Stoichiometric food web models How light and nutrients affect trophic efficiencies Angela Peace Biomathematics Seminar Department of Mathematics & Statistics September 2, 2015 Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 1/39 Outline Intro: Population models and Trophic transfer efficiencies Goal: Determine consequences of stoichiometric constraints on Food Chain Efficiency (FCE) Model: Mathematical models of ecological food chains Analysis: Analyze the models, compare with data Application: Use the models to achieve the goal Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 2/39 Trophic transfer efficiencies Important gauges of ecosystem function and trophic transfer of nutrients and energy predicting fish harvested as a function of primary production primary production efficiency of which it is converted to consumer production at each trophic coupling Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 3/39 Trophic transfer efficiencies Consumer Efficiency CE = Stoichiometric food web models consumer C production rate producer C production rate Angela Peace 4/39 Trophic transfer efficiencies Consumer Efficiency CE = consumer C production rate producer C production rate Predator Efficiency PE = Stoichiometric food web models predator C production rate consumer C production rate Angela Peace 4/39 Trophic transfer efficiencies Consumer Efficiency CE = consumer C production rate producer C production rate Predator Efficiency PE = predator C production rate consumer C production rate Food Chain Efficiency FCE = Stoichiometric food web models predator C production rate producer C production rate Angela Peace 4/39 Dickman et al. 2008 PNAS Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 5/39 Important roles of stoichiometric constraints global environmental perturbations change nutrient availability and light supply Light and nutrient availability influence population dynamics, community structure, and can constrain FCE Fishery yields are constrained by FCE Here, we try to understand how light and nutrient availability mediate FCE Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 6/39 Modeling goals Develop stoichiometric di- and tritrophic food chain models Investigate how light, nutrients, and food chain length affects trophic transfer efficiencies Hypotheses FCE is highest under light and nutrient conditions such that the stoichiometric composition of the primary producer is near that of the consumer CE is lowered by predation constraints Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 7/39 Model development Algae∗ Daphnia Gizzard Shad∗∗ Ditrophic model Use well known Stoichiometric LKE model; Loladze et al. 2000 primary producer, consumer Tritrophic model Expand models to include higher trophic level primary producer, consumer, predator *Image credit: http : // **Image credit: http : //www 3.jpg Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 8/39 Ditrophic model Stoichiometric LKE model Loladze et al. 2000 Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 9/39 Modeling algae-Daphnia systems Rosenzweig MacArthur variation of Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey dx x = bx 1 − − f (x)y dt K dy = ef (x)y − δy dt x(t) algae density y (t) Daphnia density b max algae growth rate K algae carrying capacity Stoichiometric food web models e production efficiency δ Daphnia loss rate. f (x) Daphnia ingestion rate Angela Peace 10/39 Model simulations Low light (K=0.25) Stoichiometric food web models High light (K=1) Angela Peace 11/39 Investigate empirical data Urabe, J. et al. 2002 organisms are composed of several chemical elements single currency vs. multiple currency approach Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 12/39 Ecological Stoichiometry bringing food quality into the picture study of the balance of energy and elemental resources in ecological interactions constraints that provide mechanisms that can be formulated into mathematical models example: producer-consumer model assume that both producer and consumer are composed of two essential elements, carbon (C) and phosphorus (P) consider the P:C ratio of the producer brings “food quality” into the model