Instrument Science Report NICMOS-001 NICMOS Design Reference Mission and Ground System Volume Estimate John W. MacKenty and Ray Kutina July 25, 1995 ABSTRACT We construct an estimate of the distribution of NICMOS observing programs and their frequencies of occurrence in the post- SMOV era. We predict a daily mean volume of 90 prime, 77 internal parallel,172 parallel with other SIs, and 30 calibration observations for a total of 369 observations. With the estimated distribution of the usage of the NICMOS readout modes, these correspond to a downlink volume of 751 Mbits per day. This expands to approximately 918 Mbytes per day of CAL class science data ingested in the Hubble Data Archive. These estimates are particularly sensitive to assumptions regarding the fraction of the observations obtained with MULTI-ACCUM mode and the fraction of observations which are background limited (i.e. requiring chopping). 1. Introduction Goals of this Report This ISR provides an description of the anticipated usage of the NICMOS Science Instrument (SI). This estimate is intended to guide the design and development of the HST ground system elements which will receive, process, calibrate, archive, and distribute NICMOS data. For this purpose we have constructed a realistic scenario which should neither underestimate nor overestimate the usage of NICMOS. We have aimed for a balanced estimate since an underestimate might leave us unprepared during Cycle 7 while an overestimate might waste resources and lock us into a particular ground system configuration. This ISR provides estimates of the mean • number of NICMOS prime observations per day • number of NICMOS internal parallel observations per day • number of NICMOS observations parallel with other SIs per day • number of NICMOS calibration observations per day 1 • downlink data volume per day • data volume generated by OPUS per day (not including the engineering data stream) • size of the Calibration Data Base (CDB) Structure of this Report Section 2 considers the distribution of usage across the various observing mode and classes of observations and targets. Section 3 defines the “Design Reference Mission”. Section 4 provides our estimate of the volume of data which the HST ground system should be designed to handle. The contents and size of the NICMOS calibration reference files in CDBS are estimated in Section 5. A bottom line summary is presented in Section 6. 2. Distribution of NICMOS Usage NICMOS observing modes The NICMOS SI has four primary observing modes: ACCUM, RAMP, MULTI-ACCUM, and BRIGHTOBJ. Of these, MULTI-ACCUM mode is of particular interest for estimating the data volume since it typically returns of order 10 to 20 times the data volume of the other three modes. RAMP mode returns datasets which are twice the size of ACCUM and BRIGHTOBJ mode. Estimated Distribution of NICMOS Science Programs The NICMOS SI expands HST’s range of observing space into the near Infrared. While creating new opportunities, this complicates the task of estimating the frequency and distribution of the types of NICMOS observations. Three major issues limit our ability to predict NICMOS usage. First, it is not certain at what wavelength the HST OTA thermal emissivity will start to exceed the external background and it is likely that this will not be determined until on-orbit measurements are obtained during post-SM2 SMOV. Second, the extent and nature of the parallel program(s) which will be undertaken with NICMOS depends on policy, TAC allocation (e.g. to a large “key project”), and the successful installation of a Solid State Recorder (SSR) during SM2. For the purposes of this study we have assumed that parallel observations are aggressively pursued, that the parallel program does one third of its orbits in the thermally limited IR, and that the SSR is available in Cycle 7. Last, until the IDT and GO scientific investigations are defined (and TAC selected for the GOs), it is difficult to estimate the division of orbits between broad band observations of faint targets and the use of special capabilities within NICMOS (see below). We may divide NICMOS observations into four broad categories. 2 Bright Targets Observation of Bright Targets fall into two categories. Really bright targets requiring the use of BRIGHTOBJ mode require a large amount of spacecraft time and will be relatively rare and therefore have little impact on the overall data volume. However, many “classical” infrared targets (e.g. the Orion molecular cloud) have a large dynamic range. It is reasonable to assume that such observations will be taken in MULTI-ACCUM mode to retain the intrinsic dynamic range of the targets or with multiple slightly offset ACCUM exposures to both retain dynamic range and to improve the flat field correction. Typically ~20 exposures reaches the point where S/N is limited by other systematics (e.g. flat field). Exposure times will range from <1 minute for broad filters to full orbit for narrow filters. We will assume that