Instrument Science Report STIS 98-04 Spectroscopic Mode Image Quality of STIS I. First Order Modes Kailash Sahu, Steve Hulbert, Howard Lanning, Jennifer Christensen January 30, 1998 ABSTRACT This ISR reports the spectroscopic mode image quality of STIS first-order modes as determined from the on-orbit observations as part of the cycle-7 calibration program. Calibration spectra with an internal lamp were obtained for 7 first-order gratings using a narrow (2-pixel wide) slit, and were used to extract instrumental line profiles at different positions of the CCD and the MAMA detectors. The line-widths, measured at different positions of the detectors for different gratings, are presented graphically, and are found to be close to 2 pixels for all modes. The line profiles (shown in normal and log scales) are fairly well represented by a single Gaussian. The encircled energies are plotted as a function of the number of pixels, which show that most of the power is contained within +/- 2 pixels of the line center. 1. Introduction The spectroscopic mode image quality for different STIS modes was determined on ground and found to be well within the specification that the FWHM should be 2.5 pixels convolved with the diffraction width for each mode. It was important to determine whether there was any change during the launch and to determine the image quality onorbit. This was done through the cycle-7 calibration phase using programs 7077 and 7078 designed for the CCD and the MAMA detectors, respectively. This ISR gives the details of the results obtained from this program for the first-order modes. 2. Observation CCD Modes: Observations were taken using the internal line lamp with the 52”x0.1” slit, which projects to 2 pixels in the dispersion direction at the detector. Observations with the CCD 1 detector were made on 17 March 1997 for the first-order gratings G230LB, G230MB, G430L, G430M, G750L and G750M. Observations were taken at one central wavelength setting for each grating. Deep exposures were taken to check for extended wings of the lines and to ensure a complete field coverage for the lines. MAMA modes Observations for the MAMA modes were obtained between July 4 and July 6, 1997. Calibration lamp spectra were taken at a single central wavelength setting with the G140M, G140L, G230L and G230M gratings using with the 52”x0.05” slit, which projects to 2 pixels in the dispersion direction at the detector. Details of the observations are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Details of the observations Grating Slit width (arcsec) Central wavelength (A) Date of observation Exp. time (s) Setting (Amp) Lamp G230LB 0.1 2375 March 17 10 Line 10.0 G230MB 0.1 2697 March 17 30 Line 10.0 G430L 0.1 4300 March 17 5 Line 10.0 G430M 0.1 4451 March 17 50 Line 10.0 G750L 0.1 7751 March 17 5 Line 10.0 G750M 0.1 7795 March 17 30 Line 10.0 G140L 0.05 1425 July 4 600 Line 10.0 G140M 0.05 1371 July 4 1000 Line 10.0 G230L 0.05 2376 July 6 900 Line 3.8 G230M 0.05 2338 July 5 900 Line 10.0 3. The data reduction and results Dispersion solutions: Full details of the dispersion solutions and their accuracies for different modes are described in a separate ISR by Lanning et al. (1998). Line profile analysis: For the analysis of the line profiles, well exposed lines were chosen spanning the whole region of the detector. Typically 5 lines were selected, which cover the region close 2 to both edges as well as the central part of the detector. For each line, line profiles were investigated at 3 positions, the top, middle and the bottom part of the detector. 4. RESULTS Line-widths: Line profiles were extracted from the wavelength calibrated files, but the results are presented in terms of pixels which makes it easier to compare the results for all gratings in a consistent manner. Gaussians were fitted to the extracted line profiles, and the resulting FWHM values (in pixels) are presented in Figs. 1 to 3. Fig. 1 shows the results for the CCD L-modes, Fig. 2 shows the results for the CCD M-modes, and Fig. 3 shows the results for the MAMA L and M-modes. Line widths were measured across the entire field of view of the detectors and were found to be 2.0 +/- 0.2 pixels. This is consistent with that expected from the use of a 0.1 arcsec slit and is well within the specifications. There is no correlation between the line width and the position on the detector which implies that there is no significant tilt at the detector plane. Line profiles Figs. 4 to 15 show typical shapes of the observed line profiles. Note that line profiles were examined at various positions of the detector, and for many lines. No significant differences were found dependent on the position on the detector. A typical line profile for the G750L mode is shown in linear scale in Fig. 4, where the solid line is the observed profile, the dashed line is the Gaussian fit and the dotted line is the residual. It is clear from the figure that the line profiles do not show any sign of extended wings. Figs. 5 to 9 show the same for the other first order CCD gratings, and Figs. 10 and 11 show equivalent plots for the first-order MAMA gratings. Figs. 12 to 15 show the line profiles for the different CCD and MAMA modes in the logarithmic scale which would emphasize the presence of any wings at lower intensities. As seen in the figures, the line profile is well represented by a single Gaussian, without any significant contribution for a second component in the first order modes. Note that a scattering component was seen for the GHRS Echelle modes which could be represented by an extra Gaussian component (Cardelli et al. 1990, 1993). The STIS first-order modes do not show such a scattering component. The figures clearly show that the scattering component for the first-order modes is very small, and the LSF is close to what is expected when a 2-pixel wide slit is used. It should be emphasized that all the analyses presented here are valid only for the line-profiles