DATE: September 6, 2013 TO:

September 6, 2013
All Employees
Western Illinois University Benefits Office
Public Act 97-0968 – SURS Return to Work
All employees are required to complete the enclosed Statement of SURS
Annuitant Status form. If you are not a retired SURS annuitant, please
complete #1 and #7 and sign and date the enclosed form.
Public Act 97-0968 (
requires all SURS-covered employers to make an annual contribution to SURS if it employs a
SURS annuitant after August 1, 2013 and the employee meets both of the following criteria:
Works more than 18 paid weeks after August 1, 2013. This criterion is cumulative and
not particular to any single academic year (One day of work within a week is counted as
a full week of work); and
Receives compensation during an academic year beginning after August 1, 2013, that is
greater than 40 percent of their highest annual rate of earnings.
Annuitants are required to provide their employment history as it relates to employment with all
SURS-covered employers. A review of the information will be made to determine whether the
University will continue to employ an annuitant meeting the criteria.
Please submit the Statement of SURS Annuitant Status form to the Benefits Office, 312 Sherman
Hall by September 20, 2013.
If you have any questions, please contact Benefits (298-1853).