PHY1033C–Fall 2002 Peter J Hirschfeld Notes Lectures 14-17 Oct. 15,17,22,24 Special Relativity Viewed Episodes 41-43 of Mechanical Universe Film Series on Relativity Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism (1860) showed light was an electromagnetic wave moving with speed c = 3 × 108 m/s. Relative to what? The speed of sound in air is 330 m/s, in solids it is several thousand m/s – relative to the medium in which it is traveling. What is the medium for light? Usual 19th century answer: the aether. Term was coined by Aristotle or his predecessors as name for mysterious medium filling all space (ancients didn’t like concept of vacuum!). speed of wave perceived by plane c-v speed of wave perceived by plane v+c speed of plane relative to air v sound wave moving toward plane from back, speed c with respect to air sound wave moving toward plane from front, speed c with respect to air Figure 1: The sound wave moving toward the plane is moving faster relative to the plane than the sound wave coming from behind Properties of aether according to 19th century physicists: • stiff (c is a big number, and media where waves propagate fast are stiff in our experience–compare sound in air with sound in metals) • nonviscous (aether doesn’t seem to slow planets down much as they whiz through this stuff, so it must be pretty thin) 1 hmm... don’t know about too many substances with these two properties. But ok, we said it was mysterious. Further problem (Einstein): results of an experiment on electromagnetism would seem to depend on c, which, since it is the speed of a wave through a medium, is different in different reference frames moving with respect to that medium. Example: see figure 1 If we are doing an electromagnetism experiment in the plane, should we replace c in our equations with c + v? Result of our experiment would then depend on the velocity of our laboratory. Note this is definitely not the case for Newton’s laws of mechanics: In mechanics we insist on Galileo’s principle of Frame 1 000000 111111 111111 000000 000000 111111 000000 111111 000000 111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 0000000 0000000 1111111 0000000 1111111 0000000 1111111 Frame 2 v 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 Figure 2: Measuring the period of the pendulum gives the same answer in either frame 1 or 2 relativity: the laws of mechanics are the same in every reference frame moving with a uniform velocity (see Fig. 2). You can’t tell if you are at rest or moving uniformly. This bothered Einstein: if it is true for mechanics, why not electromagnetism? In the meantime, Albert Michelson and Edward Morley set out to mirror v = vel. of aether wind u=resultant velocity c = speed of light rel. to aether L a) b) Figure 3: a) mirror clock configuration in its frame perp. to Earth’s motion; b) resultant velocity ⃗u due to aether wind. From the geometry, u2 = c2 − v 2 . measure the Earth’s motion relative to the aether. If the Earth moves through 2 the aether with velocity ⃗v , on Earth it is as if an aether “wind” is blowing over us with velocity −⃗v . Let’s say we want to send light back and forth between 2 mirrors perpendicular to ⃗v (Figure 3 a), and light travels with speed c in the medium: it’s like trying to fly your plane in a crosswind (or row your boat directly across a moving river). If the aether wind is blowing by the clock, you have to send light moving at speed c relative to the aether out at an angle so that the aether wind blows it back on course to reach the other mirror. The resultant velocity ⃗u is shown in Figure 3 b. The time to go back and forth (one √ “tick” of clock) is now 2 distance traveled by the light / speed = 2 L/u = 2L/ c2 − v 2 . In the parallel configuration (Figure 4), the time to travel to the right is L a) b) mirror u outbound: v c u = c+v inbound v c Figure 4: a) mirror clock configuration in its frame parallel to Earth’s motion; b) resultant velocity ⃗u due to aether wind on both inbound and outbound trips. Resultant velocity ⃗u is different for two different parts of trip. L/(c − v), while the time to travel back to the left is L/(c + v). The total time is therefore L/(c − v) + L/(c + v) = 2Lc/(c2 − v 2 ). Compare the two answers–they are different. This is the point: if light is just a wave traveling in a medium like any other wave, we expect that the times for a pulse of light to go back and forth should be different in the two configurations. Michelson and Morley found, after careful measurement, that the time was the same. One obvious conclusion was that the speed u was in fact c in both directions, that there was no aether, and that the whole analysis above is wrong in the case of light. Einstein question to teacher: what would it look like if I could run fast enough to catch up to a light beam? Teacher: don’t worry, it won’t be on the test! Einstein’s own answer (1905): you can’t catch up, because light moves at c relative to you regardless of how fast you run!1 1 Einstein himself claimed he was not aware of Michelson-Morley expt. when he wrote his theory, and Michelson and Morley did not accept the “obvious” possibility that the aether did not exist. 