Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 31, No. 10, 2016, pp. 257329. SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS: REPRESENTATIONS AND COMPOSITIONS OF 2-MORPHISMS MATTEO TOMMASINI In this paper we investigate the construction of bicategories of fractions originally described by D. Pronk: given any bicategory C together with a suitable class of morphisms W, one can construct a bicategory C [W−1 ], where all the morphisms of W are turned into internal equivalences, and that is universal with respect to this property. Most of the descriptions leading to this construction were long and heavily based on the axiom of choice. In this paper we considerably simplify the description of the equivalence relation on 2-morphisms and the constructions of associators, vertical and horizontal compositions in C [W−1 ], thus proving that the axiom of choice is not needed under certain conditions. The simplied description of associators and compositions will also play a crucial role in two forthcoming papers about pseudofunctors and equivalences between bicategories of fractions. Abstract. 1. Introduction In [P1996] Dorette Pronk introduced the notion of (right ) bicalculus of fractions, generalizing to the framework of bicategories the concept of (right) calculus of fractions, originally described by Pierre Gabriel and Michel Zisman in [GZ1967] in the framework of categories. To be more precise, given any bicategory C and any class W of 1-morphisms in it, one considers the following set of axioms: (BF1): for every object (BF2): W A of C, the 1-identity idA belongs to W; is closed under compositions; I would like to thank Dorette Pronk for several interesting discussions about her work on bicategories of fractions, and for some useful suggestions about this paper. I am also very thankful to the anonymous referee for carefully reading the rst version of this paper, and for lots of useful suggestions, in particular for pointing out that Lemmas 3.1, 3.2 and 3.4 could be used as a foundational part of this work, instead of being only described as a side result at the end of the paper (compare with the previous version of this work at I am also grateful to Stefano Maggiolo for his program Commu : it provides a simple interface for shortening the construction of diagrams with the package tikz. If you are interested, you can download it for free from Software/commu/ (only for Linux distributions and Mac). This research was mainly performed at the Mathematics Research Unit of the University of Luxembourg, thanks to the grant 4773242 by Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg. Received by the editors 2015-03-02 and, in nal form, 2016-04-14. Transmitted by Ieke Moerdijk. Published on 2016-04-19. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classication: 18A05, 18A30, 22A22. Key words and phrases: bicategories of fractions, bicalculus of fractions, pseudofunctors. c Matteo Tommasini, 2016. Permission to copy for private use granted. 257 MATTEO TOMMASINI 258 (BF3): w : A → B in W and for every morphism f : C → B , there 0 0 are an object D , a morphism w : D → C in W, a morphism f : D → A and an 0 0 invertible 2-morphism α : f ◦ w ⇒ w ◦f ; for every morphism (BF4): w : B → A in W, any pair of morphisms f 1 , f 2 : C → B 1 2 and any 2-morphism α : w ◦f ⇒ w ◦f , there are an object D , a morphism v : D → C in W and a 2-morphism β : f 1 ◦ v ⇒ f 2 ◦ v, such that the following (a) given any morphism two compositions are equal: B f1 v D ⇓ α C f2 (b) if α w v A, in (a) is invertible, then so is f1 ⇓ β D v w B C w B A; f2 C β; (D0 , v0 : D0 → C, β 0 : f 1 ◦ v0 ⇒ f 2 ◦ v0 ) is another triple with the same properties as (D, v, β) in (a), then there are an object E , a pair of morphisms u : E → D and u0 : E → D0 , and an invertible 2-morphism ζ : v ◦ u ⇒ v0 ◦ u0 , such that v ◦ u belongs to W and the following two compositions are equal: (c) if u D ⇓ ζ E u0 C v0 v0 (BF5): if w : A → B is a morphism 2-morphism v ⇒ w, invertible f1 ⇓ β0 D0 in C. u B, D v ⇓ ζ E u0 f2 C D0 f1 ⇓ β B; f2 C v0 W, v : A → B is any morphism v belongs to W. and if there is an then also For simplicity of exposition, in axioms of C v v (BF4a) and (BF4c) we omitted the associators Also in the rest of this paper we will omit all the associators of C, as well as the right and left unitors (except for the few cases where we cannot ignore them discussing coherence results); the interested reader can easily complete the proofs with the missing associators and unitors (by coherence, any two ways of lling a diagram of 2-morphisms C with such will give the same result). In particular, each statement in the rest of this paper (except Corollaries 4.4 and 8.1) is given without mentioning the associators of (as if C is a A pair 2-category ), (C , W) but holds also when C is simply a bicategory. is said to admit a (right ) bicalculus of fractions if all the axioms are satised (actually in [P1996, 2.1] condition C, (BF) (BF1) is slightly more restrictive than the version stated above, but it is not necessary for any of the constructions in that paper). −1 Under these conditions, Pronk proved that there are a bicategory C [W ] (called (right ) SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS bicategory of fractions ) and a pseudofunctor UW : C → C [W−1 ], 259 satisfying a universal property (see [P1996, Theorem 21]). In order to describe the main results of this paper, −1 we need to recall briey the construction of C [W ] as described in [P1996, 2]. −1 The objects of C [W ] are the same as those of C . A morphism from A to B in −1 0 C [W ] is any triple (A , w, f ), where A0 is an object of C , w : A0 → A is an element of W and f : A0 → B is a morphism of C . In order to compose such triples, we need to x the following set of choices: C(W): C for every set of data in as follows f A0 with W v in and W, f 0, B v B0 (1) (BF3) we choose an object A00 , a pair invertible 2-morphism ρ in C , as follows: using axiom and an of morphisms v0 in A00 v0 A0 f ρ ⇒ B Then, given any pair of morphisms from A f0 v to B0. (2) B and from B to C in C [W−1 ] as follows f := A w A 0 f B and g := B v B 0 g C (3) (with both w and v in W), in order to get data as in (2); after having done that, one sets Since axiom (BF3) (f, v) in the set C(W), g ◦ f := (A00 , w ◦ v0 , g ◦ f 0 ). one has to use the choice for the pair does not ensure uniqueness in general, the set of choices C(W) in general is not unique; therefore dierent sets of choices give rise to dierent compositions of morphisms, hence to dierent bicategories of fractions. Such dierent bicategories are equivalent by [P1996, Theorem 21] (using the axiom of choice). m m m Given any pair of objects A, B and any pair of morphisms (A , w , f ) : A → B −1 1 1 1 2 2 2 for m = 1, 2 in C [W ], a 2-morphism from (A , w , f ) to (A , w , f ) is an equivalence MATTEO TOMMASINI 260 class of data (A3 , v1 , v2 , α, β) in C as follows A1 w1 ⇓ α A f1 v1 ⇓ β A3 v2 w2 f2 A2 such that w1 ◦ v1 B, (4) belongs to W and such that α is invertible in C (in [P1996, 2.3] it is w2 ◦ v2 belongs to W, but this follows from (BF5)). Any other set of also required that data A1 w1 ⇓ α0 A f1 v01 A03 ⇓ β0 v02 w2 B f2 A2 (5) 1 01 0 (such that w ◦ v belongs to W and α is invertible) represents the same 2-morphism −1 4 0 1 2 in C [W ] if and only if there is a set of data (A , z, z , σ , σ ) in C as in the following diagram A1 v01 A03 v02 z0 σ1 ⇒ A4 σ2 ⇐ 2 A such that: • w1 ◦ v1 ◦ z belongs to • σ1 are both invertible; and σ2 W; v1 z A3 , v2 (6) SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS • the compositions of the following two diagrams are equal: z0 z0 v01 A03 z A4 • 261 ⇓ σ v1 1 v01 w1 ⇓ α A3 ⇓ σ A1 A, A4 z0 A1 w1 ⇓ α0 A03 A; 2 v2 03 A v02 A2 w2 v02 A2 w2 (7) the compositions of the following two diagrams are equal: z0 z A4 z0 v01 A03 ⇓ σ v1 1 A03 f1 ⇓ β A3 ⇓ σ A1 v01 B, A4 z0 A1 f1 ⇓ β0 A03 B. 2 v2 v02 A2 f2 v02 A2 f2 (8) w1 ◦ v01 ◦ z0 belongs to w1 ◦ σ 1 : w1 ◦ v01 ◦ z0 ⇒ For symmetry reasons, in [P1996, 2.3] it is also required that W, but this follows from (BF5), using the invertible 2-morphism w1 ◦ v1 ◦ z, so we will always omit this unnecessary technical condition. The previous relation is an equivalence relation. We denote by h i 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 A , v , v , α, β : A , w , f =⇒ A , w , f the class of any data as in (4); these classes are the 2-morphisms (9) of the bicategory of fractions. With an abuse of notation, we will say that diagram (4) is equivalent to (5) 3 1 2 03 01 02 0 0 meaning that the data (A , v , v , α, β) are equivalent to the data (A , v , v , α , β ). 3 1 2 Analogously, we will say that (4) represents (9) meaning that the data (A , v , v , α, β) −1 represent (9). We denote the morphisms of C [W ] by f , g, · · · and the 2-morphisms −1 by Γ, ∆, · · · . Even if C is a 2-category, in general C [W ] will only be a bicategory (with trivial right and left unitors, but non-trivial associators if the set of choices C(W) is non-unique). From time to time we will have to take care explicitly of the associators −1 C ,W of C [W ]; whenever we will need to write them we will use the notation Θ• . Until now we have not described how associators and vertical/horizontal compositions of 2-morphisms are constructed in C [W−1 ]. For such constructions, in [P1996, 2.2, 2.3 and Appendix] it is required to x an additional set of choices: D(W): w : B → A in W, any pair of morphisms f 1 , f 2 : C → B and 1 2 any 2-morphism α : w ◦f ⇒ w ◦f , using axiom (BF4a) we choose a morphism v : D → C in W and a 2-morphism β : f 1 ◦ v ⇒ f 2 ◦ v, such that α ◦ v = w ◦β . for any morphism MATTEO TOMMASINI 262 Having xed also this additional set of choices, the descriptions of associators and vertical/horizontal compositions in [P1996] are very long and they do not allow much freedom on some additional choices that are done at each step of the construction (see the explicit descriptions in the next pages). Dierent sets of choices set of choices C(W)) D(W) (with a xed might appear to lead to dierent bicategories of fractions, having the same objects, morphisms, 2-morphisms and unitors, but (a priori) dierent associa- tors and vertical/horizontal compositions. The bicategories obtained with dierent sets of choices D(W) (with a xed set of choices C(W)) are obviously equivalent (using the already mentioned [P1996, Theorem 21]), but one cannot get better results using only the statements of [P1996]. In this paper we will prove that the choices dierent sets of choices D(W) D(W) are actually not necessary because (with a xed set of choices C(W)) give the same bicate- gory of fractions instead of simply equivalent ones. In the process of proving this fact, we will also considerably simplify the descriptions of associators and vertical/horizontal −1 compositions in C [W ], thus providing a useful set of tools for explicit computations in any bicategory of fractions. In order to prove these results, we will rst need a simple way of comparing (representatives of ) associators and vertical/horizontal compositions induced by dierent sets of choices D(W). More generally, since the current way of comparing representatives of 2-morphisms (based on the existence of a set of data (A4 , z, z0 , σ 1 , σ 2 )) is too long, we will prove (and then use) the following comparison result for any pair of −1 the same source and target in C [W ]. 1.1. Proposition. 2-morphisms with (comparison of 2-morphisms in C [W−1 ]) Let us x any pair (C , W) satisfying conditions (BF), any pair of objects A, B , any pair of morphisms f m := (Am , wm , f m ) : A → B for m = 1, 2 and any pair of 2-morphisms Γ, Γ0 : f 1 ⇒ f 2 in C [W−1 ]. Then there are an object A3 , a morphism v1 : A3 → A1 in W, a morphism v2 : A3 → A2 , an invertible 2-morphism α : w1 ◦ v1 ⇒ w2 ◦ v2 and a pair of 2-morphisms γ, γ 0 : f 1 ◦ v1 ⇒ f 2 ◦ v2 , such that: h i h i 0 3 1 2 0 Γ = A3 , v1 , v2 , α, γ and Γ = A , v , v , α, γ . (10) In other words, given any pair of 2-morphisms with the same source and target in C [W−1 ], they admit representatives which only dier (possibly ) in the last variable. 