PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY SERVICES: ZANDVLIET WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS, 18 Mℓ/d CAPACITY EXTENSION AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE REFURBISHMEN Item 1.00 Description Project Leader Process Engineer Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Civil/Mechanical/Elect rical Designs CAD Operator Environ. Officer Totals Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Rands 35.5 95.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 Site Visit / Data Gathering Scope definition & design verification,Inspection of the site, Collation of information, Condition report and priorities, Cost estimates and Preliminary programme 2.00 Preliminary Engineering & Design 2.01 Process Engineering Process Flow Diagrams PFD 001 - Inlet works and screening 40.0 27 PFD 002 - Membrane Bioreactor 34.0 17 PFD 003 - Dewatering (if new or modified equipment required) 25.5 17 PFD 004 - Chemical Dosing 25.5 12 PFD 005 - Odour Control 15.0 10 Updating of existing PFD's 17.0 8.5 PID 001 - Inlet works and screening (Sheet 1) 27.0 15 PID 002 - Inlet works and screening (Sheet 2) 27.0 15 PID003 - Membrane Bioreactor (Sheet 1) 25.5 17 PID 004 - Membrane Bioreactor (Sheet 2) 17.0 8.5 PID 005 - MBR blowers 17.0 8.5 PID 006 - Dewatering (if new or modified equipment required) 25.5 17 PID 007 - Chemical Dosing 17.0 8.5 PID 008 - Odour control 15.0 10 Updates to existing (P&ID's) 25.5 12 Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams Process Documents Design Basis 80.0 HAZOP Study & Report 80.0 Control Philosophy 41.0 Equipment List 41.0 Contract Part C2: Pricing Data Reference No. 387C/2012/13 51.0 Page 74 51.0 C2.2 Activity Schedule PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY SERVICES: ZANDVLIET WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS, 18 Mℓ/d CAPACITY EXTENSION AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE REFURBISHMEN Item 2.02 Description Project Leader Process Engineer Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Civil/Mechanical/Elect rical Designs CAD Operator Environ. Officer Totals Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Rands Instrument list 25.0 Valve lists (on/off, control and safety) 25.0 Building & Civil Engineering Geotechnical Survey Analysis 15.0 Topographical survey 15.0 Bulk earthworks 20.0 41 Access roads and stormwater 25.0 41 Buildings Architectural design 25.0 41.0 Underground services 25.0 37.0 Foundations and flooring 25.0 37.0 Concrete structures and channels 37.0 75.0 Builders work layout and details (prelim) 25.0 75.0 Structural steel design 37.0 75.0 Equipment foundation requirements 19.0 41.0 Costing and Budget preparation 2.03 New inlet works and channels 23.0 New MBR basin 23.0 New WAS sump 23.0 Odour control equipment 23.0 Equipment Foundations 15.0 Roads and accessways 25.0 Schedule of quantities - prelim 37.0 Mechanical Engineering Equipment Specifications & Datasheets Inlet works coarse screens, fine screens and compactors 15.0 37.0 Inlet works degritting 8.0 37.0 Reactor blowers 8.5 25.5 Reactor mixers and penstocks 4.0 25.5 MBR package, including permeate pumps 25.5 42.5 Chemical storage and dosing 4.0 25.5 Contract Part C2: Pricing Data Reference No. 387C/2012/13 Page 75 17 C2.2 Activity Schedule PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY SERVICES: ZANDVLIET WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS, 18 Mℓ/d CAPACITY EXTENSION AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE REFURBISHMEN Project Leader Process Engineer Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Civil/Mechanical/Elect rical Designs CAD Operator Environ. Officer Totals Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Rands Various final effuent pumpsets 12.0 25.5 Additional dewatering plant equipment: extra press, poly pumps and sludge conveying 8.5 34.0 17 Odour control equipment 8.5 25.5 8.5 Item Description Preliminary enquires and budget costing Inlet works coarse screens, fine screens and compactors 37.0 Inlet works degritting 25.0 Reactor blowers 17.0 Reactor mixers and penstocks 17.0 MBR technology evaluation 2.04 85.0 85.0 Various final effuent pumpsets Additional dewatering plant equipment: extra press, poly pumps and sludge conveying 17.0 Odour control equipm,ent 15.0 25.5 Electrical Electrical Load list 8.0 25.0 Hazardous Areas Classification Drawing 8.0 25.0 15 75.0 37 Racking and Routing Drawings - Preliminary 8.0 25 Power Cable Schedules 25.0 Panel layout drawings 25.0 15 Sub station and control room layouts 25.0 37 Earthing Drawings 15.0 15 Lighting and small power layouts 15.0 25 DB and MCC schedules 8.0 Electrical equipment data sheets 8.0 Electrical Equipment specifications 15.0 Single Line drawings Schematics and connection drawings Block Connection drawings Electrical installation Specifications Schedule of quantities - Prelim Contract Part C2: Pricing Data Reference No. 387C/2012/13 37.0 Page 76 C2.2 Activity Schedule PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY SERVICES: ZANDVLIET WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS, 18 Mℓ/d CAPACITY EXTENSION AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE REFURBISHMEN Item Description Project Leader Process Engineer Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Civil/Mechanical/Elect rical Designs CAD Operator Environ. Officer Totals Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Rands Tender preparation Tender bid evaluation 2.05 2.06 Control & Instrumentation Instrument Schedule 15.0 Instrument I/O Schedule 25.0 Instrument Data Sheets 37.0 Instrument cable schedules 25.0 Cable Racking & routing drawings - Prelim 15.0 Panel Layout drawings 25.0 Control logic drawings 75.0 Control Narrative 60.0 Power and Earthing Drawings 15.0 Instrument Procurement Specifications 15.0 Schedule of Quantities - Prelim 25.0 15 15 Piping & Plant Layout Plant & Equipment Layouts Inlet Works 60.0 75.0 MBR 60.0 75.0 Dewatering building modifications (if required) 40.0 60.0 Final effluent and service water pumpsets 40.0 60.0 Chemical storage and dosing 25.0 60.0 Site Layout 25.0 60.0 New roadways 25.0 75.0 Stormwater 25.0 40.0 Odour control 25.0 60.0 Piped services distribution schematic 75.0 75.0 MBR assoc. pipework 60.0 75.0 General Arrangement drawings & Sections - for costing only Contract Part C2: Pricing Data Reference No. 387C/2012/13 Page 77 C2.2 Activity Schedule PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY SERVICES: ZANDVLIET WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS, 18 Mℓ/d CAPACITY EXTENSION AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE REFURBISHMEN Item Description Project Leader Process Engineer Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Civil/Mechanical/Elect rical Designs CAD Operator Environ. Officer Totals Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Rands Piping isometrics Pipe support preliminary designs 25.0 Equipment installation and pipework BOQ 3.00 Detailed Engineering Design 3.01 Process Engineering 17 37.0 Process Flow Diagrams PFD 001 - Inlet works and screening 25.0 10 PFD 002 - Membrane Bioreactor 25.5 6 PFD 003 - Dewatering (if new or modified equipment required) 17.0 6 PFD 004 - Chemical Dosing 17.0 6 PFD 005 - Odour control 10.0 6 Updating of existing PFD's 25.0 10 PID 001 - Inlet works and screening (Sheet 1) 17.0 15 PID 002 - Inlet works and screening (Sheet 2) 17.0 15 PID 003 - Membrane Bioreactor (Sheet 1) 17.0 8.5 PID 004 - Membrane Bioreactor (Sheet 2) 17.0 8.5 PID 005 - MBR blowers 10.0 8.5 PID 006 - Dewatering (if new or modified equipment required) 17.0 8.5 PID 007 - Chemical Dosing 10.0 8.5 PID 008 - Odour control 10.0 6 Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams Process Documents Design Basis 40.0 HAZOP Study & Report 55.0 Control Philosophy 40.0 Equipment List 30.0 Instrument list 30.0 Valve lists (on/off, control and safety) 15.0 Contract Part C2: Pricing Data Reference No. 387C/2012/13 30.0 Page 78 30.0 C2.2 Activity Schedule PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY SERVICES: ZANDVLIET WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS, 18 Mℓ/d CAPACITY EXTENSION AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE REFURBISHMEN Item 3.02 3.03 Description Project Leader Process Engineer Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Civil/Mechanical/Elect rical Designs CAD Operator Environ. Officer Totals Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Rands Building & Civil Engineering Geotechnical Survey 0.0 Topographical survey 0.0 Bulk earthworks 15.0 30.0 Access roads and stormwater 6.0 30.0 Buildings Architectural design 30.0 75.0 Underground services 12.0 75.0 Foundations and flooring 30.0 75.0 Concrete structures and channels 30.0 75.0 Builders work layout and details 40.0 150.0 Structural steel design 75.0 75.0 Equipment foundation requirements 75.0 75.0 Schedule of Quantities - Construction Issue 75.0 Tender Documents 40.0 30.0 Bid Evaluation 30.0 40.0 Mechanical Engineering Equipment Specifications & Data Sheets Inlet works coarse screens, fine screens and compactors 5.0 30.0 Inlet works degritting 5.0 30.0 Reactor blowers 2.0 25.5 Reactor mixers and penstocks 2.0 25.5 MBR package, including permeate pumps 8.0 25.5 Chemical storage and dosing 4.0 17.0 Various final effuent pumpsets Additional dewatering plant equipment: extra press, poly pumps and sludge conveying 4.0 17.0 2.0 17.0 Odour control equipment 2.0 17.0 17 17 Procurement Inlet works