Stoichiometric food web models Sterner and Elser 2002 Angela Peace 13/39 Stoichiometric compositions Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 14/39 Incorporating Ecological Stoichiometry into the model I. Loladze, Y. Kuang, and J.J. Elser 2000. dx = bx dt 1− x K ! − f (x)y dy = ef (x)y − δy dt Consider both Carbon (C) and Phosphorus (P) Is algal growth limited by C or P? Rethink the algae carrying capacity Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 15/39 Leibig’s Law of the Minimum Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) An organism’s growth is limited by whichever single resource is in lowest abundance relative to its needs. Algae is limited by C or P Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 16/39 Modifying the algae carrying capacity dx = bx dt 1− x K ! − f (x)y dy = ef (x)y − δy dt Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 17/39 Modifying the algae carrying capacity dx = bx 1 − dt x n o − f (x)y P−θy min K , q dy = ef (x)y − δy dt Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 17/39 Modifying the algae carrying capacity dx x n o − f (x)y = bx 1 − P−θy dt min K , q dy = ef (x) y − δy dt Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 17/39 Modifying the Daphnia growth rate dx x n o − f (x)y = bx 1 − P−θy dt min K , q dy Q = e min 1, f (x) y − δy dt θ Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 17/39 Ecological Stoichiometric model I. Loladze, Y. Kuang, and J.J. Elser 2000. dx x n o − f (x)y = bx 1 − dt min K , P−θy q dy Q = e min 1, f (x)y − δy dt θ Where P − θy x describes the variable P:C ratio of the producer (Quota). Q= Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 18/39 Ecological Stoichiometric model I. Loladze, Y. Kuang, and J.J. Elser 2000. dx x o − f (x)y n = bx 1 − P−θy dt min K , q dy Q = e min 1, f (x)y − δy dt θ b maximum growth rate of producer θ consumer’s constant P:C K producer carrying capacity e maximum production efficiency P total phosphorus in the system δ consumer loss rate. q producer minimal P:C f (x) consumer ingestion rate Q producer’s variable P:C Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 18/39 Ditrophic model LKE with slight change of variables dx x = bx 1 − − f (x)y dt min{K , (P − θy y )/q} dy Q = min ey , f (x)y − δy y dt θy b maximum growth rate of producer θy consumer’s constant P:C K producer carrying capacity ey maximum production efficiency P total phosphorus in the system δy consumer loss rate. q producer minimal P:C f (x) consumer ingestion rate Q producer’s variable P:C Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 19/39 Ditrophic model: Phase portrait analysis consumer density (mg C/L) 1 high nutrient intermediate nutrient low nutrient 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.5 producer density (mg C/L) Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 20/39 Ditrophic model: Phase portrait analysis high nutrient intermediate nutrient low nutrient 0.6 0.4 0 0.4 0.8 producer density (mg C/L) Stoichiometric food web models 1.2 1.5 0.5 0.25 0 0 ht lig 0 0.75 ht lig 0.2 1 low consumer density (mg C/L) 0.8 gh hi consumer density (mg C/L) 1 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 producer density (mg C/L) Angela Peace 20/39 Ditrophic Model: Bifurcation analysis Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 21/39 Tritrophic model Expand model to include predator Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 22/39 Tritrophic model dx x = bx 1 − − f (x)y dt min{K , (P − θy y − θz z)/q} dy Q = min ey , f (x)y − g (y )z − δy y dt θy θy dz = min ez , g (y )z − δz z dt θz Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 23/39 Tritrophic model: Phase portrait analysis Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 24/39 Tritrophic model: Phase portrait analysis Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 24/39 Tritrophic model: Phase portrait analysis Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 24/39 Tritrophic model: Bifurcation analysis Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 25/39 Trophic transfer efficiencies Efficiencies are defined at equilibrium conditions: (x̄, ȳ ), (x̄, ȳ , z̄) where Q̄ = P − θy ȳ x̄ Stoichiometric food web models and Q̄ = P − θy ȳ − θz z̄ x̄ Angela Peace 26/39 Trophic transfer efficiencies Efficiencies are defined at equilibrium conditions: (x̄, ȳ ), (x̄, ȳ , z̄) where Q̄ = P − θy ȳ x̄ and Q̄ = P − θy ȳ − θz z̄ x̄ Consumer Efficiency CE CE = consumer C production rate producer C production rate Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 26/39 Trophic transfer efficiencies Efficiencies are defined at equilibrium conditions: (x̄, ȳ ), (x̄, ȳ , z̄) where Q̄ = P − θy ȳ x̄ and Q̄ = P − θy ȳ − θz z̄ x̄ Consumer Efficiency CE n o min ey , θQ̄y f (x̄)ȳ CE = bx̄ Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 26/39 Trophic transfer efficiencies Efficiencies are defined at equilibrium conditions: (x̄, ȳ ), (x̄, ȳ , z̄) where Q̄ = P − θy ȳ x̄ Consumer Efficiency CE n o Q̄ min ey , θy f (x̄)ȳ CE = bx̄ Stoichiometric food web models and Q̄ = P − θy ȳ − θz z̄ x̄ Predator Efficiency PE PE = predator C production rate consumer C production rate Angela Peace 26/39 Trophic transfer efficiencies Efficiencies are defined at equilibrium conditions: (x̄, ȳ ), (x̄, ȳ , z̄) where Q̄ = P − θy ȳ x̄ Consumer Efficiency CE n o min ey , θQ̄y f (x̄)ȳ CE = bx̄ Stoichiometric food web models and Q̄ = P − θy ȳ − θz z̄ x̄ Predator Efficiency PE n o min ez , θθyz g (ȳ )z̄ n o PE = min ey , θQ̄y f (x̄)ȳ Angela Peace 26/39 Trophic transfer efficiencies Efficiencies are defined at equilibrium conditions: (x̄, ȳ ), (x̄, ȳ , z̄) where Q̄ = P − θy ȳ x̄ Consumer Efficiency CE n o min ey , θQ̄y f (x̄)ȳ CE = bx̄ and Q̄ = P − θy ȳ − θz z̄ x̄ Predator Efficiency PE n o θy min ez , θz g (ȳ )z̄ n o PE = Q̄ min ey , θy f (x̄)ȳ Food Chain Efficiency CE FCE = Stoichiometric food web models predator C production rate producer C production rate Angela Peace 26/39 Trophic transfer efficiencies Efficiencies are defined at equilibrium conditions: (x̄, ȳ ), (x̄, ȳ , z̄) where Q̄ = P − θy ȳ x̄ Consumer Efficiency CE n o min ey , θQ̄y f (x̄)ȳ CE = bx̄ and Q̄ = P − θy ȳ − θz z̄ x̄ Predator Efficiency PE o n min ez , θθyz g (ȳ )z̄ n o PE = Q̄ min ey , θy f (x̄)ȳ Food Chain Efficiency CE n o θy min ez , θz g (ȳ )z̄ FCE = bx̄ Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 26/39 Ditrophic model: Ecological efficiencies 0.6 Consumer Efficiency 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 P (Nutrient level) mg P/L Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 27/39 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 Consumer Efficiency Consumer Efficiency Ditrophic model: Ecological efficiencies 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.02 0.04 0.06 P (Nutrient level) mg P/L Stoichiometric food web models 0.08 0 0 1 2 3 K (Light level) mg C/L Angela Peace 27/39 Tritrophic model: Ecological efficiencies Consumer Efficiency 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 P (Nutrient level) mg P/L CE Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 28/39 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 Predator Efficiency Consumer Efficiency Tritrophic model: Ecological efficiencies 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.1 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 P (Nutrient level) mg P/L CE Stoichiometric food web models 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 P (Nutrient level) mg P/L PE Angela Peace 28/39 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.05 0.04 Food Chain Efficiency 0.4 Predator Efficiency Consumer Efficiency Tritrophic model: Ecological efficiencies 0.2 0.1 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 P (Nutrient level) mg P/L CE Stoichiometric food web models 0 0 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 P (Nutrient level) mg P/L PE 0.08 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 P (Nutrient level) mg P/L FCE Angela Peace 28/39 Tritrophic model: Ecological efficiencies Consumer Efficiency 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 K (Light level) mg C/L CE Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 29/39 Tritrophic model: Ecological efficiencies 0.3 Predator Efficiency Consumer Efficiency 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 K (Light level) mg C/L