taken with a two-pixel wide slit. With the use of a wider slit, the line profile is expected to be broader. It should also be noted that these results are for observations taken with internal lamp calibrations. The analysis of the line profiles obtained with external target is the sub- 3 ject of a separate investigation. However preliminary analysis of observations of an external target shows results similar to what is found for the internal lamp and the expectation is that the line profiles for external targets would be close to the line profiles observed with the internal lamps. Based on these results, the recommendation for the GOs would be to use a 2-pixel wide slit to obtain optimal instrumental line profiles. For point sources observed with a wider slit, the line profile will be affected by the PSF, and will be a convolution of the PSF with the inherent LSF of the instrumental setup. The principal effect of using a wider slit, however, is not to broaden the FWHM of the line profile (since the PSF is peaked), but to add low-intensity wings to the LSF. Encircled Energies Fig. 16 to 19, show the encircled energies as a function of the number of pixels from the line center. Figs. 16 and 17 show the plots for the CCD L and M modes, and Fig 18 and 19 show the same for the MAMA L and M modes respectively. In all cases, most of the power is contained within +/-2 pixels from the line center. The central 2 pixels typically have 60% of the flux and the central 4 pixel enclose >90% of the total flux in the line profile. This emphasizes the earlier conclusion that any scattered component in the line profiles contributes very little to the total flux. 4 Figure 1: FWHM of the line profiles for the CCD L-modes, as measured by fitting Gaussians to the observed line profiles. 5 Figure 2: The fwhm of the line profiles for the CCD M-modes. 6 Figure 3: The fwhm of the line profiles for the MAMA L and M-modes. 7 Figure 4: Representative line-profile for the G750L mode in linear scale. The solid curve is the observed profile, the dashed line is the Gaussian fit and the dotted curve is the residual. Line Profile for G750L (slit width = 2 pixels) Counts 30000 20000 10000 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 60 65 Pixel Figure 5: Representative line-profile for the G750M mode Line Profile for G750M (slit width = 2 pixels) 35000 30000 Counts 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 30 35 40 45 50 Pixel 8 55 Figure 6: Representative line-profile for the G430L mode Line Profile for G430L (slit width = 2 pixels) 5000 Counts 4000 3000 2000 1000 800 820 840 860 Pixel Figure 7: Representative line-profile for the G430M mode Line Profile for G430M (slit width = 2 pixels) 15000 12500 Counts 10000 7500 5000 2500 120 125 130 135 Pixel 9 140 145 150 Figure 8: Representative line-profile for the G230LB mode Line Profile for G230LB (slit width = 2 pixels) 200 175 150 Counts 125 100 75 50 25 770 775 780 785 790 Pixel Figure 9: Representative line-profile for the G230MB mode Line Profile for G230MB (slit width = 2 pixels) 700 600 Counts 500 400 300 200 100 0 250 260 270 Pixel 10 280 290 Figure 10: Representative line-profile for the G230L mode Line Profile for G230L (slit width = 2 pixels) 200 175 150 Counts 125 100 75 50 25 330 332 334 336 338 340 Pixel Figure 11: Representative line-profile for the G230M mode Line Profile for G230M (slit width = 2 pixels) 500 Counts 400 300 200 100 0 200 210 220 230 240 Pixel 11 250 260 270 Figure 12: Representative line profiles of the CCD L-modes shown in log scale. Line Profile for G750L (Log10 scale. slit width = 2pix) 4 Log10 Counts 3.5 3 2.5 2 430 440 450 460 470 480 Pixel Figure 13: Representative line profiles of the CCD M-modes shown in log scale. Line Profile for G750M (Log10 Scale. Slit width = 2pix) 8 Log10 Counts 7 6 5 4 780 785 790 Pixel 12 795 Figure 14: Representative line profiles of the MAMA L-modes shown in log scale. Line Profile for MAMA G230L (Log10 scale. slit width=2pix) 2.25 Log10 Counts 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1 .75 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 Pixel Figure 15: Representative line profiles of the MAMA M-modes shown in log scale. Line Profile for MAMA G140M (Log10 scale. slit width= 2pix) 1.75 1.5 Log10 Counts 1.25 1 .75 .5 .25 0 862 864 866 868 Pixel 13 870 Figure 16: The encircled energy as a function of no. of pixels for the CCD L-mode. Each bin in the x-axis corresponds to 2 pixels. Encircled Energy for G750L(slit width = 2pix) 100 Percent Counts 80 60 40 20 0 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 BIN ( 2 pix/bin) Figure 17: The encircled energy as a function of no. of pixels for the CCD M-mode. Each bin in the x-axis corresponds to 2 pixels. Encircled Energy for G750M (slit width=2pix) 100 Percent Counts 75 50 25 0 0 1 2 BIN (2pix/bin) 14 3 Figure 18: The encircled energy as a function of no. of pixels for the MAMA L-mode. Each bin in the x-axis corresponds to 2 pixels. Encircled Energy for MAMA G230L (slit width = 2pix) 100 90 Percent Counts 80 70 60 50 1 2 3 4 PIXEL Figure 19: The encircled energy as a function of no. of pixels for the MAMA M-mode. Each bin in the x-axis corresponds to 2 pixels. Encircled Energy for MAMA G140M (slit width = 2pix) 100 Percent Counts 80 60 40 1 2 3 4 PIXEL 15 5 References: 1. Cardelli, J.A., Ebbets, D.C., Savage, B.D., 1990, ApJ, 365, 789 2. Cardelli, J.A., Ebbets, D.C., Savage, B.D., 1993, ApJ, 413, 401 3. Sahu Kailash C., Hulbert, S., Lanning, H., Christensen, J, 1998, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. “Spectroscopic Mode Image Quality of STIS”, p1240 4. Lanning, H.H., Christensen, J., Beck, T.L., Lindler, D.J., Plait, P., Gull, T.R., Bradley, L., 1998, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. “STIS Dispersion Solution Calibration and Accuracy”, p1240 5. Lanning, H.H., Hulbert, S.J., Bradley, L., Gonnella, A., 1998, “STIS Dispersion Solution Calibration and Accuracy”, STIS ISR (in prep). 16