1 2 0 Moreover, given any pair of 2-morphisms Γ, Γ : f ⇒ f with representatives satisfying (10), the following facts are equivalent: (i ) Γ = Γ0 ; (ii ) there are an object and a morphism A4 and a γ ◦ z = γ 0 ◦ z. (iii ) there are an object and such that A4 morphism z : A4 → A3 in z : A4 → A3 , W, such that such that v1 ◦ z γ ◦ z = γ 0 ◦ z; belongs to W SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS 263 UW : C → C [W−1 ] mentioned only 2-full and 2-faithful modulo This result implies that the universal pseudofunctor above in general is not morphisms of W 2-full, neither 2-faithful, but (for more details, see Remark 3.5). Using Proposition 1.1 we will show some simple procedures (still long, but shorter than the original ones in [P1996]) in order to compute: (i) the associators of C [W−1 ]: in Proposition 4.1 we show how to compute associa- tors in a way that does not depend on the set of choices (ii) vertical composition of 2-morphisms: in Proposition 5.1 we will prove that this construction does not depend on the set of choices D(W). D(W); C(W) nor on the set of choices In other words, vertical compositions are the same in any bicategory of fractions for (C , W) (a priori we only knew that objects, morphisms, and unitors are the same in any bicategory of fractions for (iii) 2-morphisms (C , W)); horizontal composition of 2-morphisms with 1-morphisms on the left (Proposition 6.1) and on the right (Proposition 7.1): in both cases we will prove that the composition does not depend on the set of choices D(W). We omit here the precise statements of the four propositions mentioned above since they are rather long and technical. Note that the explicit construction of representatives for associators and vertical/horizontal compositions in a bicategory of fractions will still depend: • on a choice of representatives for the 2-morphisms that we want to compose (in Propositions 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1); • on some additional choices of data of C (these are the choices called (F1) (F10) in the next sections). However, any two representatives (for an associator or a vertical/horizontal composition), even if they are constructed in dierent ways and hence appear dierent, are actually representatives for the same 2-morphism. If you need to use the constructions described in Propositions 4.1, 5.1, 6.1 or 7.1 for associators and vertical/horizontal compositions but you don't remember the precise statements, the general philosophy behind all such results is the following: (a) rstly, you have to use the set of choices C(W) in order to construct the compositions −1 on the level of 1-morphisms of C [W ] (see (3)); (b) now you need to construct a representative of a 2-morphism between the morphisms constructed in (a). If you need to compute associators, jump to point (c) below; if you need to compute compositions of the form (ii) and (iii), then the diagram that you want to construct can be partially lled with chosen representatives for the 2-morphisms 2-morphisms of C , coming from any that we are composing; MATTEO TOMMASINI 264 (c) the missing holes in the diagram that you are constructing can be lled using axioms (BF3) and (BF4) nitely many times (an example of such an iterative procedure can be found in the remarks following each proposition mentioned above); (d) in general, axioms (BF3) and (BF4) do not ensure uniqueness: in (c) you might get dierent llings for the holes, and hence dierent diagrams. The results in Propositions 4.1, 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 ensure that dierent choices in (b) and (c) induce −1 diagrams representing the same 2-morphism in C [W ]. So you do not have to worry about the choices made above: you simply take the equivalence class of the diagram that you constructed, and you are done. Each horizontal composition in any bicategory can be obtained as a suitable combination of compositions of the form (ii) and (iii). Thus Propositions 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 prove −1 immediately that horizontal compositions in C [W ] do not depend on the set of choices D(W). This, together with (i) and (ii), implies at once the main result of this paper: 1.2. Theorem. tions (BF). (the structure of C [W−1 ]) Let us x any pair (C , W) satisfying condi- Then the construction of i.e., dierent sets of choices C(W) C [W−1 ] depends only on the set of choices (for any xed set of choices C(W)) C(W), give the same bicategory of fractions, instead of only equivalent ones. In particular, we get immediately: 1.3. Corollary. Let us suppose that for each pair a unique choice of (A00 , v0 , f 0 , ρ) as in C(W). (f, v) with v in W Then the construction of as in (1) there is C [W−1 ] does not depend on the axiom of choice. The same result holds if unique choice above is replaced by canonical choice (i.e., when there is a canonical choice of pullback diagrams or iso comma squares for axiom (BF3)). In Section 8 we will show some explicit applications of the results mentioned so far. In particular, we will describe a simple procedure for checking the invertibility of a 2- morphism in any bicategory of fractions: 1.4. Proposition. (invertibility of 2-morphisms in C [W−1 ]) Let us x any pair (C , W) satisfying conditions (BF), any pair of morphisms f m := (Am , wm , f m ) : A → B 1 2 −1 in C [W ] for m = 1, 2 and any 2-morphism Γ : f ⇒ f . Then the following facts are equivalent: C [W−1 ]; (i ) Γ is invertible in (ii ) Γ has a representative as in (4), such that (iii ) given any representative (4) for 3 A in W, such that β◦u , such that v ◦u belongs to is invertible in there are an object is invertible in A4 C; and a morphism u : A4 → C; Γ, there are an object A4 and a morphism u : A4 → W and such that β ◦ u is invertible in C . (iv ) given any representative (4) for 3 1 A Γ, β SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS Note that in (4) α is always invertible by the denition of 265 2-morphism in As another application, we obtain a nice description of some associators in terms of the associators in the original bicategory C. C [W−1 ]. C [W−1 ] in For the precise statement we refer directly to Corollary 8.1. We are going to apply all the results mentioned so far in the next two papers [T2014(a)] and [T2014(b)], where we will investigate the problem of constructing pseudofunctors and equivalences between bicategories of fractions. In the Appendix of this paper we will give an alternative description of 2-morphisms in any bicategory of fraction, inspired by the results of Proposition 1.1. This alternative description is not further exploited in this paper since it does not interact well with vertical and horizontal compositions; it does seem interesting for other purposes as it is considerably simpler than the description given above: equivalence where each representative is a collection of 5 instead of having classes of (A3 , v1 , v2 , α, β) as in (4), data we have classes of equivalence where each representative is a collection of 3 data of C. In addition, the equivalence relation in this alternative description is much simpler than the one recalled above. 2. Notations and basic lemmas We mainly refer to [L] and [PW, 1] for a general overview on bicategories, pseudofunctors (i.e., homomorphisms of bicategories), lax natural transformations and modications. For simplicity of exposition, each composition of −1 denoted by ◦, both in C and in C [W ]. 1-morphisms and 2-morphisms In the rest of this paper we will often use the following four easy lemmas. will be Even if each of them is not dicult for experts in this area, they may be harder for inexperienced readers; so we give a detailed proof for each of them. (C , W) satisfying conditions (BF). Let us x any morw : B → A in W, any pair of morphisms f 1 , f 2 : C → B and any pair of 2-morphisms γ, γ 0 : f 1 ⇒ f 2 , such that w ◦ γ = w ◦ γ 0 . Then there are an object E and a 0 morphism u : E → C in W, such that γ ◦ u = γ ◦ u. 2.1. Lemma. Let us x any pair phism Proof. We set: α := w ◦ γ : w ◦f 1 =⇒ w ◦f 2 . Then condition (BF4a) is obviously satised by the set of data: D := C, v := idC , β := γ : f 1 ◦ v =⇒ f 2 ◦ v . MATTEO TOMMASINI 266 Since we have also α = w ◦ γ0 D0 := C, Then by W) (BF4c) by hypothesis, v0 := idC , (BF4a) β 0 := γ 0 : f 1 ◦ v0 =⇒ f 2 ◦ v0 . E , a pair of morphisms u, u0 : E → C 2-morphism ζ : u ⇒ u0 , such that: γ 0 ◦ u0 ◦ f 1 ◦ ζ = f 2 ◦ ζ ◦ γ ◦ u . there are an object and an invertible Using the coherence axioms on the bicategory 0 implies that γ ◦ u = γ ◦ u. C The next two lemmas prove that if conditions (BF4a) and (BF4b) is also satised by the data: and the fact that (BF) ζ w morphism z belongs to z ◦ w belongs to W for some (BF3), (BF4a) and (BF4b) when in we choose W in hold, then conditions (BF3), w. To be it is sucient to impose that (as a special case, one gets back again as a 1-identity). (BF). Let us choose any 0 quadruple of objects A, B, B , C and any triple of morphisms w : A → B , z : B → B and f : C → B , such that both z and z ◦ w belong to W. Then there are an object D , a 0 0 morphism w in W, a morphism f and an invertible 2-morphism α as follows: 2.2. Lemma. Let us x any pair (C , W) z W, u is invertible, this hold under less restrictive conditions on the morphism more precise, instead of imposing that (with satisfying conditions 0 D ⇑ w0 C z◦w f0 A α f w B z B0. W, we can apply axiom (BF3) to the pair of morphisms (z ◦f, z ◦ w), so we get an object E , a morphism t : E → C in W, a morphism g : E → A and an invertible 2-morphism γ : z ◦f ◦ t ⇒ z ◦ w ◦ g . Since z belongs to W, we can apply (BF4a) and (BF4b) to the invertible 2-morphism γ . So there are an object D , a morphism r : D → E in W and an invertible 2-morphism α : f ◦ t ◦ r ⇒ w ◦ g ◦ r, such 0 0 that γ ◦ r = z ◦ α. Then we set f := g ◦ r : D → A and w := t ◦ r : D → C ; this last morphism belongs to W by construction and (BF2). This suces to conclude. Proof. Since belongs to (BF). Let us choose any 0 quadruple of objects A, A , B, C and any quadruple of morphisms w : B → A, z : A → A 1 2 and f , f : C → B , such that both z and z ◦ w belong to W. Moreover, let us x any 2-morphism α : w ◦f 1 ⇒ w ◦f 2 . Then there are an object D, a morphism v : D → C 1 2 in W and a 2-morphism β : f ◦ v ⇒ f ◦ v, such that α ◦ v = w ◦β . Moreover, if α is invertible, so is β . 2.3. Lemma. Let us x any pair 0 (C , W) satisfying conditions SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS f1 v D z◦w C v w ⇓ α C f2 Proof. Since B z A A0 , w f1 ⇓ β D B v B W, we can apply (BF4a) w A z A0 . f2 C belongs to 267 to the 2-morphism z ◦ α : (z ◦ w) ◦ f 1 =⇒ (z ◦ w) ◦ f 2 . So there are an object f 2 ◦ t, E, a morphism t:E→C in W and a 2-morphism γ : f 1 ◦ t ⇒ such that: z ◦ α ◦ t = z ◦ w ◦ γ. Since in W, z belongs to W, by Lemma 2.1 there are an object D and a morphism r : D → E such that: α ◦ t◦r = w◦γ ◦ r. (11) v := t ◦ r : D → C ; this morphism belongs to W by construction 1 2 and (BF2). Moreover, we set β := γ ◦ r : f ◦ v ⇒ f ◦ v. Then from (11) we get that α ◦ v = w ◦ β . Moreover, if α is invertible, then by (BF4b) so is γ , hence so is β . Then we dene (C , W) satisfying conditions (BF), any triple of objects A, B, C and any pair of morphisms w : C → B and z : B → A, such that both z and z ◦ w belong to W. Then there are an object D and a morphism v as below, such that w ◦ v belongs to W: 2.4. Lemma. Let us x any pair D v C w z B A. (BF3) on the pair (z, z ◦ w). Since z ◦ w belongs to object R, a morphism p in W, a morphism q and an Proof. First of all, we apply axiom W by hypothesis, there are an invertible 2-morphism α as below: R p B z α ⇒ A q z◦w C. (BF4a) and (BF4b) to the invertible 2-morphism α : z ◦ p ⇒ z ◦(w ◦ q). Since z belongs to W by hypothesis, there are an object D, a morphism r : D → R in W and an invertible 2-morphism β : p ◦ r ⇒ w ◦ q ◦ r, such that α ◦ r = z ◦β . Now let us apply axioms MATTEO TOMMASINI 268 p and r belong to W, hence also p ◦ r belongs to W by axiom (BF2). Since β is invertible, then by (BF5) we conclude that also w ◦ q ◦ r belongs to W. Then in order to conclude it suces to dene v := q ◦ r : D → C . By construction both 3. Comparison of 2-morphisms in a bicategory of fractions In this section we are going to prove Proposition 1.1. First of all, we need the following A = A0 and z = idA , but lemma. In most of this paper this result will be applied with we need to state it in this more general form since the presence of a non-trivial z will be crucial in a couple of points in the paper. (C , W) satisfying conditions (BF), and any set of data z, z ◦ w1 , z ◦ w2 , z ◦ w1 ◦ p and z ◦ w1 ◦ r all belong to W, and 3.1. Lemma. Let us x any pair as follows in such that ς C , such that η are both invertible: and A1 w1 A0 z p ⇓ ς A A1 w1 z A0 E r ⇓ η F. A q s w2 w2 A2 A2 Then there are: (1 ) a pair of objects G and A3 ; (2 ) a morphism t1 : G → E , (3 ) a morphism t2 : G → F ; (4 ) a morphism t3 : A3 → G (5 ) a pair of invertible such that in p ◦ t1 belongs to W; W; 2-morphisms ε and κ in C as follows: A3 G t1 E p ε ⇒ A1 t2 r t3 F, G s ◦ t2 κ ⇒ A2 t3 q ◦ t1 G, SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS such that ς ◦ t1 ◦ t3 is equal to the composition of the following diagram: t1 G t3 E ⇓ ε F t2 ⇓ κ p r A1 ⇓ η A2 s A3 269 t3 G E t1 q w1 w2 A. (12) The choice of symbols in Lemma 3.1 may seem curious at rst. It makes sense once we combine this lemma with Lemma 3.2 below. 0 First of all, let us prove the special case when A = A and z = idA . 