coarse screens, fine screens and compactors 75.0 30.0 Inlet works degritting 75.0 30.0 Contract Part C2: Pricing Data Reference No. 387C/2012/13 Page 79 C2.2 Activity Schedule PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY SERVICES: ZANDVLIET WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS, 18 Mℓ/d CAPACITY EXTENSION AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE REFURBISHMEN Item 3.04 Description Project Leader Process Engineer Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Civil/Mechanical/Elect rical Designs CAD Operator Environ. Officer Totals Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Rands Reactor blowers 50.0 25.5 Reactor mixers and penstocks 25.5 25.5 MBR package, including permeate pumps 85.0 25.5 Chemical storage and dosing 25.5 17.0 Various final effuent pumpsets Additional dewatering plant equipment: extra press, poly pumps and sludge conveying 42.5 17.0 42.5 17.0 Odour control equipment 25.5 25.5 Electrical Electrical Load list Hazardous Areas Classification Drawing 3.05 Single Line drawings 30.0 15 Schematics and connection drawings 75.0 150 Racking and Routing Drawings 30.0 Power Cable Schedules 30.0 Panel layout drawings 15.0 Sub station and control room layouts 15.0 Earthing Drawings 6.0 15 Block Connection drawings 75.0 30 Lighting and small power layouts 15.0 6 DB and MCC schedules 6.0 Electrical equipment data sheets 75.0 Electrical Equipment specifications 15.0 Electrical installation Specifications 15.0 Schedule of quantities 75.0 Tender preparation 40.0 30.0 Tender bid evaluation 30.0 40.0 75.0 30 75.0 Control & Instrumentation Instrument Schedule Contract Part C2: Pricing Data Reference No. 387C/2012/13 15.0 Page 80 C2.2 Activity Schedule PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY SERVICES: ZANDVLIET WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS, 18 Mℓ/d CAPACITY EXTENSION AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE REFURBISHMEN Item 3.06 Description Project Leader Process Engineer Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Civil/Mechanical/Elect rical Designs CAD Operator Environ. Officer Totals Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Rands Instrument I/O Schedule 30.0 Instrument Data Sheets 150.0 Loop Diagrams 75.0 JB Schedules 40.0 Terminal Index 60.0 Instrument Hook up drawings 60.0 Instrument cable schedules 60.0 Cable Racking & routing drawings 30.0 Panel Layout drawings 30.0 Control logic drawings 75.0 Control Narrative 150.0 Power and Earthing Drawings 30.0 Instrument Procurement Specifications 60.0 Erection and Instrumentation Specification 55.0 Schedule of Quantities 75.0 Tender Document preparation 40.0 3.0 Bid evaluations 30.0 40.0 PLC Programming 75.0 SCADA visualisation 75.0 SCADA system integration 75.0 150 Piping & Plant Layout Plant & Equipment Layouts Inlet Works 30.0 90.0 MBR 25.5 85.0 Dewatering building modifications (if required) 25.5 34.0 Final effluent and service water pumpsets 17.0 42.5 17.0 34.0 Odour control 17.0 34.0 Site Layout 17.0 42.5 Contract Part C2: Pricing Data Reference No. 387C/2012/13 Page 81 C2.2 Activity Schedule PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY SERVICES: ZANDVLIET WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS, 18 Mℓ/d CAPACITY EXTENSION AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE REFURBISHMEN Item 4.00 Description Project Leader Process Engineer Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Civil/Mechanical/Elect rical Designs CAD Operator Environ. Officer Totals Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Rands New roadways 30.0 75.0 Stormwater 30.0 40.0 General Arrangement drawings & Sections 75.0 190.0 Piped services distribution schematic 75.0 190.0 Isometrics 40.0 100.0 Schedule of quantities 75.0 Tender Documentation 75.0 40.0 Bid evaluation 40.0 40.0 Contract Administration Civil Contract 510.0 Mechanical Contract 510.0 EIC Contract 510.0 552.5 374 552.5 467.5 Level 4 Construction Supervision Environmental Monitoring and reporting 5.00 6.00 7.00 816.0 Client liaison & meetings Client Liaison 255.0 Routine Project Meetings 120.0 120.0 120.0 85.0 170.0 Scheduling & Reporting Development and maintenance of project implementation schedule 192.5 Client Reporting and project administration 340.0 Commissioning Assistance Preparation of commissioning schedule and protocols 8.00 120.0 85.0 Dry Commissioning 85.0 170.0 170.0 Wet Commissioning 85.0 170.0 170.0 190.0 105.0 180.0 95.0 95.0 105.0 85 3244.5 1788.0 2668.5 1742.5 3156.5 2863.0 1096.0 170.0 As Built Documentation and Close Out Project Documentation and Close out Total carried item 2.2 in the Activity Scheudle Contract Part C2: Pricing Data Reference No. 387C/2012/13 Page 82 816.0 C2.2 Activity Schedule