the median time is 1 minute. We expect that such exposures will represent ~25% of the prime science orbits. Special Targets and Modes NICMOS has a number of capabilities beyond its basic imaging function which offer great advantages over ground based observations. These include access to regions of the near IR spectrum inaccessible from the ground. A number of narrow band filters are included specifically for this purpose. NICMOS also includes grisms for low resolution spectroscopy, polarizers, and a coronographic mode. We expect that these classes of observations will account for ~25% of prime science orbits and we will assume the median exposure time to be 8 minutes (i.e. five exposures per orbit on average). Faint Targets Arguably the greatest strength of the NICMOS SI is its capability to image faint targets. Combining the background reduction gain from small resolution elements achieved by WFPC2 and FOC with the complete removal of the atmospheric near IR emission that limits ground based IR observations, NICMOS will greatly exceed the largest ground based telescopes in sensitivity at wavelengths where it is not thermally limited by the OTA. We expect that typical programs will include three broad passbands of which only one will be thermal background limited (see below). These exposures will require 20 minutes in Cameras 1 and 2; and 20 minutes for short wavelength Camera 3 exposures. Such exposures will represent ~35% of prime science orbits. Background Limited Faint Targets Since the OTA optical surfaces are at ~20C, their thermal emissivity becomes important at the long wavelength end of the NICMOS spectral range. The limits of this system are not yet fully understood but it is likely that observations of faint targets corresponding to the ground based K band (mainly in Camera 3) will require special observing procedures. Since the internal thermal radiation will have both temporal (and probably significant spa- 3 tial) variations, the traditional technique of obtaining a sequence of short exposures alternating between the target and a “blank” region of sky will be used. We expect such observations to account for ~15% of prime science orbits. Parallel Programs With the improved data handling capabilities of NICMOS compared to the first generation SI and its unprecedented resolution and sensitivity in the near Infrared, an ambitious parallel science program may be anticipated. The parallel programs fall into two categories. We expect NICMOS to obtain “internal” parallel observations in the cameras not being used for the Prime NICMOS observation. Since many targets are sufficiently extended to be rather interesting in all three cameras, it is reasonable to assume that these programs will have a comparable mix of filters as the prime observations and that when the prime observations are chopped, parallel observations will also be obtained. We have assumed that the internal parallel observations will not generally use MULTI-ACCUM mode but rather use RAMP mode to moderate their impact on the NICMOS internal processor and the overall data management task. We assume that 2/3 of the parallel observations with other SIs will be in broad passbands which are not thermally limited and that those exposure times will be 1/2 of an orbit in MULTI-ACCUM mode and the parallel program in Cameras 1 and 2 will be 1/2 orbit exposures in RAMP mode. The remaining 1/3 of the parallel observations will be conducted only in Camera 3 using the FOM. 3. Design Reference Mission Table 1 assumes that NICMOS is prime for 33% of the time (5 orbits per day). Table 1. NICMOS as Prime Instrument Science Type Percentage of Orbits Camera(s) Exposures per Orbit Orbits per Day Datasets per Day Images per Day Bright Targets 25% Prime (1,2or,3) 40 ACCUM 1.25 50 50 Parallel Cameras 4 RAMP 5 5 Prime (1,2,or 3) 5 ACCUM 6 6 Parallel Cameras 4 RAMP 5 5 Prime (1,2,or 3) 2 MULTI-A 3.5 70 Parallel Cameras 4 RAMP 7 7 Prime Camera (3) 40 ACCUM (1 SAM/Exp) 30 30 Parallel Cameras 80 ACCUM 60 60 Special Targets Faint Targets Bkgd Limited Faint Targets 25% 35% 15% 4 1.25 1.75 0.75 Under the assumption of fully using the available parallel time, we assume that 10 orbits per day of NICMOS parallel observations are obtained as defined in Table 2. Table 2. NICMOS in Parallel with other SIs Science Type Percentage of Orbits Camera(s) Exposures per Orbit Orbits per Day Datasets per Day Images per Day 67% Prime (3) 2 MULTI-A 6.7 13.4 268 Parallel Cameras 4 RAMP 27 27 Prime (3) (No Parallels) 40 ACCUM (1 FOM/Exp) 132 132 NonBackground Limited Background Limited 33% 3.3 Basic Assumptions • NICMOS will receive one third of the available HST time or 5 orbits per day. An orbit is assumed to be approximately 52 - 12 = 40 minutes. • NICMOS will operate in parallel mode for the additional 10 orbits per day. • NICMOS will operate all 3 cameras in parallel whenever data is being taken. The one exception to this assumption is that Cameras 1 and 2 will not obtain parallel exposures for background