M t . H o o d ... Stewardship Contracting... . . . in your national forest! Stewardship Contracting

Mt. Hood National Forest
S teward sh i p Co nt rac t i ng . . .
. . . in your national forest!
Stewardship Contracting
is a tool Congress has
provided the Forest Service to help it achieve its goals
managing national forests while working to meet local and
rural community needs. Key components of Stewardship
Contracting include:
1 ) a r e q u i r e m e n t t h a t t h e F o r e s t S e r v i c e c o l l a b o r a t e w i t h
the public in project planning and throughout the life
of a stewardship project;
2 ) a c c o m p l i s h i n g f o r e s t r e s t o r a t i o n a c t i v i t i e s b y
contracting with local contractors;
3 ) a l l o w i n g a n e x c h a n g e o f g o o d f o r s e r v i c e s , i . e . v a l u e
of timber removed in a restoration project can be used
to accomplish a variety of other restoration projects
benefiting natural resources such as fish, vegetation,
a n d w a t e r q u a l i t y.
Benefits of the program include: creation of more jobs
by trading goods (timber value) for services (restoration
work), support from key stakeholders for forest
management, and accomplishment of important restoration
Since 2004, Mt. Hood National Forest has worked
with private citizens, private land owners, and over 30
organizations and agencies representing the environmental
c o m m u n i t y, t i m b e r i n t e r e s t s , r e c r e a t i o n e n t h u s i a s t s ,
a n d c o u n t y, s t a t e a n d f e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t t o a w a r d 1 6
stewardship contracts.
United States
Department of
USDA is an equal opportunity
provider and employer.
3700 acres of commercial thinning and fuels reduction
have generated $4.1 million for restoration projects
including fuels reduction, fish passage culvert replacement,
fuel reduction within public and adjacent private land,
pre-commercial thinning, road storm proofing and
d e c o m m i s s i o n i n g , O H V d a m a g e r e p a i r, a n d s i d e c h a n n e l
habitat creation.
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Mt. Hood National Forest
S teward sh i p Co nt rac t i ng (Cont i nued ) . . .
. . . in your national forest!
Stewardship Contracting is one tool used by Mt. Hood
National Forest to implement the Mt. Hood National
Forest Strategic Stewardship Plan. The Strategic
Stewardship Plan identifies five challenges to stewardship
of Mt. Hood National Forest. Each challenge provides
many opportunities for the public to participate in the
stewardship of their national forest. Restoration projects
implemented through a Stewardship Contract are examples
of progress being made toward meeting the five stewardship
c h a l l e n g e s w h i c h a r e l i s t e d b e l o w.
- Protecting Communities from Wildfire
- Restore Stream Habitat for the Recovery of Aquatic Species
- Managing for Healthy Forest that Provides Sustainable Goods and Services
for People
- Working with Public, Private, and Civic Interests for Sustainable Regional
- Assuring Relevance of Public Lands, Goods, and Services in an Increasingly
Diverse Society
The Mt. Hood National Forest Strategic Stewardship Plan
also serves as a framework for implementing the
Mt. Hood National Forest Strategy for Vegetation Management.
Goals of the Strategy for Vegetation Management are:
United States
Department of
USDA is an equal opportunity
provider and employer.
•Protect Communities from Wildfire.
•Manage for a Healthy, Sustainable Forest that Provides Goods and Services
•Restore and Maintain Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitats for Fish, Wildlife, and
Native Plants
•Restore and Maintain Diverse Plan Communities
Stewardship Contracting, the Forest Strategic Stewardship Plan, and the Strategy for Vegetation Management are woven together with common threads of
public collaboration, restoration of a variety of forest natural resources, and
use of goods and services deemed relevant by working closely with the public.
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