CE Stoichiometric food web models 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 K (Light level) mg C/L PE Angela Peace 29/39 Tritrophic model: Ecological efficiencies 0.3 0.3 0.05 0.1 Food Chain Efficiency Predator Efficiency Consumer Efficiency 0.04 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 1 2 3 K (Light level) mg C/L CE Stoichiometric food web models 0 0 1 2 K (Light level) mg C/L PE 3 0 0 1 2 3 K (Light level) mg C/L FCE Angela Peace 29/39 Compare model results with data Dickman et al. 2008 PNAS Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 30/39 Dickman et al. 2008 PNAS Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 31/39 Production rates Ditrophic 0.3 y Production (mg C/L) x Production (mg C/L) 1.5 1 0.5 0 Low High Nutrient Nutrient Low Light Low High Nutrient Nutrient High Light 0.2 0.1 0 Low High Nutrient Nutrient High Light 0.5 0 Low High Nutrient Nutrient High Light Low High Nutrient Nutrient Low Light Stoichiometric food web models 0.04 z Production (mg C/L) y Production (mg C/L) x Production (mg C/L) 0.3 1 0.2 0.1 0 Low High Nutrient Nutrient Low Light Low High Nutrient Nutrient High Light Low High Nutrient Nutrient Low Light 0.02 0 Low High Nutrient Nutrient High Light High Nutrient Angela Peace Low Nutrient Low Light 32/39 0.06 Ecological efficiencies FCE 0.04 0.02 0 High Nutrient Low Nutrient High Low Nutrient Nutrient Low Light 0.4 2 0.3 1.5 CE CE High Light 0.2 0.1 0 1 0.5 High Nutrient Low Nutrient High Nutrient Low Nutrient Low Light High Light 0 Low High Nutrient Nutrient High Light Low High Nutrient Nutrient Low Light 1.5 PE 1 0.5 0 Stoichiometric food web models Low High Nutrient Nutrient High Light Low High Nutrient Nutrient Low Light Angela Peace 33/39 Model application Testing hypotheses FCE is highest under light and nutrient conditions such that the stoichiometric composition of the primary producer is near that of the consumer CE is lowered by predation constraints Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 34/39 Nutrient enrichment Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 35/39 Nutrient enrichment Ditrophic 0.6 Tritrophic 0.06 Q=θy 0.05 Food Chain Efficiency Low Light Consumer Efficiency 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0 0 0.08 P (Nutrient level) mg P/L 0.06 0.08 Q=θy 0.04 Food Chain Efficiency High Light Consumer Efficiency 0.04 0.05 Q=θy 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.1 0 0.02 P (Nutrient level) mg P/L 0.6 0 Q=θy 0.02 0.04 0.06 P (Nutrient level) mg P/L Stoichiometric food web models 0.08 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 P (Nutrient level) mg P/L Angela Peace 35/39 Light enrichment Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 36/39 Light enrichment Ditrophic Tritrophic 0.05 Q=θy Food Chain Efficiency 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.1 0 1 2 0 0 3 K (Light level) mg C/L 3 Q=θy 0.04 Food Chain Efficiency Consumer Efficiency High Nutrient 2 0.05 Q=θy 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.1 0 1 K (Light level) mg C/L 0.6 0 Q=θy 0.04 0.5 Consumer Efficiency Low Nutrient 0.6 1 2 K (Light level) mg C/L Stoichiometric food web models 3 0 0 1 2 3 K (Light level) mg C/L Angela Peace 36/39 Conclusions Nutrient, light, and food chain length affect ecological transfer efficiencies FCE is highest under nutrient conditions such that Q̄ ≈ θy In low nutrient conditions, FCE is highest under light conditions such that Q̄ ≈ θy In high nutrient conditions, FCE is highest under light conditions such that Q̄ > θy FCE is lower in 3 level food chains than 2 level food chains Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 37/39 Model limitations θy and θz are assumed constant The models used do not track nutrients in the environment The models used only consider P limitation and not P excess These models consider only C and P The minimum functions used are approximations These models only model simple aquatic food chains Stoichiometric food web models Angela Peace 38/39 Thank you Angela Peace, PhD Department of Mathematics & Statistics Texas Tech University Stoichiometric food web models 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