729.0 “ Mode 2.2 L Flats 13837 2.2 2898 3238601 420.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 19:24 52 X 2 42766.7 “ Mode 2.2 L Flats 13818 2.2 3055 3241961 600.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 18:18 52 X 2 22766.2 D2 Mode 2.2 L Flats 13821 2.2 3055 3240281 600.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 18:31 52 X 2 22786.8 “ Mode 2.2 L Flats 13824 2.2 3055 3238601 600.0 O22LFLTR 12-NOV-1996 18:44 52 X 2 22813.4 “ Mode 2.2 L Flats 8539 2.7X3 1975 3989483 1500.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 4:30 0.05 X 31 213131.0 INTERNAL Band 2 L-Flats 15227 2.7X3 2703 3636422 1000.0 O27XLFLT 24-NOV-1996 14:10 0.2 X 29 130899.2 D2 B2 XDISP FF SN=10 TST496 8541 2.7X4 1760 3636421 1000.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 5: 5 0.2 X 29 177886.9 INTERNAL Band 2 L-Flats 8543 2.7X4 2010 1015247 400.0 OD2LFLAT 13-SEP-1996 5:32 0.09 X 29 227575.3 INTERNAL Band 2 L-Flats 15229 2.7X4 2261 3636422 1000.0 O27XLFLT 24-NOV-1996 15:13 0.2 X 29 89144.0 D2 B2 XDISP FF SN=10 TST496 15231 2.7X4 2511 3636422 1000.0 O27XLFLT 24-NOV-1996 15:56 0.2 X 29 110464.2 D2 B2 XDISP FF SN=10 TST496 15233 2.7X4 2760 3636421 1000.0 O27XLFLT 24-NOV-1996 16:40 0.2 X 29 113863.6 D2 B2 XDISP FF SN=10 TST496 15235 2.7X4 3010 3636421 1000.0 O27XLFLT 24-NOV-1996 17:18 0.2 X 29 82944.9 D2 B2 XDISP FF SN=10 TST496 6. Figure Captions Wflat G230M 2977flat52X2-6912 700 600 500 400 300 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Sflat G230M 2977flat52X2-6912 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Fig. 1 BOHLIN: pltwsflt 9-May-1997 15:54 Figure 1: Average lamp spectra RL (λ), aka spectral S-flat (below), and W, aka slit width W-flat (above), as collapsed along the slit direction and along the spectral direction, respectively. The mode is G230M at 2977Å with a 52x2” slit. The fiducials are filled via a set of exposures that are dithered by moving the slit along its long dimension. Within each panel, results are shown for the standard 11 iterations and for zero iterations as offset lower by a constant. The title of the plot includes the optmode, cenwave, and slitsize, while 6912 is the FSW number of the first image of the group from Table 1. 16 Wflat G230M 2659flat52X01 4000 3500 3000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 1500 2000 Sflat G230M 2659flat52X01 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0 500 1000 Fig. 2 BOHLIN: pltwsflt 9-May-1997 15:54 Figure 2: Same as Figure 1, except for the 52x0.1” slit and 2659Å. The structure of the W-flat is caused by irregularities in the narrow slit and by a smooth interpolation across the two fiducials. The blip on the S-flat trace is anemission line. 17 2977flat52X2-6912/(P*L) 750 Hires Row 1024 700 650 Iterations=11 Iterations=3 600 Iterations=1 Iterations=0 550 500 0 500 1000 x Pixel 1500 2000 Fig. 3 BOHLIN: deflat 21-Apr-1997 14:23 Figure 3: Row 1024 of a 2048x2048 hires image after correction with LP-flats derived with four different numbers of iterations. Since the LP-flats are applied to the same original data as used to define the flat, noise from counting statistics should cancel, leaving only the true illumination pattern and the artifacts of the procedure. As the iterations increase from bottom to top, the results becomes increasingly smooth and better represent the expected smooth spectrum of the continuum deuterium lamp. The curves are offset by 20 counts for clarity. 