Statement by the City’s Executive Mayor, Patricia de Lille

Statement by the City’s Executive Mayor, Patricia de Lille
City Council calls on President Zuma to resign
Today, 28 April 2016, the City of Cape Town Council voted in favour of a
motion which defends our Constitution.
Section 2 of our Constitution reads:
‘This Constitution is the supreme law of the Republic; law or conduct
inconsistent with it is invalid, and the obligations imposed by it must be
While it is the duty of each and every South African to defend the
Constitution and for each of us to work together to build on the sacrifices
made before us, this responsibility is heightened for those who have the
honour of working as public servants.
According to the Constitution in Section 83, the President ‘must uphold,
defend and respect the Constitution as the supreme law of the Republic’. On
31 March 2016, the Constitutional Court ruled that President Jacob Zuma
failed in that very important duty.
He remains completely unmoved by calls for him to act honorably and take
responsibility for his actions.
We believe that Cape Town is an integral part of the success of our South
African democracy. We work tirelessly to embody evidence of our
democracy and our Constitution at work. Therefore we feel that it is our duty
to protect our democracy and protect our Constitution for the future of our
city and our country.
As the City of Cape Town Council, we believe that we would not be worthy
of the positions that we hold nor of the trust and aspirations of those we serve,
if we do not take a stand for what is just. We do not regard neither ourselves
nor any other person as being above the rule of law and free to act with
impunity, and President Zuma is no exception.
Today, the majority of the City of Cape Town Council voted in favour of a
motion which:
1. Condemns the failure of the President to uphold, defend and respect
the Constitution
2. Resolves to defend and protect our Constitution as the supreme law of
our Republic
3. Calls on the President to resign from office
The ANC chose to abstain from the motion.
Today, the majority of the councillors in the City of Cape Town Council join
the calls for President Jacob Zuma step down as the President of South