3 Postulates of Einstein’s theory of relativity: • laws of physics are the same in all frames of reference in uniform motion (“relativity”) • speed of light in vacuum has same value for all observers Consequences of Einstein theory: • Time dilation Imagine observing a clock moving with respect to you with speed v. Einstein says you observe this clock running slower than yours. That is, a tick ∆t in the clock’s rest frame is shorter than the tick ∆t′ you observe when you are looking at the clock in the the moving frame. Now any clock is equivalent (it turns out) to a ”light clock” consisting of light bouncing back and forth between two mirrors. Suppose we position the clock perpendicular to the direction of motion, and consider its motion to the right for one “tick”, consisting of the light going back and forth once: mirror L v∆ t Figure 5: a) mirror clock moving for one tick √ The distance traveled by the light pulse is 2 L2 + √ (v∆t′ /2)2 , so a tick ′ lasts a time equal to the distance/speed, or ∆t = 2 L2 + (v∆t′ /2)2 /c. Squaring both sides, we get c2 (∆t′ )2 4 = v 2 (∆t′ )2 + 4L2 ⇒ (∆t′ )2 (1 − v 2 /c2 ) ⇒ ∆t′ = 4L2 /c2 = (∆t)2 ∆t = √ ( )2 = γ∆t 1 − vc where I used the fact that in the rest frame a tick is just ∆t = 2L/c, and defined a new quantity 1 γ=√ . 1 − v 2 /c2 This factor, which will always be > 1 since v < c always, appears all over the place in the theory of relativity. If the velocity v is anything reasonable, i.e. much less than c, γ is approximately 1, and we can forget about relativity. But if v is a significant fraction of c, γ gets big. In this case we can see that ∆t′ = γ∆t, i.e. “moving clocks run slower”. What this really means is, if you observe a clock in another frame moving at a uniform velocity with respect to yours, you measure it to run slower than the equivalent clock at rest in your frame. • Length contraction With a little more work, the transformation of spatial coordinates can also be worked out, but I will spare you the derivation. The result is that, if something measures ∆x in length at rest in your frame, its length will be shorter if you measure it as it goes by at some velocity v. Note that the length in your frame gets divided by γ in this equation. This contraction of objects (or really, space itself) is called the Fitzgerald contraction. ∆x′ = ∆x/γ • Simultaneity Here the basic idea is that the constancy of the speed of light in any uniformly moving reference frame forces us to reexamine the idea of simultaneity of events. Think of an event as something happening at a particular point in space and in time, e.g. a light flash at (x, t). The information about other types of events will travel to our eyes at the speed of light, so this is the same. We looked at an example with a light flash going off in the middle of a spaceship. The observer in the spaceship sees the two events when the light hits the front and back of the spaceship as simultaneous. On the other hand, an observer seeing the spaceship fly by sees the light moving with respect to him at the same speed, c. Therefore by the time the light gets to the back of the spaceship, the ship has moved forward a bit so the light needs more time to reach the front. The observer in the spaceship and the observer on the ground do not agree that the two events are simultaneous. 5 • Velocity addition According to the basic ideas of relativity à la Galileo, if I am standing on a railroad car moving to the right with speed 0.6c, and I throw a baseball to the right with speed 0.6c relative to the car, the ball travels at speed 1.2 c relative to the ground. No problem, except Einstein says it can’t be true: nothing can go faster than light. There must be a new way in Einsteinian relativity to add velocities. When you work through the algebra, you get the following result for the above example: V = v1 + v2 ( ), 1 + v1c2v2 where V is the total velocity of the ball relative to the ground, v1 is the velocity of the ball relative to the car, and v2 is the velocity of the car relative to the ground, for