limited exposures with Camera 3 in parallel with another SI (i.e. FOM chopping). • It is desirable to divide NICMOS exposures into sub-exposures with the FOV moved between each exposure. This assumes that the FOM is available whenever NICMOS is in parallel with WFPC2 or STIS. • NICMOS exposures in Camera 3 at thermally limited wavelengths with broad filters require exposures times of order 1 minute. Caveats These are fairly conservative estimates which may be reduced because: • Pure parallel observations in Cameras 1 and 2 with other SIs will be of limited value due to their relatively small fields of view. • The Camera 3 parallel observations may choose not to assign 1/3 of the observing time to thermally limited observations. This is the largest driver in the estimate presented here. However, significant increase may result from the inclusion of: • Parallel observations in Camera 2 when Camera 3 is obtained FOM chopped parallel observations with another SI. • Additional dithering of observations to reduce detector effects when observations are not readout noise limited. 5 • Higher than anticipated thermal background which would result in a larger proportion of the broad band observations of faint targets being chopped. 4. Ground System Volume Estimate Sizes of NICMOS datasets The size of NICMOS datasets depends strongly on the mode selected. Table 3 defines the size for each mode. We will make the arbitrary assumption that each MULTI-ACCUM dataset returns 20 samples. During calibration processing the total size of each dataset grows both due to the FITS data structures and due to the retention of multiple versions of each dataset. Each dataset is saved as an uncalibrated formatted dataset and as a individually calibrated dataset (e.g. post First Stage Calibration processing). If the data are part of an “association”, one or more datasets containing the “products” of the Second Stage Calibration of the association are produced. Since these correspond typically to one or two datasets of nominal size 1.05 Mbytes, they have not been included in our estimates since they should not increase the total Archive volume by more than ~10% (and they have no effect on the downlinked data volume). Likewise, each observation includes a Standard Head Packet and Unique Data Log file which is not included in the estimates. The estimates given in this ISR only include CAL class data, the appropriate multipliers should be applied to estimate the POD and EDT class data. Table 3. Sizes of NICMOS Datasets Mode Downlink (Mbits) STSDAS Uncalibrated (Mbytes) STSDAS Calibrated (Mbytes) ACCUM 1 0.39 0.66 MULTI-ACCUM 21 8.2 22.1 RAMP 2 0.79 1.05 BRIGHTOBJ 1 0.39 0.66 Volume Estimates In Table 4 the volume estimates are given. As indicated the prime and parallel volumes are given separately. Note that the Downlink volume is in units of Megabits per day while the Archive volume is expressed in Megabytes per day. The columns labeled “Prime” indicate the prime camera within NICMOS. The columns labeled “Int Parallel” indicate the internal parallel observations. Both the case of NICMOS as the Prime SI and the case of NICMOS operating in parallel with another SI are included in the same columns. The design reference mission would return a 721 MBits of data per day and delivery 918 Mbytes daily to the HDA. 6 Table 4. NICMOS Volume Estimate by Science Type Downlink (Mbits per Day) Science Type CAL Class Archive (Mbytes per Day) Prime Int Parallel Prime Int Parallel Bright Targets 50 10 53 9.2 Special Targets 6 10 6.3 9.2 Faint Targets 74 14 106 12.9 Bkgd Limited Faint Targets 30 60 31.5 63 Non Background Limited Parallel 281 54 406 50 Background Limited Parallel 132 0 139 0 Totals 573 148 742 144 5. Calibration Database System Storage Estimate An approximate inventory of the calibration database (CDB) is given in Table 5. This does not include the synphot database nor a (presently undefined) background patterns database. The projected total size of the NICMOS CDB at initial load is on the order of 400 Mbytes. Table 5. CDB Contents Calibration Reference File File Size (Mbytes) Number Required Total Volume (Mbytes) Linearity 1.05 * 4 3 12.6 Dark 1.05 3 * 100 315 Flat 1.05 3 * 19 60 6. Summary The total number of datasets and the data volume are summarized in Table 6. We have added a very preliminary estimate of the volume of the NICMOS calibration program. While this is likely to grow in size, it does not appear likely to dominate the total volume. 7 Table 6. Total NICMOS Usage Science Datasets per Day Images per Day Downlink per Day (Mbit) Archive (CAL) per Day (Mbytes) Prime 90 156 160 197 Internal Parallel 77 77 94 94 Parallel with other SIs 172 427 467 595 Calibration 30 30 30 32 Total 369 690 751 918 7. Acknowledgments These estimates rely upon the memo by Chris Skinner estimating background fluxes in the various filters and cameras. We have received valuable comments from Dave Axon, Chris Blades, Stefi Baum, Carl Biagetti, Howard Bushouse, Jim Rose, and Chris Skinner. 8