1 2 1 1 In this case the hypotheses imply that w , w , w ◦ p and w ◦ r all belong to W. Since 1 1 0 both w and w ◦ p belong to W, by Lemma 2.4 there are an object E and a morphism v : E 0 → E , such that p ◦ v belongs to W. Proof. Step 1. Since both w 1 phism e t :G→ 1 w1 ◦ r belong to W, by Lemma 2.2 there are an object G, a morE 0 in W, a morphism t2 : G → F and an invertible 2-morphism ε as and follows: G 1 e t E0 We set (BF2) the v E p F. r 1 1 t1 := v ◦ et : G → E . By construction p ◦ v and et both belong to W; 1 1 morphism p ◦ t = p ◦ v ◦ e t belongs to W, so condition (2) is veried. By hypothesis and construction, both belongs to t2 ε ⇒ A1 W. So using axiom (BF5) w1 and p ◦ t1 belong to on the invertible so by W, hence w1 ◦ p ◦ t1 also 2-morphism ς −1 ◦ t1 : w2 ◦ q ◦ t1 =⇒ w1 ◦ p ◦ t1 , w2 belongs to W by hypothesis, using 1 Lemma 2.2 we conclude that there are an object H , a morphism z : H → G in W, a 2 morphism z : H → G and an invertible 2-morphism φ as follows: we get that w2 ◦ q ◦ t1 also belongs to W. Since H z1 G s ◦ t2 φ ⇒ A2 z2 q ◦ t1 G. MATTEO TOMMASINI 270 Now let us denote by α : (w2 ◦ q ◦ t1 ) ◦ z2 ⇒ (w2 ◦ q ◦ t1 ) ◦ z1 z2 H t1 G ⇓ φ−1 G z1 q E A2 ⇓ η −1 s t2 F ⇓ ε−1 E t1 the following composition: w2 A1 ⇓ ς r p w1 A. w2 2 A q (13) Since all the 2-morphisms above are invertible, so is α; moreover we already said that w ◦ q ◦ t1 belongs to W. Therefore using axioms (BF4a) and (BF4b) on α, we get an 3 3 3 2 3 object A , a morphism z : A → H in W and an invertible 2-morphism β : z ◦ z ⇒ z1 ◦ z3 , such that α◦z3 = (w2 ◦ q ◦ t1 )◦ β . The previous identity together with (13) implies 2 that the following composition z1 A3 z3 E ⇓ ε F t2 H ⇓ β H z3 t1 G z2 p r ⇓ φ G z1 A1 ⇓ η s E t1 A2 q w1 w2 A (14) is equal to the following one: A3 Since both (BF2). z1 and z3 z3 H z1 belong to G W t1 p A1 ⇓ ς w1 q 2 w2 E A. A t3 := z1 ◦ z3 : A3 → G by the composition of φ and β by construction, so does Then in order to conclude it suces to dene κ as as on the left hand side of (14). So we have proved the lemma in the special case when A = A0 and z = idA . Step 2. Let us prove the general case: for that, we consider the diagrams: z ◦ w1 A0 idA0 A0 A1 z ◦ w1 p ⇓ z◦ς E A0 idA0 A0 A2 r ⇓ z◦η F. q z ◦ w2 A1 s z ◦ w2 A2 SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS 271 Using Step 1, there are: (1) a pair of objects G and e3 ; A (2) a morphism t1 : G → E , (3) a morphism t2 : G → F ; (4) a morphism e3 → G et 3 : A such that in belongs to W; W; 2-morphisms ε (5) a pair of invertible p ◦ t1 and κ e in C as follows: G t1 E such that ε ⇒ A1 p 3 z ◦ ς ◦ t1 ◦ et e3 A t2 r F, G t1 3 t2 ⇓ κ e E ⇓ ε F Since So there e t 3 e t s ◦ t2 q ◦ t1 G, p r s e3 A κ e ⇒ A2 is equal to the composition of the following diagram: G e t e t 3 G 3 t1 E q A1 ⇓ η A2 w1 w2 z A A0 . z belongs to W by hypothesis, we can apply Lemma 2.1 to the previous identity. 3 3 e3 in W, such that ς ◦ t1 ◦ et 3 ◦ u are an object A and a morphism u : A → A coincides with the following composition: t1 G e t 3 t2 ⇓ κ e A3 u E ⇓ ε F p r s e3 A 3 e t Then it suces to set G 3 t3 := et ◦ u t1 and E κ := κ e◦u q A1 ⇓ η A2 w1 w2 A. in order to prove the general case. MATTEO TOMMASINI 272 (C , W) satisfying conditions (BF), any pair of objects A, B , any pair of morphisms f := (Am , wm , f m ) : A → B for m = 1, 2, and any pair of 2-morphisms Γ, Γ0 : f 1 ⇒ f 2 in C [W−1 ]. Let us x any representative (E, p, q, ς, ψ) for Γ and (F, r, s, η, µ) for Γ0 as follows: 3.2. Lemma. Let us x any pair m A1 w1 p ⇓ ς A f1 ⇓ ψ E A1 w1 B, ⇓ η A f1 r ⇓ µ F q B. s w2 w2 f2 2 f2 2 A A Let us x any set of data (1 ) (5 ) as in Lemma 3.1. Then (15) Γ, respectively Γ0 , has a representative as follows: A1 w1 p ◦ t1 ◦ t3 ⇓ ς ◦ t1 ◦ t3 A A1 A3 w1 ⇓ ψ ◦ t1 ◦ t3 q ◦ t1 ◦ t3 w2 f1 B, A ⇓ ς ◦ t1 ◦ t3 ⇓ ϕ A3 q ◦ t1 ◦ t3 w2 f2 f1 p ◦ t1 ◦ t3 A2 B, f2 A2 (16) where ϕ is the following composition: t1 G E ⇓ ε t2 t3 p r F ⇓ κ s A 3 Proof. Since since Γ and 0 Γ G t3 f1 and are f2 E t1 q A1 ⇓ µ A2 f1 f2 B. (17) C [W−1 ], w1 and w2 belong to W. Moreover, 1 1 bicategory, w ◦ p and w ◦ r also belong to W. are morphisms in 2-morphisms in such a So a set of data (1) (5) as in Lemma 3.1 exists. Now we claim that: (a) the following two diagrams are equivalent, i.e., they represent the same −1 of C [W ]: 2-morphism SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS A1 w1 A1 f1 p ⇓ ς A 273 E ⇓ ψ w1 B A ⇓ ς ◦ t1 ◦ t3 A3 ⇓ ψ ◦ t1 ◦ t3 q w2 f2 f1 p ◦ t1 ◦ t3 q ◦ t1 ◦ t3 w2 A2 B; f2 A2 (b) the following two diagrams are equivalent: A1 w1 A1 ⇓ η F A f1 r ⇓ µ w1 B A ⇓ ς ◦ t1 ◦ t3 A3 f2 ⇓ ϕ q ◦ t1 ◦ t3 s w2 f1 p ◦ t1 ◦ t3 w2 A2 B. f2 A2 In order to prove such claims, let us consider the following set of data: A1 p ◦ t1 ◦ t3 A3 idA3 q ◦ t1 ◦ t3 ip ◦ t1 ◦ t3 ⇒ A3 iq ◦ t1 ◦ t3 ⇐ A1 p ◦ t1 ◦ t3 p t1 ◦ t3 E, A3 q idA3 q ◦ t1 ◦ t3 A2 ε ◦ t3 ⇒ A3 κ ⇐ r t2 ◦ t3 F. s A2 (18) Then claim (a) follows at once using the set of data on the left hand side of (18) and −1 from the description of 2-cells of C [W ]. Claim (b) follows easily using the set of data on the right hand side of (18) together with the identities of (12) and of (17). f m := (Am , wm , f m ) : A → B for C [W−1 ]. Moreover, let us x any set of 3.3. Corollary. Let us x any pair of morphisms m = 1, 2 and any 2-morphism Φ : f 1 ⇒ f 2 data in C as follows in MATTEO TOMMASINI 274 A1 w1 p ⇓ ς A E, q w2 A2 w1 ◦ p belongs to W and ς is invertible. Then there are an object A3 , a morphism t : A → E such that p ◦ t belongs to W, and a 2-morphism ϕ : f 1 ◦ p ◦ t ⇒ f 2 ◦ q ◦ t in C , such that Φ is represented by the following diagram: such that 3 A1 w1 ⇓ ς ◦ t A3 A f1 p◦t ⇓ ϕ B. q◦t w2 f2 A2 (19) Proof. The proof follows the same ideas mentioned in the proof of Lemma 3.2 for it suces to set t := t1 ◦ t3 . The fact that p ◦ t belongs to W follows from Γ0 := Φ; (BF2) together with conditions (2) and (4) in Lemma 3.1. (C , W) satisfying conditions (BF), any pair of objects A, B , any pair of morphism f := (Am , wm , f m ) : A → B for m = 1, 2 and any pair of 2-morphisms Γ, Γ0 : f 1 ⇒ f 2 in C [W−1 ]. Let us suppose that there are an object A3 , 1 2 1 1 a pair of morphisms v and v (such that w ◦ v belongs to W) and 2-morphisms α, γ 0 and γ in C (with α invertible ) as below, such that the following diagrams represent Γ, 0 respectively Γ : 3.4. Lemma. Let us x any pair m A1 w1 w2 A3 v2 A2 ⇓ γ A1 w1 v1 ⇓ α A f1 B, ⇓ α A ⇓ γ0 A3 v2 w2 f2 f1 v1 A2 B. f2 Then the following facts are equivalent: (i ) Γ = Γ0 ; (ii ) there are an object and a morphism A4 and a γ ◦ z = γ 0 ◦ z. (iii ) there are an object and such that A4 morphism z : A4 → A3 in z : A4 → A3 , W, such that such that v1 ◦ z γ ◦ z = γ 0 ◦ z; belongs to W SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS 275 2-cells (E , r , r , σ, ρ) in Proof. Let us suppose that (i) holds and let us prove (iii). Using the description of of C C [W ] −1 that we recalled in the Introduction, there is a set of data 1 1 2 as in the internal part of the following diagram A1 v1 r2 A3 v1 σ ⇒ E1 ρ ⇐ v2 r1 A3 , v2 A2 such that: • w 1 ◦ v 1 ◦ r1 • σ and • α ◦ r2 ρ belongs to W; are both invertible in is equal to the following composition: A3 ⇓ σ r2 r1 E1 r2 • γ 0 ◦ r2 C; v1 v1 A3 ⇓ ρ A3 A1 w1 ⇓ α A; v2 A2 v2 w2 (20) is equal to the following composition: A3 ⇓ σ r2 r1 E1 r2 v1 v1 A3 ⇓ ρ A3 A1 f1 ⇓ γ B. v2 v2 A2 f2 (21) 2-morphism in C [W−1 ], w1 and w1 ◦ v1 both belong to W; so 2 3 2 1 Lemma 2.3 applied to σ there are an object E , a morphism r : E → E in W and invertible 2-morphism σ e : r2 ◦ r3 ⇒ r1 ◦ r3 , such that v1 ◦ σ e = σ ◦ r3 . Since Γ is a w1 ◦ v1 belongs to W, by (BF5) applied α−1 we get that also w2 ◦ v2 W; since also w2 belongs to W, by Lemma 2.3 applied to ρ ◦ r3 there are an Since by an belongs to 3 object E , MATTEO TOMMASINI 276 4 3 2 a morphism r : E → E in W and an invertible 2-morphism ρ e : r1 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ⇒ r2 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 , 2 such that v ◦ ρ e = ρ ◦ r3 ◦ r4 . Using (20), this implies that α ◦ r2 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 is equal to the following composition: r3 E2 r4 E r3 E1 ⇓ σ e A1 r1 E1 ⇓ ρe 3 E r4 2 r3 v1 r2 E ⇓ α A3 r2 w1 A. w2 v2 1 2 A 1 1 Since α is invertible by hypothesis, the previous identity implies that w ◦ v ◦ σ e ◦ r4 = 1 −1 1 1 4 w ◦ v ◦ ρe . Since w ◦ v belongs to W, by Lemma 2.1 there are an object E and a 5 4 3 morphism r : E → E in W, such that 1 σ e ◦ r4 ◦ r5 = ρe−1 ◦ r5 . From (21) we get that γ 0 ◦ r2 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r5 r3 E2 r4 E 4 r5 E r3 is equal to the following composition: E1 ⇓ σ e E1 ⇓ ρe 3 r4 E 2 r3 (22) A1 r1 E f1 ⇓ γ A3 r2 1 v1 r2 B. f2 v2 2 A (23) From (22) and (23) we conclude that γ 0 ◦ r2 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r5 = γ ◦ r2 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r5 . (24) 1 1 1 1 1 2 By construction we have that w ◦ v ◦ r belongs to W, so also w ◦ v ◦ r belongs to W (using (BF5) on w1 ◦ σ ). By construction r3 , r4 and r5 also belong to W. Using (BF2), 1 1 2 3 4 5 we conclude that also the morphism w ◦ (v ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r ) belongs to W. 1 4 By hypothesis w also belongs to W. So by Lemma 2.4 there are an object A and 6 4 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 a morphism r : A → E , such that the morphism v ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r also belongs to W. We set z := r2 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r5 ◦ r6 : A4 → A3 (so that v1 ◦ z belongs to W). Then (24) 0 implies that γ ◦ z = γ ◦ z, so (iii) holds. 1 Now let us assume (iii) and let us prove (ii). By hypothesis v ◦ z belongs to W; more1 1 −1 over w belongs to W because f is a morphism in C [W ]. Then by axiom (BF2) also w1 ◦ v1 ◦ z belongs to W. Again by hypothesis w1 ◦ v1 belongs to W. So by Lemma 2.4 04 0 04 4 0 there are an object A and a morphism z : A → A , such that z ◦ z belongs to W. By SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS (iii) we have γ ◦ z = γ 0 ◦ z, hence γ ◦ (z ◦ z0 ) = γ 0 ◦ (z ◦ z0 ), so (ii) holds. Lastly, if (ii) holds, then (i) is obviously satised using the denition of −1 in C [W ] and axiom (BF2). 3.5. Remark. Let us x any pair of objects 277 2-morphism A, B , any pair of morphisms f 1 , f 2 : A → B 2-morphism ρ : f 1 ⇒ f 2 in C . As explained in [P1996, 2.4], the universal −1 m m pseudofunctor UW : C → C [W ] is such that UW (f ) is the triple (A, idA , f ) : A → B for each m = 1, 2, and UW (ρ) is the 2-morphism represented by the following diagram: and any A idA A f1 idA ⇓ iidA ⇓ ρ A idA idA B. f2 A (25) 2-morphism Φ : UW (f 1 ) ⇒ UW (f 2 ). Using Corollary 3.3 with (A , A , E, w , w , p, q, ς) := (A, A, A, idA , idA , idA , idA , iidA ), there are an object A0 , a 0 1 2 morphism t : A → A in W and a 2-morphism ϕ : f ◦ t ⇒ f ◦ t, such that Φ is Now let us x any 1 2 1 2 represented by the following diagram: A idA ⇓ it A f1 t ⇓ ϕ A0 B. t idA f2 A (26) Therefore the following facts are equivalent: (a) Φ is in the image of (b) there is a Since the UW ; 2-morphism ρ : f 1 ⇒ f 2 in C , such that (26) is equivalent to (25). h i 0 class of (25) is equal to A , t, t, it , ρ ◦ t , by Lemma 3.4 we get that (b) is equivalent to: 2-morphism ρ : f 1 ⇒ f 2 W, such that ϕ ◦ z = ρ ◦ t ◦ z. (c) there are a in in C, an object A00 UW and a morphism z : A00 → A0 2-full, but only 2-full modulo morphisms of W. It is 2-full if and only if the pair (C , W) satises the following condition (in addition to the usual set of axioms (BF1) (BF5)): Therefore in general the universal pseudofunctor is not MATTEO TOMMASINI 278 f 1 , f 2 : A → B , for every morphism t : A0 → A in W 1 2 00 and for every 2-morphism ϕ : f ◦ t ⇒ f ◦ t, there are an object A , a morphism 00 0 1 2 z : A → A in W and a 2-morphism ρ : f ⇒ f , such that ϕ ◦ z = ρ ◦ t ◦ z. (BF6): for every pair of morphisms Now let us x another 2-morphism ρ 0 : f 1 ⇒ f 2 . Using (25) and Lemma 3.4, the following facts are equivalent: • UW (ρ) = UW (ρ 0 ); • e and A e→A u:A in W, This shows that in general the universal pseudofunctor UW there are an object a morphism 2-faithful modulo morphisms of such that is not ρ ◦ u = ρ 0 ◦ u. 2-faithful, but only W. Now we are able to give the following proof: Proof of Proposition 1.1. Let us x any representatives (15) for Γ and Γ0 as in Lemma 3.2, any set of data (1) (5) as in Lemma 3.1. Using Lemma 3.2, there are 0 representatives for Γ and Γ as in the rst part of Proposition 1.1: it suces to set 1 3 1 α := ς ◦ t ◦ t , γ := ψ ◦ t ◦ t3 , γ 0 := ϕ, v1 := p ◦ t1 ◦ t3 and v2 := q ◦ t1 ◦ t3 in diagram (16). 1 1 Using the data (2) and (4), we get that v belongs to W. Moreover, w belongs to W 1 −1 1 1 because f is a morphism of C [W ]. Hence w ◦ v also belongs to W, so we can apply Lemma 3.4 in order to get the second part of Proposition 1.1. 