Unit Name: Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships

Unit Name: Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Unit Mission: The mission of the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships is to assist current and prospective ESF students to obtain the financial
assistance required to complete their academic programs, while using funds strategically to assist the College in meeting its enrollment and net
tuition revenue goals.
Unit Level Institutional Assessment
Unit Goal
Link to ESF Goals (by#)
Method(s) of Assessment
and Targets
Results of Assessment
Implementation Plan
(Changes resulting from
Play a key role in ESF’s efforts to recruit
and retain students by providing
accurate and appropriate financial aid
and scholarship awards in a timely
manner and in compliance with financial
aid regulations and policies. Maintain an
ongoing capability to amend awards to
reflect changes in student eligibility,
which may occur after initial aid
#1 Enrich academic
excellence in both
undergraduate and graduate
 Achieve college enrollment goals
for new and returning students.
 Fall 2011 enrollment goals
exceeded for new and
returning students.
 Present college costs
information in more detail
for better comparison with
Provide effective financial aid counseling
services to prospective and continuing
ESF students and their families. Provide
consumer information and assist
students in applying and qualifying for
financial aid and scholarships. Counseling
will be provided through mass
communication activities (financial aid
brochure, website) as well as individual
communication (interviews, college
nights, telephone counseling, and
#1 Enrich academic
excellence in both
undergraduate and graduate
Manage financial aid and scholarship
funds to achieve budgetary targets and
net tuition revenue targets. Comply with
regulatory requirements and audit
#1 Enrich academic
excellence in both
undergraduate and graduate
 Increase enrollment yield on
accepted undergraduates.
#2 Provide an outstanding
student experience
 Score on SUNY’s Student Opinion
 Score on Admitted Student
Questionnaire (ASQ).
#2 Provide an outstanding
student experience
 Yield increased from 42% to
43% (fall) on aided students.
 SUNY’s Student Opinion
Survey (2009) ranks ESF
Financial Aid services at #6
of 24 state campuses and at
#1 among doctoral
 ASQ survey for fall 2010
rated Financial Aid
communications: 50% very
good to excellent, 37% good,
13% poor to fair.
#2 Provide an outstanding
student experience
 Budget expenditures within
planning range needed to
achieve net revenue goals.
 Complete state and federal
audits with no serious findings.
 Expenditures higher due to
tuition increase for students
outside NY state, but net
revenue within planning
 Audit findings are minimal.
 Implement SUNY net price
calculator on ESF website.
 SUNY survey (current
students) will be conducted
again in 2012. Results
suggest no major changes.
 ASQ survey (accepted
applicants) will be again
conducted in 2012 or 2013.
Evaluate communications
strategies to improve 2010
 Adjust scholarship awards
for out-of-state students to
offset higher tuition rate.
Enroll more out-of-state
students and increase
Unit Name: Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Unit Mission: The mission of the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships is to assist current and prospective ESF students to obtain the financial
assistance required to complete their academic programs, while using funds strategically to assist the College in meeting its enrollment and net
tuition revenue goals.
Unit Level Institutional Assessment
Support academic departments and the
ESF College Foundation in awarding
graduate assistantships, departmental
scholarships, and scholarships provided
through gifts and endowments. Also
support the processing of scholarships
provided to ESF students through
outside organizations.
#1 Enrich academic
excellence in both
undergraduate and graduate
Influence ESF, SUNY, and public policies
related to financial aid. Work to secure
appropriate levels of federal, state, ESF,
and College Foundation funding to meet
student needs.
#1 Enrich academic
excellence in both
undergraduate and graduate
 Maintain or increase number of
undergraduates with outside
scholarships and dollars
 Number of outside
scholarship students and
dollars processed:
 Maintain current activities.
2009 = 109 @ $210K
2010 = 134 @ $262K
#2 Provide an outstanding
student experience
 Assessment is qualitative for this
 Director provides
appropriate policy input and
budget input.
 Maintain current activities.
 Increased number of students in
EOP (through recruitment and
 Number of EOP students
dropped from 29 (fall 2010)
to 23 (fall 2011).
 Implement a state funded
summer orientation
program for entering EOP
 Average GPA for EOP students
(measured following spring
 Five fewer new EOP enrolled
(freshmen and transfers)
due to increased selectivity
for fall 2011 admission.
#2 Provide an outstanding
student experience
Manage an effective state-funded
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
to serve undergraduate students who
are economically and educationally
disadvantaged (per state guidelines) to
provide student access to an ESF
#1 Enrich academic
excellence in both
undergraduate and graduate
#2 Provide an outstanding
student experience
 Spring 2010 GPA = 2.46
Spring 2011 GPA = 2.46
 Will attempt to establish a
stronger EOP transfer
partnership with Onondaga
Community College.
 Develop stronger links with
Academic Support Center
to improve average GPA.