United Nations Conference on Trade and Development List of participants

United Nations
United Nations Conference
on Trade and Development
Distr.: General
29 September 2015
English/French/Spanish only
Ad Hoc Expert meeting on Sustainable fisheries
Geneva, 29 September-1 October 2015
List of participants
Note: The entries in this list are as provided to the secretariat.
<to be filled>
Mr. Nelson Samuel, Head of Research Department of Marketing and Distribution Network
of fishery Products, Ministry of FisheriesNational Directorate of Infrastructure and
Fishing Industry, Luanda
Ms. Peira Shannon, Permanent Mission to WTO
Mr. Eduardo Chikusa, Delegate, Permanent Mission to WTO
Ms. Rebeca Miranda, Intern, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Darren Mason, Permanent Mission to WTO
Ms. Marta Bonet, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Cook Islands
Mr. Ben Ponia, Secretary of Marine Resources, Ministry of Marine Resources, Cook
Costa Rica
Mr. Luis Fernandez, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to WTO
Mr. Juan Carlos Sanchez Troya, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Gabriel Garcia, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Nusta Maldonado, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Namita Khatri, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Charly Butin, Permanent Mission to the WTO, Geneva
Mrs. Mathilde Chareyron, Permanent Mission to the WTO, Geneva
Mr. Ahmad Rajabi, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Anastasia Concetti, Permanent Mission
Mr. Kazumesu Hori, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Tom Tombekai, Sectional Head for Compliance, Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
Mrs. V. Huzee Agarwal, Fisrt Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Maria Cristina Hernández, Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent
Mission to the WTO, Geneva
Mr. Maarten Koopmans, Permanent Mission, Geneva
New Zealand
Mr. Brown James, First Secretary, New Zealand Mission to the WTO, Geneva
Mr. Salem Al Rarsbi, Director General of fisheries marketing and investment, Ministry of
agricultural and fisheries, Muscat
Mr. Ismail Alfarsi, Director of the Department of Fisheries Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture
and Fisheries, Sur
Ms. Katia Angeles, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Ines Roncha, Intern, MNE Portugal
Papua New Guinea
Mr. Mark Ivekolia, Project Analyst, National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby
Ms. Audrina Dine, Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Solomon Islands
Ms. Christina Wini, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Jolina Tausinga
Mrs. Burcu Iskender Dugencioglu, Foreign Trade Specialist, Ministry of Economy, Ankara
Mr. George Ngobi, Permanent Mission, Geneva
United States
Mrs. Sarah Stewart, Director, Environment and Natural Resources, USTR, Washington
Intergovernmental organizations
African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP)
Mr. Marwa J. Kisiri, Head, Delegation Geneva
Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) Secretariat
Mr. Peter A. Murray, Programme Manager, Fisheries Management and Development,
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
Mr. Lawrence Othieno, Trade Expert, Lusaka
Mr. Mphumuzi Sukati
Commonwealth Secretariat
Ms. Jodie Keane, Economic Advisor, London
Mr. Jeff Ardron, Adviser, London
Ms. Maria Elena Chavez Hertig, Chargé d'affaires, Geneva
Ms. Rita Broni, Operations Officer, London
Ms. Aasirima Ahangama, Administrative Assistant, Geneva
European Union
Mr. Stefan Amarasinha, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the World Trade Organisation
Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Secretariat
Mr. Stanley Wapot, Program Manager, Governance and Sustainable Development, Port
World Trade Organization
Mr. Karsten Steinfatt, Counsellor, Trade and Environment Division, Geneva
Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Ms. Mere Falemaka, Permanent Representative to WTO, Geneva
Mr. Alex Kerangpuna, Trade Policy Officer
Mr. Michael Batty, Director, Fisheries Development
United Nations organs, bodies and programmes
Mr. Daniel Kacherlriess, Marine Species Officer, Geneva
Mr. Andrew Benton, intern, Geneva
Ms. Victoria Simon, Associate Programme Adviser, Gland
Ms. Gina Kim-Havert
Ms. Maria Luisa Macieira
United Nations Secretariat
Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea
United Nations Office of Legal Affairs
Mr. Michele Ameri, Legal Officer, New York
Specialized agencies and related organizations
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Mr. Lahsen Ababouch, Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy Division (FIP), Rome
Mr. Marcio Castro De Souza, Senior Fishery Industry Officer (Trade Issues), Rome
Ms. Victoria Chomo, Fishery Industry Officer (trade), Rome
Ms. Stefania Vannuccini, Fishery Statistician (Commodities), Rome
Mr. Ahmad Mukhtar, Geneva
Mr. Raymond Tavares, Industrial Development Officer, Vienna
Mr. Charly Butin, Intern WTO, Chaponost
Non-governmental organizations
Global Ocean Commission
Mr. Remi Parmentier, Deputy Executive Secretary, Madrid
Mrs. Ines De Agueda, Communications Officer, Oxford
International Institute for Sustainable Development/State of Sustainability Initiatives
Ms. Ann Wilkings, Consultant, Vilanova i la Geltrù
International Ocean Institute
Ms. Mahindokht Faghfouri, Vice-President, Geneva
Oak Foundation
Mr. Stephen Campbell, Campaign Leader/Program Officer, Geneva
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Mr. Markus Knigge, Senior Advisor, Berlin
United Planet
Mr. Massimo Restivo, Deputy President, Milano
World Wide Fund for Nature, International
Ms. Aimee Gonzales, Manager, Marine Ecosystem Services, Gland
Geneva Academy of International Humanitairan Law and Human Rights (ICEL)
Ms. Adriana Bessa
IEPALA Instituto para estudios económicos para Africa y América Latina
Mr. Paolo Bifani, Consultant, Clarafond-Arcine
The University of British Columbia
Mr. Rashid Sumaila, Professor, Vancouver
University of Geneva
Mr. Joachim Monkelbaan, Lecturer/independent consultant, Moens
Private sector
Mr. Juan Manuel Vieites Baptista De Sousa, Secretary General, Vigo
Asociación de Atuneros del Ecuador
Mr. Luigi Benincasa, Director Coordinador, Manta
Mr. Alberto González De Zárate, García De Cortázar, Senior Researcher, Vitoria-Gasteiz
CAF - Latin American Development Bank
Mr. René Gomez García, Senior Executive, Environment and Climate Change, Lima
Mr. Federico Vignati, Regional Manager - Andean Biotrade, Lima
Independent experts
Independent Consultant
Mr. Stephen Fevrier, Trade Expert, Vienna
Mrs. Silvia Jimenez, Independent Consultant, Veyrier
Mr. Peter Tierney, Development Consultant, Thoiry