example.2 If you plug in the numbers, you will see again that the denominator changes the answer from what you expect when the velocities v1 and v2 get to be an appreciable fraction of c. And you can check that the formula never allows V to be larger than c. For the numbers above, the ball moves relative to the ground at V = 0.88c. • Relativistic momentum and energy We saw in the film that problems with momentum conservation arise if we try to stick to the Newtonian definition, p = mv in relativity. These are fixed if we define the momentum of any object p = γm0 v. I attached a “0” subscript to the mass to explicitly indicate that it is the mass of the object as determined in its rest frame. Sometimes the mass in a moving frame will be written as m = γm0 , so we say that the mass of a moving object depends on its velocity. The kinetic energy changes in a similar way, giving the famous Einstein formula m0 c2 E = mc2 = m0 γc2 = √ . 1 − v 2 /c2 Note when v = 0, the energy is not zero! This is because Einstein found that mass is equivalent to energy, or, in the old language, mass can actually be converted to pure energy, e.g. in a nuclear reaction where you mass the constituents before and after and find that mass has been lost. Where did it go? It turned into energy usually in the form of radiation equal to the missing mass times c2 . The old, Newtonian result is recovered at low speeds by checking that an approximation to the Einstein formula holds: 1 E ≈ m0 c2 + m0 v 2 , 2 2 Note the text has a misprint on p. 703, with the wrong sign in the denominator 6 which is the rest energy plus the usual kinetic energy. In the old mechanics problems we did in the early part of the course, the mass is never lost, so we could forget the constant first term. So as we found before, Newtonian physics is found from the Einstein theory of relativity when velocities are small compared to c. This is important to understand. In a sense it is true that Einstein proved Newton “wrong”; in another, important sense, Newton’s ideas were simply incorporated into Einsteins’. For what Newton was interested in explaining, his ideas are essentially correct. Problems: Problem 1 In a laboratory experiment a muon is observed to travel d = 800 m before disintegrating. A graduate student looks up the life time τ of a muon (τ = 2 × 10−6 sec) and concludes that its speed was v= 800m = 4 × 108 m/sec 2 × 10−6 sec faster than light!!! Identify the error of the poor student, and find the actual speed of the muon. Solution: the number looked up in the table for τ , the lifetime of the muon, is the average time the particle exists after being created, before decaying into something else, in its own rest frame. As observed in the laboratory, the muon’s “clock” runs slower, so it lives longer, as we saw in the film. Quantitatively, the lifetime of the muon as viewed by the student is , τ ′ = τ γ, so the true velocity as observed in lab frame is the distance L divided by time τ ′ : v= L L = ′ τ γτ We now need to solve for v. First divide both sides by c and write out the definition of γ: ( )√ ( v )2 v L = 1− c c c Square both sides, solve for v/c, and find √ v = c/ 1 + τ 2 c2 /L2 When you plug the numbers in, this gives v = 2.4 × 108 m/s, less than c, of course. 7 Problem 2 At rest a Rolls-Royce is found to be twice as long as a Cooper Mini. However, as the Rolls-Royce is overtaking the Mini they are observed to have the same length. The Mini is observed to be going at half the speed of light 2c (!) How fast is the Rolls-Royce going for the observer (keep your answer as a fraction of c)? Solution: let’s first express the length of each car as seen by the observer at rest in terms of the Rolls’ rest length LR and the Rolls’ velocity vR : √ ( v )2 R ′ LR = LR /γR = LR · 1 − c √ ( )2 LR c/2 L′M = LM /γM = · 1− 2 c √ Note 1− ( c/2 c )2 = √ 3/2. Now the problem says the two cars are observed to have equal lengths, so √ L′R = LR · 1− ( v )2 √ ( )2 so we need to solve 1 − vcR = R c √ = LR 3 = L′M 4 √ 3 4 to find vR = √ 13c/4 Problem 3 As the outlaws escape in their getaway car, which goes 43 c, the cop fires a bullet from the pursuit car, which only goes 12 c. The muzzle velocity (speed relative to gun) of the bullet is 13 c. Does the bullet reach its target (a) according to Galileo’s rule of addition of velocities; (b) according to Einstein’s rule of addition of velocities? Solution: Galileo would say that the velocity of the bullet relative to the ground is v1 + v2 = c/2 + c/3 = 5c/6. This is plenty to hit the getaway car. Einstein, however, would say V = v1 + v2 5c/6 5c = v1 v2 = 1 + c2 1 + 1/6 7 8