3.6. Remark. By induction and using the same ideas mentioned in this section, one 2-morphisms Γ1 , · · · , Γn in C [W−1 ], all dened 3 1 2 1 n 1 between the same pair of morphisms, there are data A , v , v , α, γ , · · · , γ , such that v m 3 1 2 m belongs to W, α is invertible and Γ = [A , v , v , α, γ ] for each m = 1, · · · , n. In other words, given nitely many 2-morphisms with the same source and target, each of them can also prove that given nitely many admits a representative that diers from the other ones only in the last variable at most. 3 1 2 However, in general the common data (A , v , v , α) depend on the 2-morphisms chosen: n+1 if we add another 2-morphism Γ to the collection above, then the new common data 1 n+1 4 1 2 4 for Γ , · · · , Γ in general is of the form (A , v ◦ z, v ◦ z, α ◦ z) for some object A and 4 3 some morphism z : A → A in W. 4. The associators of a bicategory of fractions As we mentioned in the Introduction, in order to prove Theorem 1.2 we need to show that the constructions of associators and vertical/horizontal compositions do not depend on the set of xed choices D(W), but only on the choices C(W) (at most). the description of associators in any bicategory of fractions: We start with SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS (associators of C [W−1 ]) Let us x any triple of 1-morphisms in 4.1. Proposition. C [W−1 ] 279 as follows: f := A g := B h := C u A f 0 v B0 w C0 g h B C D , , . (27) Let us suppose that the set of xed choices C(W) gives data as in the upper part of 1 2 1 3 the following diagrams (starting from the ones on the left ), with u , u , v and u in W and δ, σ, ξ and η invertible: A1 u1 A0 B0 δ ⇒ B f v1 g f1 B0, v B2 ξ ⇒ C u2 A1 g◦f 1 g1 w u3 C 0, A0 f A2 σ ⇒ C A3 η ⇒ B l C 0, w f2 v ◦ v1 B2, (28) so that by [P1996, 2.2] one has h◦ g◦f = A u ◦ u1 ◦ u2 A 2 h◦l D , (29) u ◦ u3 h◦g ◦f = A A3 h◦g 1 ◦f 2 D . (30) Then let us x any set of data in (F1): (F2): as follows: u4 : A4 → A2 such that u ◦ u1 ◦ u2 ◦ u4 belongs to W (for 4 5 4 3 example, using (BF2) this is the case if u belongs to W), a morphism u : A → A 1 2 4 3 5 and an invertible 2-morphism γ : u ◦ u ◦ u ⇒ u ◦ u ; an object A4 , C an invertible a morphism 2-morphism ω : f 1 ◦ u2 ◦ u4 ⇒ v1 ◦f 2 ◦ u5 , such that v◦ω is equal to MATTEO TOMMASINI 280 the following composition: u2 f1 A1 A2 u4 (F3): an invertible ⇓ η 3 A f A0 u3 u5 v ⇓ δ −1 u1 ⇓ γ A4 B0 B f2 B; v B0 2 v1 (31) 2-morphism ρ : l ◦ u4 ⇒ g 1 ◦ f 2 ◦ u5 , such that w◦ρ is equal to the following composition: l A2 u4 ⇓ ω A4 u5 v1 B2 f2 Then the associator f1 A3 ,W ΘCh,g,f w ⇓ σ −1 B0 ⇓ ξ A1 u2 C0 g C. w C0 g1 (32) from (29) to (30) is represented by the following diagram: A2 u ◦ u1 ◦ u2 u4 ⇓ u◦γ A A4 u5 u ◦ u3 A3 (F1) Given any other data as in (F3), h◦l ⇓ h◦ρ D. h◦g 1 ◦f 2 (33) the diagram (33) induced by the new data is equivalent to (33). In particular: • by denition of composition of struction of h ◦ (g ◦ f ) and of 1-morphisms in a bicategory of fractions, the con(h ◦ g) ◦ f depends on the four choices in the set C(W) giving the four triangles in (28), hence inducing the compositions in (29) and (30) (dierent sets of choices C(W) give dierent, but equivalent, bicategories of fractions); • apart from the four choices in h ◦ (g ◦ f ) to (h ◦ g) ◦ f C(W) does not depend on any additional choice nor on any choice of type D(W); C [W−1 ] from of type C(W), needed above, the associator in SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS • 281 hence the construction of associators in any bicategory of fractions does not depend on the set of choices D(W). As we will mention below, each set of choices induces a specic set of data (F1) (F3), D(W) gives a diagram 2-morphism in C [W−1 ]. other set of choices the same D(W) hence a specic diagram (33), but any that is equivalent to (33), i.e., it induces 4.2. Remark. Before proving Proposition 4.1, we remark that even if such a statement is long, the construction described there is simpler than the original construction in [P1996]. (F1) As a consequence of the axioms, a set of data as in (F3) is easy to construct, as shown in Remark 4.3 below. Proof. Step 1. Following [P1996, Appendix A.2], one gets immediately a set of data (F1) (F3) and inducing the desired associator as in (33). In [P1996] D(W), so they satisfy also some 4 properties that we don't need to recall here in full details (for example, u W; using (BF2) this condition is slightly stronger than condition (F1)). The satisfying conditions these data are induced by the additional xed choices additional belongs to aim of this proof is to show that all these additional properties are actually not necessary, because for any data satisfying (F1) (F3) (even if not induced by the choices C ,W the induced diagram (33) is a representative for the associator Θh,g,f . D(W)), (F1) (F3), in 2 dierent sets of data as in (F1) Since in [P1996] the associator is induced by a particular set of data order to prove the claim it is sucient to show that any (F3) induce diagrams of the form (33) that are equivalent. So let us x any other set of data satisfying (F1)0 : an object morphism (F2)0 : (F1) (F3), as follows: e4 , a morphism e e4 → A2 such that u ◦ u1 ◦ u2 ◦ e A u4 : A u4 belongs to W, e4 → A3 and an invertible 2-morphism γ e u5 : A e : u1 ◦ u2 ◦ e u4 ⇒ u3 ◦ e u5 ; an invertible 2-morphism ω e : f 1 ◦ u2 ◦ e u4 ⇒ v1 ◦f 2 ◦ e u5 , such that the following composition: u2 2 A e4 u e5 u an invertible A 3 f2 v f A0 u3 ⇓ η B is equal to B0 ⇓ δ −1 u1 ⇓ γ e e4 A (F3)0 : A f1 1 v◦ω e a 2 v1 2-morphism ρe : l ◦ e u4 ⇒ g 1 ◦ f 2 ◦ e u5 , B; v B 0 (34) such that w ◦ ρe is equal to the MATTEO TOMMASINI 282 following composition: u e l A2 4 ⇓ ω e u e A f2 B w g B0 f1 v1 3 5 ⇓ σ −1 A1 u2 e4 A C0 C. ⇓ ξ w C0 2 g1 (35) Then proving the claim is equivalent to proving that (33) is equivalent to: u ◦ u1 A2 ◦ u2 ⇓ u◦γ e A ⇓ h ◦ ρe e4 A u e u ◦ u3 A Step 2. h◦l u4 e D. 5 h◦g 1 ◦f 2 3 (36) We want to construct a pair of diagrams that are equivalent to (33), respec- tively to (36), and that share a common left hand side. For this, we follow the procedure 1 explained in Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2. Using Lemma 3.1, there are a pair of objects F and 2 1 2 3 4 1 3 F , a triple of morphisms t , t and t , such that both u ◦ t and t belong to W, and a pair of invertible 2-morphisms ε and κ in C as follows F1 t1 A4 such that ε ⇒ A2 u4 u ◦ γ ◦ t1 ◦ t3 F2 t2 u4 e t3 e4 , A F1 F1 t2 t3 A4 ⇓ ε e4 A u4 u2 t3 F 1 e4 u u e 4 t1 A A1 A2 ⇓ κ F t3 u5 ◦ t1 F 1, is equal to the following composition: t1 2 u5 ◦ t2 e κ ⇒ A3 5 A0 ⇓ γ e 3 u5 u1 u A. u3 A (37) SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS 283 Using Lemma 3.2 and the previous identity, diagram (33) is equivalent to A2 u ◦ u1 ◦ u2 h◦l u4 ◦ t1 ◦ t3 ⇓ u ◦ γ ◦ t1 ◦ t3 F 2 ⇓ h ◦ ρ ◦ t1 ◦ t3 A u5 u ◦ u3 ◦ t1 ◦ t3 B h◦g 1 ◦f 2 A3 (38) and diagram (36) is equivalent to A2 u ◦ u1 ◦ u2 ⇓ u ◦ γ ◦ t1 ◦ t3 F 2 A u5 u ◦ u3 A where ζ h◦l u4 ◦ t1 ◦ t3 ⇓ h◦ζ ◦ t1 ◦ t3 B, h◦g 1 ◦f 2 3 (39) is the following composition: t1 F1 t3 F2 t2 ⇓ κ F1 t3 A4 ⇓ ε e4 A A4 t1 u4 A2 e4 u l ⇓ ρe 5 u e u5 A3 B2 f2 g1 C 0. (40) Step 3. Now the claim is equivalent to proving that (38) and (39) are equivalent. 1 3 Since they have already a common left hand side, it suces to prove that h ◦ ρ ◦ t ◦ t and h◦ζ are equal if pre-composed with a suitable morphism of W; then we will conclude using Lemma 3.4(ii). Step 4. u ◦ γ ◦ t1 ◦ t3 coincides with (37), by Lemma 2.1 there are t : F 3 → F 2 in W, such that γ ◦ t1 ◦ t3 ◦ t4 is equal to Since and a morphism t1 F1 t2 t3 A4 ⇓ ε e4 A u4 u2 F t4 F 2 t3 F 1 e4 u u5 e 4 t1 A A1 A2 ⇓ κ 3 an object F3 4 A0 . ⇓ γ e 3 u5 u1 u3 A (41) MATTEO TOMMASINI 284 Let us denote by φ the composition below: t1 F t4 3 F F t3 v◦φ 4 F 4 A ⇓ ε e4 A t2 F t3 1 u4 u2 F3 F2 t3 F1 t1 f2 B v1 2 e4 u e5 u v◦φ u5 ⇓ γ e A v ⇓ δ −1 A0 ⇓ η u1 u3 B f2 f B. v B0 2 v1 coincides also with the following composition: A u5 B0 ⇓ δ u1 ⇓ γ A4 f1 A1 u2 2 u4 B0 A 3 A t1 f1 1 A2 4 Then using (41), we get that t4 B0. ⇓ ω e (42) ⇓ κ F f1 is equal to the following composition: t3 2 u2 A1 e4 u u5 A t1 F1 t4 A2 A3 1 t1 3 e5 u ⇓ κ 2 Using (34), we get that t2 F1 t3 u4 A4 ⇓ ε e4 A f2 f A0 u3 A3 v −1 ⇓ η B2 v B0 v1 B. v ◦ φ coincides also with v ◦ ω ◦ t1 ◦ t3 ◦ t4 . Since g = (B , v, g) is a morphism in C [W ], v belongs to W. So by Lemma 2.1 there are an 4 5 4 3 5 1 3 4 5 object F and a morphism t : F → F in W, such that φ ◦ t = ω ◦ t ◦ t ◦ t ◦ t . Using 1 3 4 5 (42), this implies that ω ◦ t ◦ t ◦ t ◦ t is equal to the following composition: Using (31), we conclude that 0 −1 t1 F1 t3 F4 t5 Step 5. F3 t4 F2 t2 ⇓ κ t3 Using (40) and (35), F1 t1 w ◦ ζ ◦ t4 ◦ t5 A4 ⇓ ε e4 A u4 u5 e A2 A4 u5 A1 u4 e A3 u2 f1 B0. ⇓ ω e f2 B2 v1 (43) is equal to the following composition: SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS t1 t3 F 4 t5 F 3 t4 F t2 F1 u4 A4 ⇓ ε e4 A u5 e ⇓ κ 2 F t3 4 w ◦ ζ ◦ t4 ◦ t5 F4 F3 t4 F2 t3 F1 t1 ⇓ ω e ⇓ σ −1 B0 ⇓ ξ v1 f2 B 2 C g1 l w g C. w 0 ⇓ ω 3 f2 C0 ⇓ σ −1 B0 ⇓ ξ C0 A1 u2 A A1 f1 A2 A4 u5 C0 coincides also with the composition u4 t5 u e u5 A t1 Using (43) we conclude that u2 A3 1 l A2 4 285 v1 B2 f1 g1 w g C. w 1 3 4 5 Using the previous identity and (32), we conclude that w ◦ ρ ◦ t ◦ t ◦ t ◦ t = w ◦ ζ ◦ 5 5 t ◦ t . Using Lemma 2.1, this implies that there are an object F and a morphism t6 : F 5 → F 4 in W, such that ρ ◦ t1 ◦ t3 ◦ t4 ◦ t5 ◦ t6 = ζ ◦ t4 ◦ t5 ◦ t6 . This implies that: 4 (h ◦ ρ ◦ t1 ◦ t3 ) ◦ (t4 ◦ t5 ◦ t6 ) = (h ◦ ζ) ◦ (t4 ◦ t5 ◦ t6 ). Step 6. By construction the morphisms composition also belongs to W by (BF2). t4 , t5 and t6 (44) all belong to W, so their So (44) and Lemma 3.4(ii) imply that (38) and (39) are equivalent, so we conclude by Step 3. 4.3. Remark. In order to nd a set of data (A4 , u4 , u5 , γ, ω, ρ) as in (F1) (F3) you can follow the construction in [P1996, Appendix A.2]. However, such a procedure is long: a shorter construction is the following one. First of all, we use axiom (BF3) in order to get u4 in W and γ invertible: data as in the upper part of the following diagram, with E u4 A2 Then we use in W (BF4a) and an invertible and u1 ◦ u2 (BF4b) 2-morphism γ ⇒ A0 u5 u3 A3 . F , a morphism z : F → E ω : f ◦ u ◦ u ◦ z ⇒ v ◦f 2 ◦ u5 ◦ z, such that v ◦ ω in order to get an object 4 1 2 1 is equal to the following composition: MATTEO TOMMASINI 286 A2 u4 z F B0 ⇓ δ −1 A0 ⇓ η u1 ⇓ γ E u3 u5 r: f1 A1 u2 A3 B2 f2 v f B. v B0 v1 4 Then we use again (BF4a) and (BF4b) in order to get an object A , a morphism A4 → F in W and an invertible 2-morphism ρ : l ◦ u4 ◦ z ◦ r ⇒ g 1 ◦ f 2 ◦ u5 ◦ z ◦ r, such that w◦ρ is equal to the following composition: u4 ◦ z A4 r l A2 A1 u2 ⇓ ω F u5 ◦ z f1 v1 A3 B2 f2 C0 ⇓ σ −1 B0 ⇓ ξ w g C. w C0 g1 4 4 5 Then it suces to dene u := u ◦ z ◦ r, u := 4 Note that u belongs to W by construction and u5 ◦ z ◦ r, γ := γ ◦ z ◦ r and ω := ω ◦ r. (BF2). Since u, u1 and u2 belong to W by hypothesis or construction, (F1) holds by (BF2). Also (F2) and (F3) are easily veried. Above we used axioms (BF3) and (BF4), hence the data that we found are in general non-unique. In the following Corollary, dierently from the previous statements, we need to explicitly use the associators and the right and left unitors for C. We denote these 2-morphisms θa,b,c : a◦(b◦c) ⇒ (a◦b)◦c (for any triple of composable morphisms a, b, c), respectively by πa : a ◦ idA ⇒ a, respectively by υa : idB ◦ a ⇒ a (for any morphism a : A → B ). by satisfying conditions (BF), any triple of 0 0 as in (27) and let us suppose that B = B , C = C , v = idB and 4.4. Corollary. Let us x any pair morphisms f , g, h (C , W) w = idC . Moreover, let us suppose that the set of xed choices C(W) gives data as in the 3 upper part of the following diagram, with u in W and η invertible: A3 u3 A0 Then f η ⇒ B f2 idB ◦ idB B. (45) SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS (u ◦ idA0 )◦idA0 h◦ g◦f = A h◦(g◦f ) A0 D 287 , (46) u ◦ u3 h◦g ◦f = A (h◦g)◦f 2 A3 D (47) ,W ΘCh,g,f and the associator from (46) to (47) is represented by the following diagram: A0 (u ◦ idA0 )◦idA0 ⇓ α A α ⇓ β A3 idA3 u ◦ u3 where h◦(g◦f ) u3 (48) is the following composition u ◦ idA0 A0 ⇓ πu ⇓ πu A0 u3 ⇓ πu−1◦ u3 3 u A u u ◦ u3 3 A β (h◦g)◦f 2 A3 idA0 and D, A idA3 is the following one: u3 g◦f A0 ⇓ θh,g,f f ◦u3 A 3 ⇓ η idB ◦ idB B ⇓ υf 2 ⇓ υidB f2 ⇓ B idB f −1 θh◦g,f,u 3 B C h h◦g h◦g D. −1 ⇓ π(h◦g)◦f 2 f2 idA3 C A3 (h◦g)◦f 2 2-category, then the associators θ• and the unitors π• and υ• are all trivial; moreover, idB ◦ idB = idB . We recall that the xed choices C(W) imposed by Pronk on any pair (f, v) assume a very simple form in the case when either f or v are 3 3 2 an identity (see [P1996, p. 256]), so the quadruple (A , u , f , η) of (45) coincides with 0 (A , idA0 , f, if ). So if C is a 2-category, then the morphisms (46) and (47) coincide, and the associator (48) is the 2-identity of this morphism. 4.5. Remark. If is a MATTEO TOMMASINI 288 Proof of Corollary 4.4. This is the rst proof where we explicitly need to use asso- ciators and unitors of of a 2-category C because we cannot prove the statement only in the special case and then appeal to coherence results for the general case. First, anyway, we prove this special case. By the already mentioned [P1996, p. 256], since both that the 4 v and w are identities, one gets diagrams of (28) (chosen from left to right) assume this simple form: A1 := A0 u1 :=idA0 A0 A2 := A0 f u2 :=idA0 f 1 :=f δ := if ⇒ B v=id B0 = B, B A1 = A0 σ := ig◦f ⇒ C w=id g◦f 1 =g◦f B0 = B g C0 = C, C A3 := A0 B 2 := B v1 :=idB l:=g◦f ξ := ig ⇒ C w=id g 1 :=g u3 :=idA0 C0 = C, A0 η := if ⇒ B v ◦ v1 =idB f C f 2 :=f B2 = B. (49) Then identities (46) and (47) follow at once from (29) and (30). In order to compute the associator, according to Proposition 4.1 we have to x any set of data as in (F3). (F1) For that, we choose: • A4 := A0 , u4 := idA0 , u5 := idA0 and γ := iidA0 ; • ω := if ; • ρ := ig◦f . Then the claim follows from Proposition 4.1. In the general case when C is a bicate- gory, by [P1996, p. 256] the rst diagram in (49) is given by A1 := A0 u1 :=idA0 A0 f δ := υf−1 ◦ πf ⇒ B v=id f 1 :=f B0 = B, B and analogously for the second diagram and for the third one in (49); the fourth diagram must be replaced by (45). Indeed, if C is simply a bicategory, in general we cannot write v ◦ v1 = idB ◦ idB in a simpler form, hence we cannot say anything more precise about the data in diagram (45) (it is completely determined as one of the xed choices in the set C(W), so we have no control over it). The data of (F1) (F3) above have to be changed according to these choices; then the statement follows again from Proposition 4.1. SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS 289 5. Vertical composition Following the plan explained in the Introduction, in this section we will prove that the −1 vertical composition in C [W ] does not depend on the set of choices D(W) (actually, it does not depend on C(W) either). In doing that, we will also provide a simple way of 1 2 computing a representative for the vertical composition of any pair of 2-morphisms Γ , Γ 1 2 in any bicategory of fractions, having xed representatives for Γ and Γ . 