2012-2013 Certificate of Achievement Worksheet Supervisory Management Name ___________________________ SID _______________ Date __________ Advisor ________________________ The Certificate of Proficiency is designed for students who wish to receive specialized occupational training for a specific career objective. See college catalog for academic residency requirements. Students are required to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 to receive this certificate. Any course specified below must be completed with a grade of a “C” or better to satisfy requirement. Plan ahead as some courses are not taught every quarter. Program Distribution Major Area Requirements All courses are to be completed with a “C” or better. MGMT 101 MGMT 103 Principles of Management Applied Management Skills 3 3 MGMT 110 Creative Problem Solving 3 One written communication course from list below: Additional Major Area Requirements 6HOHFWDPLQLPXPRIFUHGLWVIURPOLVWEHORZ BTEC 150 Computer Business Applications 5 MGMT 100 The Business Environment 5 MGMT 106 Motivation and Performance 3 MGMT 107 Supervisory Communication I 3 MGMT 107 Supervisory Communication I 3 MGMT 112 Conflict Management 2 ENGL&101 English Composition I 5 MGMT 113 Humanizing the Workplace 1 ENGL 135 Technical Report Writing I 5 MGMT 120 Supervisor as a Trainer / Coach 3 MGMT 122 Leadership Principles 3 MGMT 125 Team Building & Group Behavior 3 MGMT 126 Project Management 4 MGMT 128 Human Resource Management 3 MGMT 132 Legal Issues in Employee Relation 3 MGMT 133 Productivity & Quality Improvement 3 MGMT 199 Cooperative Work Experience 1-5 MGMT 280 Selected Topics 1-3 One oral communication course from list below: CMST 212 Oral Communication in Business 3 CMST&220 Public Speaking 5 CMST&230 Small Group Communication 5 Notes: Total Credits Complete 0 Strongly Recommended Electives BTEC 100 Keyboarding BUS 028 Basic Accounting Procedures Fundamental of Business Math MATHB065 TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED: 30-34 NEEDS: STUDENT SIGNATURE: ___________________________________ ADVISOR SIGNATURE: ___________________________________ REVISED: 07/19/12 UNOFFICIAL EVALUATION GIVEN TO STUDENT 1-3 3 5