Anthropology Course Descriptions ANTH 5403: Interpretation/Education through Museum Methods Prerequisite: Senior or Graduate standing, or permission of instructor. Museum perspectives and approaches to care and interpretation of cultural resources, including interpretive techniques of exhibit and education-outreach materials, and integrating museum interpretation/education into public school and general public programming. Class projects focus on special problems for managing interpretive materials in a museum setting. Graduate level projects or papers involve carrying out research relevant to the Museum's mission and relating to current Museum goals. ANTH 5853: Music of the World's Peoples Cross-listed: MUS 5853 A survey of predominantly non-Western world music cultures with attention to sonic structures, musicians, musical instruments, and socio-cultural contexts of music making. Listening emphasized. Note: Open to students in all majors. ANTH 6883: Workshop Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. The workshop will require the equivalency of fifteen clock hours of instruction per credit hour. ANTH 6893: Independent Study Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings. Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.