5.1. Proposition. (vertical composition) Let us x any pair of objects A, B , any m triple of morphisms f := (Am , wm , f m ) : A 1 2 2 3 1 2 morphisms Γ : f ⇒ f and Γ : f ⇒ f in Γ1 , respectively for Γ2 , as follows: A1 w1 f1 A4 ⇓ β1 u2 w2 B, w3 in C C, ⇓ β2 B. f3 3 A Then let us x any set of data in an object A5 u4 A (F4): f2 u3 ⇓ α2 A f2 2 A2 w2 u1 ⇓ α1 A → B for m = 1, 2, 3 and any pair of 2C [W−1 ]; let us x any representative for a morphism t1 in C (50) as follows: W, a morphism t2 and an invertible 2-morphism ρ as below: C ρ ⇒ A2 t1 A4 Then the vertical composition Γ2 ◦ Γ1 u2 t2 u3 A5 . is represented by the following diagram A1 f1 w1 u1 ◦ t1 ⇓ ξ A ⇓ γ C u4 ◦ t2 w3 3 A where ξ and γ are the following compositions: B, f3 (51) MATTEO TOMMASINI 290 t1 ξ: t2 u3 A5 u4 t2 u3 A5 u4 Given any other pair of representatives (50) for as in (F4), A2 ⇓ α2 A3 w2 A, w3 (52) A1 ⇓ β u2 ⇓ ρ C w1 1 u1 A4 t1 A1 ⇓ α u2 ⇓ ρ C γ: u1 A4 f1 1 A2 ⇓ β2 A3 f2 B. f3 (53) Γ1 Γ2 , and and any other set of data the diagram (51) induced by the new data represents the same 2-morphism as (51). In particular, the vertical composition in C(W) nor C [W−1 ] does not depend on the set of choices D(W), hence it is the same in any bicategory of fractions (C , W). on the set of choices constructed from the pair 5.2. Remark. Since Γ2 is a 2-morphism in Therefore by Lemma 2.2 a set of choices as C [W−1 ], both w2 and w2 ◦ u3 belong to W. in (F4) always exists, but in general it is not unique. The proof of Proposition 5.1 mostly relies on the following: 5.3. Lemma. Let us assume the same notations as Proposition 5.1. Moreover, let us choose: (F4)0 : an object µ D, a morphism p1 in W, a morphism p2 and an invertible as follows: D p1 A4 Let ϕ and δ u2 µ ⇒ A2 be the following compositions: p2 u3 A5 . 2-morphism SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS ϕ: p2 u3 A5 u4 p2 u3 A5 u4 w2 A, w3 (54) A1 ⇓ β u2 ⇓ µ D w1 1 A2 ⇓ α2 A3 u1 A4 p1 A1 ⇓ α u2 ⇓ µ D δ: u1 A4 p1 291 f1 1 A2 ⇓ β2 A3 f2 B. f3 (55) Then the following diagram A1 f1 w1 u1 ◦ p1 ⇓ ϕ A ⇓ δ D B, u4 ◦ p2 w3 f3 3 A represents the same Proof. Step 1. 2-cell of C [W−1 ] (56) as diagram (51). Let us apply Lemma 3.1 on the following pair of diagrams: A4 u2 t1 ⇓ ρ A2 p1 ⇓ µ D. A2 C p2 t2 u3 A4 u2 u3 A5 A5 1 2 1 2 3 Then there are a pair of objects E and E , a triple of morphisms q , q and q , such 1 1 3 that both t ◦ q and q belong to W, and a pair of invertible 2-morphisms ε and κ in C as follows: E1 q1 C t1 ε ⇒ A4 E2 q2 p1 q3 D, E1 p2 ◦ q2 κ ⇒ A5 q3 t2 ◦ q1 E 1, MATTEO TOMMASINI 292 such that ρ ◦ q1 ◦ q3 is equal to the composition of the following diagram: q1 E1 q3 C ⇓ ε D q2 ⇓ κ E2 Step 2. E1 q3 ξ p1 A4 ⇓ µ A5 p2 C q1 Using the denition of t1 t2 u2 A2 . u3 (57) in (52) together with (57), we get that ξ ◦ q1 ◦ q3 is equal to the following composition: t1 C q1 p1 ⇓ ε E q3 1 q2 E E q3 1 q1 u2 p2 5 C ϕ w2 A. w3 3 A t2 w1 A2 ⇓ α2 u3 Using (58) and the denition of A1 ⇓ α1 ⇓ µ D ⇓ κ 2 u1 A4 A u4 (58) in (54), we conclude that ξ ◦ q1 ◦ q3 is also equal to the following composition: E2 Step 3. 1 q2 E1 q3 u1 ◦ t1 C q1 ⇓ u ◦ε 4 u4 ◦ p2 E1 u4 γ Using the denition of ◦ t2 w1 ◦ p1 ⇓ ϕ D ⇓ u ◦κ q3 A1 u1 A. w3 A3 ◦ q1 in (53) together with (57), we get that γ ◦ q1 ◦ q3 is equal to the following composition: C q1 t1 p1 ⇓ ε E q3 1 q2 E q3 E 1 q1 p2 C δ 5 t2 A f1 f2 A2 ⇓ β2 u3 Using (59) and the denition of the following composition: ⇓ µ D A1 ⇓ β1 u2 ⇓ κ 2 u1 A4 B. f3 3 u4 in (55), we conclude that A (59) γ ◦ q1 ◦ q3 is also equal to SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS E1 q3 E2 u1 ◦ t1 C q1 1 ⇓ u ◦ε q2 E1 f1 ◦ p1 ⇓ δ D ⇓ u4 ◦ κ q3 A1 u1 u4 ◦ p2 B. f3 A3 u4 ◦ t2 ◦ q1 293 Step 4. Using Steps 2 and 3 together with Lemma 3.2 on the (classes of the) diagrams 1 2 1 2 3 1 4 (51) and (56), with the data (1) (5) given by (E , E , q , q , q , u ◦ ε, u ◦ κ), we conclude that the classes of the diagrams (51) and (56) have representatives that are equal. In other −1 terms, (51) and (56) represent the same 2-cell of C [W ], as we wanted to prove. Proof of Proposition 5.1. Following [P1996, p. 258], the vertical composition can be computed by choosing any pair of representatives for Γ1 and Γ2 Γ2 ◦ Γ1 (as we did in (50)). Having xed such representatives, the construction of the vertical composition in [P1996] is a special case of the construction of Proposition 5.1. In particular, the construction (F4), induced by the xed C(W) and D(W). Lemma 5.3 proves that any other set of data as in (F4) −1 induces the same 2-cell of C [W ]. Since the construction in [P1996], does not depend 1 2 on the representatives for Γ and Γ , the construction in Proposition 5.1 also does not 1 2 depend on the chosen representatives for Γ and Γ , so we conclude. in [P1996] a priori holds only for a specic set of data as in set of choices 6. Horizontal composition with 1-morphisms on the left (horizontal composition with 1-morphisms on the left) Let us f := (A0 , w, f ) : A → B , any pair of morphisms g m := (B m , vm , g m ) : B → C for m = 1, 2, and any 2-morphism ∆ : g 1 ⇒ g 2 in C [W−1 ]. Let us x also any representative for ∆ as below: 6.1. Proposition. x any morphism B1 g1 v1 u1 ⇓ α B B3 u2 v2 B ⇓ β C. g2 2 Let us suppose that the xed set of choices (60) C(W) gives data as in the upper part of MATTEO TOMMASINI 294 the following diagrams, with w1 w2 and in W, and ρ1 and D1 w1 A0 f1 (F5): C w2 B1, v1 (so that by [P1996, 2.2] we have let us x any set of data in A0 f B2 v2 (61) g m ◦ f = (Dm , w ◦ wm , g m ◦ f m ) for m = 1, 2). D1 f1 Then as follows: D3 σ1 ⇒ B1 t1 and t2 in and ϕ W, D4 h1 t2 B3, u1 D2 σ2 ⇒ B2 f2 h2 B3; u2 (62) t3 in v 1 ◦ u1 ◦ δ is we choose any set of data as in the upper part of the following diagram, with W invertible: t3 D3 (F7): f2 ρ2 ⇒ B we choose data as in the upper part of the following diagrams, with 1 2 and σ and σ invertible: t1 (F6): invertible: D2 ρ1 ⇒ B f ρ2 we choose any invertible w1 ◦ t1 D5 ϕ ⇒ A0 t4 w 2 ◦ t2 D4 ; 2-morphism δ : h1 ◦ t3 ⇒ h2 ◦ t4 , such that equal to the following composition: B3 h1 t3 D t1 D3 ⇓ (σ 1 )−1 D1 f1 w1 ⇓ ϕ 5 u1 B1 ⇓ (ρ1 )−1 A0 ⇓ ρ2 w2 t4 t2 D4 D2 ⇓ σ2 h2 B 3 f2 B2 ⇓ α−1 u2 u1 v1 f B. v2 v1 B1 (63) SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS Then ∆◦f is represented by the following diagram D1 w ◦ w1 C, g 2 ◦f 2 D2 (64) is the following composition: t3 D t1 3 h1 ⇓ δ D5 D f1 1 4 t2 B1 D ⇓ σ1 u1 B3 h2 t4 ⇓ (σ 2 )−1 D2 Given any other representative (60) for (F7), ⇓ ξ D5 t2 ◦ t4 w ◦ w2 ξ g 1 ◦f 1 t1 ◦ t3 ⇓ w◦ϕ A where 295 ∆, g1 ⇓ β C. u2 B f2 2 g2 (65) and any other set of data as in the diagram (64) induced by the new data represents the same Therefore, each composition of the form ∆◦f 2-morphism (F5) as (64). does not depend on the set of choices D(W). 6.2. Remark. Since (60) represents a 2-morphism in a bicategory of fractions, both v1 v1 ◦ u1 belong to W, so by Lemma 2.2 there are data as on the left hand side of (62). 2 2 2 Since α is an invertible 2-morphism of C , by (BF5) also v ◦ u belongs to W; since g is −1 2 a morphism in C [W ], v belongs to W. So using again Lemma 2.2 there are data as on the right hand side of (62), hence we can always nd data satisfying condition (F5). 2 2 By axiom (BF2) the composition w ◦ t belongs to W, hence a set of data as in (F6) 1 1 exists by (BF3). Since v ◦ u belongs to W, a set of data as in (F7) exists by (BF4), up to replacing ϕ in (F6) with the composition of ϕ with a suitable morphism in W with 5 target in D (this is analogous to the procedure explicitly described in Remark 4.3). So a set of data as in (F5) (F7) exists, but in general it is not unique. and The proof of Proposition 6.1 relies on the following: 6.3. Lemma. Let us assume the same notations as Proposition 6.1. Moreover, let us x any set of data in (F5)0 : C as follows: we choose data as in the upper part of the following diagrams, with z1 and z2 in MATTEO TOMMASINI 296 W, and γ1 and γ2 invertible: E3 z1 D1 (F6)0 : f1 γ1 ⇒ B1 E4 l1 z2 B3, u1 D2 l2 γ2 ⇒ B2 f2 B3; u2 (66) z3 in v1 ◦ u1 ◦ η is we choose any set of data as in the upper part of the following diagram, with W and ν invertible: E5 z3 E3 (F7)0 : we choose any invertible ν ⇒ A0 w 1 ◦ z1 z4 w2 ◦ z2 E 4; 2-morphism η : l1 ◦ z3 ⇒ l2 ◦ z4 , such that equal to the following composition: B3 l1 z3 z1 E3 z2 E4 l2 ω f1 w1 B1 ⇓ (ρ1 )−1 f2 D2 ⇓ γ2 B2 ⇓ α−1 u2 B3 v1 f A0 ⇓ ρ2 w2 z4 Let ⇓ (γ ) D1 ⇓ ν E5 u1 1 −1 B. v2 v1 B1 u1 (67) be the following composition: z3 l1 ⇓ η E5 z1 E3 B3 l2 z4 E D1 ⇓ γ1 4 z2 ⇓ (γ 2 )−1 D2 f1 u1 B1 g1 ⇓ β C. u2 f2 B2 g2 (68) SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS 297 Then the following diagram D1 w ◦ w1 ⇓ w◦ν A Proof. Step 1. 2-cell of ⇓ ω E5 z2 ◦ z4 w ◦ w2 represents the same g 1 ◦f 1 z1 ◦ z3 g 2 ◦f 2 D2 C [W−1 ] C (69) as (64). Let us apply Lemma 3.1 on the following pair of diagrams: D1 w1 t1 ◦ t3 ⇓ ϕ D5 A0 z1 ◦ z3 ⇓ ν E 5. A0 t2 ◦ t4 w2 D1 w1 z2 ◦ z4 w2 D2 D2 1 2 1 2 Then there are a pair of objects F and F , a triple of morphisms p , p and 1 3 1 3 that both t ◦ t ◦ p and p belong to W, and a pair of invertible 2-morphisms in C p3 , such ε and κ as follows: F1 p1 D5 such that F2 p2 ε ⇒ D1 t1 ◦ t3 ϕ ◦ p1 ◦ p3 p3 E 5, z1 ◦ z3 F1 z2 ◦ z4 ◦ p2 p3 t2 ◦ t4 ◦ p1 F 1, is equal to the following composition: p1 F1 p2 p3 D5 ⇓ ε E5 ⇓ κ t1 ◦ t3 z1 ◦ z3 z2 ◦ z4 F2 κ ⇒ D2 p3 F1 p1 D5 t2 ◦ t4 D1 ⇓ ν D2 w1 w2 A0 . (70) MATTEO TOMMASINI 298 Step 2. Using (70) we get that (w ◦ ϕ) ◦ p1 ◦ p3 p1 F1 p3 is equal to the following composition: D5 ⇓ ε p2 z1 ◦ z3 E5 ⇓ κ t1 ◦ t3 z2 ◦ z4 F2 F1 p3 D5 p1 t2 ◦ t4 D1 ⇓ w◦ν D2 w ◦ w1 A. w ◦ w2 (71) Therefore, using Lemma 3.2 and (71), diagram (64) is equivalent to D1 w ◦ w1 ⇓ w ◦ ϕ ◦ p1 ◦ p3 A g 1 ◦f 1 t1 ◦ t3 ◦ p1 ◦ p3 ⇓ ξ ◦ p1 ◦ p3 F2 t2 ◦ t4 ◦ p1 ◦ p3 w ◦ w2 C g 2 ◦f 2 D2 (72) and diagram (69) is equivalent to D1 w ◦ w1 ⇓ w ◦ ϕ ◦ p1 ◦ p3 A g 1 ◦f 1 t1 ◦ t3 ◦ p1 ◦ p3 ⇓ ζ F2 t2 ◦ t4 ◦ p1 ◦ p3 w ◦ w2 C, g 2 ◦f 2 D2 where ζ (73) is the following composition: p1 p3 F1 t3 D5 ⇓ ε p2 F2 ⇓ η ⇓ κ F z4 1 p1 D5 l1 t4 z2 t2 f1 ⇓ γ1 B3 l2 E4 D4 D1 z1 E3 z3 E5 p3 t1 D3 B1 u1 u2 ⇓ (γ 2 )−1 D2 g1 ⇓ β B2 C g2 f2 (74) SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS (i.e., the vertical composition of the 2-morphism ω , 299 dened in (68), with ε and κ). Step 3. The claim is now equivalent to proving that (72) and (73) represent the −1 1 3 same 2-cell of C [W ]. For this, it will be sucient to prove that ξ ◦ p ◦ p and ζ are equal if pre-composed with a suitable morphism of W; then we will conclude by applying Lemma 3.4(ii). Step 4. ϕ ◦ p1 ◦ p3 By construction F2 p3 p1 F1 D5 ⇓ ε E5 p2 coincides with (70). Therefore the composition t3 D3 E3 z3 D1 w1 z1 A0 ⇓ ν z4 E4 t1 w2 D2 z2 (75) is equal to the following one: F1 p3 p3 F1 p2 p3 p1 D3 t4 E5 Now let us denote by F1 t3 D5 ⇓ κ−1 F2 Step 5. p1 E4 D5 F1 p2 E5 A0 . t2 z2 D2 w2 (76) t4 h2 D4 z4 E4 B3 ⇓ (σ 2 )−1 t2 D2 ⇓ γ2 z2 p3 w1 the following composition: ⇓ κ−1 F2 D1 ⇓ ϕ D4 z4 ς t1 l2 f2 B3 u2 B2. u2 (77) ∆ is a 2-morphism in C [W−1 ] with representative (60), v1 ◦ u1 belongs to W. 2 2 2 Using (BF5) on α, we get that v ◦ u also belongs to W. Moreover, v also belongs 2 2 2 2 −1 to W because the triple g = (B , v , g ) is a morphism in C [W ]. Therefore we can 3 4 3 2 apply Lemma 2.3 to ς , so there are an object F , a morphism p : F → F in W and a 2-morphism Since ςe : h2 ◦ t4 ◦ p1 ◦ p3 ◦ p4 =⇒ l2 ◦ z4 ◦ p2 ◦ p3 ◦ p4 (78) MATTEO TOMMASINI 300 C , such that ς ◦ p4 = u2 ◦ ςe. ς is invertible since each 2-morphism in (77) is in C ; then using again Lemma 2.3, we get that also ς e is invertible. Using the 4 2 of ς in (77) and the fact that ς ◦ p = u ◦ ς e, we get that the composition in F p3 p4 F3 p1 1 D5 p3 F1 p2 denition t4 D4 ⇓ κ−1 F2 invertible E5 t2 E4 z4 f2 D2 ⇓ γ2 z2 l2 B B2 u2 3 (79) is equal to the following one: D5 p1 F1 p3 ◦ p4 F3 Step 6. Let µ p2 E5 p4 F2 z4 h2 E4 l2 f2 D2 ⇓ σ2 B2. u2 B3 (80) be the following composition: p1 F3 t2 D4 ⇓ ςe F1 p3 ◦ p4 t4 p3 t3 D5 ⇓ ε F1 z3 p2 E5 E3 ⇓ η E4 t1 D1 z1 l1 l2 f1 ⇓ γ1 B3 B1. u1 (81) 1 we use (67) and we simplify γ (coming from 1 (81)) with its inverse (coming from (67)), so we get that v ◦ µ is equal to the following Let us consider the composition: 2-morphism v1 ◦ µ: z4 D3 SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS p4 F3 p3 F2 p1 F1 D5 t3 D3 ⇓ ε p2 E 5 t1 w1 w2 z4 E 4 D ⇓ γ l2 v1 f A0 ⇓ ν z2 B1 ⇓ (ρ1 )−1 z1 E3 z3 f1 D1 301 ⇓ ρ2 f2 2 B 2 B3 v2 2 v1 ⇓ α u2 B. −1 B1 u1 In the previous diagram we can replace (75) with (76), so we get that v1 ◦ µ coincides also with the following composition: p1 F1 t3 D5 t1 D3 D1 f1 B1 p3 F 3 t4 p4 F −1 ⇓ κ 2 D w1 ⇓ ϕ 4 w2 p3 F 1 p2 E 5 z4 E 4 2 ⇓ ρ f2 D ⇓ γ2 z2 f A0 t2 B l2 B3 B. 2 v2 2 v1 ⇓ α u2 In the previous diagram we can replace (79) with (80). v1 ⇓ (ρ1 )−1 −1 B1 u1 So we conclude that v1 ◦ µ coincides also with the following composition: D3 t1 D1 f1 t3 D p1 p3 ◦ p4 F F 1 A0 ⇓ ρ2 w2 t4 1 w1 ⇓ ϕ 5 B1 ⇓ (ρ1 )−1 D ⇓ ςe 4 t2 2 h2 f2 F p3 ◦ p4 p2 E 5 z4 E 4 l2 D ⇓ σ2 B f B. v2 2 B ⇓ α−1 u2 3 v1 3 u1 v1 B1 MATTEO TOMMASINI 302 v1 ◦ µ If we compare this diagram with (63), we conclude that is also equal to the following composition: p3 p1 F1 ◦ p4 p3 ◦ p4 F1 Since the triple D4 E5 p2 t1 D3 g 1 = (B 1 , v1 , g 1 ) ⇓ σ F4 p5 ◦ p4 p1 F1 p3 ◦ p4 F1 (82) C [W−1 ], v1 belongs to W. Since 4 5 an object F and a morphism p : is a morphism in Using the denition of µ t3 t4 D4 h1 D1 ⇓ σ B3 h2 1 u1 f1 B1. l2 E4 z4 composition: t1 D3 ⇓ δ E5 p2 B. v1 l2 E4 D5 ⇓ ςe F3 B1 u1 v1 ◦ µ coincides with (82), by Lemma 2.1 there are F 4 → F 3 in W, such that µ ◦ p5 is equal to the following p3 f1 1 B3 h2 z4 D1 h1 ⇓ δ t4 ⇓ ςe F3 t3 D5 (83) in (81), we conclude that (83) is equal to the following composition: p1 F4 p5 F3 p4 F2 p3 t3 D5 ⇓ ε F1 z3 p2 z4 Step 7. Let us consider the E4 2-morphism ζ ◦ p4 ◦ p5 , D1 z1 E3 ⇓ η E5 t1 D3 f1 ⇓ γ1 l1 B3 B1. u1 l2 (84) where ζ is dened in (74). If we SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS replace (84) with (83), we conclude that ζ ◦ p4 ◦ p5 is equal to the following composition: D3 t3 F2 p4 F4 p5 p3 p1 F1 t4 ⇓ ςe F3 p4 p3 F2 p2 F1 p3 E5 h1 h2 l2 ⇓ κ B1 u1 u2 ⇓ (γ 2 )−1 z2 t4 f1 B3 E4 D5 D1 ⇓ σ1 D4 z4 F1 p1 t1 ⇓ δ D5 303 g1 ⇓ β C. g2 B2 f2 D2 t2 D4 (85) 4 u ◦ ςe with ς ◦ p (see (78)), then we replace ς with γ 2 and κ−1 (coming from (77)) with their inverses 4 5 conclude that ζ ◦ p ◦ p coincides also with the following In the diagram above we replace diagram (77). 