18 RESIDUAL NOISE IN 2977flat52X2-6912/(P*L) 1.000 Iterations=11, rms(%)= 0.06 Hires Row 1024 0.990 Iterations=3, rms(%)= 0.08 0.980 Iterations=1, rms(%)= 0.12 0.970 Iterations=0, rms(%)= 0.29 0.960 600 800 1000 x Pixel 1200 1400 Fig. 4 BOHLIN: deflat 21-Apr-1997 14:23 Figure 4: Central portion of the four curves from Figure 3 after division by a smooth spline fit. The rms scatter of the artifacts of the process drops dramatically with one iteration and more slowly, thereafter. The lower curves are offet progressively by 0.01. 19 MAMA2 L Flat G230M 0.98 1.02 L2659FLAT52X01.ITER0 Central Column Intensity & cols 10 & 118 1.01 1.00 0.99 0 20 40 60 80 Pixel in 128x128 binned image 100 Bohlin: 21-Apr-1997 16:13 20 120 Fig. 5a MAMA2 L Flat G230M 0.98 1.02 L2659FLAT52X01.FITS Central Column Intensity & cols 10 & 118 1.01 1.00 0.99 0 20 40 60 80 Pixel in 128x128 binned image 100 Bohlin: 21-Apr-1997 16:13 120 Fig. 5b Figure 5: L-flat for the 0.1” internal lamp spectrum of G230L at 2659Å for a) zero iterations and b) 11 iterations. The lumpiness before iterating is attributable to imperfect removal of the lamp signature from the MAMA detector response, which varies by ~4x between even and odd rows. The line traces overlaying the grey scale images are the intensities in the central column of the 128x128 image and are associated with the abscissa and ordinate coordinates. Pixel zero is at the bottom. 21 0.98 9pt median, 128x128 bin, Calstis geom MAMA2 Ratio G230M P2659flat52X2-6605/P2977flat52X2-6912 1.02 Bohlin: 22-Apr-1997 08:46 Fig. 6 Figure 6: Ratio of two P-flats obtained at Ball in 96Aug-Sep. Grey scale encoding is from 0.98 to 1.02, as indicated on the reference scale at the top. 22 0.98 9pt median, 128x128 bin, Calstis geom MAMA2 Ratio G230M P2659flat52X2-14654/P2977flat52X2-6912 1.02 Bohlin: 22-Apr-1997 09:24 Fig. 7 Figure 7: Same as Figure 6, except that the numerator image was obtained at GSFC in 96Nov. The pattern superposed on the statistical noise is the difference between the two flats. 23 Figure 8: Quantification of the difference between the two flats ratioed in Figure 7. The ratio image is divided into 8x8 blocks and the one sigma rms residual scatter is computed for three different NUV MAMA picture element sizes in each block. Each set of three numbers is this rms for resolution elements (2x2 lores px), for lores (2x2 hires px), and for hires readout mode from top to bottom, respectively. The rms residual scatter has the counting statistical uncertainty removed and is the net change attributable to the MAMA detector. The orientation of Figure 7 & 8 are the same, so that both figures show the most change in the top left portion. No block exceeds a 1% change per resolution element (2x2 lores pixels). 24 0.95 1.05 MAMA2 P Flat G230M PG230Msuperflat.fits Bohlin: 22-Apr-1997 09:53 Fig. 9 Figure 9: Binned 1024x1024 super P-flat, which is the combination of all P-flat quality data obtained in the 96Aug-Sep timeframe. Features visible are fringing due to the nonintegral relation between the microchannel plate pores and the MAMA pixels, a few blemishes, the hexagonal pattern of the bundles of microchannel plate pores, and fine structure in the orthogonal x-y directions. 25 MAMA2 L Flat G230M 0.98 1.02 L2659FLAT52X2-6605.FITS / L2659flat52x05.FITS Central Column Intensity 1.01 1.00 0.99 0 20 40 60 80 Pixel in 128x128 binned image 100 Bohlin: 9-May-1997 16:15 120 Fig. 10 Figure 10: Ratio image of two L-flats at the same wavelength with external illumination but with different slit sizes. Maximum differences are ~0.3%. The line plots from bottom to top and x,y axis labels show the intensity of column 10 (offset by -.01), the central column, and column 118 (offset by +.01) of the 128x128 pixel L-flat. The slit for the image with 52x05 in the name is 52x0.5”. 