Minutes of THE FACULTY SENATE OF ARKANSAS TECH UNIVERSITY-OZARK CAMPUS The Faculty Senate met Monday, September 10, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. in Room 106 of the Student Services Building. The following members were present: Christy McCollough, Angie Medlock, Theresa Fontaine, Kendall Hopkins, Gwen Faulkenberry, Larry Thornton and Bruce Sikes. No members were absent. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson McCollough called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. NEW MEMBER Chairperson McCollough welcomed the new member of the Faculty Senate, Mr. Larry Thornton, representing the Arkansas Tech Career Center. She gave Mr. Thornton a copy of the Faculty Senate Constitution and By-Laws. Mr. Sikes talked about the importance of the Faculty Senate and that everyone have a voice and be represented. He told Mr. Thornton that the Faculty Handbook is available on the website. MINUTES Theresa Fontaine moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Larry Thornton seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS ATCC Mr. Sikes explained to Mr. Thornton that a representative from the ATCC had been asked to serve on the Faculty Senate so that the ATCC would have proper representation. He asked that Mr. Thornton look specifically at a few items in the Faculty Handbook and how they affect the ATCC. The first item is Faculty Evaluation. He explained that faculty evaluations are done each year for the Ozark Campus faculty. The evaluation is a reflective, self-improvement process for faculty. He stated that he would like the Faculty Senate to appoint an Ad Hoc committee to look at how ATCC duties are different from those of the Ozark campus faculty. He said the committee would be asked to research and draft an evaluation form for teachers on their campus. Mr. Sikes asked that Mr. Thornton chair this committee. Following discussion, the committee was established with the following members: Larry Thornton, Ben Byrd, and Pat Edmunds. Mr. Sikes also asked that Clinton Hall meet with this committee initially to help them start the process. Christy McCollough said she would send Mr. Thornton a copy of what Adult Ed uses for their instructors, as it is different from the Ozark Campus instructors. Mr. Sikes also asked that Mr. Thornton review the Faculty Handbook to look for places where ATCC is distinctive from the Ozark Campus. If changes are needed in the Handbook, these changes would need to be submitted for approval from the Faculty Senate in March and then submitted to Dr. Blondin. The changes would go to the Board of Trustees for consideration in April. FACULTY EXCELLENCE AWARD PROCEDURE Chairman McCollough noted that nominations for the Faculty Excellence awards would need to be submitted from November 1 through January 31. The Ad Hoc Committee to review the nominations would be formed at the February Senate meeting. The Committee would consist of five members, including last year’s recipient. Ms. Faulkenberry stated that she would be willing to serve on the committee since she is not eligible for the awards at this point. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS REVISIONS Discussion was held on needed revisions to the Faculty Handbook due to the addition of the new Faculty Senate member. Following discussion, Angie Medlock moved to change Article 2, Section 2 wording of the Constitution to reflect that a quorum would mean four or more voting members and change Article 3 of the By-laws to state a quorum rather than a majority to ensure consistency of the wording. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Once corrected, Mr. Sikes will send to Dr. Blondin for approval. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Faculty Senate was set for October 1 at 3:30 in Room 106 of the Student Services Building. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Theresa Fontaine moved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:10. Kendall Hopkins seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, X Angie Medlock Secretary