2 Lastly, we simplify (coming from (85)). So we composition: t3 F4 p4 ◦ p5 F2 p1 ◦ p3 D t1 3 h1 ⇓ δ D5 D If we compare this with the denition of 4 ξ t2 B1 D ⇓ σ1 u1 B3 h2 t4 f1 1 ⇓ (σ 2 )−1 D2 g1 ⇓ β C. u2 f2 B 2 g2 in (65), we conclude that: ζ ◦ (p4 ◦ p5 ) = (ξ ◦ p1 ◦ p3 ) ◦ (p4 ◦ p5 ). Step 8. Since both p4 and p5 belong to W, so does their composition by (BF2). So the previous identity together with Lemma 3.4(ii) proves that (72) and (73) are equivalent diagrams, so we have proved the claim (see Step 3). Proof of Proposition 6.1. Following [P1996, pp. 259261], in order to compute one can choose freely any representative for on this choice). conditions (F5) ∆ as in (60) (and the result does not depend Then after a very long construction, one gets a set of data satisfying (F7) and some additional properties, that we don't need to recall here. Such data are uniquely determined by the choices of type construction of ∆◦f ∆◦f C(W) and D(W). Then the in [P1996] is simply a special case of the construction described in MATTEO TOMMASINI 304 (F5) (F7), Using Lemma C [W ], so we conclude. Proposition 6.1, with a special set of data (F5) (F7) 2-cell gives the same of 7. Horizontal composition with 7.1. Proposition. 6.3, any set of data −1 1-morphisms on the right (horizontal composition with 1-morphisms on the right) Let g = (B 0 , u, g) : B → C , any pair of morphisms f m := (Am , wm , f m ) : A → B for m = 1, 2 and any 2-morphism Γ : f 1 ⇒ f 2 in C [W−1 ]. Let us x any representative for Γ as in (4) and let us suppose that the set of choices C(W) gives data 1 2 1 2 as in the upper part of the following diagrams, with u and u in W, and ρ and ρ us x any morphism invertible D1 u1 A1 D2 h1 ρ1 ⇒ B f1 let us x any set of data in (F8): C B0, u (so that by [P1996, 2.2] we have u2 A2 f2 B0 u (86) g ◦ f m = (Dm , wm ◦ um , g ◦ hm ) for m = 1, 2). we choose data as in the upper part of the following diagrams, with W, and η 1 and η 2 invertible: u3 A3 v1 Then as follows: D3 (F9): h2 ρ2 ⇒ B η1 ⇒ A1 u3 and u5 in in W and η3 D4 u4 u1 u5 D1 , A3 v2 η2 ⇒ A2 u6 u2 D2 ; we choose data as in the upper part of the following diagram, with invertible: D5 u7 D3 u3 η3 ⇒ A3 u8 u5 D4 ; u7 SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS (F10): we choose any 2-morphism λ : h1 ◦ u4 ◦ u7 ⇒ h2 ◦ u6 ◦ u8 , 305 such that u◦λ is equal to the following composition: D u7 u8 ⇓ (η ) u3 g◦Γ ⇓ (ρ ) A1 u1 1 −1 v1 u5 v2 ⇓ η2 D4 u f1 f2 ⇓ β A3 u6 Then B0 1 −1 3 ⇓ η3 D5 h1 D1 u4 B. A2 ⇓ ρ2 u2 D2 u B0 h2 (87) is represented by the following diagram: D1 g◦h1 w1 ◦ u1 u4 ◦ u7 ⇓ µ A u6 ◦ u8 w2 ◦ u2 D where µ ⇓ g◦λ D5 C, g◦h2 2 (88) is the following composition: u7 D3 ⇓ η3 D5 u8 D u4 D1 ⇓ (η 1 )−1 u3 u1 v1 A3 u5 ⇓ η2 D2 4 u6 Given any other representative (4) for Γ, A1 w1 ⇓ α A. v2 u2 A2 w2 and any other set of data as in (89) (F8) (F10), the diagram (88) induced by the new data is equivalent to diagram (88). So the horizontal composition of the form g◦Γ does not depend on the set of choices D(W). u1 u2 belong to W, hence a set of data as in (F8) (BF3); analogously also a set of data as in (F9) exists. Since g = (B 0 , u, g) is a −1 morphism in C [W ], u belongs to W; hence a set of data as in (F10) exists by (BF4), 7.2. Remark. By hypothesis exists by and MATTEO TOMMASINI 306 3 3 up to replacing η with the composition of η with a suitable morphism in 5 in D (analogously to the construction explained in Remark 4.3). W with target The proof of Proposition 7.1 relies on the following: 7.3. Lemma. Let us assume the same notations as Proposition 7.1. Moreover, let us x any set of data in (F8)0 : C as follows: we choose data as in the upper part of the following diagrams, with W, and ξ 1 and ξ 2 invertible: E3 t3 A3 (F9)0 : v1 ξ1 ⇒ A1 t3 t5 in and ξ3 and E4 t4 t5 D1 , u1 A3 ξ2 ⇒ A2 v2 t6 u2 D2 ; we choose data as in the upper part of the following diagram, with t7 in W invertible: E5 t7 E3 (F10)0 : we choose any t3 ξ3 ⇒ A3 t8 t5 E 4; 2-morphism ϕ : h1 ◦ t4 ◦ t7 ⇒ h2 ◦ t6 ◦ t8 , such that u◦ϕ to the following composition: t4 t7 ⇓ ξ3 E5 t8 t3 t5 t6 D2 ⇓ (ρ ) A1 u1 v1 ⇓ β A3 ⇓ ξ2 E4 B0 1 −1 ⇓ (ξ 1 )−1 E3 h1 D1 v2 u f1 f2 A2 ⇓ ρ2 u2 h2 B. u B0 is equal SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS Let δ 307 be the following composition: t4 E3 t7 ⇓ ξ3 E5 t8 E u1 D1 ⇓ (ξ 1 )−1 t3 v1 A3 t5 t6 w1 ⇓ α A. v2 ⇓ ξ2 D2 4 A1 w2 2 u2 A (90) Then the following diagram: D1 w 1 ◦ u1 ⇓ δ A g◦h1 t4 ◦ t7 ⇓ g◦ϕ E5 t6 ◦ t8 w 2 ◦ u2 C g◦h2 D2 represents the same Proof. Step 1. 2-cell of C [W ] −1 (91) as (88). We want to apply Lemma 3.1 for the following pair of diagrams: D1 u1 A w1 A1 D1 u1 u4 ◦ u7 ⇓ (v1 ◦ η 3 )◦ 5 D ◦((η 1 )−1 ◦ u7 ) A w1 ⇓ (v1 ◦ ξ 3 )◦ 5 E . ◦((ξ 1 )−1 ◦ t7 ) A1 u5 ◦ u8 v1 t4 ◦ t7 v1 A3 t5 ◦ t8 A3 In order to do this, let us prove that all the relevant morphisms belong to • w1 belongs to W since (4) represents the • u1 belongs to W by hypothesis, so by • 2-cell Γ of (BF2) w1 ◦ u1 (92) W: C [W−1 ]; also belongs to W; 2-cell of C [W−1 ], also w1 ◦ v1 belongs to W; moreover u3 1 1 3 belongs to W by (F8); by (BF2) this implies that w ◦ v ◦ u belongs to W. Us1 1 1 1 4 ing (BF5) on the invertible 2-morphism w ◦ η , we conclude that also w ◦ u ◦ u 7 1 1 4 7 belongs to W. By (F9) u belongs to W, so by (BF2) w ◦ u ◦ u ◦ u belongs to W; since (4) represents a MATTEO TOMMASINI 308 • (F8)0 analogously, using and (F9)0 we get that w1 ◦ u1 ◦ t4 ◦ t7 also belongs to W. 1 2 So we can apply Lemma 3.1 on (92). Then there are a pair of objects F , F , a triple 1 2 3 4 7 1 3 of morphisms r , r and r , such that both u ◦ u ◦ r and r belong to W, and a pair of invertible 2-morphisms ω and τ in C as follows: F1 r1 D5 u4 ◦ u7 F2 r2 ω ⇒ D1 t4 ◦ t7 r3 E 5, F1 t5 ◦ t8 ◦ r2 τ ⇒ A3 r3 u5 ◦ u8 ◦ r1 F 1, such that the composition F2 r3 r1 F1 u7 D5 u4 D3 u3 ⇓ η3 u8 D1 D4 u1 ⇓ (η 1 )−1 A3 u5 A1 v1 (93) coincides with the following one: D3 u7 r1 F1 r3 F 2 r3 Step 2. F ⇓ω D5 r2 1 r1 t7 E5 ⇓ τ D E3 ⇓ ξ3 E4 t8 5 u8 D u4 t4 t3 D1 ⇓ (ξ 1 )−1 A3 t5 v1 (94) Let us apply Lemma 3.1 for the following pair of diagrams: v2 ◦ u5 ◦ u8 ◦ r1 ◦ r3 A A1 . u5 4 F2 w2 u1 2 A v2 ◦ u5 ◦ u8 ◦ r1 ◦ r3 id ⇓ η 2 ◦ u8 ◦ r1 ◦ r3 u2 F2 F 2 u6 ◦ u8 ◦ r1 ◦ r3 D2 2 A w2 2 A id ⇓ (ξ 2 ◦ t8 ◦ r2 ◦ r3 )◦ 2 F . ◦(v2 ◦τ −1 ) u2 t6 ◦ t8 ◦ r2 ◦ r3 D2 (95) SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS W by hypothesis, hence also w2 ◦ u2 belongs to W. So in or2 2 5 8 1 3 der to apply the lemma, we need only to verify that w ◦ v ◦ u ◦ u ◦ r ◦ r belongs to W. Both w2 and u2 309 belong to 1 1 4 7 1 The various hypotheses and the construction of Step 1 imply that w , u , u ◦ u ◦ r 3 and r all belong to W; hence also their composition belongs to W by (BF2). Now we consider the invertible F2 r3 r1 F1 2-morphism u8 D5 dened as the following composition: u5 D4 3 −1 ⇓ (η ) u3 The target of this 2-morphism D1 u4 W, 2-morphisms χ R1 χ ⇒ F2 q1 F2 and id ζ so by w2 ⇓ α−1 A1 u1 w1 A. (BF5) also the source belongs to W. So we can apply Lemma 3.1 on (95). Therefore there are a pair of objects R1 , R2 , a 1 2 3 1 3 triple of morphisms q , q and q , such that both q and q belong to W, and a pair of invertible belongs to A2 v1 ⇓ η1 u7 D3 v2 A3 as follows R2 q2 q3 F 2, id R1 q3 ζ ⇒ D2 2 t6 ◦ t8 ◦ r2 ◦ r3 ◦ q R1 , u6 ◦ u8 ◦ r1 ◦ r3 ◦ q1 such that the composition R2 q3 R1 q1 A3 u5 r3 F2 F1 r1 D5 u8 v2 ⇓ η2 D4 u6 A2 u2 D2 (96) coincides with the following one: r1 r3 q1 R1 q3 ⇓ χ F1 D5 ⇓ τ −1 F2 r3 q2 R 2 Step 3. q3 R 1 q1 Let us consider the F F1 ⇓ ζ 2 2-cell F r3 of r2 E5 u8 u5 D4 A3 t5 t8 ⇓ ξ2 E4 t6 1 r1 D 5 u8 D v2 4 u6 D 2 A2 . u2 (97) C u ◦ λ ◦ r1 ◦ r3 ◦ q1 ◦ q3 . (98) MATTEO TOMMASINI 310 u ◦ λ with (87), then we replace (93) τ with τ −1 . So we get that (98) is equal We replace we simplify q1 R ⇓χ 1 q3 F 2 r3 q2 F u7 D5 r1 h1 D1 E t7 ⇓ (ρ ) A1 t8 u1 ⇓ (ξ 1 )−1 3 t3 ⇓ ξ3 E5 v1 v2 ⇓ ξ2 E4 F2 q1 F1 r3 D5 r1 (F10)0 , Comparing with q3 ⇓χ R1 F2 r2 ⇓ ζ R1 q1 F2 ⇓ ω t7 r1 D3 u4 B0 h2 D1 h1 t4 E3 ⇓ ϕ E5 t8 F1 r3 u7 F1 q2 R2 q3 r3 D2 u6 u we get that (98) is also equal to the following composition: D5 r1 q1 D4 u8 B. A2 ⇓ ρ2 u2 t6 R1 u f1 f2 ⇓ β A3 t5 q3 B0 1 −1 t4 ⇓ ω ⇓ ζ R2 to the composition u4 D3 1 r2 with (94) and (96) with (97); lastly D5 E4 u8 D4 u B0 t6 B. h2 D2 u6 (99) Since the triple 0 g = (B , u, g) is a morphism in C [W ], u −1 belongs to W. So the R3 and a equality of (98) with (99) and Lemma 2.1 imply that there are an object 4 3 2 morphism q : R → R in W, such that g ◦ λ ◦ r1 ◦ r3 ◦ q1 ◦ q3 ◦ q4 (100) is equal to the following composition: r1 q1 q3 R 3 q4 R ⇓χ R1 q2 R1 q1 F2 r2 r3 F1 ⇓ ω F1 ⇓ ζ 2 q3 F2 r3 u7 D5 t7 u4 D5 D1 g◦h1 t4 E3 ⇓ g◦ϕ E5 t8 r1 D3 E4 u8 D4 t6 u6 C. g◦h2 D2 (101) SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS Step 4. Now let us consider the 2-morphism of 311 C µ ◦ r1 ◦ r3 ◦ q1 ◦ q3 ◦ q4 , (102) where µ dened in (89). Replacing (93) with (94), (96) with (97), and simplifying τ −1 , we get that (102) is equal to the following composition: r1 q1 ⇓χ R1 q3 R 3 q4 R F2 r3 u7 D5 r2 A1 t3 ⇓ ξ3 E5 t8 w1 ⇓ (ξ 1 )−1 E3 t7 ⇓ ζ 2 u1 D1 with t4 ⇓ ω F1 q2 u4 D3 τ v1 ⇓ α A3 t5 v2 ⇓ ξ2 E4 q3 A. w2 t6 R1 q1 F2 r3 F1 r1 D5 Comparing with the denition of D4 u8 δ D2 u6 A2 u2 in (90), we conclude that (102) is also equal to the following composition: r1 q1 q3 R3 q4 ⇓χ R1 F2 r3 r2 ⇓ ζ R2 q3 R 1 q1 F 2 r3 F t7 E5 r1 D u1 D1 A1 w1 t4 E3 ⇓ δ t8 1 u4 D3 ⇓ ω F1 q2 u7 D5 E4 5 D u8 A. t6 w2 4 D u6 2 2 A u2 (103) Step 5. Now let ε be the composition r1 q1 q3 R and let κ 3 R1 F2 r3 R 2 be the composition u7 D3 ⇓ ω F1 r2 q4 D5 E5 E3 t7 u4 D1 t4 MATTEO TOMMASINI 312 q1 q3 R 3 q4 R ⇓χ R1 r3 F1 q2 r2 E5 ⇓ ζ 2 q3 F2 t8 E4 R1 q1 F2 r3 F1 r1 D5 Then let us apply Lemma 3.2 on the pair of of ) (88) and (91), with the choice of ε and κ D4 u8 2-cells of C [W−1 ] t6 u6 D2 . given by (the classes as above. Then the equalities (100)=(101) and (102)=(103) prove that the classes of (88) and (91) admit representatives that are equal, hence (88) and (91) are equivalent, as we wanted to prove. g ◦ Γ in [P1996, p. 259] begins by Γ; then it is simply a particular case of the construction Proof of Proposition 7.1. The construction of choosing any representative (4) for described in the statement of Proposition 7.1. To be more precise, the construction in [P1996] is done by selecting a specic set of data (F8) (F10), uniquely determined C(W) and D(W). Using Lemma 7.3, any set of data (F8) (F10) −1 gives the same 2-cell in C [W ], so we conclude. Note that the construction described in Proposition 7.1 does not depend on the representative (4) chosen for Γ because the by the choices of type construction of [P1996] does not depend on this choice. 