26 MAMA2 L Flat G230M 0.98 1.02 L2659FLAT52X01.FITS / L2659flat52x05.FITS Central Column Intensity 1.01 1.00 0.99 0 20 40 60 80 Pixel in 128x128 binned image 100 Bohlin: 9-May-1997 16:15 120 Fig. 11 Figure 11: As for Figure 10, except for the ratio of an internal L-flat to the same external flat used in the denominator of Figure 10. The plots for columns 10 and 118 demonstrate a smooth and systematic difference between the internal and external L-flat of -.8% in the top left corner to +.8% in the top right corner. 27 MAMA L Flat G230M 0.98 1.02 G230M_1915_AVG.FITS / G230M_2977_LFL.FITS Central Column Intensity & cols 10 & 118 1.01 1.00 0.99 0 20 40 60 80 Pixel in 128x128 binned image 100 Bohlin: 21-May-1997 16:37 120 Fig. 12 Figures 12-15: Ratio of core L-flat at 1915, 2176, 2419, and 2659Å to core flat at 2977Å, respectively. Grey scale and line plots are as in Figure 10. This series of four figures demonstrates continuity of change with respect to wavelength. 28 MAMA L Flat G230M 0.98 1.02 G230M_2176_LFL.FITS / G230M_2977_LFL.FITS Central Column Intensity & cols 10 & 118 1.01 1.00 0.99 0 20 40 60 80 Pixel in 128x128 binned image 100 Bohlin: 21-May-1997 16:37 120 Fig. 13 Figures 12-15: Ratio of core L-flat at 1915, 2176, 2419, and 2659Å to core flat at 2977Å, respectively. Grey scale and line plots are as in Figure 10. This series of four figures demonstrates continuity of change with respect to wavelength. 29 MAMA L Flat G230M 0.98 1.02 G230M_2419_LFL.FITS / G230M_2977_LFL.FITS Central Column Intensity & cols 10 & 118 1.01 1.00 0.99 0 20 40 60 80 Pixel in 128x128 binned image 100 Bohlin: 21-May-1997 16:37 120 Fig. 14 Figures 12-15: Ratio of core L-flat at 1915, 2176, 2419, and 2659Å to core flat at 2977Å, respectively. Grey scale and line plots are as in Figure 10. This series of four figures demonstrates continuity of change with respect to wavelength. 30 MAMA L Flat G230M 0.98 1.02 G230M_2659_LFL.FITS / G230M_2977_LFL.FITS Central Column Intensity & cols 10 & 118 1.01 1.00 0.99 0 20 40 60 80 Pixel in 128x128 binned image 100 Bohlin: 21-May-1997 16:37 120 Fig. 15 Figures 12-15: Ratio of core L-flat at 1915, 2176, 2419, and 2659Å to core flat at 2977Å, respectively. Grey scale and line plots are as in Figure 10. This series of four figures demonstrates continuity of change with respect to wavelength. 31 0.98 MAMA L Flat G230M 1.02 L2257flat52X2.fits / G230M_2257_LFL.fits Central Column Intensity & cols 10 & 118 1.01 1.00 0.99 0 20 40 60 80 Pixel in 128x128 binned image 100 Bohlin: 21-May-1997 17:00 120 Fig. 16 Figure 16: Ratio of measured L-flat for G230M at 2257Å to the higher S/N interpolated L-flat for the same wavelength. 32 0.98 MAMA L Flat X230M 1.02 L2703FLAT02X29.FITS / X230M_2703_LFL.fits Central Column Intensity & cols 10 & 118 1.01 1.00 0.99 0 20 40 60 80 Pixel in 128x128 binned image 100 Bohlin: 21-May-1997 17:00 120 Fig. 17 Figure 17: Ratio of measured L-flat for X230M at 2703Å to the higher S/N interpolated L-flat for the same wavelength. 33 0.98 MAMA L Flat X230H 1.02 L3010FLAT02X29.FITS / X230H_3010_LFL.fits Central Column Intensity & cols 10 & 118 1.01 1.00 0.99 0 20 40 60 80 Pixel in 128x128 binned image 100 Bohlin: 21-May-1997 17:00 120 Fig. 18 Figure 18: Ratio of measured L-flat for X230H at 3010Å to the higher S/N extrapolated L-flat for the same wavelength. 34