University of Colorado Colorado Springs REQUEST FOR SUBRECIPIENT/SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT Request for Subrecipient/Subcontract Agreement to: SECTION A. Project Information: 1. UCCS Principal Investigator Information: a. PI Name: b. UCCS Department: c. Phone: d. Email: 2. Sponsor Information: a. Sponsor Name: b. Sponsor’s Award #: 3. Project Information: a. Project Title: b. UCCS Project #: c. UCCS Speed Type #: SECTION B. Subrecipient/Subcontractor Information: 1. Subrecipient/Subcontractor Legal Name: 2. Subrecipient/Subcontractor Principal Investigator/Project Director Information (Person responsible for performing, or supervising, the work to be performed under this subcontract): a. Name: b. Address: c. Phone: d. Email: 3. Subrecipient/Subcontractor Contractual/Legal Contact (This is the Subcontractor/Subrecipient’s Institutional Official, who will be signing the subcontract and/or who should be notified (in addition to the PI) of any changes to the subcontract): a. b. c. d. Name: Address: Phone: Email: 4. Expected period of Subrecipient/Subcontractor participation: From to 5. Current authorized period of Subrecipient/Subcontract: From 6. Expected total funding for Subcontractor/Subrecipient: $ 7. Current authorized funding for Subcontractor/Subrecipient: $ 8. Was this Subrecipient/Subcontractor proposed in the application? Page 1 to yes January 2015 no University of Colorado Colorado Springs REQUEST FOR SUBRECIPIENT/SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT If no, have you subsequently obtained approval from the Sponsor for this Subcontract/Subrecipient? yes (please attach approval) no (please explain) 9. Have you worked with the Subrecipient/Subcontractor before? no yes or the Subrecipient/Subcontractor PI/PD? no yes If yes, describe the circumstances and positive and/or negative outcomes/experience: 10. Do you have a financial interest in the proposed Subrecipient/Subcontractor organization? no yes If yes, attach a copy of your conflict of interest management plan. 11. Are you related to the proposed PI of the Subrecipient/Subcontractor? no If yes, explain and attach a copy of your conflict of interest management plan: yes SECTION C. Department Administrator, if applicable, who assists the PI with the administration of the Subaward/subcontract (such as requesting the Purchase Order): a. Name: b. Phone: c. Email: SECTION D. Project Information 1. Attach Subrecipient/Subcontractor proposed detailed Statement of Work and budget. 2. Describe timetable or schedule of the work to be performed: 3. Describe how the work’s progress or results will be measured: 4. Identify deliverables, products, and expected outcomes: 5 Indicate reporting schedule (monthly, interim, final, other) and due dates: 6. Are there any matching/cost-share requirements for the Subrecipient/Subcontractor? no yes If yes, describe: 7. A statement of work and a budget is attached. PLEASE PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS, INCLUDING POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, OR SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Page 2 January 2015 University of Colorado Colorado Springs REQUEST FOR SUBRECIPIENT/SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT SECTION E. Signatures/Certifications: Principal Investigator/Project Director (Initial Each) ____ I certify that the information provided is true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and all potential and/or actual conflicts of interest have been identified. ____ I understand that I am responsible for monitoring the subrecipient/subcontractor’s performance, which includes ensuring receipt and review of required reports, adherence to timelines, and successful completion of work. ____ I understand I am responsible for financial expenditures against this project and will review and approve invoices for allowable costs, which are appropriate for the work completed through the invoice period. ____ I understand no subrecipient/subcontractor invoices will be paid without my written approval. __________________________________________ UCCS Principal Investigator/Project Director Date Department/College/Unit Approvals I certify that the information has been reviewed. The department, college, and/or unit are aware of the requirements of this project and the need for the subrecipient/subcontractor. I confirm I am aware of no undisclosed potential and/or actual conflicts of interest. ___________________________________________ UCCS Department Chair Date ___________________________________________ UCCS Center Director, if applicable Date ___________________________________________ UCCS Dean/Vice Chancellor, as applicable Date Page 3 January 2015