8. Some useful applications As we stated in the Introduction, Theorem 1.2 and Corollary 1.3 follow immediately from Propositions 4.1, 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1. As we remarked in the Introduction, these four propositions are also interesting in their own, since they allow us to easily calculate various compositions of 2-cells in a bicategory of fractions, only knowing the set of xed choices C(W) (that completely determines the bicategory because of Theorem 1.2), and choosing freely any representatives of the 2-morphisms that we are composing (plus the additional data as in (F1) (F10)). For example, having shown a simple procedure for computing vertical compositions (i.e., Proposition 5.1), we can prove the already mentioned Propo−1 sition 1.4 about invertibility of 2-morphisms in C [W ]: C [W ], −1 1 1 f1 is a morphism of 1 1 belongs to W, so does w ◦ v ◦ u. Since Proof of Proposition 1.4. Let us assume (iv); by hypothesis belongs to W. Since v ◦ u 1 1 (4) represents Γ, then w ◦ v also belongs to W. So by Lemma 2.4 there are an object 04 0 04 A and a morphism u : A → A4 such that u ◦ u0 belongs to W. Since β ◦ u is invertible, 0 so is β ◦ (u ◦ u ), hence (iii) holds. hence w Let us assume (iii), so let us choose any representative (4) for Γ and let us assume that 4 4 3 there are an object A and a morphism u : A → A in W, such that β ◦ u is invertible −1 in C . By the description of 2-morphisms in C [W ], we have that Γ is also represented SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS (A4 , v1 ◦ u, v2 ◦ u, α ◦ u, β ◦ u). representative for Γ. by the quintuple with this new Since β◦u is invertible in 313 C, (ii) holds Now let us assume (ii), so let us assume that the data in (4) are such that vertible in C. Since α is invertible in C β is in- 2-morphism in a bicategory 2-morphism [A3 , v2 , v1 , α−1 , β −1 ] : f 2 ⇒ f 1 . this is a (vertical) inverse for Γ, so (i) holds. by denition of of fractions, it makes sense to consider the Using Proposition 5.1, it is easy to see that Γ is invertible and let us −1 x any representative (4) for it; by denition of 2-morphism in C [W ] we have that α is 1 2 invertible, so we can apply Corollary 3.3 with f interchanged with f and (E, p, q, ς, Φ) 3 2 1 −1 −1 3 replaced by (A , v , v , α , Γ ). So there are an object E , a morphism r : E → A such 2 2 2 1 1 −1 that v ◦ r belongs to W, and a 2-morphism ϕ : f ◦ v ◦ r ⇒ f ◦ v ◦ r, such that Γ is Now let us prove that (i) implies (iv), so let us assume that represented by the following diagram: A2 f2 w2 A ⇓ α−1 ◦ r v2 ◦ r ⇓ ϕ E v1 ◦ r w1 A B. f1 1 Then we have h i E, v2 ◦ r, v2 ◦ r, iw2 ◦ v2 ◦ r , if 2 ◦v2 ◦ r = i(A2 ,w2 ,f 2 ) = h i (∗) = Γ ◦ Γ−1 = E, v2 ◦ r, v2 ◦ r, iw2 ◦ v2 ◦ r , β ◦ r ◦ ϕ , where object (∗) is obtained by applying Proposition 5.1. So by Lemma F and a morphism s : F → E in W, such that: if 2 ◦v2 ◦ r ◦ s = β ◦ r ◦ s ◦ ϕ ◦ s . 3.4(ii) there are an (104) Analogously, we have: h i 1 1 F, v ◦ r ◦ s, v ◦ r ◦ s, iw1 ◦ v1 ◦ r ◦ s , if 1 ◦v1 ◦ r ◦ s = i(A1 ,w1 ,f 1 ) = h i (∗) = Γ−1 ◦ Γ = F, v1 ◦ r ◦ s, v1 ◦ r ◦ s, iw1 ◦ v1 ◦ r ◦ s , ϕ ◦ s ◦ β ◦ r ◦ s , where object (∗) is obtained using again Proposition 5.1. So by Lemma 3.4(iii) there are an A4 and a morphism t : A4 → F , such that v1 ◦ r ◦ s ◦ t belongs to W and such that if 1 ◦v1 ◦ r ◦ s ◦ t = ϕ ◦ s ◦ t ◦ β ◦ r ◦ s ◦ t . (105) MATTEO TOMMASINI 314 Then (104) and (105) prove that β ◦r◦s◦t C , given by ϕ ◦ s ◦ t. u := r ◦ s ◦ t : A4 → A3 . has an inverse in order to conclude that (iv) holds, it suces to dene In A second application of the results of the previous sections is the following corollary, that will be useful in the next paper [T2014(a)]. In that paper, we will have to compare the compositions of 3 morphisms of the form (27) and the compositions of 3 morphisms of the following form f 0 := A g 0 := B 0 h := C u ◦ idA0 A v ◦ idB 0 f ◦idA0 0 g◦idB 0 B0 w ◦ idC 0 h◦idC 0 C0 B C D , , . (106) 0 In the special case when C is a 2-category we have that f = f and so on, hence 0 0 0 0 0 0 h ◦ (g ◦ f ) = h ◦ (g ◦ f ) and (h ◦ g) ◦ f = (h ◦ g ) ◦ f . However, when C is simply a 1 1 1 bicategory, in general the xed choice (A , u , f , δ) in the set C(W) for the pair (f, v) (see the rst diagram in (28)) is dierent from the xed choice for the pair (f ◦ idA0 , v ◦ idB 0 ), and analogously for all the remaining choices needed to compose the morphisms in (106). 0 0 0 Therefore, we need a tool for comparing h ◦ (g ◦ f ) with h ◦ (g ◦ f ) and analogously for 0 the other pair of compositions. In order to do that, rst of all we compare separately f with f. πa : a ◦ idA ⇒ a the right unitor of C 0 invertible 2-morphism χ(f ) : f ⇒ f as For that, we recall that we are denoting by for any morphism a : A → B. Then we dene an the class of the following diagram A0 u ◦ idA0 idA0 ⇓ πu ◦ idA0 A A0 idA0 u f ◦idA0 ⇓ πf ◦idA0 B, f 0 A and analogously for χ(g) and χ(h). Then we have the following result: 8.1. Corollary. Let us x any pair 6 (C , W) satisfying conditions C ,W morphisms as in (27) and (106). Then the associator Θh,g,f : h ◦ (BF) and any set of (g ◦ f ) ⇒ (h ◦ g) ◦ f SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS 315 is equal to the following composition: g◦f −1 ⇓ χ(g) ◦ χ(f ) g 0 ◦f 0 A h C −1 ⇓ χ(h)−1 h0 ⇓ ΘCh0,W ,g 0 ,f 0 f0 ⇓ χ(f ) ⇓ χ(h) ◦ χ(g) B f D. h0 ◦g 0 h◦g (107) 8.2. Remark. As we mentioned above, in the case when χ(f ), χ(g) to prove (since and χ(h) C is a 2-category there is nothing are all trivial). In the case of a bicategory, things are a bit more complicated. One could be tempted to do the following: (a) prove that gously for χ(f ) is a right χ(g) and χ(h); or left unitor for f in the bicategory C [W−1 ], and analo- (b) appeal to coherence results in order to conclude that necessarily the composition in C ,W (107) coincides with the associator Θh,g,f . However, since the identities for (B, idB , idB ) A and B in C [W−1 ] are the triples (A, idA , idA ) and respectively, we have: f ◦ idA = A idA ◦ u 0 A f ◦idA0 B , idB ◦f = A u ◦ idA0 A 0 idB ◦f B . Since we are working in a bicategory, in general idA ◦ u 6= u ◦ idA0 and idB ◦f 6= f ◦idA0 , 0 therefore in general f is dierent from f ◦ idA and from idB ◦f . Therefore in general χ(f ) : f 0 ⇒ f cannot be a left or right unitor for f in C [W−1 ]. So in general we cannot use (a) (then (b)) in order to conclude. Instead, we need to rely on Propositions 4.1, 5.1 and 7.1, as we will show below. Proof of Corollary 8.1. The main problem in the proof comes from the presence of unitors for of C C (with trivial unitors, the statement is trivial). The presence of associators complicates only the exposition of the proof, but it does not introduce additional problems. So for simplicity of exposition we suppose that Step 1. f, g and h, suppose that the set of xed choices invertible: C(W), so that we have identities (29) and (30). needed for Moreover, let us C(W) gives data as in the upper part of the following u1 , u2 , v1 and u3 in W, and δ , σ , ξ diagrams (starting from the ones on the left), with η has trivial associators. Let us denote as in (28) the xed choices in the set composition of and C MATTEO TOMMASINI 316 1 u1 A0 f ◦idA0 A δ ⇒ B 2 f 1 v ◦ idB 0 u2 B0, A 1 g◦idB 0 ◦f 2 v1 B0 g◦idB 0 B ξ ⇒ C A σ ⇒ C 1 l w ◦ idC 0 C 0, 3 g1 w ◦ idC 0 A η ⇒ B u3 C 0, A0 f ◦idA0 f 2 v ◦ idB 0 ◦v1 B 2 , (108) so that by [P1996, 2.2] one has u ◦ idA0 ◦u1 ◦u2 h0 ◦ g 0 ◦ f 0 = A 0 0 0 D , A u ◦ idA0 ◦u3 h ◦g ◦f = A Step 2. h◦idC 0 ◦l 2 3 h◦idC 0 ◦g 1 ◦f A 2 D In this long step we are going to construct a set of data in be used in order to provide representatives for the various . C; 2-morphisms such data will appearing in the claim of Corollary 8.1, in such a way that it will be simple to compute their composition C ,W in (107), and to prove that it coincides with Θh,g,f . Step 2a. Using (BF2) we get that u1 ◦ u2 W, so by (BF3) 1 1 with r in W and ζ belongs to of data as in the upper part of the following diagram, there is a set invertible: E1 r1 A2 Using (BF4a) and an invertible u1 ◦ u2 ζ1 ⇒ A0 r2 2 u1 ◦u2 A . (109) (BF4b), there are an object E 2 , a morphism r3 : E 2 → E 1 in W 1 2-morphism ε1 : f 1 ◦ u2 ◦ r1 ◦ r3 ⇒ f ◦ u2 ◦ r2 ◦ r3 in C , such that v ◦ ε1 and is equal to the following composition: SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS u2 A2 f1 A1 r1 E E ⇓ δ −1 ⇓ ζ 1 f 1 ⇓ πf−1 0 A u1 f ◦idA0 A r3 E2 r3 E u2 A2 ⇓ ε1 r2 1 1 u2 A δ −1 ◦ u2 ◦ r1 ◦ r3 r1 E1 2 A f1 f 1 A A u2 1 ⇓ δ u1 ⇓ (ζ ) 2 v A1 v B0 1 −1 r1 ⇓ πv B0 1 is equal to the following composition: A1 u2 2 f B. v ◦ idB 0 ⇓ δ r2 This implies that v B0 u1 r3 2 317 −1 ⇓ πv−1 v ◦ idB 0 ⇓ πf A0 u1 B. f ◦idA0 f (110) Step 2b. Now we use again (BF4a) and (BF4b) in order to get an object 3 2 2 1 3 4 morphism r : E → E in W and an invertible 2-morphism ε : l ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r r2 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 , such that w ◦ ε2 is equal to the following composition: 4 E 3 r4 E u2 E1 r3 ⇓ ε 2 r3 E3 E2 A r3 ⇓ σ −1 g f ⇓ πg−1 0 r3 E1 r3 r2 C. g◦idB 0 1 ⇓ σ w ◦ idC 0 2 ⇓ πw C0 l w is equal to the following composition: r1 E1 l A2 l 2 A ⇓ (ε1 )−1 u2 E1 A2 r1 A ⇓ σ −1 1 u2 f A1 w C0 ⇓ ε2 r4 E2 1 A w C0 f1 B u2 σ −1 ◦ r1 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 r4 A1 1 E1 r2 Therefore, l A2 r1 E 3, a ⇒ l◦ w ◦ idC 0 C. g◦idB 0 1 f1 ⇓ πw−1 B0 ⇓ πg g (111) MATTEO TOMMASINI 318 Step 2c. We use (BF3) in order to get data as in the upper part of the following 5 2 diagram, with r in W and ζ invertible: E4 r5 A3 Using (BF4a) and an invertible r6 ζ2 ⇒ A0 u3 3 u3 A . (BF4b), there are an object E 5 , a morphism r7 : E 5 → E 4 in W 2 2-morphism ε3 : v1 ◦f 2 ◦ r5 ◦ r7 ⇒ v1 ◦ f ◦ r6 ◦ r7 in C , such that v ◦ ε3 and is equal to the following composition: f2 3 v1 B2 A ⇓ η −1 r5 E r7 5 E ⇓ ζ 4 u3 2 A η ◦ r5 ◦ r7 r7 E5 f B0 v1 ⇓ πv v is equal to the following composition: r5 E4 r7 v ◦ idB 0 2 B 2 B. f ◦idA0 ⇓ η 3 A Therefore, f ⇓ πf−1 0 u3 r6 v B0 r6 ⇓ (ε3 )−1 E4 u3 A3 ⇓ ζ2 A u3 3 f r5 A3 ⇓ η 2 2 f2 f A0 B B2 v1 B0 v1 ⇓ πf−1 f ◦idA0 B. v ◦ idB 0 ⇓ πv v (112) Step 2d. Using (BF2) we get that 3 5 7 u ◦r ◦r belongs to r8 in data as in the upper part of the following diagram, with W; so by (BF3) there W and ζ 3 invertible: are E6 r8 E3 Then we use E7 → E6 in W r9 u3 ◦ r5 ◦ r7 E 5. (BF4b) in order to get an object E 7 , a morphism r10 : 1 2 2 4 2 3 4 8 10 invertible 2-morphism ε : f ◦ u ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r ⇒ v1 ◦ f ◦ (BF4a) and an u1 ◦ u2 ◦ r1 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ζ3 ⇒ A0 and SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS r6 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ r10 in r4 E r8 E r10 7 E C, r3 E2 v ◦ ε4 such that E1 is equal to the following composition: r2 2 6 ⇓ ζ 2 u A 1 1 −1 A ⇓ (ζ ) A2 u2 A1 r1 3 1 v B0 ⇓ δ ⇓ πv−1 −1 v ◦ idB 0 f ◦idA0 0 A B. v ◦ idB 0 ⇓ η u3 ⇓ ζ2 r5 r7 u1 u3 A3 E5 f u1 3 r9 319 A 3 f B 2 2 ⇓ πv B0 v1 v r6 E4 (113) 8 Now we use (BF4a) and (BF4b) in order to get an object E , a morphism r11 : E 8 → E 7 in W and an invertible 2-morphism ε5 : g 1 ◦ f 2 ◦ r5 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ⇒ 2 g 1 ◦ f ◦ r6 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 , such that w ◦ ε5 is equal to the following composition: Step 2e. r5 E4 f2 A3 g1 B2 r7 E 8 r11 E 7 r10 E r9 6 ⇓ ξ −1 v1 E ⇓ ε 5 3 B E4 r9 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 r9 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 Step 2f. r12 : A4 → r7 E4 7 r5 A3 r ⇓ (ε5 )−1 E8 r6 ξ ◦ f 2 ◦ r5 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 E5 E5 r7 E4 E4 A f 2 B ⇓ ξ 2 B2 v1 ⇓ ε3 r6 r5 A A3 f 2 f2 We use again (BF4a) and E 8 in W and an invertible g1 w ◦ idC 0 C0 C. ⇓ πw w is equal to the following composition: f2 3 g g◦idB 0 r7 3 w ⇓ πg−1 0 v1 Therefore C0 B v1 2 B2 g1 g1 g B0 ⇓ ξ C0 ⇓ πg−1 g◦idB 0 C. w ◦ idC 0 ⇓ πw w (114) (BF4b) in order to get an object A4 , a morphism 2-morphism ρ : l ◦ r1 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r8 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 ⇒ 320 MATTEO TOMMASINI g 1 ◦ f 2 ◦ r5 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 , such that r1 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 E3 r8 ◦ r10 r2 ⇓ ε E7 f 2 ◦ r6 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 w◦ρ ◦ r3 is equal to the following composition: l A2 ⇓ ε2 2 A ◦ r4 4 B ◦ r10 2 B ⇓ σ −1 f ◦u2 0 ⇓ ξ 5 −1 ⇓ (ε ) 4 A E 8 E r9 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 w ◦ idC 0 g◦idB 0 r11 r12 ⇓ πw−1 l 1 v1 w C0 C. w ◦ idC 0 g1 5 r5 ◦ r7 A 3 B f2 ⇓ πw C0 2 g1 w (115) Step 3. Now we dene the following set of morphisms and 2-morphisms: u4 := r1 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r8 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 : A4 −→ A2 , u5 := r5 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 : A4 −→ A3 , γ := ζ 3 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 : u1 ◦ u2 ◦ u4 =⇒ u3 ◦ u5 . Moreover, we dene ω : f 1 ◦ u2 ◦ u4 ⇒ v1 ◦f 2 ◦ u5 as the following composition: r1 ◦ r3 E2 r4 A4 ◦ r8 r11 ◦ r12 A2 u2 ⇓ ε ◦ r10 f (116) 1 ◦u2 ◦r2 A1 1 f1 ◦ r3 ⇓ ε4 E7 B0. 2 v1 ◦f ◦r6 ◦ r7 v1 r9 ◦ r10 E5 By construction of u4 and u5 , we have that ρ r5 ◦ r7 A3 is dened from ⇓ (ε3 )−1 B2 2 f l ◦ u4 to (117) g 1 ◦ f 2 ◦ u5 . We claim that the set of data A4 , u4 , u5 , γ, ω, ρ ,W 4 (F3) for the computation of the associator ΘCh,g,f . u belongs 3 to W by construction and (BF2), and γ is invertible because ζ is so, hence condition (F1) holds. In order to prove (F2), we replace in (31) the denition of u4 , u5 and γ (see −1 (116)), the expression for δ ◦ u2 ◦ r1 ◦ r3 (obtained in diagram (110)) and the expression 5 7 for η ◦ r ◦ r (obtained in diagram (112)). After simplifying the term πf (coming from satises conditions (F1) SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS 321 (110)) with its inverse (coming from (112)), we get that the composition in (31) is equal to the following one: E1 r3 r r8 A 4 r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 E2 4 E E r1 E1 r3 r1 3 6 ⇓ ζ A2 r2 2 u2 ⇓ ε1 A 1 1 −1 A ⇓ (ζ ) A2 u2 A1 r6 E4 r7 E4 f 1 ⇓ δ A u3 A 3 −1 ⇓ (ε ) A3 f B 2 2 B2 ⇓ πv−1 −1 v ◦ idB 0 f ◦idA0 0 3 v B0 B. v ◦ idB 0 ⇓ η ⇓ ζ2 r5 f1 u1 u3 r9 E5 A1 u1 3 A3 r7 u2 v1 ⇓ πv B0 v v1 f2 r5 (118) v ◦ ω . This (F2) holds. In order to prove (F3), in (32) we replace ω with its deni4 5 −1 tion in (117), u and u with their denition in (116), σ ◦ r1 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 with (111), and ξ ◦ f 2 ◦ r5 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 with (114). After simplifying the terms πg , ε1 and ε3 with their inverses, we get that the composition in (32) coincides with (115), hence with w ◦ ρ. Therefore also condition (F3) holds. So using Proposition 4.1 we conclude that the assoC ,W ciator Θh,g,f is represented by the following diagram: Using (113) and (117), we get that (118) (hence (31)) coincides with implies that A2 u ◦ u1 ◦ u2 r1 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r8 ◦ ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 ⇓ u◦γ A A4 r5 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 u ◦ u3 h◦l ⇓ h◦ρ D. h◦g 1 ◦f 2 A3 Step 4. Now we want to compute also the associator (119) ΘCh0,W . ,g 0 ,f 0 For that, we dene the following set of data: 2 u4 := r2 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r8 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 : A4 −→ A , 3 u5 := r6 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 : A4 −→ A , 1 2 ω := ε4 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 : f ◦ u2 ◦ u4 =⇒ v1 ◦ f ◦ u5 . (120) MATTEO TOMMASINI 322 Moreover, we dene γ : u1 ◦ u2 ◦ u4 ⇒ u3 ◦ u5 r3 E2 as the following composition r2 E1 r4 A2 r1 u2 2 A ⇓ (ζ ) u1 A1 u2 ⇓ ζ3 E3 u3 r8 A3 r5 r10 A4 and ◦ r11 ◦ r12 E6 2 ρ : l ◦ u4 ⇒ g 1 ◦ f ◦ u5 E5 r9 E8 r9 E6 r4 E5 u3 3 A (121) r11 E r7 r2 2 E1 A ⇓ (ε2 )−1 2 E r3 E4 r5 1 A3 l 2 r1 f2 A l E7 r10 E6 r9 E5 C 0. g1 B2 B ⇓ ε5 E7 r11 r3 E3 ⇓ ρ r10 r12 E8 A0 ⇓ ζ2 r6 E2 r4 r8 E6 E7 r11 r12 u1 as the following composition: r10 A4 E4 r7 1 1 −1 A E4 r7 f 3 A r6 g1 2 2 (122) We claim that the set of data A4 , u4 , u5 , γ, ω, ρ satises conditions (F1) (F3) (123) for the computation of the associator ΘCh0,W , ,g 0 ,f 0 i.e., the same conditions stated in Proposition 4.1, but with (27) replaced by (106), and with the four diagrams appearing in (28) replaced by the four diagrams of (108). By construction u1 , u2 and r1 belong to W. So using (109) together with (BF2) and (BF5), we get that u1 ◦ u2 ◦ r2 also belongs to W. Moreover, by construction r3 , r4 , r8 , r10 , r11 and r12 belong 1 2 4 1 2 2 3 4 8 10 11 12 to W. So by (BF2) also the morphism u ◦ u ◦ u = u ◦ u ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r W; moreover γ is invertible because all the 2-morphisms in (121) are invertible construction, so (F1) holds. Using the denition of ω in (120), we get that v ◦ idB 0 ◦ ω belongs to by is equal to the following composition: r10 A4 r11 ◦ r12 E6 r8 E3 r4 E2 r3 E1 r2 2 2 u A A 1 f 1 ⇓ ε4 E7 r10 E6 r9 E5 r7 E4 B0 3 r6 A f 2 B 2 v1 B0 idB 0 idB 0 v v ⇓ πv ⇓ πv−1 B0 B. v SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS 323 4 In the diagram above we replace v ◦ ε with diagram (113), then we simplify all the −1 terms of the form πv and πv . Using (121), we get that v ◦ idB 0 ◦ ω is equal to the following composition: A u4 A f 1 u2 1 B0 A 2 ⇓ δ u1 ⇓ γ 4 ⇓ η u5 3 A This proves that condition (F3). (F2) f ◦idA0 A0 u3 prove also v ◦ idB 0 −1 f 2 B 2 v1 B B. v ◦ idB 0 0 holds for the set of data in (123). Now we want to ρ If we use the denition of in (122), then w ◦ idC 0 ◦ ρ is equal to the following composition: E r11 E 8 E r11 A4 ε 2 r12 E8 r11 E3 E2 r4 ⇓ ρ 7 r3 r2 2 E1 A ⇓ (ε2 )−1 E1 r3 r1 l A2 E r9 6 E r7 5 E ⇓ ε 7 E7 r10 E6 r5 A 3 B B r7 E4 A r6 3 w f w C0 2 5 E5 r9 4 f2 C0 idC 0 l g1 r10 r12 r8 E6 r10 E2 r4 2 g1 idC 0 ⇓ πw ⇓ πw−1 C C. w 0 2 In the diagram above we replace the term w ◦ ρ with diagram (115), and we simplify 5 , ε and all the terms of the form πw with their inverses. Then we get that w ◦ idC 0 ◦ ρ coincides also with the following composition l 2 C0 A u4 u2 ⇓ ω = ε4 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 A4 u5 A f so (F3) f v1 3 2 B ⇓ σ −1 1 A 1 B0 ⇓ ξ 2 g1 w ◦ idC 0 g◦idB 0 C, w ◦ idC 0 C0 holds. Therefore, using Proposition 4.1 with the data of (106), (108) and (123), MATTEO TOMMASINI 324 we get that the associator ΘCh0,W ,g 0 ,f 0 is represented by the following diagram: A u ◦ idA0 ◦u1 ◦u2 h◦idC 0 ◦ l r2 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r8 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 ⇓ u ◦ idA0 ◦ γ A 2 ⇓ h ◦ idC 0 ◦ ρ A4 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 D. r6 u ◦ idA0 ◦u3 A Step 5. h◦idC 0 ◦g 1 ◦f 2 3 (124) Until now we have computed the two associators appearing in the claim of Corollary 8.1. Using Propositions 5.1 and 7.1 it is not dicult to prove that the 2-morphism −1 χ(h) −1 ◦ χ(g) −1 ◦ χ(f ) 0 0 : h ◦ g ◦ f =⇒ h ◦ g ◦ f 0 appearing in the upper part of (107) is represented by the diagram A2 u ◦ u1 ◦ u2 ⇓ α1 A A h◦l r1 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r8 ◦ ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 4 ⇓ β1 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r8 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 D, r2 u ◦ idA0 ◦u1 ◦u2 A where α1 and 4 A β1 A r1 r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r8 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 r8 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 r4 E E E2 3 r4 Step 6. (125) are the following compositions: 1 r2 4 h◦idC 0 ◦l 2 E 2 r3 u2 A2 A1 ⇓ ζ1 A E1 ⇓ ε2 E1 3 r 2 r1 A u2 A2 0 A 1 u1 r2 A l ⇓ πu−1 u ◦ idA0 0 ⇓ πh−1 D. h◦idC 0 Using again Propositions 5.1 and 7.1, the composition A, h l C 2 u u1 χ(h) ◦ χ(g) ◦ χ(f ) : h0 ◦ g 0 ◦ f 0 =⇒ h ◦ g ◦ f (126) SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS 325 appearing in the lower part of (107) is represented by the diagram 3 u ◦ idA0 A ◦u3 r6 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 4 ⇓ α2 A A h◦idC 0 ◦g 1 ◦f ⇓ β2 r5 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 u ◦ u3 2 D, h◦g 1 ◦f 2 3 A where α2 and β2 are the following compositions: A 3 r6 r7 ◦ r9 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 4 (127) E A ⇓ (ζ 2 )−1 A3 4 r5 A4 r12 r11 E 7 r10 E 6 r9 E8 r11 Step 7. E 7 r10 E 6 r9 5 r7 4 E E 5 −1 ⇓ (ε ) E5 7 E4 r r6 3 f u ◦ idA0 u3 A B 2 h◦idC 0 g1 ⇓ πh C0 3 A f2 B 2 g1 D. h (128) Now we have to compute (107), i.e., the vertical composition of: (a) χ(h)−1 ◦ (χ(g)−1 ◦ χ(f )−1 ), (b) ΘCh0,W , ,g 0 ,f 0 (c) (χ(h) ◦ χ(g)) ◦ χ(f ), represented by (125); represented by (124); represented by (127). We compose (a) and (b) using Proposition 5.1: since the map 2 4 coincides with the map A → A in (124), we can choose A4 , idA4 , idA4 , ir2 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r8 ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 as the data A, u u3 2 A r5 ⇓ πu 0 (C, t1 , t2 , ρ) needed in (F4). 2 A4 → A in (125) So the composition of (a) and (b) is represented MATTEO TOMMASINI 326 by the following diagram: A2 u ◦ u1 ◦ u2 r1 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r8 ◦ ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 ⇓ (u ◦ idA0 ◦ γ) ◦ α1 A4 A h◦l ⇓ (h ◦ idC 0 ◦ ρ) ◦ β 1 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 D. r6 u ◦ idA0 ◦u3 A h◦idC 0 ◦g 1 ◦f 2 3 (129) Using the same ideas on the pair of diagrams (129) and (127), the composition of (a), (b) and (c) is represented by the following diagram: A2 u ◦ u1 ◦ u2 A r1 ◦ r3 ◦ r4 ◦ r8 ◦ ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 h◦l ⇓ α2 ◦ (u ◦ idA0 ◦ γ) ◦ α1 A4 ⇓ β 2 ◦ (h ◦ idC 0 ◦ ρ) ◦ β 1 u ◦ u3 ◦ r7 ◦ r9 ◦ ◦ r10 ◦ r11 ◦ r12 D. r5 A h◦g 1 ◦f 2 3 (130) 1 1 Above we replace γ with (121) and ρ with (122). In addition, we replace α , β , α2 and β 2 with their denitions in (126) and (128). Then we simplify the terms of the 1 2 2 5 form πu , πh , ζ , ζ , ε and ε with their inverses. So on the left hand side of (130) we get 3 10 11 12 u ◦ ζ ◦ r ◦ r ◦ r = u ◦ γ , and on the right hand side we get h ◦ ρ. In other terms, (130) coincides with (119). By construction (130) represents the composition of (107), C ,W and (119) represents Θh,g,f , so we conclude. 9. Appendix - An alternative description of 2-morphisms in a bicategory of fractions Proposition 1.1 suggests an alternative construction of 2-morphisms in C [W−1 ]. This new construction is equivalent to the original one of [P1996], but much simpler. Let us 1 1 1 1 suppose that we want to dene a 2-morphism from the morphism f := (A , w , f ) to 2 the morphism f := (A2 , w2 , f 2 ) (both dened from A to B ). Since the composition −1 of 1-morphisms in C [W ] depends on the set of choices C(W), such choices must be xed before constructing the bicategory of fractions (and such a bicategory depends on these choices). Since they are xed, there is no harm in using them in order to get data SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS (E, p, q, ς) C in as below, with p in W and ς 327 invertible: E p A1 ς ⇒ A w1 q A2 . w2 (131) Then we give the following denition: 9.1. Definition. Let us x any pair choices C(W); C [W ] −1 let (C , W) satisfying conditions (BF), and any set of be the bicategory of fractions induced by such choices (see −1 Theorem 1.2). Then an almost canonical representative of a 2-morphism in C [W ] f 1 to f 2 is any triple (A3 , t, ϕ) where t : A3 → E is a morphism in W, and ϕ is a 2-morphism in C from f 1 ◦ p ◦ t to f 2 ◦ q ◦ t. Given another triple (A03 , t0 : A03 → E, ϕ0 : f 1 ◦ p ◦ t0 ⇒ f 2 ◦ q ◦ t0 ), we say that it is equivalent to the previous one, and we write (A3 , t, ϕ) ∼ (A03 , t0 , ϕ0 ) if and only if there are data (A4 , u, u0 , σ) in C as follows from E t0 A03 u0 σ ⇒ A4 t u A3 , such that: • u belongs to • σ is invertible; • W; the compositions of the following two diagrams are equal: u0 u0 t ⇓ σ u A4 t0 A03 E A1 f1 ⇓ ϕ A3 ⇓ σ p t0 B, A4 u0 E p A1 f1 ⇓ ϕ0 A03 B. −1 t 03 A t0 E q A2 f2 t0 E q A2 f2 (132) A 2-morphism in C [W−1 ] is any class of equivalence of data as h i A3 , t, ϕ : A1 , w1 , f 1 =⇒ A2 , w2 , f 2 . above, denoted by As you can see, this denition is much shorter than the original one (that we recalled in the Introduction). It is not too hard to prove that: MATTEO TOMMASINI 328 (a) ∼ is a actually an equivalence relation (so Denition 9.1 is well-posed); (b) there is a natural bijection between 2-morphisms according to Denition 9.1 and 2- morphisms according to the original denition of [P1996], induced by associating to 3 any triple (A , t, ϕ) the equivalence class of the following diagram: w1 ⇓ ς ◦t A A1 f1 p◦t ⇓ ϕ A3 B. q◦t w2 A f2 2 (133) The result above can be rephrased by saying that each 2-morphism in C [W−1 ] (de- ned according to [P1996]) has a representative given by a diagram of type (133) for a 3 triple (A , t, ϕ) that is almost canonical (having xed the set of choices C(W) that com−1 pletely determine the structure of C [W ], see Theorem 1.2). Almost canonical here 3 refers to the fact that the triple (A , t, ϕ) inducing a given 2-morphism is almost unique and varies in a much smaller set if compared to the set of diagrams as (4). We cannot say canonical since sometimes there is more than one such triple inducing the same 2-morphism (this is why we need to use the equivalence relation given in Denition 9.1). The description of 2-cells of C [W−1 ] in terms of almost canonical triples is simpler than the original one in [P1996], but does not interact well with vertical and horizontal composition. Therefore we are just mentioning it here in the Appendix, and we leave the proof of (a) and (b) as an useful exercise for the interested reader (hint: use the axioms (BF) together with the lemmas stated in 2 C [W−1 ] that we recalled in the Introduction). and 3, and the denition of 2-cells of References [L] Tom Leinster, Higher operads, higher categories. Vol. 298, Cambridge University Press, 2004, arXiv: math.CT 0305049v1; [GZ1967] Pierre Gabriel, Michel Zisman, Calculus of Fractions and Homotopy Theory. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1967; [P1996] Dorette A. Pronk, Etendues and stacks as bicategories of fractions. Compositio Mathematica 102, 243303, available at 1996__102_3_243_0, 1996; [PW] Dorette A. Pronk, Michael A. Warren, Bicategorical bration structures and stacks. Theory and Applications of Categories 29.29 (2014), pp. 836873, arXiv: math.CT 1303.0340v1; SOME INSIGHTS ON BICATEGORIES OF FRACTIONS 329 [T2014(a)] Matteo Tommasini, Right saturations and induced pseudofunctors between bicategories of fractions. arXiv: math.CT 1410.5075v2, 2014; [T2014(b)] Matteo Tommasini, Equivalences of bicategories of fractions. arXiv: math.CT 1410.6395v2, 2014. This article may be accessed at THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF CATEGORIES (ISSN 1201-561X) will disseminate articles that signicantly advance the study of categorical algebra or methods, or that make signicant new contributions to mathematical science using categorical methods. 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