RFI/EMI DIGITAL & ANALOGUE DATA FILTERS N253X SERIES & N246X SERIES Description This range of filters has been designed for use in data lines where either digital or analogue information needs to be transmitted. For maximum flexibility the range includes 2-line and 10-line modular filters. These filters can be used for EMI and Tempest applications. The 25kHz and 100kHz analogue data filters are designed for use in 300 Ohm earth return systems (i.e. 600 Ohm balanced line circuits). The 2.4 kbit and 9.6 kbit digital data filters are specifically designed to tolerate a wide range of line impedances between 300 Ohms and 20 kOhms. These signal filters are not suitable for use on mains supply lines and should only be used for systems with voltage amplitudes of less than 150 Volts DC or AC peak. The 2-line tubular designs are manufactured from brass; with nuts, washers and plastic end covers supplied. Features • Digital and analogue transmissions • Suitable for EMI and Tempest protection • Tubular, flat-pack or modular design The 10-line package provides filtering of 50, 100 and 200 lines (and beyond) in multiples of ten. Further to this the ETSLindgren telephone and control modules are directly interchangeable with this range, enabling the user to mix and match filters in the same housing. This modular system is ideal for installations where future expansion of the communications network is envisaged. The system is enclosed in high quality electro-plated steel cases for low impedance grounding. Please refer to the sales office for EMP applications and other systems requiring transient protection. All ETS Lindgren filters are ROHS Compliant and are CE marked for Compliance with the low voltage Directive. Performance Graph 120 100dB to 10GHz Insertion Loss dB 100 80 60 A N2460 N2530 N2534 C N2462 N2532 N2536 B N2461 N2531 N2535 D N2463 N2533 N2537 A C B 300 Ohm pass band attenuation A B 10kHz-1dB 10kHz-0.1dB 20kHz-2dB 30kHz-0.2dB 25kHz-2dB 50kHz-1.5dB 30kHz-2.5dB 70kHz-2.5dB 100kHz-1.5dB 40 20 0 10kHz D 100kHz 1MHz 10MHz TYPICAL FILTER PERFORMANCE Typical performance for these filters as measured in accordance with MIL-STD 220A in a 50 Ohm system with additional testing to 10GHz. UK: USA: FINLAND: FRANCE: CHINA: JAPAN: Tel +44-1438-730700 Fax +44-1438-730751 Tel +1-512-531 6400 Fax +1-512-531 6500 Tel +358-2-8383 300 Fax +358-2-8651 233 Tel +33-1-48 65 34 03 Tel +33-1-48 65 34 69 Tel +86-10-8275 5086 Tel +86-10-8275 5537 Tel +81-3-3813 7100 Tel +81-3-3813 8068 www.ets-lindgren.com RFI/EMI DIGITAL & ANALOGUE DATA FILTERS Physical Data PART NUMBER Length (mm) Diameter (mm) Weight (mm) N2530/N2531 N2532/N2533 206 65 0.68 FILTER PART NO. N2464/N2981/ N2983 Dim A N2991 233 PART NUMBER Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Weight (kg) N2534/N2535/N2536/N2537 268 58 32 1 DIA. 52 PANEL MOUNTING HOLE 184 PART NUMBER Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Weight (kg) N2460/N2461/N2462/N2463 320 26 150 2.2 PART NUMBER A B C D E F G H N2457 520 190 360 406 N2456 520 340 360 416 246 10 80 250 19.5 80 N2455 520 640 360 406 250 230 80 P Weight (kg) 9 10 15 9 19.5 21 9 60.5 40 J K L M 57 35 120 25.4 52 67.5 205 38 57 90 460 51 10 LINE HOUSING Housing Number Number of Lines N2457 UP TO 50 N2456 UP TO 100 N2455 UP TO 200 UK: Tel +44-1438-730700 Fax +44-1438-730751 Continuous Development: ETS-Lindgren Ltd reserves the right to amend any information contained CHINA: JAPAN: FINLAND: FRANCE: within this datasheet without prior notice to take into account new developments. Please note: All Tel +1-512-531 6400 Teltypical +358-2-8383 Tel specified. +33-1-48 65 All 34 03 Tel +86-10-8275 5086 Tel +81-3-3813 figures are unless300 otherwise dimensions are approximate. All dimensions7100 are in Fax +1-512-531 6500 Fax +358-2-8651 233 Tel +33-1-48 65 34 69 Tel +86-10-8275 5537 Tel +81-3-3813 8068 mm. USA: Reproduction: No www.ets-lindgren.com part of this document may be reproduced in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of ETS-Lindgren Ltd.