2012-2013 Certificate of Proficiency Worksheet (DUO\&KLOGKRRG(GXFDWLRQ Name _______________________________ SID ______________ Date __________ Advisor ________________________ Work in programs for young children is a challenging, absorbing, and personally rewarding career. In Clark College's Early Childhood Education program, students study child development and program organization, plan learning experiences for young children, and develop guidance skills in working with children. Students preparing to transfer should make an early decision and contact the four-year school to which they will transfer. The Early Childhood Education Advisors can help in planning a schedule based on the four-year school's requirements. The department has made transfer agreements with several colleges to date. Program Distribution Major Area Requirements Courses listed below are to be completed with a “C” or better. General Education Requirements Check individual course descriptions in the catalog for more detailed information. • Communication Skills — 3 credits E TOTAL 0 • Computational Skills — minimum 3 credits E TOTAL 0 • Human Relations — minimum 3 credits E TOTAL 0 ECE 103 ECE 114 3 3 ECE 121 * ECE 123 ECE 124 ECE 132 ECE 133 ECE 135 ECE 138 2 2 3 3 4 2 3 ECE 208 ECE 209 ECE 210 EDUC&203 3 3 3 3 Additional Major Area Requirements Select a minimum of 5-6 credits from the following list (to make a total of 45 or more major area requirements): ECE 102 ECE 112 ECE 116 ECE 136 ECE 138 ECE 202 ECE 211 ECE 212 MUSC 106 PSYC&200 ** 3 4 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 5 TOTAL E 0 TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED: 54-55 NEEDS: 0 * The requirement for this class may be satisfied by taking ECE 131: Issues and Trends in ECE (Distance Education via WAOL) for 3 credits ** Psychology 200 will fulfill the Human Relations requirement STUDENT SIGNATURE: _____________________________ ADVISOR SIGNATURE: _____________________________ REVISED: 08/29/2012 Unofficial Evaluation Given to Student Certificate of Proficiency (CP) The Certificate of Proficiency is designed for students who wish to receive specialized occupational training for a specific career objective. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 and take a minimum of forty-five (45) credits to receive this certificate. Students are required to complete a minimum of fifteen (15) credits at Clark College to meet the Academic Residency requirement. General Education Requirements Note: Some specific requirements of a program may also meet the General Education requirements. Communication Skills [C] – Complete a minimum of three (3) credits from the following course choices: • BTEC 087 or 107 • BUS 211 • ENGL 097, 098, 099, 103, 135, 212 • ENGL& 101, 102, 235 • Any PTWR course (Note) Pharmacy Technician students may meet the Communication Skills requirement by achieving one of the following: 1. Completion of ENGL 098 and a score of 74 on Reading Skills. 2. COMPASS test score of 78 on Writing skills AND completion of READ 087. 3. COMPASS test score of 78 on Writing skills AND a score of 74 on Reading skills. Computational Skills [CP] – Complete a minimum of three (3) credits from the following course choices: • Any Mathematics (MATH) course, except MATH 096 • Computer Science & Engineering 121, 222, 223, 224, CS& 131, CS& 141 • Any CTEC course except CTEC 102, 103, 104, 105, 115, 180, 181, 200, or 281 • CHEM 095 (formerly 050) • PHAR 110 • HEOC 011 – Only meets the computational skills requirement for Medical Assistant • BMED 040 – Only meets the computational skills requirement for Health Information Assistant • Environmental Science 135 Human Relations [HR] – Complete a minimum of three (3) credits from the following course choices: • Communication Studies – CMST212; CMST& 210, 230 • Any Human Development (HDEV), Psychology (PSYC), or Sociology (SOC) course • Addiction Counselor Education 201 • Business Technolog y – BTEC141, 143, 145, 147 • Business Medical Office – BMED 166, 225, 226 Specific Requirements in an Occupational Field Refer to the prescribed curriculum in the catalog for specific coursework. Notes: